HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-66-90 Addendum UNFINISHED BUSINESS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � t REPORT File �� ��,���, ,r �ti #i � )�� �`7 • .� Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JUNE 17 , 1991 REPORT #: WD-66-90 ADDENDUfILE #: CT. REQUEST FROM BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED TO OPEN THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 18 AND 19, SOUTH OF CONCESSION ROAD 6, FORMER CLARKE TOWNSHIP (PATTERSON ROAD) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-66-90 and WD-66-90 ADDENDUM be received; 2 . THAT the request by Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance and construct a road to Town of Newcastle standards between Lots 18 and 19, south of Concession Road 6 , former Township of Clarke, be approved, in accordance with Town Policy and subject to the applicant satisfying all conditions of the Town, financial and otherwise; 3 . THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement between Becas Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle to permit Becas Developments to construct a road on the unopened road allowance for approximately 484 . 63 m ( 1,590 feet) in accordance with Town Standards (Attachment No.7) ; 4 . THAT the Town Solicitor be instructed to prepare the agreement and that the agreement include, but not be restricted to, .the items set out in Schedule 'A' (Attachment No.6) ; . . .2 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 2 5 . THAT the Clerk be directed to take all actions necessary to publicize and give notice of the proposed by-law to establish and layout the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 5, former Township of Clarke, south of Concession Road 6 for approximately 485 m ( 1,590 feet) ; and 6 . THAT the applicant, Mr. Peter Caspari, the applicant's consultant, G. M. Sernas & Associates Limited, Mr. and Mrs. S. Heggie, Mr. and Mrs . G. Lengyel and Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Belle be advised of Council's decision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Report WD-66-90 dated July 9, 1990 No.2 : Resolutions made at the General Purpose and Administration Committee at a Regular Meeting held on July 9, 1990 No. 3: Correspondence dated January 25, 1991, from Dennis Hefferon No.4: Correspondence dated May 7, 1991, from Dennis Hefferon No.5: Minutes of a Meeting Held on April 3, 1991 No. 6 : Schedule 'A' No.7 : Cross-section to be Used for the Design of the Road 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on July 16, 1990, Council passed Resolution #C-496-90: "THAT Report WD-66-90 be referred back to staff for receipt of a legal opinion pertaining to the financial ramifications to the Town should these lands change ownership. " . . . 3 l REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 3 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 The reply from the solicitor to Resolution #C-496-90 was received on January 25, 1991 (Attachment No. 3) . Following receipt of the letter from Mr. Hefferon, a meeting was held on April 3, 1991, with the owners of property abutting the project and with Mr. B. Kawun, G. M. Sernas & Associates (See minutes, Attachment No.4) . 3 .2 Discussions held at the meeting on April 3, 1991, indicated that the following problems still needed resolution: * TREES: Clause 4 In his letter dated May 7, 1991, Mr. Hefferon advised that the Town does not have the legal authority to act as the "banker" for the payment of trees . I Clause 4 of Schedule 'A' has been amended to provide that the monies be paid directly by Becas Developments to Mr. and Mrs. S. Heggie & to Mr. & Mrs . A. Lengyel. Also the amount has been revised from $14,000 to $15,729 to allow for inflation and the G.S.T. * Installation of an Entrance and Gate Into the Heggie Property It was agreed that an entrance and a gate shall be constructed at the Heggie property at a location to be determined by Mr. Heggie. * Location of the Centreline of the Road It was agreed that the centreline of the road will be constructed on the centreline at the road allowance. Schedule 'A' has been amended accordingly. I * AliQnment of the Fences It was agreed that the fences shall be constructed on the property line/limit of the road allowance and shall not deviate from the property line to go around trees, boulders, etc . . . .4 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 4 * Placement of the Wood, Stone and Topsoil The locations for the placement of the wood from the trees, the stone from the fence lines and the topsoil was discussed. Schedule 'A' has been amended to reflect the agreement reached on the above items . * Resolution of Council The concern raised by Council in Resolution #C-496-90 has been reviewed and reported on by our solicitor (Attachment No. 3 and No.5) . My understanding of the concern of the owners of the abutting properties is that they believe that the applicant intends to sell the property which he owns and/or develop a business of selling water from a spring located on his property. The owners of property abutting the project have suggested that a clause be included in the agreement that if the property owned by Mr. Caspari is sold prior to the completion of the road construction the agreement be considered null and void. They have also suggested that a clause be included in the agreement to prohibit the applicant from developing a business of selling spring water from a spring located on his property. I have carefully considered both these issues and based on Mr. Hefferon's advice, I am not prepared to recommend that a clause be included in the agreement to deal with the issues in the manner requested by the owners of the abutting properties . * Advance Copy of Report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee It was agreed that all interested parties would be provided with a copy of this report in advance of the meeting of the Committee. . . .5 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 5 All interested parties have been provided with a copy of the draft of this report to give them an opportunity to provide input, have been provided with a copy of the final report and have been advised that if they wish to appear as a delegation before the General Purpose and Administration Committee they must advise the Clerk, Patti Barrie, prior to noon, Wednesday, June 12 . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------ -- ---- - ----------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief Admi strative Officer WAE*llv May 30, 1991 Attachments pc: G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. Mr. & Mrs . G. Lengyel 110 Scotia Court R.R. #1 Unit 41 Kendal, Ontario Whitby, Ontario LOE 1E0 L1N 8Y7 Attention: B. Kawun Mr. & Mrs . S. Heggie R. R. #1 Mr. & Mrs . A. Van Belle Kendal, Ontario R. R. #1 LOE 1E0 Kendal, Ontario LOE 1E0 Becas Developments Limited 2900 Yonge Street Suite 902 Toronto, Ontario M4N 3N8 Attention: P. Caspari President i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # By-Law # MEETING. GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE V DATE: JULY 9, 1990 REPORT #: WD-66-90 FILE #: SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED TO OPEN THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 18 AND 19, SOUTH OF CONCESSION ROAD 6, FORMER CLARKE TOWNSHIP (PATTERSON ROAD) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-66-90 be received; 2 . THAT the request by Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance and construct a road to Town of Newcastle standards between Lots 18 and 19, south of Concession Road 6, former Township i of Clarke, be approved, in accordance with Town Policy and subject to the applicant satisfying all conditions of the Town, financial and otherwise; L. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement between Becas Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle to allow Becas Developments to construct a road on the unopened road allowance for approximately 484 .63 m ( 1,590 feet) in accordance with Town Standard Attachment No.5 and the conditions( ) ions set out in i i Schedule 'A' (Attachment No. 3) ; and i ATTACHMENT NO, 1 WD-66-90 ADDENDUM ' 2 i e REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 2 4 . THAT Mr. Kelvin Whalen, G. M. Sernas & Associates, Engineering Consultants for the applicant, Mr. P. Caspari, Mr. & Mrs. Heggie, Mr. & Mrs . Lengyel and Mr. & Mrs. Van Belle be advised of Council's decision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l Rey Map No.2A: Report WD-22-89 No.2B: WD-22-89 Addendum No.3 Schedule 'A' No.4 : Ontario Provincial Standard 901.01 (Fencing) No.S : Cross-section To Be Used For the Design of the Road 2 .0 BACKGROUND 2. 1 Becas Developments Limited has attempted to have the subject road allowance opened since 1967, without success . The applicant wishes to obtain a building permit to construct a single family residence on his property which requires that the property has a minimum of 100 feet fronting onto an improved public road. Becas Development:. is prepared to pay all costs associated with the road construction. Resolution #GPA-146-89 approved the recommendations. in Report WD- 22-89 (Attachment No.2A) and the Addendum to Report 'WD-22-89 (Attachment No.2B) . 2.2 Recommendation Number 3 stated: "THAT the request from Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, . south of the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke be approved subject to Becas Developments Limited entering into an agreement with the Town, to satisfy all requirements of the Town, financial and otherwise. " I � � 7 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 3 I 2 . 3 The applicant has agreed to enter into an agreement with the Town to build the road to the Town's standards, satisfy all financial requirements and comply with all legal requirements . The applicant has further agreed to perform certain works requested by abutting property owners as part of the contract. 2 .4 There are three abutting property owners on Patterson Road; Mr. & Mrs. Lengyel, Mr. & Mrs. Van Belle and Mr. & Mrs. Heggie i (Attachment No. 1) . All property owners were contacted to determine their interest or concerns with respect to opening the road allowance abutting their properties . All abutting owners originally objected to the opening of the road and expressed concerns about the effects the opened road would have on their properties, both financial and otherwise. 2 .5 Meetings were arranged to discuss those concerns with the applicant at which time the owners submitted certain requests . Times and Dates of Meetings: October 20, 1989 - 11:00 a.m. Meeting with Mr. Heggie November 27, 1989 - 2 :30 p.m. All attended March 7, 1990 - 2 :00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Van Belle (not available) Mr. & Mrs. Lengyel Mr. & Mrs . Heggie s June 14, 1990 - 2 :00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs . Lengyel 7 :00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs . Heggie Mr. & Mrs. Van Belle 2 .6 Public Works is not able to recommend that all requests of the abutting owners be satisfied. However, we have recommended that E the developer, Mr. Caspari, be responsible to build the road to the standard set out by the Town and restoration be completed to a standard the same as if the construction project was being completed by a contract awarded by the Town. Mr. Caspari has y agreed to supply and perform certain other works requested by the abutting property owners . . . .4 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 4 - I 2.7 Affect of Construction of Road on Taxes No additional tax assessment will be levied against the Lengyel of Van Belle properties. However, the Heggies receive reductions amounting to 50% of the total assessed values due to the fact that the property does not front onto an improved public road and a building permit is not available. The property owned by the Heggies would no longer be eligible for this reduction and therefore the property would be taxed as property with frontage onto a year-round maintained road. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 The following items considered in the two meetings held with the property owners have been summarized. Schedule 'A' (Attachment No.3) to this report consists of the items agreed to and the items Public Works feels should be included as part of the contract for the construction of the road allowance. 1) Costs The applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the construction of the road allowance. 2 ) Portable Washrooms The applicant will provide for portable washrooms in the specifications for the contract for the road construction. 3) Disposal of Wood Cleared as a Result of Road Construction The agreement will require that the wood available from the removal of the trees adjacent to the abutting properties will be cut into four foot lengths and be delivered to a location on the adjacent property satisfactory to the property owners. 4) Removal of Field Stone Mr. Caspari has agreed that arrangements will be made with the contractor to remove existing field stone and place it in an area on the Heggie property to be designated by Mr. Heggie. . .5 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 5 5) Topsoil Topsoil not used for ditches will be distributed to adjacent property owners. The contractor will deposit excess topsoil on adjacent property owners' land on a location designated by the owners. 3 .2 The abutting property owners submitted the following requests and the Director agreed the requests would be dealt with as part of this report: 1) Replacement of Existing Farm Fence The existing farm fence is 2-3 metres inside the proposed road allowance in most areas. Recommendation: S It is recommended that Becas Developments Limited replace the existing fence on both sides of the road allowance with a farm type fence for the distance of the construction at his expense. This recommendation is- based on the Town's position with respect to restoration. If the Town were constructing the road and there was evidence a fence existed, the fence would be replaced, on the property line, in accordance with Ontario Provincial Standard 901.01. 2) Fencing That Becas Developments construct a fence along the southern border of Mr. Heggie's property adjoining the Becas property. Recommendation: The Public Works Department does not support this request because it is external to the construction of the road. It is therefore, recommended that this be dealt with between the property owners and not included in the agreement with the Town. At a previous meeting Mr. Caspari agreed to share the cost of a mutually agreeable farm fence to be established by legal survey between the properties. t . . . 6 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 6 3) Entranceway That Becas Developments construct an entrance to the Heggit property as part of the road construction contract. Recommendation: The Public Works Department does not support this request; it is felt that this request is not fair. 4 ) Gate Installation That Becas Developments erect a gate at the proposed entrance location to Mr. Heggie's property. Recommendation: The Public Works Department does not support this request; it is felt that this request is not fair. 5) Trees Mr. Lengyel feels that many of the trees on his property will be killed by the road construction. He also feels that th construction of the road will result in his losing the benefit of the many trees which are on the road allowance. For these reasons, Mr. Lengyel has requested that the applicant, Becas Developments, be required to supply and have planted on Mr. Lengyel's property, 100 Austrian Pines . Mr. Heggie stated that he would want the same for his property. After some discussion with Mr. Lengyel, it was agreed that the agreement with Becas Developments provide that the letter of credit which the Town will require as part of the agreement, will include $14,000 to provide for the cost of the trees . I 7 . 