HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-26-90 Addendum TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. By-Law # -TING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: APRIL 2, 1990 REPORT #: WD-26-90 ADDENDumFILE #: SUB,JECT: A REVISED BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT UPON THE AXLES OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES OR TRAILERS ON THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ROAD SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the Addendum to Report WD-26-90 be received; 2 . THAT Report WD-26-90 be lifted from the table; 3 . THAT the by-law attached to Report WD-26-90 be forwarded to Council for approval; and 4 . THAT Council pass a by-law (to be provided in the Council Agenda) in accordance with Section 93, Subsection 1,2 and 3 of the Highway Traffic Act. -------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Report WD-26-90 No.2 : By-Law 80-41 REPORT NO. : WD-26-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 Report WD-26-90 was presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on March 19, 1990 . The report was referred back to the Director of Public Works (Resolution #GPA-224-90) to ensure that the proposed by-law would not have an adverse effect on farming operations. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 At the present time, By-Law 80-41 (Attachment No.2) provides for restricting the weight which a commercial motor vehicle or trailer can transmit to the Town of Newcastle Roads . The proposed By-Law is the same as By-Law 80-41 with the following two exceptions: 1) The existing by-law refers to the 1970 edition of the Highway Traffic Act whereas the proposed by-law refers to the 1980 edition of the Highway Traffic Act. 2) The existing by-law provides for the authority to restrict weights (known as half-loads) on axles of commercial motor vehicles and trailers from March 1 to May 21 of each year, whereas the proposed by-law provides for the authority to restrict loads at anytime during the year. Either by-law will only be in effect when properly worded signs are erected and are on display. Each year, the Town and other municipalities place load limit signs on the roads in the municipality to advise the public that load restrictions are in effect (5,000 kilograms/axle) . 3.2 Clause 2 of the proposed by-law (and the existing by-law) provides for a greater weight upon an axle (7,500 kilograms) for certain vehicles including tank trucks while used exclusively for the transportation of liquid or gaseous heating fuel, trucks used exclusively for the transportation of livestock feed or transporting live poultry. . . .3 2z REPORT NO. : WD-26-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 3 3 . 3 While exemptions provided in Clause 2 will in many cases be sufficient for many farm operations, it does not provide for the loads permitted on axles for the time of the year other than from March 1 to May 21. 3.4 Section 93 of the Highway Traffic Act provides authority for a municipality to grant a permit for the moving of heavy vehicles, loads, objects or structures. Since it is intended to place load restrictions on Town of Newcastle roads for those times of the year outside March 1 to May 21 only if: 1) The Region has placed a load restriction on a Regional Road in the Town of Newcastle during a time of the year other than March 1 to May 21; 2) During a time of the year other than March 1 to May 21, truck traffic is causing sufficient damage to a Town road to warrant the placing of weight restrictions on the road. The need to place weight restrictions on Town roads outside the normal half-load season will be necessary for a very small part of the Town's road system. It is therefore highly probable that any problem created for farming operations during the placing of weight restrictions on Town roads during a time other than March 1 to May 21 can be solved either by the exemption provided for in Clause 2 of the proposed by-law or Subsection ( 1) , (2) and (3) of Clause 93 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3 .5 It should be noted that since regional roads are intended to provide for a higher level of service than local roads, it is quite likely that if the Region places weight restrictions on regional roads during times of the year other than March 1 to May 21, it is more probable that a problem will be created for farming operations than if the Town places such weight restrictions on Town roads. r . . .4 t01_ REPORT NO. : WD-26-90 ADDENDUM PAGE 4 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 4. 1 It is, therefore, recommended that the by-law attached to Report WD-26-90 be forwarded to Council for approval, and that Council pass a by-law (to be provided in the Council Agenda) in accordance with Section 93, Subsection 1,2 and 3 of the Highway Traffic Act. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------ - =---- -- --------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works . Chief i�istrative Officer. WAE*llv March 28, 1990 Attachments i I � y .. TOWN OF NEWCI1STL1_ i REPORT File # 7rJo2 • W Res. # tr By-Law (STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: MARCH 19 , 1990 REPORT #: WD-26-90 FILE #: SUB,ECT: A REVISED BY-LAW TO RESTRICT THE WEIGHT UPON THE AXLES OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES OR TRAILERS ON THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ROAD SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS: i It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: Y 1. THAT Report WD-26-90 be received; and 2 . THAT the by-law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval . --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1 . 0 ATTACHMENT No. l: Commissioner of Works, Durham Region, Report 262-89 dated December 5 , 1989 . No. 2 : Proposed By-law 2 . 