HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1974 Council Minutes TOUT OF 0EWCASTLE January 4th, 1974
Minc-tes of a meeting of Council held in the Council
Chmiabezo in the Court Building on January 4th, 19740
at 1:30 p.c.I.
Present: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard
Councillor Donald W. lU l in
Kirk Entwisle
Ivan 14. Hobbs
Kenneth 7)3. Lyall
H. Bruce Tink
A. D. GIearn
Resolution #C-74-0(a)
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
Rules of THKE the Rules and Re ulatione of the Council of the
Procedure fori:�er Tomship of DarlinSton ire used to govern the
procedure of she Council until a by-law has been
pacced fior this purpose.
Resolution 1i*C»71;•-9
Move- by Con. t.11 in, secom ed by Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TI-L&T leave be Sranted to introduce By-Law Ho. 74-4,
No. being a by-law to appoint a Treasurer, and that the
74-4 salt" by-law be now read a first tirDe.
Resolution �C-74-10
Moves: by Con. Tink, seconder:: ':y Con. Wearn.
No. THAT the second readin; of By-Lat7 Po. 74.4, be approved.
Resolution faC-74.11
Maven by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
BY-Law THAT the third and final reacting of By-Law No. 74.4,
No. be approved.
- 2 -
Resolution AFC-74-12
Moved by Con. Hobbs, cecon6e6 by Con. Allin.
By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74--5,
110. being a by-lair to appoint a Director of Public
74-5 Worl:s, anc that the cairl by-law ce now read a first
Resolution -/PC-74-13
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Lyall.
No. THAT the second readings of By-Law No. 74-5, be approved.
Resolution i'rIC-.74»14
Yfiova6 by Con. Lntwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
By-Law TI-U,.T the third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-5,
1110. be approved.
Resolution -�rC-74-15
Moved by Con. Allin, cecondeu by Con. Hobbs.
By-Law THt--.T leave be ,,ranted to introduce By-Law 11o. 74-6,
110. bein; a by.•Im to appoint a Director of Engineering,
74-6 and treat the said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution C-74-1G
Move(? by Con. Tint:, seconded by Con. Wearn.
By-Law THL.'11 the second readin of B;;-Law 11o. 74-6, be
1d0. approved.
Resolution s('C-74-17
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tints.
By-Law TH,ST the third anc. final reading of By-Law No. 74-6,
1.10. be approved.
- 3 -
Resolution IC-74-18
Moved by Con. Hobbo, seconded by Con. Allin.
By-Law TD.T leave be ;ranted to introduce By-Law No. 74-7, being
No. a by-law to appoint a By-Lary Enforcement Officer, and
74-7 that the said .)y-law be nou read a first time.
Resolution -#C-A-•19
Moved. by Con. Entwisle, seconde`w by Con. Allin.
By-Law THAT the second reading of By-Lahr No. 74-7, be
Ho. approve:".
Resolution i"C-7�;•-20
Moves: by Con. 6learn, seconded by Con. Tink.
By-Law THAT the third and final reaJin- of By-Law No. 74-7,
No. be approve6.
Resolution `C-.74-21
Mo-,-ed by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TI;L:.T leave be 3ranted to introduce By-Law No. 74-e,
No. be--'n., a by-law to appoint a Fire Chief, and that
74-8 the said by-law be now react a first time.
Resolution r'C-74-22
Movec by Con. Tink, secondeC. by Con. Lyall.
By-Law THAT the second readin-; of By-1,arr 11o. 74-8, be
No. approved.
Resolut on 1[C-74-23
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Tink.
By-Law TH,."i t:1.e tl.ird and s:final reading; of By-Lary No. 74-8,
No. ' e app oved.
- 1" -
Resolution TC-74-4,
Moves by Con. Nobbq seconded �_y Con. All in.
By-Law TUT leave be granted to introWce By-Law No. 74-9,
Po. WKS a ly-law to appoint a noK Superintendent, and
74-9 that the COE by-law le now rea: a first time.
Recolotion IC-74-25
Moved by Con. Bntwiole, aeconOG ly Con. Hobbs.
By-Law THAT the ceconG ream inn o! By-Lou Do. 709, be
No. approved.
Resolution IC-74-26
Novel hy Con. learn, seconded by Con. Lyall.
By-Law TIT the third and iinal reKQ2 of By-Law Fo. 74-9,
Ito. be approve&
Resolution IS-70-27
Movee. ]:,y 'Con. Allin, cecondei »y Con. Hobbs,
By-Law TUT leave be 3rantej to Wtrod,,,.ce By-Law No. 74-10,
No. beina a by-Ow to appoint a Chief Building Inspector,
74-10 ani that the said by-law be now read a first time,
Moved by Con. Tin':, seconQC by Con. Wearn.
By-Law TILk.-T the ceconk readinC W By-Law Do. 74-10, be
Po i, approvej.
Recolution ?C-74-29
Movaj Vy Con. Lyall, cecon&Q by Con. Tink.
By-Law THAT .kn thirC and iinal rcalln; of By-Law No. 74-10,
be app;ovK.
- J -
R-colut on v;•C-74-30
Movee Con. Iio_-bs, secon�'.ed by Con. Allin.
By-Law THZ.,T leave be ;ranter' to introduce By-Law Y1o. 74-11,
No. being, a by-lava to appoint a Depute-Treasurer and
74-11 Tay Collector, an6 that the said ':�y-law be now read
a 1:i-rot time.
necolution rkC-71�-31
Moved by Con. Ent wiole, seconder any Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TMT the second readinC of By-Lae 140. 74-11, be
PTO. approved.
Resolution 't`C-74-32
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconder•' by Con. Tint:.
By-Law TI-3 the third and final readinC of By-Law No. 74-11,
No. be approveC..
Re,00lution 'C-74-33
Moved :Dy Con. /_'i in, oeconded Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TI V3 lea-,e 31-c ;ranted to int- oC>uce By-Lai=r Po. 74.12,
No. Vein„ a y-f ai; to appoint an «ccountant, and that
74-12 the cait --y-iav be noT. rear. a :Zirct time.
Recolvtion ;i`C-74..31;.
14ove�" >_y Con. Tink, oeconded by Con. Lyall.
By-Law UILT the second -read.in" of By-LaW No. 74-12, be approved.
74-12 "CARRIED"
Resolution %C-74-35
Loved, -y Con. Lyall, seconder: b;; Con. Tink.
By-Law TF±AT the tliirc,. anc: final rea,_"in;; of By-Law flo. 74-12,
No. be ap ,roveC.
- 6
Recolu : on ;'..-74-36
1io1.e. ' y Con. Iio'!'ba, seconC_cC Con. Allin.
By-Law TII1x1 leavo 'oe , ante( to intro:'- ce By-Law No. 74-130
No. bein a =-lace to appoint a Deputy Clerk, and that
74-13 the tai Icy-law be no-.: reac' a First time.
Recolution -,,``C-74-37
Mo ie(l. Con. Entwicle, secon .ec. 'y Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TI _T :,e cecond -"ea_°i.n : o:� B;--La;i o. 71t-13, be
resoh�. :ion s,C-74-��
Move(' u, Jon. Wearn, cecondcc'. Con. Tink.
By-Law TIIL.T t_:e t:_irC and -Z final --eaGin, of By-Law lqo. 74-13,
i10. be approve('.
Reco'-o.t: on `C-74-39
Moved :-y Con. iA l'n, ceconc:.c Y Con. Hobbs.
By-Law TII,.'..T leave :o -;rante to By-Law Po. 74-14,
°o. i;ein ; a -la;.' to appoi:-,t a Dar__1t,> Building Inspector
74»14 ant-. ✓.:_e caiv, by-law :.:e now read a first time.
.Re so1_t.i on ,`C..7t;...t;.p
iio,gee u, Con. Tin'c, oecon�e Con. LyaZl.
No. TI-1Z_T ti.e second. read.int: o.-," :C~ :',at, llo. 74-14, be approve(:.
lloar= ' Con. Tyall, . ncon(`c_'. Con. Tink.
By-Late TI'.:T Liie _..._� and _Wnal --'ea:":_n ; o' By-Law No. 74-14,
ilo. be anp_ove
Con» ilob, c, seconr.'-,i'. Con. Allin.