7 i_ t' REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 7 It was also agreed that Mr. Lengyel and Mr. Heggie would make their own arrangements to have the trees supplied and planted on their property and submit an invoice to the Town. A copy i of the invoice from the nursery which supplied and planted the trees will be provided to the Town and that the Town will pay the nursery. i i The $14,000 is to be proportioned as follows: Frontage of the Lengyel property 990 feet Frontage of the Heggie property 499 feet TOTAL 1,489 feet i . (- Money available for the supply and planting of trees on the Lengyel property is: 990 x $14,000 = $9,308 1,489 - 1 Money available for the supply and planting of trees on the Heggie property is: t' 499 x $14,000 = $4,692 1,489 TOTAL $14,000 :z ` Recommendation: That the agreement with Becas Developments provide for $14,000, to be paid out by the Town, to Mr. Lengyel and Mr. Heggie upon receiving a copy of the invoice from the nursery for the supply and planting of the trees. 3 .3 The matters of building permits, zoning and future use of Caspari lands were discussed. Mr. Heggie requested assurance that the zoning on the Becas property would remain unchanged. The property owners were advised that all applications for rezoning must be considered and that no assurance can be given that the use of the land will not change. i k< i . . . 8 i REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 8 3.4 This report was reviewed with Mr. Caspari's consultant and the abutting property owners on Thursday, June 14, 1990. Mr. and Mrs. Lengyel object to the project, in principle, but indicated their co-operation if the project is approved by Council, such that the applicant is required to provide for those items noted in this report and Schedule 'A' . Mr. and Mrs. Van Belle indicated their co-operation provided there will be no cost assessed to them. Mr. and Mrs. Heggie very strongly oppose the construction of the road and disagree with the recommendations of this report. 4.0 SUMMARY 4. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lengyel do not support the opening of the road, but if approval is given by the Town to open the road, the applicant be required to do those things that are listed on Schedule "A 4.2 Mr. and Mrs. Heggie are opposed to the opening of the road and do not agree with the recommendations in this report. 4.3 Mr. and Mrs. Van Belle are not opposed to the opening of the road provided that there will be no costs assessed to them. 4.4 The applicant, through his consultant, Kelvin Whalen, G. M. Sernas & Associates has advised that he agrees with the recommendations with the exception of the requirement for the provision of $14,000 for the supply and planting of trees on the Lengyel and Heggie properties . 5.0 COPY OF REPORT GIVEN TO ALL PARTIES INVOLVED 5 . 1 A copy of this report was forwarded to all interested parties on June 27, 1990. . . . 9 .4 9 REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 9 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6 . 1 THAT the request by Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance and construct a road to Town of Newcastle standards between Lots 18 and 19, south of Concession Road 6, former Township of Clarke, be approved, in accordance with Town Policy and subject to the applicant satisfying all conditions of the Town, financial and otherwise; 6 .2 THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement I between Becas Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle to allow Becas Developments to construct a road on the unopened road allowance for approximately 484. 63 m ( 1,590 feet) in accordance with Town Standard (Attachment No.S) and the conditions set out in Schedule 'A' (Attachment No. 3) ; and 6 . 3 THAT Mr. Kelvin Whalen, G. M. Sernas & Associates, Engineering Consultants for the applicant, Mr. P. Caspari, Mr. & Mrs. Heggie, Mr. & Mrs . Lengyel and Mr. & Mrs . Van Belle be advised of Council's decision. 4 k 1 i S i I t k. I i . . . 10 t� n REPORT NO. : WD-66-90 PAGE 10 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, -`-- Walter, A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief A inistrative Officer JCO*WAE*llv June 19, 1990 Attachments G. M Sernas & Associates Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. G. Lengyel 110 Scotia Court R.R. #1 Unit 41 Kendal, Ontario Whitby, Ontario LOE 1E0 L1N 8Y7 Attention: Mr. K. Whalen Mr. & Mrs. A. Van Belle R.R. #1 Mr. & Mrs. Heggie Kendal, Ontario R.R. #1 LOE lE0 Kendal, Ontario LOE 1E0 Becas Developments Limited 255 DonWay West Suite 326 Don Mills, Ontario M3B 3M3 Attention: Mr. Peter Caspari President i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # E �. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 23, 1989 REPORT #: J WD-22-89 FILE #: SECT: REQUEST-FROM BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED TO OPEN THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOT 18 AND 19, SOUTH OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 5 AND 6, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General. Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-22-89 be received; and 2. THAT the request from Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance between lots 18 and 19, south of the road allowance between Concession 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke be approved subject to Becas Developments Limited entering in an agreement with the Town to satisfy all requirements of the Town, financial and otherwise; and 3. THAT Mr. R.D. Webster, P. Eng., Manager, G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd., Professional Consulting Engineers, 185 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 4H3 be advised of, Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Letter dated September 8, 1988 from Mr. R.D. Webster ATTAC Uff NO. �'-@-66-00 . . .2 .. J _ I I LOT 19 LOT I8 CON_ 6 CON 6 CONC. RD. 6 GENE & STEVEN RUDOLF 81 MARIA HEGGIE HARIETTA LENGYEL BOT k 35-079-15 3-5-079-02 3-5-079-09 v- O rn L E Lo REQUESTED s ' OPENING BETTY HEGGIE 3-5-079-01 ALBERT VANBELLE 3-5-081 BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 0 3-5-079 0 o ° a � � W Z Q 1 O � t W Z F- 1- F- a to 4 X W 1 A ° O m O 2-: z y °ci �K W & J • 2 = lC RD. 6 F. SITE EC T o II m or } L a <? W o w & DATE= JUNE 1990 DRAWN BY= D.G. = C. 5 AT A(HIBIT X10, 1 KEY MAP 1`,0-66-90 } i I c/rlI<IS September Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Public Works Scugog Street Hampton, Ontario Attention: Mr _ W- A_ [:vans , P_ Eng . Director of Public Works. Dear Sir :_ RE_ BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED PARCEL E, LOT 18 CONCESSION 5 • TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE OUR PROJECT NO_ 88141 Further to our site inspection of July 14 , 1988, we hereby request on behalf of our client, Becas Developments Limited , that the Town initiate the necessary action in order to open the road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, south of the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6 for a distance of approximately 485m ( 1590 feet ) in order to accommodate access to our Client 's property known as Parcel Our Client is prepared to complete the necessary engineering and complete construction to the standards of the Town of Newcastle, including applicable drainage works, to allow for the issuance of a single building permit for the construction of a summer residence on the above noted property. A reduced copy of the assessment drawings indicating the requested road allowance opening , is attached for your reference . We trust that the above is self explanatory and await your response to our request _ Yours very truly , G .M. �cE[09A:5 c ASS,Oc:LATKS [,TD_ _ R_ D`.. Webster ' P _ Eng.- Manager-•,_...Wh�tby Office' ff ice 3/ 30 RDW: jc ` ? . cc : Becas nev�lo[�menr. [.i:nited , Atrn : .:�� _ �:;,,.,: , ATTACIIJEff NO . T - I4L-22 -j'i ADDEigDUi` i I page 2 WD-22-89 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 On September 8, 1988 a letter from Mr. R.D. Webster was received requesting, on behalf of Becas Development Limited, approval to open the road allowance between lots 18 and 19 south of the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke. (See Attachment No.l) 2.2 The request was discussed with Mr. Webster and it was agreed to defer dealing with the request until early in 1989. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 At the present time, the property owned by Becas Developments Limited (Refer to sketch attached to letter from Mr. Webster) is land locked and 6 . a building permit cannot be obtained until the road is constructed, to the Town's standards, from the road allowance between Concession 5 and 6, southerly to his property. e 3.2 In his letter, Mr. Webster states that his client is prepared to complete n;,•-,=ssary engineering, complete construction to the standards of the '^ T•,,:, • bioiny applicable drainage works, to allow for the insuance of a .j bui.ldi.ng permit for the construction of a summer residence on the above-noted property. 3.3 The planning Department has advised that once the road has been constructed to the Town's standards, a building permit would be available for a summer residence. I 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 It is, therefore, recommended that the request made by Mr. R.D. Webster on behalf of Becas Developments Limited, to open the road allowance between lots 18 and 19, south of the road allowance between Concessions 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke be approved subject to Becas Developments Limited ' satisfying all the requirements of the Town, financial and otherwise. Respectfully submitted, Recommei.d,: ,� ..jr presentation _ to t:' Co9-flu ee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrence C. �otseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative Officer. i i TOWN OF NEWCASTLE T �4• t � REPORT File # Res_ # By-Law # EKING. GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING (ATE: FEBRUARY 6, 1989 EP'ORT #: WD-22-89 ADDENDUM FILE #: SLJ&ECT; REQUEST FROM BECAS DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED- TO OPEN THE ROAD ALLOWACCE BETWEEN LOT 18 AND 19, SOUTH OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSION 5 AND 6, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE l' `ECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: c- fi' 1. THAT Report WD-22-89 ADDENDUM be received; and 2. THAT Report WD-22-89 be lifted from the table and approved. REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held ' on January 23, 1989, Report WD-22-89 was tabled to permit the addition of a plan showing the location of the proposed road opening. 2.0 . REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Attached to this report is Attachment No_1 which shows the location of the proposed road opening and Attachment No.2 which shows the property ownerships adjacent to the proposed road opening. ATTACRuir w, 2B . . .2 VID-66-90 Page 2 WD-22-89 ADDENDUM 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that WD-22-89 be lifted from the table and approved. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrence E. Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative Officer. :llv January 31, 1989 J ; 257 I i 1R U I 0 U ^ '� 11 y � p Q 0 0 °I I . U Q O CD Z �.. a p C] � Z Q J LLJ Q OOC _ J C NC. R0. ;8 w ° ui SITE \--oC.A AT ION a a O tl w - m Q a; >- w w n C. x ° Q v 3 o z c� w x _ 5 i ° (� t Q I 1 w ° J _ > U) o 0 Q a o a CON R f p A F�& i COWA Q = O ° 'IT NO . v 25 24 23 22 ?1 M 9 1a 17 16 WD-22-89 ADDENDUM i i m U�naN�Qab E�-ZZ-CPI x Z ' ON 1N]bJ!F!Odlld � D jJ < z m r p 0 d a-- -I a 1 O- b Co ' �N1N �dC7 -P c� 7.1 ciVJ -} cD 7 SCHEDULE 'A' 1. COSTS The applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the construction of the road. 2. PORTABLE WASHROOMS The applicant will make provision in the contract for the contractor to provide portable washrooms for construction personnel. 3. WOOD FROM TREES The applicant will make provision in the contract that the contractor will supply wood cut from the road allowance to the abutting property owners. The wood is to be cut in four foot (4 feet) lengths and delivered to a specified location satisfactory to the property owners. The wood is to be divided in equal portions- to those property owners who request it. 4. PLANTING OF TREES That Becas Developments provide $14,000 for the planting of trees on the Lengyel and on the Heggie properties. These funds will be held by the Town and will be paid to Mr. Lengyel and Mr. Heggie upon receipt of an invoice from a nursery or other supplier for the supply and planting of the trees on the property. These funds are to be distributed in the amount of a maximum of $9,308 to Mr. and Mrs. Lengyel and a maximum of $4,692 to Mr. and Mrs. Heggie. 5. TOPSOIL Topsoil not used for ditches will be distributed to adjacent I_ property owners. The contractor will deposit excess topsoil on adjacent property owners' land on a location designated by the owners. 6. STABILIZATION OF LAND Agreement specifies seed where possible. Sod will be used if erosion is considered a problem. t ` 7. FENCING The applicant will make provision to have a farm type fence erected in accordance with the Ontario Provincial Standard 901.01 on both i sides of the road for the distance of the construction. 8. STONE The applicant will make provision in the contract to have field stone delivered to a specified location satisfactory to Mr. Heggie. i ATTANUff NO, 3 VID-66-90 i 3,50m brace panel — Standard post spacing 3.50m brace panel �-- Gate opening~{ Form entrance. (Note I') ooden or I 4.90m walk I Brace rw Steel Brace Gat4 gote I.iom !Terminal post post lin e post post post- - t 177,�77I7777777//711111 i 11,,,,.,.�,,,,,.,, ............. ... I I I I E c l j I 100 x IOOmm x Ground Diagonal brace wire _ l l 3.70 m wood brace. I I E e line (Four 3.5 mm wire I I E E I I 420 l 1 1 E I I strands twisted in I I E Lu - 1 tension ), Typical u� Li U u Nole 2 ioox IOOrnmx3.70m FENCE DETAILS T post- J r- wood brace IN EARTH SHALE, LOOSE OR FRIABLE ROCK nol post 3.5 mm tie wires shrink/ -fencing ent grout IN ROCK Wooden line post r--3.50m brace panel Standard post—•1 spacing Overburden Ii i_-Post hole to be X I II 11 Ground '�U X i' drilled �U line (See table below) -�--WITH WOODEN POSTS FENCE SPLICING DETAIL Loy together end stay wires of-each of the two sections to be spliced.Then wrap the overhanging ends tightly around line wire with pliers or splicing tool. Cut away stay if necessary to allow sufficient length for splicing, 3.50 m brace panel Gotq post Steel line post Standard post-+1+- 3.50m brace panel spacing 60x60 xG mm angle Iron Overburden y I r•-Post hole to Y I I Ground �Ox50x6 mm D L' be drilled TLj line angle Iron (See table below) ee footing detall a�or�b WITH STEEL POSTS DETAILS IN SOLID ROCK Bra C post 175 or 185 Post dlo, 50 200 mm min e — top for terminal posts 175 O -150mm min v top for line og I I posts -330 mm max 150 butt end for all posts . I 1 50 or 100 Irl I 1 1 110 or.125 J 1 I u WIRE SPACING 8& POST DIA NOTES: I Standard post spacing: Wooden post to wooden post -6.0 m. Steel post to steel or wooden post-5.0 m. 2 Tie steel posts and wooden post together top and bottom with 3.5 mm wire. A Ratio of steel posts to wooden post shall be 3; 1 unless otherwise specified. 8 All dimensions are in millimetres or metres unless otherwise shown. Steel angle Ground concrete ; Iron line(TYP) � I + L l angle Overburden „ :t n 0 to 450mm max �'•' I Rock Non shrink Non shrink 3 0 line 400 cement grout I I cement grout (Typ) i IJ '`-100 mm dia l'--100 mm do If sted-co or Detail a Detail b blosted-concrete Overburden less than 450mm Overburden more than 450 mm �300�-- ONTARIO PROVINCIAL STANDARD DRAWING HIGHWAY FENCE Date 1 1988 05 ATTACK-EFT FT NO, A M-66-90 OPSD - 901 . 01 #50mmmin r80 mm max Dverburden min IOOmmdia Rev 1 3 F= N h 3Nn X1.83d0dd LCl OO p `n Z U) w � d1 o E W � � p O z Q cD Ld U w E ►�- O M � U 4Na t"W O09 la N = tD -pm tp � 0 N ld W 4J 1 $4 O d m :7 A 11 0 )'Q +4 O Uv w oc w 0 44 �• m Q o Y U 1 cr M N V o o o O a.0 > M m m 3 +1 O A m O '• CT • m N m 4 O 1� m N J� N�. A N W o N N d H _ 3 m M N 3 d N 0 ON 4J - O o `' Q 3 .i M� o Q rn cn a 3 v 0 a v cn.-i to +I Od tc) Id Od to Z N b+ m A ?�Q I m0 T 0-1 •r' ;� •1: ONa m 14 N W !1 m O m E E U MUI 009 o a c N -4 .� m O p vNA "'o -4 N�41 3r+� dH .o ..4-)-1 maA O�N N • 30-40 w D > Am b.-1-1.-1 v W m d m w 4-+ m 014 v N tr - 00w > 0m 7+- ) 0 "0m aNS am �mA O Z In Z Z Z m tji-�A A v 0 0 N-01 3dOlS 40 3 0_ � ommm � om "0 43--4+ 0d -� UN•.