HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-004-13 l ari� n Leading the Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE o/ -,001 Date: January 7, 2013 Resolution#: - - / By-law #: -N t - � Report#: PSD-004-13 File #'s: COPA 2011-0004 and ZBA 2011-0017 Subject: APPLICATIONS TO AMEND THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AND FOR A PROPOSED 4 STOREY APARTMENT DWELLING CONTAINING 19 RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANT: 1351739 ONTARIO LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-004-13 be received; 2. THAT Amendment No. 88 to the Clarington Official Plan submitted by 1351739 Ontario Limited to add a "High Density Residential" symbol to the subject lands to permit the development of nineteen (19) apartment units as contained in Attachment 7 be adopted and the By-law adopting the Official Plan Amendment contained in Attachment 8 be passed; 3. THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 1351739 Ontario Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 9; 4. THAT the Holding (H)=symbol be-removed from the=-Residential-Exception (R4-33)-zone- ---- once all site plan matters have been addressed; 5. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of this report and Council's decision; and 6. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-004-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 2 4 Submitted by: Reviewed by: D . rome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer ATS/CP/df 19 December 2012 REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 3 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: 1351739 Ontario Limited 1.2 Proposed Official Plan Amendment: To amend the Clarington Official Plan by: • Adding a high density residential symbol on the land use schedule; • Adjusting the population for the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood from 6100 to 6150; and • Adjusting the high density housing target for the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood from 0 to 25, and the high density housing target for Courtice from 550 to 575, including all changes to corresponding totals. 1.3 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment: To rezone the subject lands from Neighbourhood Commercial Exception (C2-5) Zone to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed 4 storey, 19 unit apartment building. 1.4 Area: 0.2 ha 1.5 Location: The subject lands are located in part of Lot 31, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington and described as Block 3, Plan 40M- 1822. The subject lands are also referred to as 2640 Trulls Road South, Courtice (Attachment 1). 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The subject block was approved as a future development block and created through a plan of subdivision that received draft plan approval in 1992 and was subsequently registered.The rezoning of the block was withheld until the finalization of a site plan application under review at the time. 2.2 In 1996, the lands were rezoned Neighbourhood Commercial Exception (C2-5) Zone, which permits a range of commercial uses, including a medical or dental clinic and office space. Site plan approval was granted for a 500 square metre building containing a medical/dental clinic and a pharmacy. The agreement was registered on title, but a building permit was never applied for and the development of the site never materialized. 2.3 The current owner of the subject lands applied for an official plan amendment and a rezoning to allow for a 19-unit, four storey apartment building on the site. The applicant indicates that the apartment units will be rental units. A preliminary site plan is included as Attachment 3. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 4 2.4 The applicant's consultant submitted a planning justification report, a traffic impact assessment, and a shadow study in support of the proposed developments. 2.5 Public consultation included the statutory Public Meeting held on July 11, 2011 and a Public Information Centre held on September 12, 2012. This recommendation report summarizes public concerns, and discusses revisions to the development concept as a result of the feedback. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 3.1 The subject property is a block within a previously registered plan of subdivision. The lands are currently vacant. There are two existing driveways located along Trulls Road (Attachment 2). 3.2 Surrounding Uses North: Existing medium density street townhouse units South: Open space block containing stormwater flow (part of Robinson Creek Regulatory floodplain) and zoned Environmental Protection; existing low density residential development East: Existing low density residential development; lands designated Special Study Area 1 (Courtice Town Centre Area) West: Existing medium density street townhouse units and low density residential development - - - - 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) The PPS identifies settlement areas as the focus of growth. Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on the efficient use of land, infrastructure and other public services, such as public transit. Opportunities for intensification and redevelopment shall be indentified and promoted. A full range of housing options should be promoted. Land uses that promote the minimization of vehicle trips and support transportation choices, including public transit should be encouraged. The applications are consistent with the PPS. 4.2 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) The Growth Plan provides a framework for accommodating growth in both existing built up areas, through intensification and redevelopment. The subject lands are within the defined built up area. By 2015, a minimum of 40 per cent of all residential development occurring annually within the Region of Durham is required to be within the built-up area and will be further allocated through the Glarington Official Plan. Reducing dependence on the automobile is achieved through the development of mixed-use, transit- REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 5 supportive, pedestrian-friendly urban environments. Complete communities are those that offer a mix of land uses and high quality public open spaces with easy access to local stores and services. Major growth is to be directed to areas serviced by existing or planned municipal infrastructure, such as water and sewer services. Approval of the applications would meet the objectives of the Growth Plan. 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the lands are designated as Living Area. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. The subject lands are located along Trulls Road, which is designated as a Type "B" Arterial. In consideration of development applications in designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of the proposed plan to achieve the following: • A compact urban form; • The use of good urban design principles; • The provision-of-convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks • A grid pattern of roads; • The provision and distribution of parks, trails and pathways and educational facilities; • The types and capacities of the existing municipal services and infrastructure, such as roads, sanitary and water services and • The balance between energy efficiency and cost. The applications are consistent with the Regional Official Plan. 5.2 Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 128 (ROPA 128) Through ROPA 128, the Region has implemented the Growth Plan objective of accommodating on a Region-wide basis, a minimum of 40% of all residential development through intensification within built-up areas. ROPA 128 includes policies on promoting healthy, sustainable and complete communities. The applications would satisfy the objectives of ROPA 128. 5.3 Clarington Official Plan In the Clarington Official Plan, the lands are designated Urban Residential. The Urban Residential designation would allow for Low Density residential development REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 6 (predominantly in the form of single detached and semi-detached dwellings) between 10 — 30 units per net hectare. Table 9-1 from the Clarington Official Plan has been provided below. The built form and height for the proposed development is normally considered medium density however, given the number of units relative to the area of the site, the development is within the high density range. Table 9-1 Residential Density Standards Density Net Density Predominant Maximum General Category (Units Per Housing Forms Height' Locational Net Ha) Criteria Low Density 10 - 30 Single Detached 2.5 Storeys Generally internal Semi-Detached/Link to neighbourhoods Duplex Medium 31 - 60 Townhouses 4 Storeys Within Town or Density Triplex/Quadruplex Village Centres, Low Rise adjacent to arterial Apartments Mixed roads, or within Use developments 100m of an arterial/col lector road intersection High Density 61 — 100 Medium Rise 6 Storeys Within Town or Apartments Village Centres Mixed Use and adjacent Develo meets Medium and High density residential development will be reviewed on the basis of the following site development criteria: • The site is suitable in terms of size and shape to accommodate the proposed density and building form; • The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, setbacks, shadowing, and the location of parking and amenity areas; • Adequate on-site parking, lighting, landscaping and amenity areas are provided; and, • The impact of traffic on local streets is minimized. The Clarington Official Plan contains policies that encourage the creation of affordable rental housing and intensification that is compatible and sensitive to the physical character of the existing neighbourhood. Residential intensification is permitted where there is adequate hard and soft services; access to community facilities, shopping and transit; capacity in the road system to accommodate traffic; adequate onsite parking; and, the proposal is physically compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood. A significant woodland and a stream are within 120 metres of the subject site. However, this block has been created through a plan of subdivision,lands to be developed and lands to remain in their natural state have already been determined. The preparation of an environmental impact study is not required. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 7 Trulls Road is a Type B Arterial Road. Type B Arterial Roads are designed to move significant volumes of traffic at moderate speeds from one part of the Municipality to the other. Generally, one access to a Type B Arterial Road is permitted for every 80 metres. The application to amend the Official Plan satisfies the criteria for medium and high density sites and would continue to be supported by the overall goals and objectives of the Official Plan. 5.4 Clarington Official Plan Amendment No. 77 (OPA 77) OPA 77 incorporates urban design policies that support high quality design of public and private spaces. The policies give priority to sustainable design, walkability and accessibility, land efficiency and compact communities. The design of buildings should not negatively impact adjacent buildings or detract from the identity or character of an area. Public streets are to include street trees and plantings to enhance the attractiveness of the street. Green development standards are also encouraged. The applications are supportive of the policies of OPA 77. Should the applications proceed, Staff will ensure the design objectives are implemented through the site plan process. 6. ZONING BY-LAW ---6.1 - -Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the lands are "Neighbourhood Commercial Exception (C2-5)". The C2-5 zone permits: • Business, professional or administration office; • Day nursery; • Dry cleaners distribution centre; • Eating establishment; take-out; • Laundry, coin-operated; • Convenience store; • Medical or dental clinic; • Private club; • Retail commercial establishment; and • Service shop; personal. 6.2 Under the C2-5 Zone, the maximum permitted_height is 10 metres (32.8 feet) or approximately 3 storeys. 6.3 A maximum of one dwelling unit for each non-residential use is also permitted by the C2-5 Zone subject to meeting all the zone provisions. 6.4 The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment has been tailored to reflect the development -plan on a site-specific basis, including a maximum height provision of 13.6 metres (44.5 feet) or approximately 4 storeys and a minimum front yard setback of 3.0 metres. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 8 7. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES 7.1 Planninq Justification Report prepared by D.G. Biddle &Associates Limited, May 2011 The proposal was reviewed in detail against the PPS, Growth Plan, Durham Regional and Clarington Official Plans. The report finds that the subject site is an appropriate location for the intensification of development within the well-serviced neighbourhood. Trulls Road is designed to handle high traffic volumes which will provide good and efficient access. The site is also across from the Courtice Town Centre area, which will provide future retail and support services to the future residents. The site is suited for higher density rental accommodation and is served by Durham Regional Transit and GO Transit on Highway 2, a short distance from the site. 7.2 Traffic Impact Assessment prepared by Tranplan Associates, November 1, 2012 The Traffic Impact Assessment finds that the traffic generated by the proposed development will have no perceptible level of impact on the existing road network. The site generated traffic will be much less than the hourly/daily fluctuations on a typical urban collector/arterial roadway. There will be no meaningful delays as a result of the proposed development. The traffic generated does not warrant any road improvements such as dedicated turning lanes. 7.3 Shadow Study prepared by SA Corporation, November 2, 2011 In response to concerns raised at the Public Meeting, a shadow'study`has been prepared. Excerpts of the shadow study illustrating the morning and noon impacts for each period, worse case scenario, included as Attachment 6. The study models shadow effects at four times throughout the year—during the longest day, the shortest day and during both the spring and fall equinox. During the fall, winter and spring months, the proposed building would cast limited shadows during the early morning hours. Otherwise the shadows will be contained on the apartment site itself. The study also shows that the townhouse units along Bushford Street will cast limited shadows onto the apartment site during the evening hours at certain times of the year. The shadow study demonstrates that this building will not result in significant shadow impacts on adjacent private properties. 8. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8.1 A Public Meeting was held on July 11, 2011. Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject site and public meeting signs were erected along the Trulls Road frontage of the site. 8.2 An Open House was held on September 12, 2012 at Dr. Emily Stowe Public School in Courtice and was well attended. 