By-Lavj VIZA' 1.c ",-ante '::o By-Law Ko. 74-15,
i�o. Lain a
T,7 to ap-:)Oi,Xlt the Z�!�Clitors for the
74-15 Cort)ozation, any tl,'p.t �hY cci,' b-,,-lavy be now read
Con. 2ntu-icle, cecon�'n,,'. 1)y Con. Hobbs.
By-Lw,, Mll..T ,-' 3 clecon ' realin,, o•. i.b. 74-15, be
Con. Ybearn, .00con e c Con. Tink.
BY-Law Tl'?T
74-15 bo a-)l):-0"0.., an _n<_1 of B,-Law No. 74-1.,
P,e,-o!u tion
Con. Z-1--in, .--ocon�c(-, Con. Hobbs.
i C "'o jw--o,',i.ice By-Law Llo. 71,,•-16,
:0. -laxi �,o ,0 0.
74-16 a Bening of Bank
Lccovmtc, an,-. •t:iat •t'le Orl"L" �L lay; be now read a
BY-Law Con. Tin', _-acon(_3,' Wearn.
T1,:YT o.'
74-1 "-,o. 74-16, be approveC..
Rncol!_t-'on ::`C-71,,-_47
101 ',y41?-,
r,econ- Con. Tin!..
an -1 'J.n., o'f' By-Law iqo. 74-16
R colt.Lion
Move,- C, Y Con. Iiobbs, ceconcc� Con. Allin.
By-Law THJ..T leave be �-;��antec in ins oCuce By-Law No. 74-17,
I-10. bein,; a to autho- ?,-e -L- le establishment of
74-17 a .payroll Zxcount, anC tliaL- c'__e said by-law be noes
reakl a -i:.-st
tlo.e<< b' Con. Entwicle, cecon('e(' by Con. Hobbs.
No, TK&T 'i_he -ccon ' -L- -' o° B�-»Lm! Po. 74-17, be approved.
Recolu Lion ii C-74-50
Movee. ')y Con. Wearn, cecon6e,. Con. Lyall.
By-Law TIMT he ane.: -final rear'-n.S of By-Law No. 74-17,
No. Le approves..
Resolution �•,C-74-51
Moves. by Con. Allin, ceconde( 0,Y Con. Hobbs.
By-Law THL,T leave be :-ra.te�'. to '.nt:.ouuce By-Law 'To. 74-188
T;o. bein ; a by-lair co authori7,c9 tine borrowinC of $2,000,000
74-18 snc: i:'Lac the sai6 by-law c- now read a first time.
Resolrtion ;'C-74-52
Moved '-,yy Con. Tin';, cecon(:e" Con. Hearn.
11,0. TIL'=1 Life Gecon': reac,in;-. of B.~-LaN! ilo. 74-18, be approved.
Rcsol,.�_on rC-14-.53
Move(' '_ Con. ",yal', c^_cone - Con. Tink.
By--Lair TMT the L ._ an -. _nn _ear in' of By-Law Ho. 74..18,
No. be al_,n_ rov,ce.. V
- 9 «
110•:100 y Con. Ho' U , ceconf'ec' 4 Con. Allin.
By-Lair THI.T leeve ;;ranter to __n .'fo-'r.ce By-Law No. 74-19,
No. �;e.'.n, a '_;-law to n o,.-Ue o_ t:,,e f ixin,, of rates of
74--19 inr-crect an._ ,penalty ci_ar^ec, anC: that the said by-lace
be now read a fi-of tilae.
Resolution 'C-74-55
1Iovec' by Con. Entwisle, secon('ed by Con. Hobbs.
i)o. THIN •1: ie oeconr, readin, o:f B,Lm7 I1o. 74-19, be approves..
Resolution iC«71:p56
P4ove6 b;r '�'on. Wearn, seconCed by Con. Tink.
By-Lair WILT the third an C, final reaein; of By-Law No. 74-19,
No. be ap!)rove<..
I'.�sohrtior. srC•.7�:-57
Movec'. ')y Con. Ellin, seconclaC! .) ' Con. Hobbs.
By-Lavr TIIt..'1 leave '_ rranteC. to introuuce By-Law k?o. 74-20,
iio. bein- a ijy-law to conctituto a Co_uittee of Adjustment
74-20 for t .e Twm o- --loucastle, and that the said by-law be
nor7 reari a fist ti'ie.