-1� dv y owl id..Ui ..N 0 l 4 w m V W r 1aU -4m+1v m-I a O-i m em O xO "4 mO a m m m O mwP . M ~ ow.o-1•w�wp o UA'a w .c.di E J G'HO�v0 UHR1430 H0 O LL F H O Z-4 n U ch v Ln Nil Al2i3d02id ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES EXCEPT WHERE NOTED Town of Newcastle Public Works oeprtrnent CHECKED. CR0 S SEC110N REVISION NO- GRADING , GRANULAR BASE AND SURFACE DATE APR. 1988 TREATMENT JULY 25, 1988 RURAL ROADS ' FOR" G.P.A. Minutes _ 19 - July 9, 1990 Request from Becas Resolution #GPA-544-90 Developments Limited to Open the Road Allowance Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor Hamre between lots 18 and 19, South of Concession,::_:- ,_:THAT Report WD-66-90 be received; Road 6, former Clarke Township THAT the request by Becas Developments Limited to open the road allowance (Patterson Road) and construct a road to Town of Newcastle standards between Lots 18 and 19, 77.2.150 south of Concession Road 6, former Township of Clarke, be approved, in accordance with Town Policy and subject to the applicant satisfying all conditions of the Town, financi l and otherwise; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement between Becas Developments Limited and the Town of Newcastle to allow Becas Developments to construct a road on the unopened road allowance for approximately 484.63 m (1,590 feet) in accordance with Town Standard (Attachment No.5 to Report WD-66-90) and the conditions set out in Schedule 'A' (Attachment No.3 to Report WD-66-90); and THAT Mr. Kelvin Whalen, G. M. Sernas & Associates, . for the applicant, Mr. P. E��'�b Consultants Mr. & Mrs. Van Belle be advised Mr. & Mrs. Heggie, Mr. & Mrs. Lenael and advised of Councils decision. "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTIONS) Resolution #GPA-545-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT the foregoing Resolution #GPA-54490 be amended by adding thereto: "THAT Becas Develop of the road ments construct an entrance to the Heggie property as part ce�truction contract". "CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING" (SEE FOLLOWING AMENDING MOTION) Resolution #GPA-546-90 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT Resolution #GPA-544-90 be amended by adding thereto: "THAT the concerns of Mr. J. Lenvel be addressed and trees be protected whenever possible." "CARRIED" The foregoing Resolution #GPA-544-90 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED. ATTACHMENT NO. 2 WD-66-90 ADDENDUM P S hibley Righton Barristers & Solicitors RICHARD E.SHIBLEY, DENNIS C.HEF ERONQ C JOHN D.BOGART,ORUPERT F. C DONALD K.ROBINS DONALD o.C. Tel.:(416)363-9381 RICHARD E.ANKA,Q.C. BARRY S.WORTZMAN,O.C. LESLIE S.MASON Fax.:(416)365-1717 MICHAEL GORDON DEZ WIND ISCHMANN JOHN P.BELL MICHAEL FITZPATRICK,Q.C. GEORGE CORN PETER H.SMITH BRIAN M.CAMPBELL V.ROSS MORRISON P.JOHN PITCHER GEORGE A.ROBERTSON ALAN L.BROMSTEIN JOHN C.SPEARN MICHAEL C.BIRLEY PETER C.WILLIAMS RICHARD A.B.DEVENNEY MICHAEL L.PATERSON J.PAUL WEARING PAUL E.McINNIS BERNARD McGARVA PETER G.NEILSON CLIFFORD I.COLE Box 32—401 Bay Street JONATHAN H.FLANDERS CHARLES SIMCO THOMAS A.STEFANIK BARBARA R.C.DOHERTY WILLIAM L.NORTHCOTE JAMES ROSSITER Toronto,Canada CAROL A.STREET HELDER M.TRAVASSOS PETER M.WHALEN PETER V.RAYTEK J.JAY RUDOLPH BRIAN W.CHU CYNTHIA J.GUNN MARTIN J.HENDERSON ANITA T.KAIN M5H 2ZI NICHOLAS T.MACOS WARREN S.RAPOPORT RICHARD E.COLES CHRISTOPHER B.LOBE MERLE M.NUDELMAN MARTIN PETERS ALEXANDER P.TORGOV SEAN M.FORAN CHARLES M.GASTLE PHILIP P.HEALEY R,PETER A.MACDONALD DONALD A.McNEILL SHEILA M.QUIGLEY TIMOTHY J.HILL J.PAUL R.HOWARD WADE D.JAMIESON LEONARD D.RODNESS NETANUS T.RUTHERFORD Suite IHOO THOMAS R.WHITBY SANDRA E.DAWE LINDA J.GODEL JANIS E.INGRAM CHRISTINE M.SILVERSIDES JEFF G.A.BU RTT SALVATORE J.P.FRISINA JOHN D.HISCOCK OSCAR J.SALA The Simpson Tower COUNSEL MARTIN L.OBRIEN,Q.C. BARRY D.LIPSON,Q.C. '.. January 25, 1991 VIA FAX NO. 1(416) 623-5717 Mr. Walter Evans Director of Public Works C Town of Newcastle y i 1 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Evans: Re: Becas Developments Limited's ("Becas°) Application to Open as a Public Highway the Allowance between Lots 18 & 19, South of Concession Road 6, Former Clarke Township, (Patterson Road) I am writing to you regarding the above matter which was dealt with in Report WD#66-90. In the course of the preparation of this report, you asked Mr. N. Macos of our firm to provide you with legal advice concerning certain issues. Subsequently, you asked for confirmation of that advice in writing. I am responding to the latter request. ATTACHMENT ACE�,1ENT N0, 3 WD-66-90 ADDENDUM Shibley Righton - 2 - ENCLOSURES AND REMOVAL OF TREES There are several facts set out in Report #66-90 which need to be noted at the outset. First, the above allowance is an original road allowance. Second, there are certain encroachment areas on the allowance which have been enclosed with abutting properties. Third, there are a large number of trees growing on the allowance in question which will have to be cut and removed if the proposed road is to be constructed. Fourth, it is proposed that when these trees are cut down, the timber would be disposed of by gift to certain of the abutting property owners and not sold to anyone. Since the allowance is an original allowance and private persons are in possession of and have enclosed portions of it by installing fences that apart from the fact that the title to the allowance is vested in the Town, would be lawful, and since the allowance in has not been opened as a public highway apparently because parallel roads to it have been established, in my opinion, Subsection 300(1), of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, c.302 will apply. Under that Subsection, until a by-law has been passed by the Town Council for "opening" the allowance under Subsection 300(1), the abutting owners who have enclosed parts of the allowance are deemed to be legally possessed of the part of which they are in possession against all persons except the Town. In my opinion, in application to the present circumstances, the term "opening" as used in Subsection 300(1) of the Act means opening up the total area of the allowance in question, that is by removing any fence erected by abutting owners. In short, the limited Shibley Righton - a - right of the abutting owners to possess the enclosed parts of the allowance in question will terminate on the enactment of a by-law pursuant to Subsection 300(1). However, as a result of Subsection 300(2) of the Municipal Act, a by-law cannot be passed to "open" an allowance in the sense just mentioned "until notice in writing of the intention to pass it has been given to the person in possession at least eight days before the meeting of the Council at which the by-law is to be taken into consideration." Although I more than eight days notice of the G.P.A. Committee meeting at which Report WD#66- I 90 was considered, was given to the persons in possession of parts of the allowance in question, in my opinion, Subsection 300(2) requires that eight day's notice must also be given of the meeting of Council itself at which the by-law to implement Report WD#66- 90 could be considered in order for the by-law to be effective in law. With regard to the trees now growing on the allowance in question,under Subsection 313(3) of the Municipal Act, trees "upon a highway, are deemed to be appurtenant to the land adjacent to the highway and nearest thereto. Prior to removing such a tree, a by-law would have to be passed pursuant to Subsection 313(4)(e). Although it may argued that Section 313 of the Municipal Act does not apply to the present situation since the trees are growing on an unopened road allowance, that is on land which does not yet comprise a public highway, and since implementation of Report #G.P.A. 66-90 will necessitate the passing of a by-law to establish and lay out a public 7 Shibley Righton - 4 - highway and that by-law may be passed prior to the removal of the trees in question, it i would be prudent to pass a by-law under Subsection 313(4)(a) of the Municipal Act to authorize the removal of the trees from the allowance. A by-law cannot be passed under Subsection 312(4)(e) unless it is in the public interest to remove the trees and then only after ten days notice of the Town's intention is given to the owner of any abutting land to which the tree is appurtenant. In the circumstances it would be prudent