HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/06/1974 Council Minutes TOWN OF NEWCASTLE May 6th, 1974
Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held in
the Bowmanville Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m.
on Monday, May 6th, 1974.
Present: Mayor Garnet. B. Rickard
Councillor Donald W. Allin
Kirk Entwisle
Ivan M. Hobbs
Kenneth E. Lyall
H. Bruce Tink
A. D. Wearn
Resolution #C-74-495
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Council THAT the Council Minutes dated April 15th, 1974, be
Minutes approved as printed.
Ganaraska Mrs. Norma Yates, Mr. E. J. Veldhuis and Mr. Lovekin
Conservation representatives of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority,
Authority together with Mrs. Smith, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Authority, appeared before Council to discuss maters
relative to the Authority. There was a long discussion
on such matters as Apportionment of Levies, details
of Projects and Authority Minutes. The delegates
assured Council that Minutes of meetings, details
of projects, etc. , would be forwarded in the future.
Petition Mrs. Russell Gibson and others appeared before Council
re 3rd and presented a petition regarding the unsafe condition
Line West at the intersecting roads on the 3rd Line of the former
of Township of Clarke, Provinical Highway 115. Remarks
Highway were made on the number of accidents which have taken
115 place at the intersection.
Resolution #C-74-496
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
THAT the petition be referred to the Works Committee.
Veltrits Mr. H. Swartz appeared before Council relative to
King Street Mr. Veltri's proposed high rise building on King Street
Proposal East, asking that the issue of building permits be
Council Minutes - 2 - May 6th, 1974
Mr. James W. Robinson also presented a petition
from people in the Bowmanville area in support
of the development.
Resolution #FC-74-497
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the petition be received and forwarded to the
Planning Advisory Committee.
Newcastle 11r. E. R. Lovekin and others appeared before Council
Chamber of on behalf of the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce and
Commerce presented a brief.
Resolution #C-74-498
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Senior THAT the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce be authorised
Citizens to submit the matter of the Senior Citzens Apartment
Apartment- Project direct to the Planning Advisory Committee.
Resolution #C-74-499
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Recreational THAT the matter of mutual facilities for recreational
Facilities use by Public School and a general Park be referred
to the Community Services Committee.
Resolution #C-74-500
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
Skating THAT the matter of skating facilities (Arenas) be
Facilities received for information.
Mr. I. Gill Mr. I. Gill appeared before Council relative to a
re Building Building Permit for docking facilities at the East
Permit Beach Area.
Council Minutes - 3 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-501
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the matter be referred to Mr. Layng for his
Orono Mr. W. K. Lycett and Mr. Ron Reed appeared ou
Chamber behalf of the Orono Chamber of Commerce in
of Commerce relation to a release of the Orono Town Hall as
a Community Centre for local residents.
Resolution #C-74-502
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
THAT the matter be referred to the Community Services
Veltrits Mr. J. W. Robinson appeared regarding Mr. Veltrits
Ding Street building project on King Street East, requesting
Proposal that the matter be expedited.
Resolution #C-74-503
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
THAT the Agenda be proceeded with.
Resolution #C.-74-504
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
Bowmanville THAT Council concur with the letter dated April 19th,
Chamber of 1974, from the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce regarding
Commerce liaison between Council and Chamber, and Councillor
Allin be appointed as Council's representative.
Resolution #C-74-505
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Tink.
Durham THAT the letter dated April 15th, 1974, from McDonald
Mall and Hayden regarding the unopened road allowance
between lots 12 and 13, be referred to the Planning
Advisory Committee.
Council Minutes - 4 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-506
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Tntwisle.
Mrs. Xeo's THAT the letter dated April. 25th, 1974, from McComiskey
Property and Associates regarding Mrs. Xeo's property on
on Wharf Wharf Road, be referred to the finance Committee.
Resolution #C-74-507
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Board of THAT the letter dated April 26th, 1974, from the
Education Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education
1974 with the 1974 levies, be referred to the finance
Levies Committee.
Resolution ,EC-74-508
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Transfer of THAT the letter dated tipril 25th, 1974, from the
Solid Waste Regional Works Department regarding solid waste
Disposal disposal responsibilities being transferred to the
Responsibilities Region as of May 6th, 1974, be received for information.
to the Region
Resolution #C-74-509
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Tink.