8.3 Several objections to the development have been received including a petition containing approximately 65 entries. Concerns raised by area residents can be summarized as follows: REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 9 • Residential use is inappropriate at this density and lot is too small; • Proceed with townhouses or plaza as originally planned; • Parkland/green space is a more suitable use for the site; • Negative youth/criminal activity will increase; • Neighbourhood will decline and become undesirable; • Police presence is currently lacking; • Property values will decrease; • Noise levels will increase in the area; • Car lights may spill onto neighbouring properties; • On-street parking conflicts and traffic congestion; • Increased pollution; • I ncreased garbage; • Privacy will be compromised; • Rental units could become geared-to-income or co-op; • Condominium units would be preferred; • No community or municipal benefit to the development; • Shadow impacts on adjacent properties; • Building is too high; • Safety is a concern; • Need additional/improved landscaping; • Lack of area amenities; • Question timing of Courtice Town Centre Area; • Revisions proposed by applicant do not satisfactorily address concerns; • Higher fencing is preferred; • Increased traffic will negatively impact emergency response times, given the location of the fire station; and • Concern of overpopulation of schools in area. 8.4 One written submission in support of the applications has been received. Members of the public that supported the application attended the open house and discussed their support with staff. Staff have received calls inquiring about the timing of the building and contact information for future rental opportunities. 9. AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 Durham Regional Planning Department The Durham Regional Planning Department finds that the proposed amendment would be permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan as the proposal promotes a higher density use for the site. Similarly, the amendments would be consistent with the PPS and supportive of the Growth Plan objectives. The Region is satisfied there is no concern of potential contamination of the site and highlight the need to complete a noise study and to satisfy CLOCA's requirements with respect to stormwater management, servicing and grading. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 10 Trulls Road may require road widening which can be addressed through the site plan process. Municipal sanitary and water services have been installed to the property line. 9.2 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) While CLOCA does not object to the proposed applications, the applicant will be required to demonstrate through the detailed site plan design that the building will not be impacted by any potential floodwaters. The applicant is required to submit for approval a grading and drainage plan; a servicing plan and a sediment and erosion control plan. The block is part of an overall subdivision plan, therefore the applicant is not required to address water quality on site. CLOCA encourages a 'best efforts' approach on site such as draining clean roof water to grassed areas. Significant woodland areas are identified in the vicinity of the site. The design of the building is encouraged to implement measures to lessen impact to migratory birds, such as non-reflective materials. A permit from CLOCA will be required prior to any site grading or development. 9.3 Other Agencies The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, Bell Canada, Rogers and Enbridge Gas offer no objections. 10. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 10.1 Engineering Services Department Clarington Engineering Services has no objection to the Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-law Amendment. During site plan approval, the applicant will be required to satisfy the Engineering Services Department regarding the following: a) The site plan must utilize the two entrances (as one-way-in and one-way-out) which currently exist on Trulls Road and which were constructed at the time that Trulls Road was reconstructed to facilitate development of these lands. b) The site is currently stubbed to the property line for storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water. These existing stubs must be utilized to service the site. c) A site grading plan and stormwater management plan must be submitted by a Professional Engineer which demonstrates that the major and minor runoff flows from the site will be conveyed in accordance with the Robinson Creek Master Drainage Plan. These plans will be subject to the approval of the Director of Engineering Services and CLOCA. d) The subject property was provided with accesses and servicing at the time that Trulls Road was reconstructed. The applicant will be required as a condition of site plan approval to reimburse the Municipality for 100% of the cost for the installation of the entrances and the storm sewer stub to the property line. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 11 10.2 Clarington Fire and Emergency Services have highlighted the need for a fire hydrant connection within 45 metres. The Building Services Division of the Engineering Services Department has no objection to the applications. Fire routes and water for fire-fighting is part of the site plan review process. 