HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-35-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .e. g: General Purpose and Administration Committee p File #� �(-) Date: Monday, March 4, 1996 Res. #ern � — c Report #: PD -35 -96 File #: By -law # Subject: WHEELCHAIR ACCESSABILITY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -35 -96 be received for information. 2. THAT a copy of this Report be forwarded to Alex Shepherd M.P. and Wendy Loback. 1.1 At a regular meeting on January 29, 1996, Council directed that correspondence received (Attachment 1 & 2) with respect to the lack of wheelchair accessible restaurants in Bowmanville be referred to the Chief Building Official for review and preparation of a report. 2. REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 Wheelchair access is regulated by the "barrier free" design provisions of the Ontario Building Code. The Code sets out the design requirements so that a building and it's facilities can be approached, entered and used by persons with physical and sensory disabilities. 542 REPORT NO.: PD -35 -96 PAGE 2 2.2 These requirements apply to all new buildings with some exceptions such as houses, including semi - detached houses, duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, row houses and boarding or rooming houses as well as high hazard industrial building and buildings not intended to be occupied on a daily or full time basis. 2.3 Every new building other than the above is required to have at least one entrance intended for general use by the public at sidewalk level or to a ramp leading to a sidewalk. 2.4 Where an existing building is proposed for expansion, or renovation for alternative uses, the Building Code is applicable only to those parts of the building that are subject to the proposed works and "barrier free access" may or may not be required depending on the size, scale and nature of the proposed works. However, if the proposed works include wheelchair ramp and access, the design of such must comply with the Building Code. 2.5 There is no provision in the Building Code to require a property owner to retrofit a building for wheelchair access if no extension or renovation is involved. Should an owner choose to make the building wheelchair accessible, the work must comply with Building Code requirements so a disabled person can enter or leave the facility without assistance. 2.6 In view of comments contained in correspondence to Council, a survey of Bowmanville restaurants from Scugog Street on the west to George Street on the east was done by building division staff. In this area there are twelve (12) restaurants /coffee shops. Ten (10) of these had 1 or more steps making them inaccessible to people in wheelchairs without assistance from other person(s). 543 REPORT NO.: PD -35 -96 PAGE 3 Two restaurants were "barrier free ", one (opened November 1995) on the south side of King between Scugog and Silver Streets, 3 blocks from the Life Care Centre and the other 6 blocks away located on the north side of King Street between Division and George Streets. 3. CONCLUSION "Barrier free access" references are contained in various sections of the Ontario Building Code. This report provides a brief summary of the information contained in the Code as well as advising Committee of the general approach by staff in the interpretation and administration of the Code. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development HGW *FW *bb *Attach 20 February 1996 Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 544 HLL;t JhLtmru nr UUKCIH lll 1- yUJ -(Ll -f Jf G J(1I4 lU 7V U •L] 14U .UUL I .UL. IMARNWOOD LIFECARE CENTRE a.i( 26 Elgin Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontarlo L1C 3CU (905) 623 -6731 DEAR MR. SHEPPARD, I AM WRITING TO YOU ON BEHALF OF THE RESIDENTS AT MARNWOOD 1.,IFECARE CENTRE. OUR R KS I DENTS HAVI, BROUGHT TO MY A•PROBLEM THAT ALL OUR PEOPLE USING t•IHEELCHAIRS EXPERIENCE 'I1ERE IN 'BOWMANVILLE. TIIERE ARE NO WIIEELCIIAIR ACCESSIBLE RESTAURANTS 7N 'fHF, DOWN TOWN CORE. OF OUR 1,TTTT,R TOWN WHICH ENABLE OUR RESIDENTS OR FAMILIES WITH RESIDENTS TO GO OUT FUR .A MEAL, OR JUST A CUP OF GOF 'K ;. WE WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD KINDLY LOOK INTO THIS M.A:[ "1:ER AND SYYj IF THERE IS ANYTHING THAT COULD BE DONE. THERE IS A RESTAURANT AT THE 150101ANVII,IJ; MAIZ IiU7' ON.FORTUNATLY IT 1S TOO FAR TO PUSH OUR RESIDENTS TO IT, THERE USED TO BE A SMALL TEA SHOP CLOSE TO OUR NURSING HOME.A FEW YEARS AGO AND THIS WAS USED QUITE OFTEN BY OUR 'FAMILIES AND 7tFSTI)ENT.S. TUIS DT;FINATELY IS A CONCERN FOR OUR -SENTORS AND SOIgSTH'TNG THAT REQUIRES 1,OOKTNf; TNTQ. SINCERELY, i t4E \'DY R. LOBACK ACT1V1'fY DIRECTOR J a n DURHAM 1240 SIMCOE STREET NORTH UNIT 2 OSHAWA, ONTARIO L 1 G 4X3 (905) 721 -7570 FAX: (905) 721 -7572 1-800-565-410S OTTAWA January. 10, 1996 COUNCIL DIRECTION mt HOUSE OF COMMONS CANADA ALEX SHEPHERD, M.P. DURHAM Diane Hamre, Mayor Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Madam Mayor: Re: Marnwood Lifecare Centre A �,, � 0 A OTTAWA HOUSE OF COMMONS 252 CONFEDERATION OTTAWA, ONTARIO KiA OA6 (613) 996 -4984 FAX: (613) 996 -4986 JAN 1 5 1996 NIUNICIRAI-Ir i OF CLARINGTON MAYORS OFFICE On my recent visit with the residents of Marnwood I was confronted with the concerns of the administrator and staff for wheelchair assessable restaurant space within the area of the residence. As this is primarily municipal jurisdiction, I refer this matter to you. I have enclosed a copy of their letter, which they presented to me. L. Your attention to this matter would be very much appreciated. Yours truly, Alex hepherd, M.P. Durham /at /enclosure N x'1L