Resolution Sr'C-74-50
1Io vet: by Con. Tin', :econcec_' b✓, Con. Lyall.
By-Law TI-L-T tae ceconC reaein:; of By-La:? Do. 74-20, be
No. ap_ ovec'.
Resolution ,'i-`C-.71:-5;`
Bove.` b;- Con. L all, cccondce. ';- Con. Tink.
By-Law TIII..T the thin' an C_ final reaciin- of By-Law No. 74-20,
No. be appro 7e�*.
- 10
Recolution 'u'C_74-60
I'love6. '_Y Con. Holu-bs, ::-cconcl__,C Con. Allan.
By-Law Tllz�'j leave be I-Irantee to intro(:uce By-Law No. 74-21,
170, be,_*n,; a ' Iac; to appoint 'five `�oclr Valuers, and
74-21 I)."_-IM7 '0 11M7 L-CLIL', L! first tim.-,o
Re so Itit_Pn._-*,;C-7/:-61
IvIo',fed 'oy Con. Entwisle, ceconde('- 1-y Con. Hobbs.
Po. TI-113 cecon ' rea!lin� of 13-17-T,aw 2,Io. 74-21, be approved.
R--colt:_ -.�Lon "I'C-74-62
J,JoVej: "_y Con. T7carn, recon'.ccl icy Con. Tink.
By-Lavy THZ T the t'd:: and final reading; of By-Law No. 74-21,
1110. be al,)_)rove"
f 74-21
Resolution --,"`C-71.-63
Move" by Con. Allin, seconCe` Con. Hobbs,
By-Law TI-IZ-,T leave ',)o (ranted to introduce By-Law No. 74-22,
No. 'bein-, a by-lair to catalAisil maintain Petty Cash
74-22 Funds, that the 'Jy-law 'L)e now read a first
t il.ie.
Resolution "C-74-'J4
Moved b y Con. Tin`., ceconCc(7, y Con. 14earn.
i To. TIV.T is :-!econC. reaC,,4 n,,- of B,Y-Lm., No. 74-22, be approved.
Move - Con. Ly-all, --ccom-'o-1 Con. Tink.
By-Law THZd t1--c an(I final .-ca(__inL of By-Law Po. 74-22V
110. be
Resolution iM_71!_66
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconders '.-,y Con. Allin.
Chief Building TH/2 the Chief Btilein- Inspector's Report dated
Inspector's Jaauavy 3rd, 1974, r-lative to Building Permit
Report re �:eeo, etc., be aCoptec'.
Permits, etc. "CARRIED"
Resolution i'i"C-0A"67
Moved b- Con. Entwisle, cecon,�e�" b- Con. Hobbs.
Term of TIL.",T the Chief BuilCinL Inspector be asked to
Building reco.n_iend the `�erri of t'-e Bvil0in, Permit.
Resoliit-ion i C_74-68
Moved by Con. Lyall, cea^na(' by Con. Entwisle.
Closing of TI-U3 ti-'e letter dated January 4th, 1974, from Mr, A.
Streets A.H. ",tri':e be tables' penelin:, the advise of the
Plan 708 Planner when hired.
Subdivision IMOTIO11 LOST"
Resolution i'i'-C-71:_09
Moved by dZ;n_. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
WHEREAS Cean Investoenta (Ocaawa) Limited entered into
a Subdivision A-reei.ient with the Corporation of the
Town of BoCi-.,ianville for the development and subdivision
of I-)art o Burlicts Plans Cate::"_ Dece_iber 7th, 1887 and
October 4th,,
A11D TIHERWiS the developi:ient of the said lands includes
parts o-�f Bur . Avenue, Town I sle,, Street, First Street and
Arthur Street) ---,Ore particularly described in Schedule
'1101 atil-achec! hereto;
ED 111E]REZ.3 tne said Town aL�reef' to make application under
the pro,,,is ions of the Act to close the said parts
of Bur" /_.venue, Tounoley Ctreet, First Street and Arthur
A11D T1HBRa.'_.' pursuant to The R�-
I - _�ional Municipality of
Dur'lm.i Lct 1973 the To-,,,n of DoNT-.-anville was amal-amated
with other : -i_.nicipalll-ies ac a Town Municipality bearin-- the
nni-le oz t1cc Corporation o-.: the Toim of Newcastle.
