HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-002-13 Clarftw-n REPORT PLANNING VI PA T NT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: January 7, 2013 Resolution #: -0 d /, y-law #: N/A Report#: PSD-002-13 File Nos.: PLN 37.1.1, 37.2.1, 37.3.1, 37.4.1 Subject: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2012 ORONO, BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE AND COURTICE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-002-13 be received; and 2. THAT any interested parties to Report PSD-002-13 be notified of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: David Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer KK/FL/DJC/sn 18 Dec., 2012 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-002-13 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Council has adopted Community Improvement Plans (CIP) for Bowmanville and Orono which have been in place since 2005 and Newcastle whose plan was approved in 2008. Courtice does not have a CIP in place as of yet; however, funds have been provided in the past 3 years for civic space (streetscape) improvements. 1.2 The CIPs allow the Municipality to provide incentives to business and property owners within a specific geographical area and outlined as specific programs in the Plan. The merchants and business owners of the different CIP areas are notified via the municipal website, counter inquiries and through word of mouth of the incentives and grants available. When applying for a building permit or other works that may be eligible for a grant, applicants are informed of the grant program by Building Division and Planning Services staff. 1.3 The three downtown CIP's also have liaison groups which staff meet with on a quarterly basis. The liaison groups are apprised of any issues arising in the area and assist staff in spreading the word about the grant programs. 2. CIP INITIATIVES 2.1 General Rules for the Grant Program There are a number of general rules within the grant program that are applicable to all grants across the three CIP's. There are specific rules for the different types of grants and slightly different grants for each downtown. Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the free design service offered by the Planning Services Department for facade improvements and development of visualizations. In all cases staff work with applicants and inspect the buildings prior to the anticipated works. Grants are not released until the works are completed, the contractor paid and building permits finalized. To be eligible, property owners must be current with their tax payments. 2.2 Various Grant Programs The grant program is different for each community and is tailored to meet the specific opportunities and challenges of the downtown areas that were determined during the CIP studies for each downtown. These differences are outlined in Attachment 1. The types of projects that qualify include building facade improvements, signage improvement, infill projects, upgrades to building code, building permit fee, site plan control fee, and building reconstruction. 2.3 Grants Applications The grants that have been given and are pending are outlined in Attachments 2, 3 and 4 for Orono, Bowmanville and Newcastle respectively. Grant funds are committed at the outset of a project and may carry over to a subsequent year while the work is being completed. REPORT NO.: PSD-002-13 PAGE 3 2.4 CIP Funding To date the Municipality has provided funding in excess of$500,000 on grants to private enterprises in the 3 downtowns. The CIP monies have to be matched by the building owners/merchants on a 2:1 or 1:1 basis. In Bowmanville there has been in excess of$1 million invested in the downtown. When totaled with the other downtowns, the investment is over two million dollars. The direct public benefit is in the form of signage, building code upgrades, accessibility and fagade improvements for aging buildings in our central business areas. In the past two years the funds for Newcastle and Bowmanville have been allocated early in the year. Since July, Staff have had to inform numerous potential applicants that there are no remaining funds for the year. Applications are addressed on a first come first serve basis. Because of the limited funds many worthy projects are either being deferred or not proceeding. In many cases, it is the CIP funds which provide the necessary incentive to prompt an owner or merchant to invest in refreshing their store front and interior. The lack of funds is resulting in missed opportunities to have enhancements carried out. In future, if additional funds cannot be provided, it will likely be necessary to establish a rating system for priority projects. A Community Improvement Plan is a next step after the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law for the Courtice Main Street. In the meantime, Council has allocated funds to make improvements on municipal lands to kick-start the enhancement process that would happen once a CIP is in place (see Attachment 5). 2.5 CIP Refresh In 2012, two groups of students from Fleming College, under the guidance of Kevin Duguay, a Planner and instructor at the college, carried out studies on the Orono and Newcastle CIPs. The results of the refresh were the subject of community meetings hosted by the respective liaison groups and a series of recommendations that each CIP area is pursuing. The major recommendation from Orono was for better signage and awareness of the community plus a parking study. For Newcastle a number of the recommendations could be addressed as part of a streetscape study which is recommended. Engineering Services have included funding for the preparation of a streetscape study in the 2013 capital budget. 