0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 On December 13 , 1989 , the Region of Durham passed By-law 251-89 restricting the weight upon the axles of commercial vehicles or trailers on the Regional Road System. 2 05 ATTACHMENT NO ,1 �.10 WD-26-90 ADDENM I REPORT NO. : WD-26-90 PAGE 2 i 2 . 2 As noted in Report 262-89 (Attachment No. 2 ) the Commissioner states that "The purpose of the by-law is to extend the potential weight restriction period to include the whole calendar year" i The report continues to say "An example of the problems being experienced is Durham Regional Road 3 from Enniskillen west to Region Road 33 (Harmony Road) . " 2 . 3 The implication of the above statement is that if "load restrictions " are put. on Regional Road 3, the operators of heavy vehicles will have no choice but to find alternate routes which could be Town of Newcastle roads . 3 . 0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 3 . 1 From the above, it can be concluded that if the Region puts weight restrictions on Regional Road 3 in the Town of Newcastle, the problem could be transferred from the Regional Roads to the Town of Newcastle roads . It is , therefore, recommended that By-law 80- 41 be repealed and that the by-law attached to this report be forwarded to Council for approval . i Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Comm-ittee, ----------------------- - -- ------------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Egg. , LawrenceTJ� . Kotseff, Director of Public Works . Chief l�d inistrative Officer. WAE*llv February 22 , 1990 Attachments X206 � n Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner' s Report to Works Committee Report 262-89 Date December 5 , 1989 Sub 'ect A REVISED BY-LAW TO PERMIT RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT UPON THE AXLES OF COWERCIAL VEHICLES OR TRAILERS ON THE REGIONAL ROAD SYSTEM i RecommenGation A. THAT a by-law to restrict the weight upon the axles of commercial vehicles or trailers of commercial vehicles or trailers on the Region Road System in the form attached hereto be passed ; B. AND THAT By-Law 99-84 be repealed . Report The Region of Durham is currently experiencing considerable damage to specific roads within our Region because of heavy truck traffic . Many of these roads , as currently constructed , will not support the loads they are experiencing . The damage includes extensive rutting of the surface , breakup of the prime and surface treatment , and pot hoI If the heavy truck traffic is not discouraged from using these roads , the roads wi11 Continue requiring on-going costly maintenance and with an acceleration of surface failure . The Region can consider two basic alternatives to deal with toiS problem. One alternative would be to substantially upgrade the road to 'Support the loads of the increasing truck traffic , however the available financing does not permit this . The second alternative is to extend the weight restriction period currently defined in Region of Durham By-iaw 99-84 , As the by- law is now worded , the weight restriction period is limited to the period frcrli the first day of February to the thirty- first day of May in each year . It is proposed to extend the potential weight restriction period to include the whole calendar year . By implementing this extension , the Region of Durha-m wrould be able to selectively weight restrict specific roads . at any All time throughout the year. This would be done by postlny weight restriction signs on the roads in question as required by the Revlon ' s by- law. e 07 p; 1n26 760 Page 2 Report 262 89 Date December S , 1989 Report (cont' d .) The authority allowing the Region of Durham to designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end is the Highway Traffic Act . Section 104a subsection 7 states : "The Municipal Corporation or other authority having ,Jurisdiction over a highway may by by- law designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies ." An example of the problems being experienced is Durham Regional Road No , 3 from Enniskillen west to Regional Road No . 33 (Harmony Road) . This road has not been constructed to support heavy truck traffic . Trucks delivering material from gravel pits on Regional Road No , 20 are using Regional Road No . 3 to deliver product to the central part of Durham Region . If weight restrictions were implemented on Regional Road No . 3 , this heavy commercial truck traffic would use Regional Road No . 4 (Taunton Road) to access the central part of Durham Region . Exemptions to weight restrictions are included in the Highw'ay Traffic Act for trucks used for the transportation of milk , l.a Since traffic volumes on these roads would not justify adjusting the Region' s _ reconstruction program, it is recommended that the weight restriction period be extended to include the whole calendar year , i - wel vet rees , P .Eng . Commissioner of Works Recommended for Presentation to Committee D .R . Evans , P .Eng C .A.O . 1 R" 1 -) 08 { r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 90- Being a by-law to restrict the weight upon the axles of commercial vehicles or trailers on the Town of Newcastle road system. WHEREAS subsection (7) of Section 104(a) of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. , 1980, c. 198, as amended, provides that the municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a highway may by by-law designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED, as a by-law of the Town of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows: 1. Subject to Section 93 of The HiQhwav Traffic Act R.S.O. 1980, c. 198, as amended, during the period from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December inclusive in each and every year being a reduced load period, no commercial motor vehicle or trailer, other than a public vehicle or a vehicle referred to in Section 2 of this by- law, shall be operated or drawn upon any road or portion thereof that is part of the Town of Newcastle road system where the weight upon an axle exceeds 5,000 kilograms. 