- 12 -
A �D TIHEIIEI-S the Council of t'ne Corporation of the Town
of '_:cwcac tl e is e-esirouc of - a1,in,-; the said application
to close tiic: sa-±±a streets;
1. THAT the Corporation of the Toxin of Newcastle make
application to The County Jud--e of the Judicial District
of Durhai;i pursuant to the provisions of The Registry Act,
to cloce the caic parts of Burn Avenue, Toomsley Street,
Firct Street and Arthur Street, according to the said
Burkto Plans, More particularly described in Schedule 11A1'
he::e to.
2. TI ZIT the Mayor anc' Clerk he authorized to sign all
necessary c1ocuments anc. take tine required action in
connection Cr_th the said application.
Sc �edule "L" - 'x,L I-ID SIPGULI.,R that certain parcel or
tract o_= land and premices ci_tuate, lying and being in
the Toxin of I1c,Tcastle in the Regional Municipality of
Durh,T i fo-.e:l .ca:'-y in the Toxin of Boxmanville, County of
Duriaa�, 1�-ink co._iposed o-= part of Burk Avenue according
to C.C. B .r..►s P1 an (.atec Dece.fiber 7th, 1887, and that
part o
Bu '_: ..venue, To:,*r_ lei Street, Arthur Street and
First Street accordin- to C.C. Burk1s Plan dated
Ccto',er 4t'., 1038 all ac sino;-m. T7ithin the boundaries
of Plan 700' re ,istered on the '17th day of April, 1972.
Rcsolut'.on ;;'C-74-70
Moveu By Con. Iloojs, secon('cc. L,y Con. Wearn.
Inaugural TILLT let to-c-s of appreciation '%e sent under the Mayor's
Meeting si"na:u_c; to ,)eople and oruanisations who assisted at the
Letters of Inau,viral iyeeting such as:--
His IIonotn Juc'�e J.C.i . Currelly, Mr. Walter Rundle, Acting
CIe::-, 'rinci�)al of DoTn:_anvLl le Iligh School, Principal of
Cou_i:ice ;,econcary School, Cana-.ian Imperial Bank of
Co_.v:ler ce re y lone_c, Carnation Flower Shop re flowers,
O _=icier in Cler;y, an(I also any other person who assisted„
Resolution NOW!
Moved by Con. IIobbs, occonc'& by Cow Allin.
Chairman of TILT tne ma yor he authOrisea to appoint the Chairman
Standin, of tLe th ee tandin . Committees -recommended in the
Committees minutes of Decomber 26th, 1973 and that the appointment
be for one year.
Recolution Q•-74-72
Moved by Con. Nobbs, seconder: by Com Entwisle.
Previous THO the yrevious minutes of the Committee of the
Minutes of Whole be a6opteO as follows:-.
of the OctolCr 29th, 1973 Aveaber 9th, 1973
Whole iiovember 12th, 1973 November 19th, 1973
PoveaVei 24th, 1973 rover: per 27th, 1973
Decenler 12th, 1973 December 20th, 1973
Dece.:oe:_ 24th, 1973 December 26th, 1973
Resolution ;.`C.-74-73
MOYN y Jon. Antoicle9 cacondeC by Con. Allin.
Committee of TILT Council So into closed session of Committee of
the Whole the Whole to • i scups po connel and other related
Resolution `C..74-.76,
Move( ',,y Cori. Tlobbs, seconc°ed ;_:y Con. Tink.
Minutes of TI-KT the ninutes of the Co.: .ittee of the Whole dated
Committee of January &A, 1974, by a;oyca .
the Whole
- 14—
Reno iut-ion �`C-74-.75
I-love('. by Con. Ho'-bc, seconde,' L. Con„ Wearn.
Future Tllu,T the ne<_,� Council ::eetin" after the one called
Meetin.a :coy Jan,.,.ry 7th ,e at 10:00 aa:.i. on January 14th at
a ,)l,-.cc to ':e c_eci 1e,_: . . t'-e idayor.
Resolution 11X-71;.-76
Mo,veC by Con. Wearn, ceconcie(: by Con. Hobbs.
,adjournment TI-IGT the ._.cetin_ be adjousnedo
Garnot B. RicLard
J. M. ilcllro
J �.m
Cl er?;