to give this notice to all owners of lands which abut the allowance in question. Since the allowance in question is an original allowance, Paragraph 309 6 of the Municipal Act would be applicable if it was proposed to sell the timber or trees now growing on it. This Paragraph authorizes a municipal council to pass by-laws: "for preserving or selling the timber or trees on any original allowance road, subject however ... in the case of an unopened original allowance for road, ... the approval of the Minister of Natural Resources". Since Report WD#66-90 proposes that the Town give the timber to certain of the abutting owners, (that is make a grant of the timber to them), in my opinion, a "sale" of the timber would not be involved. Therefore, in my opinion, the prior approval of the Minister of Natural Resources to a by-law passed to approve Report WD#66-90 would not be Shibley Righton - 5 - required under Paragraph 309(6) of the Municipal Act. PROCEDURE UNDER SECTION 298 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT TO ESTABLISH AND LAY OUT A HIGHWAY As I noted above, a by-law passed pursuant to Section 300 of the Municipal Act to "open" the road allowance will only have the effect of authorizing the Town to remove the fences enclosing areas of the road allowance in question with abutting lands. In order to establish a public highway in the present circumstances, a by-law must be passed under Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act. Before passing such a by-law, the Town must comply with the advertising and process requirements of Section 301 of the Municipal Act, as well as the requirements of the Act and the Regional Municipality of Durham Act. Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act provides: "The council of every municipality may pass by-laws, (a) for establishing an laying out highways." In the common situation where a new plan of subdivision is approved and registered, draft approval usually will have been given conditional on the making of an agreement with the Town. Typically, that agreement will require the subdivider to construct to the municipality's specifications and satisfaction, the services and pavement necessary to actually create a road on the allowances shown on the plan of subdivision in question. When the Shibley Righton - 6 - I road has been constructed to the Town's specifications and satisfaction, and the warranty period has expired, the Town Council may assume the road as a public highway. This assumption usually is effected by by-law. Once the road has been assumed as a public highway, the Town is required to keep the highway in repair. Also, from the time of the assumption of the road, members of the public have the right to use it as a public highway. Of course, the status of the road as a public highway and the right of the public to use it can only be changed by by-law passed under Subsection 298(1) of the Municipal Act to close the highway after full compliance with the process requirements of Section 301 of the Municipal Act. The road allowances shown on a registered plan of subdivision are owned in fee simple by the Town from the date of registration of the plan of subdivision on title. Construction of a road pursuant to the requirements of a subdivision agreement will take place on the Town-owned allowance. Prior to the approval and registration of the plan of subdivision in question, title to the proposed roadways will have been the subdivider concerned. Construction of the roads on a registered plan of subdivision will proceed in accordance with the requirements of the particular subdivision agreement after title to the j allowances has been vested in the Town. Following completion of the roads and the expiry of the warranty period, the assumption by-law either explicitly or implicitly will provide for i I Shibley Righton - 7 - the dedication of the road for the use by the public as a public highway. The Town's liability to repair dates from the assumption of the roads in question. Report WD#66-90 presents a situation that is somewhat unusual today. The original road allowance is owned in fee simple by Town by force of the Municipal Act and not as a result of registration on title of a plan of subdivision. The proposed road is constructed by Becas on the Town-owned unopened allowance. I In the case of the unopened allowance in question, the appropriate way to proceed would be for Council to pass a by-law under Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act following compliance with the process requirements of Section 301 of the Act and, of course, following adoption by Council of your recommendations contained in Report WD#66-90. Although the point is not free from legal dispute, and despite the fact that frequently municipalities will pass by-laws ostensibly under the authority of Subsection 298(1)(a) after a road has been constructed, in my opinion, the term "laying out" as used in Subsection 298(1)(a) is correctly interpreted in law to mean laying out the proposed road on the ground by survey and declaring that as so laid out the road is a public highway. (See Schrader v. Gratten [1945] O.R. 657; Re Ostrom and Sidney [1887] 15 O.R. 43, appeal allowed on different grounds 15 O.A.R. 372, and Reeve v. Fort William [1955] O.W.N. 207.) Therefore, in my opinion, in the present circumstances, it is open to the Town i '7 0 Shibley Righton - 8 - Council to pass a by-law under Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act in partial implementation of Report WD#66-90 prior to the construction of the road in question as a public highway in order to establish and lay out a public highway, assuming of course, that the requirements of Section 301 of the Act will be satisfied. Prior to the enactment of such a by-law, an agreement should be executed by Becas with the Town dealing with the construction of the road in question, including matters of insurance, indemnity, and security. I would contemplate that the agreement would contain the relevant provisions of the standard subdivision agreement used by the Town. Any security that is required by the agreement including insurance should be deposited with the Treasurer prior to the passing of a by-law under Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act. BY-LAWS REQUIRED TO BE PASSED TO IMPLEMENT REPORT WD#6-90 In summary, and subject to what will be said below concerning the recommendations contained in Report W13#66-90 respecting the supply and planting of trees on privately- owned land, if Council approves the Report, the following by-laws should be passed after complying the process requirements noted above: 1. A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement to implement the construction, security, insurance and indemnity requirements proposed in the Report; G7 1 Shibley Righton - 9 - 2. A by-law under Section 313 of the Municipal Act to authorize the removal of trees now growing in the allowance; 3. A by-law under Section 300 of the Municipal Act "to open" the allowance in question; and 4. A by-law under Subsection 298(1)(a) of the Municipal Act "to establish and lay out a public highway in the allowance in question. NEW TREES PROPOSED TO BE PLANTED ON ABUT'T'ING PROPERTIES As you note in your letter to Mr. Macos of June 28, 1990 paragraph 3.2 of Report WD#66-90 provides for the Town to act "the banker" for the payment of the cost of the supply and planting of trees of the Langyel and Heggie properties. The proposal is that Becas would provide the Town with a letter of credit in the amount of$14,000.00 to provide for the cost of the trees. The Town would make payments in response to invoices submitted from time to time by Mr. Langyel and Mr. Heggie. Apart from the legality of the proposed arrangement, I would note that its implementation would require either that the Town establish a fund of $14,000.00 from its own monies and call on the letter of credit after all disbursements have been made, or that � � 7 2 Shibley Righton the Town call on the letter of credit prior to making any disbursements for the purposes set out in paragraph 3.2 of the Report. I assume that what is intended is the latter. However, it is not clear to me why a letter of credit