Site Plan THAT the letter dated April 24th, 1974, from the
Applications Ministry of Natural Resources regarding site plan
for Gravel applications for gravel pits, be referred to the
Pits Planning Advisory Committee.
Resolution #C-74-510
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Petition THAT the petition from fifty (50) residents in the
re By-Law area affected by By-Law No. 74»42, be referred to
No. 74-42 the planning Advisory Committee.
Council Minutes - 5 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-511
Moved by Cone Hobbs, seconded by Con. Allin.
Orono THAT the letter dated April 23rd, 1974, from the
Chamber of Orono Chamber of Commerce regarding disposition
Commerce re of Orono Torn. Hall, be referred to the Community
Town Hall Services Committee.
Resolution #C-74-512
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Geoffrey THAT the letter dated April 29th, 1974, from
Still Geoffrey Still Associates regarding request for
Associates zoning by-law change and Official Plan amendment
re Allin be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee
Farm and the applicant advised to apply directly to
the Region regarding Official Plan amendments.
Resolution #C-74-513
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Official THAT the letter dated April 23rd, 1974, from the
Plan Regional Clerk regarding Official. Plan Amendments,
Amendments be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee.
Resolution #C-74-514
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
Road Allowance THAT the letter dated April 29th, 1974, from
Between Lots 30 Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited regarding
and 31, Conc. 2 Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 2,
Former Township former Township of Clarke, be referred to the
of Clarke Works Committee.
Resolution #C-74.515
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Wearn.
City of THAT the resolution from the City of Brampton contained
Brampton in a .letter dated April 25th, 1974, regarding violence
re in Junior Hockey Gamoa, be endorsed.
Council Minutes 6 May 6th, 1974
Resolution VC-74-516
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Ministry of THAT the letter dated April 11th, 1974, from the
the Environment Ministry of the Environment regarding reorganization
re Reorganization of Ministry Branches responsible for Sewage Works and
of Branches Water Works Projects, be received for information.
Resolution #C-74-517
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
Treasurer of THAT the .letter dated April 16th, 1974, fron the
Ontario re Treasurer cf Ontario, regarding Ontario Regulation
Establishment Number 227/74, establishing the Library for the
of Library Town of Newcastle, be received for information.
Resolution #C-74-518
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Veltrils THAT the letter from J. Castaldi Real Estate Broker
King Street regarding Veltri Project, be received and filed.
East Proposal
Resolution #C-.74-519
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
J. W. Robinson THAT the letter. from James W. Robinson regarding
re Downtown Downtown Bovnnanville Redevelopment be received for
Bowmanville information.
Resolution YPC-74-520
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Cone Hobbs.
Ministry of THAT the letter dated April 19th, 1974, from the
Energy re Ministry of Energy regarding Ontario Hydros proposal
Proposed to build a generating station at Wesleyville, be
Generating referred to Mr. Layng to prepare a report for the
Station at Mayor and Chairman of the Planning Advisory Committee
Wesleyville and thereafter submitted to the Hydro.
Council Minutes 7 May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74--521
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn®
O.M.B. THAT the appointment for hearing from the Ontario
Hearing Municipal Board regarding Lloyd G. Harmer's
re Lloyd appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment
G. Harmer of the Township of Darlington dated August 20th, 1973,
be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee.
Resolution #C--74-522
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Cone Lyall.
Ministry of THAT the letter dated March 19th, 1974, from the
Natural Ministry of Natural Resources, regarding Spring Floods,
Resources re be referred to the Works Committee.
Spring Floods
Resolution #Ca74-523
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Consumers' THAT the letter dated March 26th, 1974, and proposed
Gas Company re Franchise Agreement from Consumerst Gas Company, be
Franchise referred to the Finance Committee.
Resolution #C-74-x524
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Regional THAT the letter dated 25th of April, 1974, from
Works the Regional Works Commissioner, regarding 1974
Commissioner Waterworks and Sanitary Sewerage Works Capital Budget,
1974 be referred to the Finance Committee and Works
Capital Committee.
Resolution #C-74-525'
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Durham THAT the letter dated May 1st, 1974, from the
Central Durham Central Agricultural Society regarding
Agricultural grant, be referred to the Finance Committee.
........._ .............
