HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/1974 Inaugural Meeting. TOTT1 OIL 1TETTCI.ST a January 3rd, 1974 the Co-,Anc_.1 of the Toim or Newcastle met in their Inaugural mess .on at 0:00 p..... on January 3rd, 1974. The i-Lzeetin-, was hel::. in 'she auditorium of the Dowmanville Kigh School. Present: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Councillor Donald W. A1lin Kirl: rntwisle Ivan M„ Hobbs i'enneth E. Lyall Ix. Bruce Tink A, D. Tlearn Devotions After the sir^�ing of 0 Canada the Reverend Basil long and the Reverend father F. 1llicholic, who were in attendance, offered prayers for the new Council in their deliberations 4urin3 the yearn ahead. Province Mr. Alec Carruthers brought greetings from The Honourable of William Davis, Prime Minister of Ontario and The Ontario honourable John White, Treasurer of Ontario. Mr. Carruthers also presented an illuminated scroll on behalf of the Government of Ontario. Swearing Mayor Rickard and the Councillors were subscribed to In _h(i Declaration of Elected Office and Oath of Alligeance Ceremony before His Honour Judge J.C.11. Currelly. Resolution li'C-74-1 14o,red by Con. Allin, ceconded by Con. Hobbs. Acting TIQT Walter Rundle be appointee Acting Clerk for the Inaugural Clerk Neetin" of the Town of Dewcastle held on the third clay of Januaryr, 1914.. "CARRIEDll Sundry The followinS presentations laere made:- Presentations (a) Minute Book by former Peeve Alf Gray of Newcastle. (b) Corporate Seal by "ormer Reeve Jim Bell of Bowmanville. (c) Govel by Former Reeve Ted TToodyard of Clarice. (d) Mayorts Chain ;of Office by former Councillor Tom Baiter of Darlin"ton. Remarks by Mayor Rickard introduced the Councillors, who in turn made Councillors a few remarks, .. 2 - i Resolution -la�C-74-2 Move(! Con. Entuisla, seconded by Cone Tink. By-Law TI1,LT leave be Civen to introduce a by-lair entitled Moo "a B°�-la�v 'to �rOVide yor Interim Rules of Procedure" 74-1 and that the same be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution -V-C-74-3 Moved by Con. Tint., seconded by Con. Entwisle. By-Law FY- the b, just read a first time and entitled YTo. "a By-lair to Provide for Interizii Rules of Procedure" 74»1 be now react a second and thirc: time and finally passed, and that the Mayor and .".ctin; Clerk duly sign and seal saac. "CARRIED" Resolution r'C�•7�a-�;• Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall. I By-Law TILLT leave be given to introduce a by-law entitled No. "a By-lair to appoint a Totm Clerk," and that the same 74-2 be now read a first time. "CARRIED" Resolution Moved by Con. Enttra ale, ceconcecl by Con. Tink. By-Law TI U3 the by-law just rear' a first time and entitled Ho. "a L',�-law to appoint a Toom C'_erl�" be now read a 74«2 second and third time and finally passed, and that the Mayor and Actin'; Clem.: duly sign and seal same. "CARRIED" Resolution ;,C-71!-G Move,,.! by Con. Lyall, seconded / Con. Allin. By-Law '. I-L!'.T leave be given to int::ocuce a by-law entitled IIo. "a By-1,-m,,, to adopt a Corporate Seale and that the 74-3 sai`_le be now read a first tirIIe. "CARRIED" Resolution �nu'C-M-7 Hoved oy Con. Ilobbc, seconc:e�: by Cono Entwisleo Y By-Law Ti '.T the just read a ii::ot time and entitled Ito, Its. By-law to adopt a Corporate Seal" be now read 74-3 a second and thire tirrte and -L'-nally paused, and that t1he 1-Iayor and Clem: duly sign and seal_ same. "CARRIED" Remarkes by Mayor Mayor Rickard gan-ve an address. Rickard Resolution i'C-.74-8 Moved by Con® Hobbs, seconded 'YYv Con. Tink, Adjournment TILLT the rieetinU be adjourned until 1:30 p.m„ on J,wnurr17 /!t11, 19740 "CARRIED" Garnet B. 1"layor J. Mb lroy c1 er?.: