HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-97-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � 7 J % REPORT File #3 . Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1990 REPORT #: WD-97-90 FILE #: R - 90 SUUCT: REPORT ON THE PRIVATE SEWAGE SYSTEMS IN THE HAMLET OF ORONO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-91-90 be received; 2 . THAT Council endorse the application submitted to the Ministry of the Environment on September 27, 1990 to carry-out a study on a communal sanitary sewer system for the Hamlet of Orono including an Environmental Study Report; and 3 . THAT a copy of Report WD-91-90 and the "Report on the Private Sewage Systems in the Hamlet of Orono" be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment, Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P. , the Region of Durham and the Orono Business Improvement Association and that they be advised of Council's decision. -------------------------------------------------------------------- . . .2 REPORT NO. : WD-91-90 PAGE 2 1.0 ATTACHMENTS I No. l: Copy of Conclusions and Recommendations from the "Report on Private Sewage Systems in the Hamlet of Orono" . No.2: Copy of Application to the Ministry of the Environment. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 Provision was made in the 1990 Budget to carry-out a preliminary investigation of problems with the private sewage disposal systems in Orono. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates were retained to do the investigation and submit a report on their findings . 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 The investigation and report are complete. The conclusions and recommendations from the report are contained in Attachment No.2. 3 .2 The conclusions can be summarized by saying that there are serious problems with the private sewage disposal systems in Orono which create a health risk. 3 . 3 The recommendation is that a communal (municipal) sanitary sewer system be investigated as a means of alleviating the health risks which exist in Orono. 3 .4 The Ministry of the Environment has a Direct Grant Program through which the Ministry will provide 100% funding for engineering studies to find a solution to problems such as those that have been found to exist in Orono. The deadline for application under this program was September 30 . An application for a grant was submitted to the Ministry on September 27, 1990. Endorsement by Council is j required to complete the application process . i i , REPORT NO. : WD-91-90 PAGE 3 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT Report WD-91-90 be received; 2 . THAT the Ministry of the Environment be advised that Council endorses the application submitted to them on September 27, 1990, to carry-out a study on a communal sanitary sewer system for the Hamlet of Orono including an Environmental Study Report; and I 3. THAT a copy of Report WD-91-90 and the "Report on the Private Sewage Systems in the Hamlet of Orono" be forwarded to the Ministry of the Environment, Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P. , the Region of Durham and the Orono Business Improvement Association and that they be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, d Y ____________________________ Walter A. Evans P.En g. , Lawrence E. Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE*llv November 19, 1990 Attachments Mr. Gord Mills, M.P.P. Durham East Riding 68 King Street East Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3X2 Ministry of the Environment 7 Overly Boulevard 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 Attention: Mr. G. Boretski, Area Supervisor Region of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Attention: Mr. C. Lundy, Clerk Orono Business Improvement Association Box 309 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Attention: Ms . Sylvia Parker iUl �) i 4-1 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Conclusions Based on our analysis of the private sewage systems within the Hamlet of Orono, we provide the following conclusions regarding their condition. The .conclusions for the downtown core and the area surrounding the core are provided separately. 4.1.1 Downtown Core 1. The downtown core is densely developed and as a consequence, at least 74% of the properties have lot sizes and/or ground conditions that preclude the installation of individual Class 4 or Class 6 private sewage systems . 2. Many of the systems are overloaded and discharge raw sewage to the surface during periods of heavy use. 3. During periods of rainfall and/or high ground water base flow the surface waters throughout the downtown core approximate raw sewage . 4. Contaminated runoff water from the downtown core likely contaminates Wilmot Creek and the branch of Wilmot Creek that flows through the southern part of the study area. 5. It is apparent that a health risk exists throughout the commercial core of Orono due to inadequate private sewage systems . ATTAMMENT N0,1 WD-91-90 ► U16 4-2 4.1.2 Area Surrounding Core 1. A random survey of 75 lots within the area surrounding the core determined that 20% have lot sizes and/or ground conditions that preclude the installation of individual Class 4 or Class 6 private sewage systems. 2. During periods of dry weather the Peters Pike, Andrews Road, and Davids Crescent subdivision and the area bounded by Station Street, Sommerville Drive, Church Street, and Orono Park experience a significant number of cases of sewage breakout and sewage backup. 3. During the periods of rainfall and/or high ground water base flow the surface waters throughout the area surrounding the core approximate raw sewage. 