Council Minutes - 8 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-526
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn,
O.M.B. re THAT the Notice of Bearing dated May 23rd, 1974
Notice of from the Ontario Municipal Board, regarding
Hearing re A. W. Banfield's appeal to a decision of the
A. W. Banfield Committee of Adjustment of the Totmsl.ip of
Darlington, be referred to the Planning Advisory
Resolution #C-74-527
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Petition re THAT the petition dated April 27th, 1974, from
B. Stephenson's Fay Flaminio and others regarding Mr. Bob Stephenson's
Salvage rczoning application, be referred to the Planning
Yard Advisory Committee.
Res-l',ition IPC-74-•528
Moved by Con. Entwisle, b., Con. Allin.
C.L.O.C.A. THAT the Minutes of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation
Minutes Authority dated Apr' 10th, 1974, be received for
Resolution #-C-74-529
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. En wisle.
Bell Canada THAT tho letter dated April 30th, 1974, from Bell
re Rate Canada -regarding r,,.te i.n.crease in the Newtonville
Increase in Area, be referred to the Finance Committee.
Resolution #C-74-530
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Tink.
O.M.B. re THAT the arpointment for hearing from the Ontario
G. Byam's Municipal Loard regarding Grenville Byam's appeal
Appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment
of the Toxmship of Darlington dated August 20th,
1973, be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee.
Council Minutes - 9 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-5.30(x)
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Special WHEREAS the Planning Committee have appointed a sub-
Meeting for committee, which sub-committee is to hear representations
Objections in regard to objections to the Draft Zoning By-law for
to Newcastle the former Village of Newcastle; and whereas this
Draft committee is to sit in the Village of Newcastle
c: ing sometime near the end of May, 1974;
By-L aCv
AND WHEREAS it would facilitate the consideration of
certain other objections if they could be considered
at the same time;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council doth
hereby empower the said meeting of the said sub-committee
to consider any and all matters in regard to objections
to the Draft Zoning By-law for the former Village of Newcastle
it being distinctly understood that this is an empowering
resolution only and the said sub-committee shall be free
to reject any matter which in their discretion does not
fall within the scope of their consideration or on the grounds
that they do not have time to hear any such representation
as the objections already filed shall receive priority.
Resolution #C-74-5.3( (b)
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin<
Town Clerk's THAT the Town Clerkts Report dated April 19th, 1974
Report re relative to the terms of the appointments to the
Appointments Museum and Library Boards, be approved as amended.
to Museum and
Library Boards "CARRIED"
Resolution #C-74-530(c)
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Appointment THAT Resolution #C-74-527 be amended to provide for
to Museum the appointment of Mr. Robert Lambert, R. R. #1,
Board Boi-nanville, in place of Mrs. W. H. Brown, to the
Museum Board for the 1974 term.
Council Minutes - 10 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74,530(d)
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Community THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman's
Services Report relative to meeting held on April 15th,
Committee 1974, be adopted.
Resolution #C-74-53p(e)
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
Planning THAT the Planning Advisory Committee Chairman's
Advisory Report relative to meeting held on April 22nd, 1974,
Committee be adopted.
Resolution #C-74-531
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
Public Works THAT the Public Works Committee Chairman's Report
Committee relative to meeting held on April 25th, 1974, be
Meeting adopted.
Resolution #C-74-532
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Finance THAT the Finance Committee Report relative to the
Committee meetings held on April 22nd, and April 29th, 1974,
Report be adopted.
Resolution #C-74-533
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Town Clerk's THAT the Town Clerk's Report dated May 2nd, 1974,
Report re relative to applications for Amendment to Zoning
Applications By-law, be received and filed for information.
for Amendment
o Zoning
Council Minutes - 11 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-534
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Town Planner' s THAT the Town Planner's Report relative to By-Laws
Report re No. 74-42 and 74-43, conformity with the Official
By-Law Nos. Plans, be received and filed.
74-42 & 74-43
Resolution #C-74-535
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Building THAT the Building Progress Report for the Month of
Progress April, 1974, be approved.
Resolution #C-74-536
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allin.
Confidential THAT the Tom Clerk's Confidential Report relative
Report re to the hiring of an additional Animal Control
Animal Control Officer, be approved.
Resolution #C-74-537
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Finance THAT the Report of the Finance Committee Meeting
Committee I1eld May 6th, 1974, be approved.