11. DISCUSSION 11.1 Although a number of residents simply objected to the idea of a proposed 4-storey building, a number of issues were raised with the design of the proposal. Since the public meeting held in 2011, the applicant and their consultants have worked towards addressing residents' concerns. An open house was held to present revised plans and additional details of the development. A review of the concerns, and the efforts to address the concerns are outlined below, followed by staff comments on the applications. 11.2 Suitability of Site Location The site is a suitable size and shape to accommodate the proposed density and building form. The site can accommodate the on-site parking requirements; provides adequate landscaped open space; and, both indoor and outdoor amenity space that satisfies the Municipality's Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High Density Residences. The site is located proximate to the Courtice Town Centre area. A draft Courtice Main Street Secondary Plan contemplates a mix of commercial, residential and community facility uses having a maximum height of 6 storeys for the Town Centre area. The proposed 4 storey residential building is appropriate for the subject lands as it will serve as a transition between low-rise (2.5 storeys) built form to a medium-rise (up to 6 storeys) built form permitted in the Town Centre area. The creation of affordable rental units is encouraged by all levels of government including the Clarington Official Plan. The applicant has demonstrated the proposal is compatible and sensitive to the physical character of the neighbourhood. 11.3 Densitv The proposed apartment building meets the high density criterion (95 units per hectare), however the built-form being a four storey building along and arterial road permissible under the medium density category according to the Official Plan. The development is also adjacent to existing townhouse development to the north and west providing an appropriate transition in form and density. A proposed Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 7) allows for the increased density on the site. 11.4 Site_Design In an effort to address resident concerns, the applicant has amended the preliminary site plan. A summary of the changes is outlined as follows: ,k it' e"*r".`'!.r R!�Jt'. � 'a r■ 2�W.+� dodo ree ede e dodo t C all an ur■e■u r MEMO i■!ON ie ti u n e!i �? 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NEON eee■ Ormy EYE _ ---------------ie ie====_===ie a=__==de a_= de an do do __ __ _-___________________ __-ee ee======-ee ee____-ee ee_= eeee '- :- ee ee F'r _:eeee___________ ------------------ ____________====e!!ee_=-=',ep er,____=ee ee:==. ■■ee^r ie ie '_=ei ee===- _-_____________-----------------------------------------------er er__. or er;, + e!or er er---------_-__ -------- REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 13 Provided Landscape details —to demonstrate how the rear yard can be attractively landscaped, the applicant has provided a preliminary landscape plan (Attachment 5). The rear yard would include a wooden pergola. The space would be treated with a mix of interlock pavers, grassed areas and gardens. Benches and tables are also included on the plan. The 1.8 m privacy fencing will be maintained and high-branching deciduous trees can be planted to assist in screening along the west property line. Other Site Design Considerations - the building design does not include balconies for any of the units. All outdoor amenity space is provided in the rear yard at ground level. The architect chose a design without balconies as upper floor outdoor space can give the impression that residents using outdoor balcony space can more easily look down into abutting rear yards. Another common concern relates to the storage of waste and recyclables. Both the original and revised plans incorporate an internal garbage room to accommodate garbage, recyclable and compostable materials. Should the Official Plan and Zoning Amendment be approved through the site plan approval process, the Planning Services Department would require the applicant to: a) implement measures relating to stormwater previously as part of the site plan review process in accordance with the recommendations of the Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek Watershed Study; b) incorporate street tree improvements to be undertaken on Trulls Road; c) provide on-site landscaping in accordance with the Municipality's Guidelines; d) provide indoor and outdoor amenity areas in accordance with the Municipality's Guidelines; e) provide a lighting plan in accordance with the Municipality's Guidelines; and f) provide an indoor bicycle storage area. 11.5 Parkinq The preliminary site plan satisfies the parking requirements of Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended. The by-law requires 1 parking space for every 1-bedroom unit and 1.25 spaces for every 2-bedroom unit. The plan shows a total of 27 parking spaces, whereas a total of 23 are required, with four extra parking spaces that could be used for visitor parking. The proposed site plan complies with the Zoning By-law. Parking on neighbouring streets has been highlighted as a concern. On-street parking is permitted along Trulls Road, Sandringham Avenue, Strathallan Drive and Bushford Street, subject to satisfying the regulations of the