HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1974 Council Meeting; TCIhi OIL PEUC(,STLE January 7th, 1974 TIinutec of a ;_feet~_n,_; of Council held in the Counc'1 Ci:amberc in the Court Building on Janl:ary 7t',, 1974 at 7:00 p.<<. Precent: iaayol• Carnet B. ic?:ard Councillor Donald 17 lillin Ivan 14. Hobbs TCenne tii 's. Lyal l II. B-ace Tink o i)o ',learn Reco- Lion s'C.-74-77 Con. Ho' ",o, ceconc.eC. iD Con. Entwisle. Adoption TaIZ3 the inutoc of tile V`_lla-o of Newcastle Council of anC Town of Bomianville Council. both dated Decefiiber 20th, Minutes 19 73, be r eceiveC for info i.iation, "CARRIED" Recolution i'r'C-74.70 111ovec' b,- Con. Hob,s, secon-'.ec' b.- Con. Lyall. Inaugural TTLLT tlae ?.iinutes of tiic In--t-,'--u---al Meeting of Council Meeting nelC on January 3rd, 11;74-, oc auopted. Minutes "CARRIED" Deputation IIr. Lair_once Tlacon, Q.C;, , a:)peared before Council x th re Tax a genie of that Counc-_l conci.-.er instituting, a systen of Prepayr,ents ta:" with Ci.scotntc to tax payers who wisheC to Pr:&gay. It appears t:.at t'ie Town of Lindsay has such a r.,stcr_t an, what a coy ° o'` t; e f .-y law is on file in the Rcsolu' - on -„•C-74M79 Move.' L;.° Con. Ilob c, cocon(=eC b., Con. Wearn. TII1.T tLie . .atter :.c referre ' to Fl.nance Committee for a report y tie Treasu-e.:. CARRIED" 2 Resolution f.C 7L:--uO Ilove{, ir- Cone Ilobbs, seconded by Con. Allin. Appeals TILT ":he IIayor appoint a Cora,_ttee to recommend a for policy appear for grants and donations. Grants "CARRIED" The Hayo:,: inc'.i catee: that t:1e Finance Committee shout handle this i.iatter. The :iolloT7in_-; i.iatters were referred to the finance Co_u:iittee:- 1. Salvation lx..iy re L,ppeal. 2. Canac.ian lk!nta.l IIealtTi Acsoci ation re Appeal. 3. L;t, John Au.lbulance L,osociation re Appeal. IIr. John IIcBwen request for payment of account for repairin- Nuacu,n roof. 5. lluniripal Ilor!C' re 4 uUocription. Resolu-Lion s`C-74-01 TIo~3e by Con. Hobbs, seconc�e b y Con, LyaI1. Ontario TIYT t -- letter r'at u Decei.11.,cr 20th, 1973, from Ontario =, Good Roads Goo Roads Acsociation, relative to a "Seminar for Association Counc_1lors11, be receives'. and riled. "CARRIED" Resolution ,;•C-74-•02 TIove(' ",y Con. Ilobbs, seconded ;) 7 Con. Tink. Bowmanville TI-I,'_T the letter dated Decemuer Nth, 1973, from the Conservation Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be Area concurreC wit', =,.Z t'iat tiie Clerl: make the necessary arran -ei.lents for a sury^_y of the area owned by the Town South of the Vanstone II lla "CARRIED" Resolution t-C..74-83 Ilove('. by Con® L.11in, oecondcc'. Con, Wearn. Solid TIM Council concur wllth tie :L�ional Chairmants request Waste elateC DecemOer 27th, 1573, for the Town's forces to Disposal :-.ana;;e Sol Waote Disposal functions in the Tom on �e'_e" of the Region unt•'l cucl, time as the Re-ion can arran"e "'o acsu)_ie Direct res-)onsibility. 1eCARRIED" Resolution A-74-84 Moved by Con. Allin, seconVe& by Con. Tiny. Electrical THZ,.T the letter dated 22ne., 1973, from Budget Dowmanvilln Pullic Utilities Commiscion, regardling. 1974 Capital Electrical Budget for 1974, be referred to Finance Connittee. "CARRIED'' Resolution U-74-05 Moved by Con. Hobbo, aecon6ej by Con. Allin. Remuneration TEAT the letter dated Povember 22K, 1973, from of P.U.C. Bowanville Public Utilities Cowiasion, relative Commissioners to raiuneration of P.U.C. Comriissionars, be referred to Finance Cowittee. "CARR TED'I Resolution IC-74-06 lk)ve(: '-,, Con. Allin, seconled by Con. Tiny. Regional TEAT the letter jat&December 21st, 1973, from the Land Regional Chairman givinS the appointments to the Division Land Division Coi-ir-iittee, receAved for information. Committee "CARRIEW Rcoolution IC-70-37 13oveO by Con. Allin, ceconje& ly Con. Wearn. Green Paper THAT Council indicate support of the Provincial on Sunday Secretary of Juaticeto Green Papers on Sunday Store store hours. Hours "CARRIED11 Reco'_ution IC-74-00 dove.'. ; Con. Hobbc, cecon&j y Con. ,Allin. Core '1'IAT the request of Core Biolo; :ical Supplies Ltd., Biological relative to the purchase of cat cadavers, be tabled Supply Ltd. for further inforwationo "CARRIED" Reool ution rC.