2. Subject to Section 93 of The Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1980, C. 198, as amended, during the period from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December inclusive in each and every year, being a reduced load period, (a) no two axle tank-truck, while used exclusively for the transportation of liquid or gaseous heating fuel; (b) no two axle truck, while used exclusively for the transportation of livestock feed; and '(c) no vehicle transporting live poultry, shall be operated upon any road or .portion thereof that is part of the Town of Newcastle road system where the weight upon an axle exceeds t 7,500 kilograms. 3. Subject to Section 93 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. , 1980, c. 198, as amended, during the period from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December inclusive in each and every year, being a reduced load period, no vehicle having a carrying capacity in excess Of 1,000 kilograms, other than a motor vehicle or trailer,shall be operated upon any road or portion thereof that is part of the Town of Newcastle road system where the weight upon any millimetre in the width of a tire exceeds 5 kilograms'. 4. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of, (a) $2.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under the The Highway Traffic Act, or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is less than 5,000 kilograms, but in no case shall the fine be less than $50.00; (b) $4.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations t-11- Overweight is 5,000 kilograms or more but is less that: kilograms; (c) $6.00 per 100 },ilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess Of that emit- d undo*_ Th-. I _ �_t[�hc,•ay Traffic Acts or the regulations thereto, when th' o. L ,ei_yht is 7,500 kilograms or more but is Liss titan I0,C00 }:ilo�;ram;; �T T r�C H 'I"NT dO , 2 1209 `I0-205-91 i j -2- (d) $8.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess to that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act, or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 10,000 kilograms or more but is less than 15,000 kilograms; and (e) $10.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 15,000 kilograms or more. 5. The by-law will only be in effect when properly worded signs are erected and are on display. By-law read a first time this day of 1990. By-law read a second time this day of 1990. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1990. Mayor Clerk 1 1210 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i I BY - LAW 80-41 Being a by-law to restrict the weight which a commercial motor vehicle or trailer can trans- mit to a municipal road. WHEREAS subsection 10 of Section 77 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 202, as amended, provides that the municipal corp- oration or other authority having jurisdiction over any highway may declare the provisions of subsections 5, 7 and 13 of Section 77 to apply to highways under its jurisdiction during any period of the year, or that the provisions of subsections 5 and 7 do not apply to any or all highways under its jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTEb AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows: 1. - Subject to Section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 202, as amended, during the period from the first day of March to the twenty-first day of May inclusive, no commercial motor vehicle or trailer, other than a public vehicle, or a two-axle tank truck or two axle truck while either is used as referred to in section 2 of this by-law, shall be operated or drawn on any road or portion thereof that is part of the municipal road system, where any axle of such commercial motor vehicle or trailer transmits to the municipal road a weight in excess of 5,000 kilograms. 2. Subject to Section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 202, as amended, during the months of March and April, no two-axle tank truck, while used exclusively for the transportation of liquid or gaseous heating fuel, and no two axle truck, while used for the trans- portation of live stock feed , shall he operated on any road or portion thereof that is part of the municipal road system, where any axle transmits to the highway a weight in excess of 7, 500 kilograms. ATT,' CHME JT N0 .2 1 WD-25-9J ADDENDUM -2= By-Law 80-41 l 3. Subject to Section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1970, c. 202, as amended, during the period from the first day of March to the twenty-first day of May, inclusive, no vehicle having a carrying capacity in excess of 1,000 kilograms, other than a motor vehicle or trailer, shall be operated on any road or portion thereof that is part of the municipal road system, where the weight upon any millimetre in the width of tire exceeds 5 kilograms. 4. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of: (a) $2.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is less than 5,000 kilograms, but in no case shall the fine be less than $50. 00; C (b) $4.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act, or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 5,000 kilograms or more but is less than 7,500 kilograms; l (c) $6.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 7,500 kilograms or more but is less than 10,000 kilograms; (d) $8.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 10,000 kilograms or more but is less than 15,000 kilograms and; (e) $10.00 per 100 kilograms, or part thereof, for any weight in excess of that permitted under The Highway Traffic Act or the regulations thereto, where the overweight is 15,000 kilograms or more. 1212 -�- By-Law w-1� C By-law read a first time this 8th day of April 19 80 By-law read a second time this 8th day of April 19 80 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 8th day of April 19 80 � SEAL MAYOR CLE 1213