Municipality ofiCarington Traffic By- law. 11.6 Traffic The Traffic Impact Assessment addresses concerns relating to traffic and congestion along Trulls Road and demonstrates there will be a neglible increase to traffic. Staff concurs with the findings of the assessment. REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 14 The Traffic Impact Assessment states the site would function with a one-way driveway and utilizing the two existing access points to the site. The entrance would be the southernmost access, and the exit would be the northernmost access. The site plan could be modified to provide a narrower driveway width (from 6 metres to 4.5 metres) and provide additional landscaping around the perimeter of the site to further buffer the parking area from neighbouring properties. 11.7 Shadow Effects on Abuttinq Properties Section 7.3 discusses the findings of the shadow study. The shadow study demonstrates that this building will not result in significant shadow impacts on adjacent private properties. Planning staff agree with the findings of the shadow study. 11.8 Planning comments Planning staff are satisfied that the applicant has appropriately addressed resident, staff and agency concerns to the extent possible. The proposed rental apartment building is supported by provincial, regional and local planning policies and staff concurs with the findings of the Planning Justification Report prepared by the applicant's consultant. The development can satisfy the criteria for Medium and High density as provided in the Clarington Official Plan: • The site is suitable in terms of size and shape to accommodate the proposed density and building form; • The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, setbacks, shadowing, and the location of parking and amenity areas; • Adequate on-site parking, lighting, landscaping and amenity areas are provided; and, • The impact of traffic on local streets is minimized. As discussed the transitional location between lower densities to the west and the Main Central Area, and along an arterial road, makes this an appropriate location. There are no technical reasons, traffic-related or otherwise, why the development cannot proceed. Design considerations will continue to be reviewed during the site plan approval process and the applicant will be required to follow through on the mitigative measures provided to date and will be required to work with staff to ensure the site design best fits into the neighbourhood with the least impact. 11.9 All taxes payable to the Municipality of Clarington have been paid in full. 12. CONCURRENCE - Not applicable REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 15 13. CONCLUSIONS 13.1 In consideration of the findings of all supporting studies, comments received from circulated agencies and area residents, and based on review of the proposal, staff recommends that the proposed Clarington Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 7) and Zoning By-law Amendment (Attachment 9) be approved. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development X Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Anne Taylor Scott Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Air Photo of Site Attachment 3 - Preliminary Site Plan Attachment 4 - Preliminary Elevation Drawings Attachment 5 - Preliminary Landscape Plan Attachment 6 - Shadow Study Attachment 7 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment Attachment 8 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Adopting By-law Attachment 9 - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Glenn Genge Mary Ellen and Richard Rice Donna Lanigan Debbie Leighton Diana Curle Karen and Doug Wright Larry Williamson Maria and Janusz Zielinski Tony Ten Westeneind Amanda Jones Rodney and Karen Sturge Denis and Audrey St. Pierre Lee Anne Kelly Leah and Steve Whyte Chris Foster and Jan Wooler Foster Tony Provenzano Patricia Long Gail Syme Rebecca and Dan Regehr Joan and Harold Jones June Trimble _Kal Somogyvary Rondi Blackall and Lierre Dufresne Susan Marsh Ann Arbour Josh Miller Gale and Vince Nasso Udana Ruel Mrs. Gerry Walker Phile Reid REPORT NO.: PSD-004-13 PAGE 16 Barbara and John Chapman Terry and Pat Toutant C. Lawrence B. Wiederhold Corey Carter Allan Van Ginkel M. Strand Lloyd Martin i Attachment 1 To Report PSD-004-13 aia em u C Nr a O m 3alsa3nva N a O E CD O a Rf 2.1 9, E r, t3 0 OVOa Sllnal Nboa Sllnal N r' a C T Q. Os a ® N n (Q � 1N3osaao NNJW�W is aao3NSne � � i � M LO m a e- d m O L A 1N3]S3a�NNWY�44 Q 1N3�S3an N011npd h C A l O O �_ bov� C ,V inn 0 CL " ® N C xoe � s L a 3NadA03NN3N � 'i- U O sn N��1b,�yO Q�b O1� 5 U t1\L1 O Q O 9NdI CO U _ C� Z Z 'E'�° E,•�,.c � E' 11}} Q1LL ado s�in�i ,>' Q N a� _ O.f iNIOS92JO NNVINON is 0 dHsn9 Z T LV LU 'M,c"" U) a '7 N. 2 = ,3 a 1N�OS��IO NNVNON w 1 N °' �:10 NOD00d E BWO�LIIb� Z '�'p,• I s- - z t r`eR Q-4 ' � Attachment 3 To Report PSD-004-13 I I 2oR„R Rm REtLECn1E FIRE ROUTE- AND TESL ALSO ACCEPTABLE INTEA RED REFLECTIVE 0 INiER01CTORY 511tCKE E RED REFLECTIVE A ANN tAlR BANG WHITE REFLECTIVE RED REFLECTIVE SUBJECT E BACKGROUND i WTERDICIDRY STRORE SITE %EF BWE REFLECTIVE E WMIIE RFFLECi1�E BACKGROUND AND E BACI(GROUND OUTLINE x1m WRITE TOW AWAY aLAa LEnERS RFF1ECnVE SHABW AND BORDER ZONE BY PERMIT- ER IRT BLACK LETTERS ONLY BACK BCRDE B BORDER ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN FIRE ROUTE-NO PARKING SIGN NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE um NOTES: KEY PLAN 1. ACCESSNAZ PARKING SPACE TD BE SIGNED 1. 