4. It is apparent that a health risk exists throughout the area surrounding the core due to inadequate private sewage systems . This risk is more pronounced within the Peters Pike, Andrews Road, and Davids Crescent subdivision and within the area bounded by Station Street, Sommerville Drive, Church Street and Orono Park. 4.2 Recommendations Based on our analysis of the private sewage systems within the Hamlet of Orono, we provide the following recommendations for future action. The recommendations for the downtown core and the area surrounding the core are provided separately. 4.2.1 Downtown Core 1. The installation of a communal sanitary sewer system within the downtown core should be investigated as a means of alleviating the health risk which exists within the area due to inadequate private t' I sewage systems , Iii i I 4-3 4.2.2 Area Surrounding Core 1. The installation of a communal sanitary sewer system throughout the area surrounding the core should be investigated as a means of alleviating the health risk which exists within the area due to inadequate private sewage systems. It is noted that the relatively isolated and problem free lots south of Millpond Road and on the east side of Ochonski Road can be excluded from this investigation 2. Should the installation of a communal sanitary sewer system throughout the entire area not prove feasible, servicing of at least the Peters Pike, Andrews Road, and Davids Crescent subdivision and the area bounded by Station Street, Sommerville Drive, Church Street, and Orono Park should be investigated. 4.3 Costs The cost to undertake an analysis of a communal sanitary sewer system servicing both the downtown core and the area surrounding the core, including preparation of an Environmental Study Report, is estimated at $100,000.00. All of which is respectfully submitted. Steve Blakey, P.Eng. Richard Tindall, P.Eng, sm Project Manager Project Engineer Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering RT/lh mom I I G.L.TOTTEN B.Sc., P.Eng. R.E.SIMS B.A.Sc.,P.Eng. ❑ J.M. HUBICKI B.A.Sc.,OAA, P.Eng. R.L.WINDOVER M.Sc.,P.Eng, P.C. EBERLEE B.A.Sc., P.Eng. CONSULTANTS TOTTEN SIM T SSOCIBY (1981) LIMITED 500 SS ET WHITBY,CANADA,UN 2C3 { otten Sims hubicki associates (416)88 8-9363 Fax:668-0221 September 27, 1990 Ministry of the Environment 4th Floor 7 Overlea Blvd. Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8 Attention: . Mr. G. Boretski Area Supervisor Re: Town of Newcastle Community of Orono Private Sewage Works Study TSH Project No. 52-0744 Dear Sir: On behalf of the Town of ewcastle.,qsumit ewit h, two (2) copies of the 'Application for Grant-S wage Works Projec for the above-noted project. A copy of our preliminar report which doc ents the problems with private sewage disposal s s 'thin the commun ty is attached. We trust tha receipt of thi li ion will enable your Ministry to support the Town's r quest for funding assistance for an Environmental Study Report. If you have any questions in is regard, or require assistance to complete the PPEC questio naire, please co tact Mr. S. Blakey or the undersigned. Yours very tru �-R. B. Baker, P. Eng. SB/jh Encl. ATTACHMENT NO.2 WD-91-9D C.C. Mr. W. Evans, Town of Newcastle v ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS 1 %) I9 Ap :ation for Grant Preli ry Submit by October 1st for construction of the proposed for next year. En—onmem Sewage Works Project Prom a Soumettre avant le let octobre pour des ontano ,t e de SUbVentioll travaux de construction prevus I'annee suivantt: Minrslere Demand de r— Final Submit after award of contract. I'Enveronnemem Pro jet ton do* s LJ d'bpuratlon der eaux usbes Obtlnitive Apres!a signature du confrat. Municipality Name & Address Munlcipolltb Nom et adresse Town of Newcastle MOE Use Only Ab&ervb au m.de l'E. 40 Temperance Street Protect No. Region � I Bownamanville,Ontario L1C 3A6 N'de proffer Rbgion Project Description Description du proiet Location: Municipal Code -Hamlet of Orono Communal Sanitary Sewer Endrorf: Code municipal including preparation of an ESR. Management by Assessment Value Results: Valour d'dvaluation MOE Approval No. Consultant/Techni I Advisor GPR: Wife c enilicatd'approoation!COnSU/to cons l techni e i m.de 1'£. Category Cafdgone ;Totte Si H ki Assoc. 2,Eatimated Eligible Casts Treatment Works Collection System Coots admissible&asflrnat/ts Usine d'epuration Roseau collecteur A. 1. Construction S i5 Construction 2. Engineering ingenierie 100.000 3. Land.Legal & Surveys Terrain, lrais iuridiques of arpentage 4. Miscellaneous (Provide details) Divers(fournir details) Total S Total IS 1-00,000 Grants from Other Sources(SOecity) B. Moment de/aides)subvenfronfs)Provenant d'autres sources(pree/ser) $ 1$ C. Eligible Costs (A-B) S IS Coots admissibles:(A)-(B) 3�Construction Estimated Ouanerty Cash Flow 1n'000 Dollars Year Movement ov n ement esirmalrf de la fresorene frimesmallement e mdliws de dollars Annee 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 Proposed Start (Month/Year) Date proposee de debut des travaux (Mois/Annee) 1991 $ 25 S 25 S 25 js 25 January 1991 S S s S 4.Project Data Design Population Potential No- DonnNs sur la prolot Population desservie I Eligible Design of Service Support with a co of the Capital Capacity Connections ( copy I Costs (SI) Nombre Associated Design Report.) Coots en Capacite possible de (Appuyees par un exemplaire du Total Residential Equivalent I capital calcu/ee branchement., dossier d'ctude correspondant.) Tota/e Residentielle Equivalente admissibles (Sl) d'eau A. Sewage 1. Existing Treatment Works: Existante 1675 Usine d'epuration des eaux usees: 2. New Nouvelle 2362 B. Sewage 1. Existing Collection Existant System: N/A Roseau 2. New collecteur: Nouveau / Authorized Signatur Date Sig nat e p Bonne autorisee Date 5 �y—� .2-o/ (� 5.MOE Regional Office Use Only Signature Date Rbaarvb ou m.de t'E. (bureau rbpional) Signature Date Status of Subdiv. o No Delay ❑1-2 Yrs. a 3 t Yn. Approval Sans dbler 1!?ons 3 ons - Etat de!'approbation of plus Position de sous-division up to 1 Yr. 2-3 Yrs. Poste Jusou'a 7 an 2♦3 ons MOE oc79 111/1131 To be submitted in duplicate. Instructions on Reverse. A remplir en double exemplaire. Instructions au verso.