Recolution #C-74-535
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Veltri' s THAT Mr. Warren's Report re Veltri's Project on
Project on King Street East, be received and Mr. Warren and
King Street Mr. Howden be invited to the next meeting of the
East Finance Committee.
Council Minutes - 12 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-539
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Town Engineer's TITAT the Town Engineers Report dated May 6th, 1974,
Report re relative to earth cover for Jackman Road Sanitary
Jackman Road Landfill Site, be concurred with subject to the
Sanitary Region paying for haulage and cost of fill.
Site Resolution #C-74-540
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Tink.
THAT the Report be tabled pending further report from
the Works Committee.
Resolution #C-74-541
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74-46,
No. being a by-law to appoint Fence Viewers for the Town
74-46 of Newcastle and to fix the rate of remuneration,
and that the said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-74-542
Moved by Con. Tink, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Rule #33 THAT Rule #33 be suspended for duration of meeting.
Resolution #C-74-543
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
No. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 74-46, be approved.
Resolution #C-74-544
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
By-Law THAT the third and final reading of By-Law Noe 74-46,
No. be approved.
Council Minutes A 13 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-545
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law Noe 74-47,
No. being a by-law for permitting and regulating the
74-47 size and mode of construction of culverts on
public roads under the jurisdiction of the Town of
Newcastle, and that the said by-law be now read a
first time.
Resolution #C-74-546
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
No. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 74-47, be
74-47 approved.
Resolution #C-74-547
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Hobbs.
Bv-Law THAT the third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-47,
74-47 be approved.
Resolution #C-74-548
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law No. 74-48
No. being a by-law to amend By-Law No. 1592 as amended
74.48 by By-Law No. 1653 being a restricted area (zoning)
by-law affecting lands formerly in the Township of
Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, and that the
said by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-74-549
Moved by Con. Allin, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
No. THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 74--48, be
74-48 approved.
Council Minutes - 14 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #(C-74-550
Moved by Cori. Entwisle, seconded by Cone Allino
By-Law THAT the third and final reading of By-Law Noe 74-48,
Noe be approved,
Resolution #C-74-551
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Cone Allino
By-Law THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law Noe 74-49,
Noe being a by-law to raise money to aid in the construction
74-49 of works and building repairs under the Shoreline
Property Assistance Act, 1973, and that the said
by-law be now read a first time.
Resolution #C-74-552
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Cone Allin.
No. "..THAT the second reading of By-Law No. 74-49, be approved.
" Resolution OC-74-553
Moved by Cone Entwisle, seconded by Con. Allino
�.ywLaw THAT the,:-third and final reading of By-Law No. 74-49,
No. be approved.
Moved liy Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Tink.
By-Law THAT 'leave be ;granted to introduce By-Law Noe 74-50,
No. bein&ja by-law to amend By-Law No. 74-34, a by-law
74-50 6,x'egtilate the erection and provide for the safety
of>° tiui'leliztg3,"'and that the said by-law be now read a
first time.
Council Minutes - 16 - May 6th, 1974
Resolution #C-74-559
Moved by Con. Entwisle, seconded by Con. Wearn.
Procedures WHEREAS we have been advised that Regional Council have
for approved Planning and Development Staff Report regarding
Processing procedures for processing Official Plan Amendments;
Plan AND WHEREAS the procedures were established without
Amendments consulting with our Council;
AND WHEREAS the procedures suggest that processing work
will be undertaken by our Staff without permission of the
THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED (A) That this Council regrets
that the Regional authorities failed to consult with
this Council before enacting such procedures.
(B) That requests from the Region for processing such
Official Plan Amendments be directed to this Council
through its Clerk and not directly to our Staff.
Resolution a#C-74-•560
Moved by Con. Lyall, seconded by Con. Entwisle.
Building THAT the Building Progress Report in the future
_. Progress include a column showing the cost of Building Permits.
Resolution #C-74-561
Moved by Con. Hobbs, seconded by Con. Lyall.
Community THAT' W,ith regard to Item No. 1 of the Community
Services Services Committee Report of April 15th, 1974,
Committee also provide the service with respect to cats
re Cats brought in by individuals.
Resolution #C-74-562
Moved by Con. Wearn, seconded by Con. Entwisle,.
Mr. W. Rundle THAT the services of Mr. Rundle be used 'if necessary
with regards to appeals to the Ontario Municipal
Board of decisions of the Darlington Committee cf