HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-86-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT s File # Res. # By-Law # (STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 1, 1990 REPORT #: WD-86-90 FILE #: SU$.ECT: REQUEST BY BERNIE ROTH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A ROCK BERM ON THE EAST SIDE OF FICES ROAD RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-86-90 be received; and 2 . THAT no action be taken to construct a rock berm on the east side of Fices Road; and 3 . THAT Mr. Bernie Roth be advised of Council's decision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENT No. 1: Report WD-60-90: Drainage Problems on Fices Road - Bernie Roth 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 Report WD-60-90: Drainage Problem on Fices Road - Bernie Roth, was considered and approved by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on July 9, 1990, and was subsequently approved by Council on July 16 . . . .2 I REPORT NO. : WD-86-90 PAGE 2 i i 2 .2 Mr. Bernie Roth appeared before Council as a delegation, spoke in support of the report and requested, that in addition to the works recommended in the report, consideration be given to constructing a rock berm on the east side of Fices Road to intercept the silt and topsoil that is washed into the' ditches on Fices Road from the farm field on the east side of Fices Road. Committee passed a resolution that this matter be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and report back to Committee. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 Proposal Reviewed in Field with Mr. Roth Mr. Roth's proposal has been reviewed with him in the field. Mr. Roth's proposal is to construct a rock berm, with filter fabric, on the east side of the cross road culvert on Fices Road (Culvert A which is illustrated on Attachment No. l to Report WD-60-90) . As noted earlier in this report, the purpose of the rock berm is to intercept the silt and topsoil that is washed into the ditches on Fices Road from the farm field on the east side of Fices Road. 3 .2 The rock berm suggested by Mr. Roth could be constructed for about $3,000 and the berm would probably be effective in intercepting most of the silt and topsoil that is washed from the farm field into the ditches on Fices Road. However, it is recommended that the rock berm not be constructed for the following reasons: a) As noted in Report WD-60-90, the estimated cost to clean-out and lower the natural drainage ditch and the roadside ditches is $8,000 plus the cost of the easement over the drainage ditch. The justification for the work is that "The ditches have been a maintenance problem over the years and have had to be clean-out several times because of the silting. " ((�� . . .3 UU � REPORT NO. : WD-86-90 PAGE 3 The rock berm, by design, will require regular maintenance to clean-out the silt and topsoil trapped in the rock berm. This would be costly and would defeat the purpose of cleaning-out and lowering the drainage ditch and the roadside ditches. b) The Town has almost 500 miles of roads, most of which are rural. There are many situations similar to this one elsewhere in the Town and it would be totally impracticable to implement a program such as this for the balance of the Town. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4 . 1 Based on the above it is recommended: 1. THAT Report WD-86-90 be received; and 2 . THAT no action be taken to construct a rock berm on the east side of Fices Road; and 3 . THAT Mr. Bernie Roth be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------ -- - --------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief inistrative Officer WAE*llv September 19, 1990 Attachment TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # — �• By-Law # METING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JULY 9, 1990 REPORT #: WD-60-90 FILE #: SUB,EOT: DRAINAGE PROBLEMS ON FICES ROAD - BERNIE ROTH RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-60-90 be received; 2 . THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed to obtain an easement over the natural drainage ditch running westerly from Fices Road, and upon having obtained Council approval for the purchase of the easement, be authorized to proceed with cleaning- out and deepening of the drainage ditch and, the roadside ditches on Fices Road; 3. THAT the funds for this project be obtained from Account No. 7207-00411-0000 (Ditch Maintenance) ; and 4 . THAt Mr. Bernie Roth be advised of Council's decision and that he be provided with a copy of this report. -------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENT No. l: Key Map y ATTACH 11FNT 'NO . 1 C) U WD-85-90 i i REPORT NO. : WD-60-90 PAGE 2 I 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a meeting of Council held on February 26, 1990, Mr. Bernie Roth appeared as a delegation to advise Council of his complaint about drainage problems on Fices Road in the vicinity of his house. Council passed Resolution #C-141-90 as follows: "THAT the delegation of Mr. Roth be acknowledged and referred back to the Public Works Department for a further review and preparation of a subsequent report to be considered by the General Purpose and Administration Committee. " 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 The problem is that there is a relatively large drainage area east of Fices Road which flows from east to west, the roadside ditches from Mr. Roth's property northerly to the natural drainage ditcL are virtually flat and the bottom of the drainage ditch is about 0 . 3 m (0.98 feet) higher than the west invert (bottom inside) of the cross-road culvert (see Attachment No. l) . Also, Mr. Roth's house, which is located on the west side of Fices Road, is lower than the road. These facts mean that during spring run-off or heavy rainstorms, water, and during certain times, water and silt, back-up in the roadside ditches and flow into Mr. Roth's property. 3 . 2 The solution to the problem is to clean-out and deepen the natural drainage ditch and clean-out and deepen the road-side ditches . In order to do this, an easement is required over the natural drainage ditch. . . . 3 100 ID i REPORT NO. : WD-60-90 PAGE 3 3 .3 The question which must be answered is whether or not the above noted work should be the Town's responsibility. After having carefully considered all the facts, including the points made by Mr. Roth, I have concluded that the Town should assume the responsibility for the following reasons: 1 . The evidence verifies Mr. Roth's claim that over the years, the drainage ditch has silted in. It is quite likely that this process will continue and the problem with regard to the back-up of water and/or water and silt onto Mr. Roth's property will worsen. 2 . The ditches have been a maintenance problem over the years and e have had to be cleaned out several times because of the silting. 4, 3 . The problem of the back-up of water and/or water and silt onto F - Mr. Roth's property has existed for many years . The problem can only be solved by the Town assuming the responsibility for the maintenance of the natural drainage ditch and the roadside ditches. 3.2 The estimated cost to clean-out and lower the natural drainage e ditch and the roadside ditches is $8,000. The cost for obtaining the easement can only be determined by obtaining an appraisal and negotiating with the property owners. 3. 3 The funds for the project can be obtained from Account No. 7207-00411-0000 (Ditch Maintenance) . ` . . .4 0 6 "may _� i REPORT NO. : WD-60-90 PAGE 4 i 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 .1 From the above it is concluded that the Town should assume the responsibility for the maintenance of the natural drainage ditch. It is, therefore, recommended that: 1. That the Director of Public Works be authorized to take the necessary steps to obtain an easement over the natural drainage ditch. 2 . Upon receipt of the easement, the Director of Public Works be authorized to proceed with the cleaning-out and deepening of the drainage ditch and the roadside ditches on Fices Road. 3 . That the funds for the project be obtained from Account No. 7207-00411-000 (Ditch Maintenance) . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------ ------------------ Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief 1� inistrative Officer WAE*llv June 14, 1990 Attachment Mr. Bernie Roth R.R. #5 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8L7 I I 5 (107 INVERT=96.4 INVERT=96.75 _ 36O_m _ _ NATURAL DRAINAGE DITCH CULVERT(A) 10m EASEMENT INVERT=96.7 ` EXISTING ROAD DITCHES CLEVELAND • o a 0 cr A HARMONY CREEK ROTH L HAASS II � • 11 u ENTRANCE CULVERTS n PRIVATE DRAIN II n ' ROTH PROPERTY II I I u INVERT=96.6 T UN O MI CHE S A(� � 4 C NER t T SL SUBJECT SITE t Z 0 n � n I I � ,roo S A. .z�.> � n � 23 21 ]-211- m i9 is t> 16 1 14 DATE:JUNE 1990 DRAWN BY: D.G. IC I „I KEY z� r WD-60-90 1 008 i