'NO PARIONG FIRE ROUTE'SIGNS-NP- &R INd CORDPAN.NCE WI-UW9GHWAY TO BE INSTALLED ALONG NRE ROUTE NOT TO SCALE 2 HRE HG11Vl0 ACCESS 6 TO BE PROVIDED 2. 'ACCESSIBLE PAWW SIGN -APB IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OBC.SECTION 3.25. TO BE INSTALLED 1=ACCESSIBLE PARIO NO PART OF BLOCK 136 N70°3700"E - LANDSCAPING m REG, PLAN 10M-820 s � LANDSCAPI G ® �R��° MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 210 Fb 5.20 22.00 .4 ASPHALT DRIVE 00 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LID _ 2.75 PERTINENT SITE INFORMATION 2.05 5.20 5.00 13.75 ( ') .00 CURRENT ZONING MEDIUM DENSITY ASPHALT DRIVE Qq^O I PROPOSED ZONING HIGH DENSITY R 2 LPVA'[KTIO R N C0 PROPOSED ZONING: HIGH DENSITY N t✓`l t `I Z LOT AREA: 1995.97 sq./m. (�) BUILDING COVERAGE: 518.74 sq./m. 15dnm POURED IN 25 PUCE CONCRETE CURB (25.99%) (T,Plc&) ASPHALT DR LANDSCAPED AREA: 710.11 sq./m. ® I 141.19. -, i \x i (35.58%) ARE DEPARTMENT" �® DEPRESSED / PARKING & DRIVE AREA: 767.12 sq./m. 1.&D HIGH CONNECTION °j �M CURB(TYPJ (38.43%) LATTICE 3 PRIVACY ---IF------- -- ' --SCREEN..... PATIO 'PAD -CONCRETE SIDEWALK_ _ 1 SUITE BREAKDOWN: (�zTD�sAMN) 7.30 r b a aso e� 1st FLOOR: 1 BEDROOM 2 2 BEDROOM 2 FG 2nd FLOOR: 1 BEDROOM 1 ate , 1 4un U4 t \ 2 BEDROOM 4 / 3rd FLOOR: 1 BEDROOM 1 r ; ;� " 2 BEDROOM 4 r + 4th FLOOR: 1 BEDROOM 1 LANDSCAPING +r O 2 BEDROOM 4 TOTAL SUITES: 19 PARKING REQUIRED: G1 BEDROOM UNITS:-5 Z �� h �D (5X1 CARS) f 2 BEDROOM UNITS: 17.5 (14x1.25 CARS) J VISITOR PARKING 4.75 ' T e J (19x0.25 CARS) H TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 27.25(27) 10.30 DSO _ nip 3.W PARKING PROVIDED: 27 ipl LOADING AREA REQUIRED: 1 LANDSCAPING 'O CONCRETE SIDEWALK (4.Om x 11.0m) --- LOADING AREA PROVIDED 0 N71'22'50"E 30.66 (_4Am x 11Om) PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NO. DATE REVISION Bt. '�Cab '� e=im re�ooM1Swam KI ¢ PROPOSED 4 STOREY UuA1 ��� ou<H m,aea,m e�gcm<mea.a.:gam. SITE PLAN APARTMENT BUILDING FOR: OUALIFkATOH INFORNATpN a tt ReNmwass azSgnR ma.gwan2,MAMNrewm9mco DPAYM Sf11F OR--. R.ABBOTT 2473 1:200 TRULLS RD. S. $1- drafting&design R.A./D.B.R. RWISTRATpN INFORNAMR ■/'/�[{�j{ R of wbssmN�me.emq�ter2,l..tNtre WUgma �/:: oswN,a(ae)>v-am, nc(am>,u-, MIE: PRDET NO. SP-1 RAYABBOTTITO. 2ssao NOV. 2010 10-076 COURIICE,ONTARIO Attachment 4 To Report PSD-004-13 o � o •� _�� 4 a m l � �. � £ 29 'g B d 3N3 p eE q TT FT FM 16A II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I II I I II II 1 II I II II II �7 II 9� II I I II II i II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II i i II II I II I I II II II II II -----� II II II II II - k I I I U II Z"-1 LIE II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 11 II II it 11 II II I II II II II II II II II II II II O II II II II II II II II II II W II I I O II LE I I I I I big On $ Via. es O ukl else S 3tlR I i i i ---- n u -----r I II u II 11 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 11 II I I II fi II ii II II - II II II II II z II II II II II } II II II II II W II W II QII II II II W If �'a ei � qtlqtl' n py a e' gl�I zl &I AI g A �I oil I I I I I A-t A-✓. A-�L A-.c o p Egg 54 �J Yb gd -1I '�. LID P�€ea`�Up a I'll i --- n E3 — u u u u u n u u u u n u u u u u n n u n n i i u u i i 11.1 u 'i W u w u i u Ili i o kBS� L4 jug° �-'al §g qry q� a a Ii II II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II n ii II II II 11 II II II II u II II II II u II II II u II II II II II II u • II II u II II u II n II II II y II L II OII II II II II II I II II • I II I II ii I I I I $IiIj Ij 11 j 9I I I 1 I I i Attachment 5 To Report PSD-004-13 z 0 -E!o 1 0 L 1. 1 I. a mw 1 2 4M Li all H V, IN! il P. H' Do 1H D A 41 0':i I i ! N N � o w I i C:=le as M 0 tt .7ME W J- Attachment 6 To Report PSD-004-13 MARCH 21, 9 AM 1 ry 1 MARCH 21, 12 PM I it JUNE 21, 9 AM JUNE 21, 12 PM SEPTEMBER 21,9 AM AL- i SEPTEMBER 21, 12 PM I i I 'M 4 r U4 i' 'I I i I I r - Attachment 7 To Report PSD-004-13 AMENDMENT NO. 88 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment to the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan is to provide for an increase in residential density to accommodate the development of a four storey, 19-unit residential apartment building on lands within the Emily Stowe Neighbourhood of the Courtice Urban Area. LOCATION: The subject site is municipally known as 2640 Trulls Road South, Courtice, which is located on the west side of Trulls Road, south of Strathallan Drive and north of Sandringham Drive. The site is within Block 3, Plan 40M-1822 and is located within part of Lot 31, Concession 2, in the Former Township of Darlington, Municipality of Clarington. BASIS: This amendment is based on the resolution of the General Purpose and Administration Committee on January 7, 2013 with respect to Official Plan Amendment application COPA 2011-0004. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by: i) amending Map A2, as indicated on Exhibit "A "attached to this amendment as follows; a) adding an "H" High Density Residential Symbol; ii) amending Map H1, as indicated on Exhibit "B" attached to this amendment as follows: a) changing the population of the Emily Stowe Neighbourthood from 6100 to 6150 and; iii) amending Table 9-2 as indicated by : a) adjusting the housing targets for the Courtice, Emily Stowe Neighbourhood (N8) Housing Targets as follows: i. High Density Units from 0 to 25 ii. Total Units from 2300 to 2325 iii. Amending all corresponding totals. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, as amended regarding implementation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply to this Amendment. Exhibit "A" Amendment No. 88 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map A2, Land Use, Courtice Urban Area 0 0 NASH ROAD O ■ � ■ ! SPECIAL POLICY ' AREA F O 0 ■ rF E :,:SP'EC�I ■ ■■ ■ M STU 0 M H a4i�EA O F . O NP ADD HIGH DENSITY O RESIDENTIAL SYMBOL O °a °a w N cn w J U J O w � M � ~ O U O i Exhibit "B" Amendment No. 88 To the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, Map 1-11 , Neighbourhood Planning Units, Courtice Urban Area 1 I I 12 1 FAREWELL I HEIGHTS 1 N 3 4 WORDEN HIGHLAND 6 Y (3900) (4100) 5 HANCOCK o U GLENVIEW (2900) NASH ROAD 3100 s�pMNO'O raCT 6�1 KING STREE 1 /10 TOWN DARLINGTON CENTRE (2400) 8 (600) / EMILY STOWE 7 o (6150) AVONDALE • URBAN BOUNDARY 9 W (3600) PENFOUND & Q NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY (3950) R w (1000) POPULATION Ix POPULATION FROM (') SEE SECTION 17.6 i (6100) TO (6150) 0 11 BAYVIEW o (4500) 0 260 520 1,040 1,560 2,080 Metres 1 ------------------1 IRASELINEROAD ip HIGHWAY 401 w 1 to I 1z M 1 cNR I 1 MAP H1 I NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS COURTICE URBAN AREA 1 OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON LAKE ONTARIO JANUARY 1,2010 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 THIS CONS REPREW DATION IS PROVIDED FCRCONVENIENCEONLY ANO SENTS REQUESTED MOgFICATIONSAND APPROV Attachment 8 To Report PSD-004-13 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2013- . i being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 88 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adopt or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to permit the development of a four storey, 19 unit apartment building at 2640 Trulls Road, Courtice; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 88 to the Clarington Official Plan being the attached Explanatory Text is hereby adopted. 2. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW passed in open session this day of ' 2013. I Adrian Foster, Mayor I i i Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk f Attachment 9 To Report PSD-004-13 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY—LAW NO. 2013- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63,the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2011-0017; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 15.4 "SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS — URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR (R4) ZONE" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception 15.4.33 as follows: "15.4.33 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R4-33)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 3.1 j. iv. and vi. 3.13, 3.16 a., 3.21 a., 15.2 a), b),c), g), h), i),those lands zoned R4-33 shall be subject to the following zone provisions: a) Density(maximum) 19 units b) Lot Frontage(minimum) 65 metres c) Yard Requirements(minimum) i) Front Yard 3.0 metres ii) Interior Side Yard (southerly) 2.5 metres iii) Interior Side Yard (northerly) 32.0 metres iv) Rear Yard 7.0 metres d) Building Height(maximum) 13.6 metres e) Balconies are not permitted in the R4-33 Zone. f) No structure, hedge or obstruction, including a parking space, that is more than 0.75 metres in height is permitted within 1 metre of any street line where such structure, hedge or obstruction will impede vision between a height of 075 metres and 2.5 metres above the centerline grade of an access from any improved street to any lot. g) No loading space is required. h) A minimum of 27 parking spaces shall be provided. 2. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Neighbourhood Commercial Exception (C2- 5) Zone" to "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R4-33) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule"A"hereto. I i 3. Schedule"A"attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to , the'provisions of Section 34and 36 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW passed in open session this day of 12013. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk ill This is chedule "A" to By-law 201 3- , passed this day of , 2013 A.D. j 2658 49 47 45 N 43 a tts 41 p -2 fY p 6 w m 39 ~ 37 35 33 31 N ® Zoning Change From"C2-5"TO"(H)R4-33" Adrian Foster,Mayor Patti L.Barrie,Municipal Clerk DURHAM HIGHWAY2 DURHAM HIG!{yyAY2 / /"�• HIGRW"A C WN o H p R�NiG mVgyZ °o < p1{PVRP po STIRt1NG AVENUE OBN TpDAMSD ai rc C o - GIRATIiN1�� STRATHA DRNE J w STEPHEN AVENUE 0 0EOHEAVE o $ M D O Q d /WDR/NGHgM OR SANDRI 0 Y F S+ SMART RO ODD 4, DRINGRAM DR SANDRINGHAM DRw t� STAG COURTICE Z13 2011-0017 RI��H c ROWNSIDNE ,SCHEDULE 4.