would be proposed rather than a cash deposit from which disbursements would be made with any remaining balance being repaid to Becas. With regard to the legality of the proposed arrangement, I note that the disbursement of monies for trees to be planted on private property is permitted only with the consent of the owner where "shade or ornamental trees" are being planted adjacent to any highway. In such a case, municipal funds may be used to pay the cost of supplying and planting such trees. If the trees in question could be so described, the Town would have power to pass a by-law under Subsection 313(4)(b) of the Municipal Act to authorize the planting of such trees at the expense of the Town. The Town has authority to accept gifts from individuals. Therefore, it would be lawful for the Town, in my opinion, to accept a gift of $14,000.00 (or whatever the appropriate figure is) from Becas which would be paid into a reserve account. The monies could then be disbursed to pay for the cost of planting the "shade or ornamental trees" in question. If it is the case that paragraph 3.2 of Report WD#66-90 contemplates that any of the new trees proposed to be planted either would not qualify as "shade or ornamental Shibley Righton - 11 - trees" or would not be "planted adjacent to a highway", then the arrangement could not be authorized under Subsection 313(4)(b) of the Municipal Act. In such a case, since no legislation authorizes the Town to act as "the banker", as you term it in your letter of June 28, 1990, the Town would not have the legal authority to act as "the banker". As a result, in my opinion, the arrangement contemplated by Report WD#66-90 could not be implemented in law. Even if the proposed new trees are "ornamental or shades trees" which would be planted "adjacent to a highway" within the meaning of those terms as they are used in Subsection 313(4)(b) of the Municipal Act, it should be noted that Council is not permitted to pass a by-law to authorize the planting of such trees without the consent of the owner of the land concerned. Therefore, in no case, in my opinion, would it be possible for the Town to proceed to implement any arrangement with regard to the planting of new trees on the Langyel and Heggie properties without the consent of these owners. OTHER ISSUES I understand that Mr. Macos gave you verbal advice concerning the questions whether title to the enclosed areas of the allowance in question had been acquired by adverse possession by the abutting property owners and as to the application of the Environmental Assessment Act requirement of the approval of an "undertaking" within the meaning of that Act prior to its being commenced. Mr. Macos' advice, as I understand it, Shibley Righton - 12 - was that there was no evidence available to support any claim to title by adverse possession and that the proposed road was exempted from the requirements of the Environmental Act by regulations passed pursuant to it. I agree with that advice. I will not detail the reasons for that advice unless you instruct me to do so. I also understand that you will be reporting to Council on the assessment and taxation implications of establishing a public highway on the allowance in question. In light of this, I do not intend to report on this aspect of the financial implications of Report WD#66-90 as I was previously requested to do by Council. Please advise whether Council intended to ask me to report on any other financial implications. Yours truly, SHIBLEY RIGHTON � 4 Dennis Hefferon DH/lh cc: Mr. L. Kotseff MINUTES OF MEETING i RE: BECAS DEVELOPMENTS PROPOSAL TO OPEN PATTERSON ROAD i I APRIL 3, 1991 7:00 P.M. MEETING ROOM 1 Attendees : Mr. & Mrs . S. Heggie Mr. & Mrs . A. Van Belle Mr. G. Lengyel W. A. Evans, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works J. O'Neill, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Public Works B. Kawun, G. M. Sernas & Associates I Purpose of Meeting Report WD-66-90 was referred back to Staff for receipt of a legal opinion pertaining to the financial ramifications to the Town, should these lands change ownership. The solicitor provided comments and the meeting was arranged to report the solicitor's comments to the property owners . Section 3 .2 5) Trees In summary, the solicitor advises that there is no legislation which authorizes the Town to act as "the banker" . Therefore, the Town does not have the legal authority to act as "the banker" . Walter stated that he would be prepared to recommend a cash payment handled by agreement between the abutting owners and Becas Developments . Cash payment to property owners would be made in conjunction with the signing of the Agreement with the Town to construct the road. Mr. Heggie expressed concern regarding the sale of the property once the agreement to construct the road has been signed. Walter agreed that there should be provision in the agreement that the agreement becomes null and void if the property is sold prior to the Town assuming the road for maintenance. . . .2 ATTACHMENT NO. 4 WD-66-99 ADDENDUM i . . .2 RE: BECAS DEVELOPMENTS PROPOSAL TO OPEN PATTERSON ROAD i I The dispersement of stone, wood and topsoil was discussed and the following locations were confirmed. Ownership is to be determined ,by the centreline of the road allowance for frontage of the property. Mr. Van Belle Wood: To be placed at the fence line, 450 feet from the road. Stone: To be placed on the south side of the fence, 620 feet south of where the wood is to be placed. Topsoil: To be placed by the clump of trees next to the fence where the topsoil is to be placed. Mr. Heggie Items to be placed adjacent to the new driveway. Mr. Lenctyel Items to be placed adjacent to his driveway. Mr. Lengyel requested that the payment for trees as stated in Report WD-66-90 be increased to reflect 7% G.S.T. , 5% inflation and the value of a year's growth. Walter agreed to recommend an increase to offset G.S.T. and inflation only. Walter agreed to recommend inclusion of the gate and entrance to Mr. Heggie's property as stated in the General Purpose and Administration Resolution of July 9, 1990 . Walter confirmed that the road is to be constructed in the centre of the road allowance and the fences are to be placed on the property line, in a straight line with no deviations. All abutting property owners and B. Kawun, G. M. Sernas & Associates, will receive a copy of the report and be advised of the date and time of the meeting when the report will be considered. Minutes prepared by Jan O'Neill F 7T Barristers &SaLciwrs RICHARD E.9HIBLE•Y n.C• RUPERT F.RIGHTON, C. HAROLD H.ELLIOTT (y.(;. eL(416)363-9381 DrNNIsp,HCFFgRo,J JOHN D,sgr,ART,O,C, DONAL❑ K,RpRINSbN,O,C, RICHARD g„gNKA,O,C, BARRY S.WORTZMAN,Ch,t LESLIE $,MASON MICHAFFI rOpDON DEZ WINDISCHMANN JOHN f;SKLL �'QX,I(416)36$-17x7 MICHAEL FItZPATRICK,Q.C, OFORGE CORN RETF F? H,gpg1T1.1 BRIAN M.CAMPBELL V,ROSS MORRISON R JOHN PITCHER C,:RORGC A.RCIBERTSOM ALAN 1.,9pC5ME7£IN JOHN O.ypCA.RN MICHAEL C.BIRLEY PETER C,WILLIAMS RICHARD A.B.DEVENNEY MICHAEL L.PATERSON J.PAUL WEARING PAUL E,MCINNIs rhFRNARD MoGARVA NE•T(rp G,NEILSON CLIrroNiC I,COLE d(}I$a JONATHAN H.FLANDERS CHARLES OX 32 - ES SIMco THOMAS A,SYEFANIK y'Stmet BARBARA R,C.DOHSRTY WILLIAM L.NORTHCOTE JAMES RbB5iTER HELDER M.TRAVASSOB P6TIZR M,WHALEN PI.'TCR V,RAYTEK Tpronto,Canada J,JAY RUDOLPH BRIAN W.CHU CYNTHIA J,GUNN MARTIN J,HENDERSON AN TA T,KAIN NICHOLAS T,MACos ZZl 1Vt5X-i WARREN S.RAPOPORT a 6 1CH^R0 ,COLES CHrVACTOPI'ICR B,LOBE MERLE M.NUDELMAN MARTIN PETERS ALEXANDER P.TbROov SEAN M,FORAN CHARLrA M.CASTLE PHILIP P.HEALEY P.PETER A.MACDONALD bONALFP T.M,)NEILL He1LA M,OUIGLEY TI ”-' MOTHY J.HILL J.PAUL R,HOWARD WADE C4JAMIEBoN LEONARD D,RODNESS NETANUS Y.RUTHERFORD THOMAS A.WHITBY SANDRA E.DAWE LINDA J.GODEL JANIS E.ING RAM 4olte 1�Q� CHRISTINE M_y1LVERSIDFS JEFF G,A.BU RTT SALVATORE J.P.FR131Nq JOHN D,HISCOCK OSCAR J,SALA The Simpoon Tower COUNSEL MARTIN L.O'BRIEN,Q.C. MARRY D,LIPSON,Q.C. May 7, 1.991 VIA FAX Na. 1 (416) ,623-5717 Mr, W. A. Evans Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention:Mrs. Jan. C. O'lfeill Dear Sir; Re: Becas Developments Limited's Application to Open as a Public Highway the Allowance between Lots 18 and 19, South of Concession Road 6, Former Clarke 'Township (Patterson Road) Your File: 05.18,01 Thank you for your undated letter respecting the above matter wherein you indicate that the abutting owners have requested that the Construction Agreement with Beeas include a clause that would make the Agreement null and void if the property changes ownership prior to assumption of the road by the Town, You asked for my advice as to whether the Town can "legally include such a clause in the Agreement and if so, please provide the correct wording," I begin by noting that in the ordinary situation concerns respecting the proposed used of lands should be addressed in the Town's Zoning lay-Law, However, unless a commercial or an industrial use is proposed to be made of the lands in question, the Town probably ATTACHMENT NQ, � �' WD-66-90 ADDFNDUM Shibley Righton - 2 - does not have authority to include in its Zoning By-Law a prohibition against the capture and removal from the lands of spring water. As a matter of law, spring water is classifted as part of the land itself until it is captured and removed.. Zoning by-laws can be enacted to regulate the use of land but absent express authority to the contrary in the enabling legislation, not the using up of land. I note in this regard that the making, establishment or operation of a pit or quarry is deemed to be a use of land for the purposes of a zoning by-law by the express provisions of Section 34(2) of the Planning Acts 1983_ There is not a similar provision dealing with the capture and removal of spring water. In approaching the specific question that you asked of me, I find it useful to consider three situations that may occur if the proposed Construction Agreement for the highway between the proponent and the Town includes a provision whereby the Agreement automatically terminates on the sale of the lands owned by the proponent, First, a sale of the proponent's lands may occur before construction of the highway is commenced. Second, the We may occur after construction has been commenced but before it has been completed. "Third, the sale may occur after construction has been completed but before the expiry of the warranty period provided in the Agreement and the assumption of the highway by the Town, I begin by noting that there is no reason in law why the Construction Agreement cannot contain such a termination provision if it is otherwise appropriate in the circumstances. In the first situation, the proponent would be precluded from selling to a purchaser with his land the benefit of the Agreement with the Town. The purchaser would have to make a new Construction Agreement with the Town if the Town was prepared to do so, The Town would be no better and no worse off with respect to the highway than it is at present if a sale was made. In the second and third situations, a termination provision in the Agreement would prejudice the 'Town insofar as the Town would have on its hands either a partially completed highway or a completed highway without the benefit of the proponent's covenant to warrant the quality of the construction for a period of two years following con pietion of construction. In order to address the obvious negative consequences that would otherwise be suffered by the Town if the Agreement with the proponent simply provided for its automatic termination on a sale, I think that the Agreement would have to require the proponent to give notice to the Town of a sale and either on such notice being given or a sale in fact taking place, the Town would be authorized to call the letter of credit required to be given as a performance guarantee and use the proceeds thereof to complete the construction of the highway and to provide the necessary maintenance guarantee for the. two year warranty period. One way or the other, ho«We',TT, if construction of the highway has actually been cornrnenced by the proponent, it seer7)� to me that the end result will be the completion of Shibley Righton - 3 - the construction of the highway in question and, ultimately, its assumption by the Town. This seems to be inconsistent with the result that the residents wish to achieve. Before I draft a provision that might be included in the Construction Agreement with the proponent, I would appreciate it if you would review the contents of this letter and give me your instructions as to whether I should proceed to draft such a clause. please telephone me with your response: Yours truly, SHMIXY RIGHTON DH/lh Dennis Hefferon cc: Mr. L. Kotseff X80 SCHEDULE 'A' 1. COSTS The applicant agrees to pay all costs associated with the construction of the road. 2. PORTABLE WASHROOMS The applicant will make provision in the contract for the contractor to provide portable washrooms for construction personnel. 3. WOOD FROM TREES The applicant will make provision in the contract that the contractor will supply wood cut from the road allowance to the abutting property owners . The wood is to be divided in equal portions to those property owners who request it. 4. PLANTING OF TREES Becas Developments will make a cash payment of $5,271 to Mr. & Mrs . S. Heggie and $10,458 to Mr. & Mrs . G. Lengyel upon execution of the agreement with the Town. 5. TOPSOIL Topsoil not used for ditches will be distributed to adjacent property owners . The contractor will deposit excess topsoil on adjacent property owners ' land on a location designated by the owners . 6. STABILIZATION OF LAND Agreement specifies seed where possible. Sod will be used if erosion is considered a problem. 7. FENCING The applicant will make provision to have a farm type fence erected in accordance with the Ontario Provincial Standard 901.01 on both sides of the road for the distance of the construction. ATTACHIMENT ado, 6 . . .2 WD-66-99 ADDENDUM i,J . . .2 Schedule 'A' I B. STONE The applicant will make provision in the contract to have field stone delivered to a specified location satisfactory to Mr. Heggie. 9. PLACEMENT OF WOOD FROM THE TREES, TOPSOIL AND FIELDSTONE The wood, topsoil and fieldstone is to be delivered and placed as follows: a) VAN BELLE PROPERTY Wood: To be placed at the fence line, 450 feet from the road. Field Stone: To be placed on the south side of the fence, 620 feet south of where the wood is to be placed. Topsoil: To be placed by the clump of trees next to the fence where the topsoil is to be placed. b) HEGGIE PROPERTY Wood, fieldstone and topsoil to be placed adjacent to the new driveway. C) LENGYEL PROPERTY Wood, fieldstone and topsoil to be placed adjacent to the driveway. 10. ALIGNMENT OF THE FENCE The fences to be constructed shall be constructed on the property line/limit of the road allowance and shall not deviate from the property line to go around trees, boulders, etc . 11. CONSTRUCTION OF ENTRANCE AND GATE AT THE HEGGIE PROPERTY An entrance and gate shall be constructed at the Heggie property at a location to be determined by Mr. Heggie. 12. ALIGNMENT OF THE ROAD The centreline of the road is to be constructed on the centreline of the right-of-way. ' 8 �� 3Nn A1a3dOad f � W Z O r--) v ° `0 O E w i _j Z E (n U Cfl p O z Q CD DC ID � O Q Q U E Cr E F- 0 o_ UA ' U �oNa wwoo9 a U kt o X: 01 d l3 b O O (� Y N m -i 1O-1 m -4 m W a�A d • w W w0 d (Y io- O C0 Ld to a O d .0 0 c� 4-1 O ' a W W 41 M N Q mw o \ b+O A.O m o•. O Al m - 30 1' N U _ — +1 -0 -A m N pi m m ..i • _ _ �' m N JJ jj A N •[ o :. W tO o m o x `4-1 O Q tO u N N 14 H - ' 1c: N 0 fa C d m ° �C 010 O N 4 Q ° o o ..'� 3 0 ao 10_ > > \ d 0 Q Q Z N 14 C tr m-I a m0 �Y Q A m tr1 o o 0140 m� r o m dNa m lt wu f U ww 0 Dom 00 009 c 0 a 4' a N G o S r- m bC4A -�0 60 -44 co 07N u w O d m m.1 0 > A C 'O W m d m w m 0" o w 80.m1 NCI A3 oO uo m m u 0 m .4 m m♦ d N 3do 30 3 O OmN-1 7d Vi-1 G 0b y dD J 0W -4 .n Q E i— r1.-1 m rl.--1 w m Y W U 7 -4 I� � mu to m-1 2 O Ld a0-/ mm0 O v-+ m o O (n CO I" uzpom � -mId �- to M O w.-1-.-1 W O O E G"H 0 c T7 OHH W N O H O J u E J (n U o 6L 0 0 S Nn )al33dow ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES EXCEPT WHERE NOTED ? Town of Newcastle Public Works 0 rtment dvr CHECKED. CRO S SECTION REVISION Ha ' GRADING , GRANULAR BASE AND SURFACE DATE APR. 1988 APPROVED � TREATMENT JULY <s, 1988 FOR RURAL ROADS