-74--09 Ilovec: by Con. Antw_cle, cecon '_cc' by Con. Allin. Ontario TILT '_he cu fro, t�e Ontario Association, of Association Rural Municipalitiec, re� arcin^ membership, be referred of Rural to Finance Co a_iittee for acoeoo:_.ent of membership of Municipalities var'ono or�anioationc. "CARRIED" Resolution W-74_90 Moved bY Cono Roble, ceconde:' Sy Con. Allin. Street THAT Council concur w_.th the recommendation of the Lighting for:aer Bowuan` ille Council, that priority be ;riven Industrial to the installation of otreet li;;hting in the Induotrial Area Area of Base Tine, ac per letter dated December 6th, 19711 f- On A W Hcllroy, former Clerk-Administrator of the Torn of Boujanvillo. "CARRIED" Resolution TC.-74. 91 IIo•let )y Con. Hobbo, ceconde<_ by Con. Allin. Bridge THAT t e letter Cat& Yce: Ler 5th, 1973, from the Construction Council of the for._.er Twm o= Do7manville, relative Highway No. 2 to the conctruction of tie new Lrid3e test of t,}e Toun, be efer_ec to Ilor' o Co;.:..'ttee. "CARRIED" 5 a Resolution 'l C-74-92 'loved i>y Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Lyall. Proposed THIaT the coi-ffiunication dated December 17th, 1973, Durham from title '.former Bovrn►anville Planning Board regarding Christian rezoning for Durha, Christian High School, be High referred to the Planning :.'.'risory Committee, School "CARRIED" Resolution #C-74-93 Loved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn. T'evicastle THAT the 'Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Brereton, tendering Recreation their. resi-nations as Chairman, Secretary and members Co►mnittee of the "ewcastle Recreation Coii Ittee be held in abeyance. "CARRIED" Resolution Moved by Con. 1 l.in, seconded by Con. Wearn. Request TMAT the letter dated January 2nd, 1974, from the for Ice 1'70odvieW Community Centre, Oshawa, requesting ice- Time tine in the proposed new Arena, be referred to the Coymilanity Services Cwmiiittee. "CARRIED" Resolution - C-74-95 Moved by Con. Allin, seconder' by Con. Tink. Proposed THAT the letter dated December I4th, 1973, from the Conservation Minister of Ilatural Resources, relative to a meeting; Area in Lindsay on January 17th to consider the establishment Scugog of a Conservation Authority in the Scugog Watershed be Watershed -received for information and that any member of Council who wichec to attend be authorised to do so. "CARRIED" Resolution I/'C-74-96 Moved by Con„ Wearn, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Stop Sign TIAT the letter dated December 14th, 1973, from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications, regarding stop sign at the South»West corner of the Township of Darlington and Clarke Boundary Line Road and 3rd Line Road, be referred to the Director to. of Works to check all suns and malce recommendations. "CARRIED" 6 Resolution i'P"C-74-97 Moved by Con. Ellin, seconded loy Con. Tink. Darlington TIU.,T the letter dated December 13th, 1973, from the Township Minictr - of ITatural Resources regarding the Darlington Forest Township - Forest, be deferred to a future Agreement meetin- with additional information. "CARRIED" Resolution "'C-74-98 I-loved by Con. [-learn, seconded by Con. Allin. Lease of THAT the letter dated December 17th, 1973, from Part Base Strike, Strike & Van I-Test, be received and Mr. Strike Line Road be requested to have a short term lease drawn up. Lot 16, Concession I "CARRIED" Resolution -'k-74-99 Moved by Con. Hobbs seconded by Con. Lyall. O.M.B. THAT the Hotice of the Ontario Municipal Board Hearin-, He ar i nr,,, in 14anvers Township re coning By-lacy Amendment, regarding .1 1,11anvers gravel pits, be received and -filed. Township "CARRIED" Resolution :;=C-74­100 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Mr. E. TIU-.T Mr. E. Vierhoutto letter of January 3rd, 1974, Vierhout regarding Subdivision A-reement, be referred to the re Subdivision Plannin- Advisory COM,114ttee and Mr. Vierhout so u - Agreement advised. "CARRIEDt' Resolution i'r"C-74-101 Moved by Con. Ellin, seconded by Con. Hobbs. Treasurerls THAT the Treasurerto Report dated January 7th, 1974, Report re regarding Tai; Instalments and Twx Billings, be Tax Billings adopted, ItCARRIED11 - 7 - Resolution #-C-74-102 