HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-13 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes o Meeting - Tuesday November 13, 2012 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee,Chair Larry Burke, Vice-Chair Joanne Raymond,Carol Little,Bob Holmes,Gary Oliver, Regrets—Concillor Woo,Councillor Partner,Gord Blaker,Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager 1. Call to Order—7.15 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion*12-130 was proposed: THAT.The minutes of Octoberg,2012 is approved,as presented,with no deletions, changes or,additions. Moved by:Joanne Raymond Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report—In Bryan's Absence,the chair advised he had heard back from Gym-Con regarding the flooring pricing.They advised that the error was on their shoulders of not advising our board on the costs of the skimming process.They had neglected to adjust the quotation at any time during the installation or,prior to. Therefore,they would accept the quotation price of$23,617.00,as full payment.The cheque was mailed and the matter is now closed. NVMHL were holding two Christmas House league Tournaments over the holidays and had confirmed their ice requirements for the two days.At this date,they only had our teams registered for each day,but were continuing to seek additional teams to fill the time-slots. A request from the Bowmanville Optimist Club—(Randy Cruickshank) to sell Thunder Sticks through our snack bar on a shared profit,as a fund raiser for their club was considered. Further dialogue with Randy will continue.The board members were in favour of proceeding. Larry Burke suggested we carry Hockey Tape in the snack bar for players to purchase. Wholesale pricing on this product was available through a Costco membership.As Larry was a member at Costco;he offered to purchase a trial supply,on our behalf.An initial order of white,black and clear tape was ordered. Gary Oliver advised that the front doors were in need of repair and inquired if Bryan was aware of the problem and looking after it.The Chair will follow-up with Bryan.Gary also advised of the lack of updated information on our web-site and follow-up was required on this issue,as well. 4. Financial Report—Income statements and accounts receivables were provided and Indicates we are at 72%of our revenue target for 2012—77%of our payroll expense and general expenses at 69%. With two months to year-end,we appear to be on-target (2) for our budget and income for 2012.Accounts receivable were at$60,383.26—65% being current—11%over go days. 5. New Business- December meeting will be our annual Christmas Dinner—to be held at Massey House on Tuesday Evening December 11th,2012.Meal and wine at board's expense—additional liquid refreshment at each individual's expense. An invitation to Dawn and her husband,(our bookkeeper),will be extended.January 2013 will be our year-end review meeting and a tentative plan for 2013.February's meeting will be to formulate our budget for 2013. 6. Next Meeting—Tuesday January Srh, 2013—7.00 P.M. 7. Adjournment- Motion#12-131 to adjourn. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by:Larry Burke CARRIED