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle. Treasurer's THI.T the Treasurerls Report regarding Tax Collections, Report re dated January 7th, 1974, be adopted with the addition Tax the Branch of the Bank in Port Hope be authorised to Collection receive taxes. "CARRIED" Resolution OC-74-103 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink. Reading T1VT Rule 33 of the Council Procedure be waived for of By-laws the reading of by-laws. "CARRIED" Resolution i#,C-74_101:- Moved, by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink. By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74-23, 1-70, being a by-law to authorize a levy on the whole of 7423 the as-coosment for real property and business prior to aCoption of the annual estimates, and that the said by-law 'oe now -rear. a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution --b�C_71:_105 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. By-Law THAT the second reading of BY-Law No. 74-23 be No. approved. 74-23 Resolution 1'1 C-74-106 Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs. By-Law 110. THAT By-Law No. 74-23 be tabled after second reading. 74-23 "CARRIED" Resolution VC-74-107 Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin, By-Law TELT leave be granted to introduce By-Law Ho, 74-24, Ho, beinj a by-law to provide for the payment of an 74-24 annual allowance to the Nayor and Members of Council, and that the said by-law be now read a first time. ''CARRIED'' Resolution IC-74-I0C Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink, By-Law TILLT the second reading of By-Law Ho. 74-24, be Do. approved. 74-24 "CARRIED" Resolution IC-74-109 Moved by Con. Tink, ceconjoi by Con. Wearn, By-Law THAT tic third and final reading of By-Law Ho, 74-24, Jo, be approved, 74-24 "CARRIED" Resolution IC-74-110 Moved by Con. Entwicle, seconded by Con. Allin, Orono THAT 11r, Horace Best is hereby instructed to:� Christmas (a) a6vertise a Chrishias Tree Pick-Up in Orono Tree Pick- on Saturday morning Januar7 12th in the Orono Up Weekly Times. K arrange with It. Don Tennant to pick-up Vriotaao trees on that day at an approximate coat of 020.00, (c) arran3e for bills for these items to be submitted to tine Treasurer. ., 9 . Committee As provide(I in tl'e previous r;;i_nutes Mayor Rickard Chairmen recor,mended the followin Coiln.littee Chairmen:- Finance Co:tu itteeH O..o a....0....-Councillor Tink TTorks COl`l-1 t-tec.......... .........Councillor Wearn Confliaini ty Service,, Co:arait-tee.......Councillor Allin Pl ann1113 ..d"Viso_17 Col--,Unit Lee...0....Councillor Entwis le Coi:j!zi tee as the T-T"L!oic t,rt.en Council so aC',i'Ourn............ a..Councillor Lyall 11ayor P.icl:ard also reco;:;,lended. that there Should be a Personnel Coim,ittee appointed to carry out any required negotiations anc? tl ,t the Committee should be tor:posed of: COL11ci13.Or I101000.o.00000.o.........Chairman Councillor T?_nk 000.0000000000.....Member Resolution irC-.74111 Moved 1b, Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin. TTYT the foregoing recommendations of Mayor Rickard be adopted. "CARRIED" Reco1,1.t'_on i''C-71;.-ll2 Moved b; Con. Wearn, caconded o-,, Con. Entwiole. Acting TI✓^_T Co�:ncif llor Hobbs be appointed Acting Mayor and Mayor that the neceocary By-law be introduced.. "CARRIED" Resolut on_ ,rC 71--1�1s IioveC: by Con. Ho�bs, seconded by Con. Wearn. Official TI1,LT t',e Cler . be requested ,.o provide passes for Parking o:rficial pa-zl.inr; to Ilelaberc of Council, Committee Ilerl:tc_s and Senior G-fficial.s to be used when on Town busineso. "CARRIED" Resolution 14oveC, by Con. Hobbs, ceconded by Con. Wearn. Ilotice lIC.T a :: .lice be placed in t;-_e four local newspapers re publicl in t-1he Toen-i outlinin;; the various Committees Corn:riittees functions anc': also the uemberc1 telephone numbers. "CARRIED"CARRIED" 10 - j7e.zt ncicaie� "-at ne. t reetin� would' be Council in t le Cor- ..i t-cee Room at Bmyi�ianville Town Hall and Meeting at '_?ewcac le Co:zaunity Ida�l if it was necessary to reconvene after Lunch, ecolution INC-74-U5 Tloved by Con. 13ohh:;, ceconde:' by Cone Tink. Adjournment T1L:',T the meetin- be adjourned. "CARRIED" Game- Rz cl.�rc � Mayor .Ta IYo I�Icllro � Clerl-