2.6 2012 CIP Updates ORONO — One grant application was received in 2012; however, the business applying for the grant did not proceed with the work and has since closed. Funds are available in Orono should applications come forward. BOWMANVILLE — In 2012, the entire $50,000 has been earmarked for CIP grants, while not all of the funds have been dispersed, no applications have been accepted since July. In addition, the remaining funds from prior years have been allocated. REPORT NO.: PSD-002-13 PAGE 4 NEWCASTLE — In 2012, the entire $20,000 has been earmarked for CIP grants. No funds are available from prior years as there has been full uptake of funding in prior years as well. COURTICE - In 2012, a parkette was developed on the northwest corner of Trulls Road and Hwy. 2 through funding allocated in the capital budget; the CIP funded the lighting in the park which was not part of the capital budget. The CIP funds for Courtice, are for municipal initiatives to improve the streetscape and the public realm. A CIP will be written and grant program established once the Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law are adopted and in force for Courtice Main Street. 2.7 CIP Effectiveness The influence of CIP projects and community leaders provided grounds for enhanced facades on new developments such as the No Frills in Newcastle and the Double Dragon in Bowmanville. Larger infrastructure projects such as the redevelopment of a streetscape or municipal projects within the CIP areas may be enhanced to meet the goals of the CIP are funded from the capital budget. Each year the Planning Services Department includes a request in the operating budget to continue the funding for the grant programs in the downtowns. The amount allocated to each downtown is reflective of the uptake from prior years. Funds allocated accumulate until they are disbursed. The liaison groups in both Newcastle and Bowmanville are concerned that the lack of grant funds available is delaying enhancement projects. During the third quarter meetings with the liaison groups it was felt that a number of the grant recipients should be approached to provide their perspective and experience with the grant program to ensure that Council fully understood the effectiveness and impact the limited funding is having within the business community. The written testimonials from program participants are Attachment 6. 3. CONCURRENCE - Not Applicable 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 There has been good response to the grant program and other CIP initiatives. The merchants/owners we have met with are pleased with the grant program and visualization service provided by the Municipality. Some merchants have proceeded with works based on the design provided without taking advantage of the grants. 4.2 Staff will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the program and make recommendations for changes, if necessary. REPORT NO.: PSD-002-13 PAGE 5 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives X Investing in infrastructure X Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Faye Langmaid Attachments: Attachment 1 — Grants available in downtowns Attachment 2 — Orono CIP Grants and Works Attachment 3 — Bowmanville CIP Grants and Works Attachment 4 — Newcastle CIP Grants and Works Attachment 5 — Courtice CIP works Attachment 6 - Testimonials List of interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Garth Gilpin, Co-ordinator, Bowmanville BIA Bowmanville CIP liaison group c/o Faye Langmaid Newcastle CIP liaison group c/o Faye Langmaid Orono CIP liaison group c/o Faye Langmaid Attachment 1 To Report PSD-002-13 Orono Grants Bowmanville Grants Newcastle Grants Si na a 50% up to $2000 N/A Si na e 50% up to $2000 Heritage Facade 33% up to Facade 50% up to $5000 $10,000 Facade 50% up to $5000 Site Plan Control Fee up to Site Plan Control Fee up to N/A $3000 $3000 Building Permit Fee up to N/A $2000 N/A Building Code Upgrade 50% up Building Code Upgrade 33% Building.Code Upgrade 50% to $5000 up to $5000 up to $10000 Brownfield grant up to $10000 Reconstruction up to $10000 Infill up to $10000 2005 - $25000 2005 - $25000 2006 - $25000 2006 - $50000 2007 - $25000 2007 - $50000 2008 - $15000 2008 - $40000 2008 - $20000 2009 - $0 2009 - $25000 2009 - $25000 2010 - $1000 2010 - $34000 2010 - $20000 2011 - $0 2011 - $50000 2011 - $20000 2012 - $0 2012 - $50000 2012 - $20000 CIP Area - 3.29 ha CIP Area - 89.25 ha CIP Area - 19.95 ha Encompasses two additional Encompasses more properties Encompassed more properties to BIA, BIA covers than BIA area (BIA is 10.48 ha, properties than BIA area (BIA 2.48 ha, minus ROW property it minus ROW and MOC is 11.33 ha, minus ROW and is 2.42 ha property) MOC property General to all Three CIP's At no time shall the total amount of grants provided to a specific property owner exceed $50,000.00 Capital Works Capital Works are different for each CIP area and are subject to annual budget deliberations of Council. Development Charge Exemptions Development Charge Exemptions are the same for all three CIP area. (They are interpreted by the Chief Building Official) Note While there are more grants in Bowmanville and Newcastle than Orono, the circumstances are different and were examined at the time of drafting the original CIP's. For instance the Site Plan Control grant has only occasionally been used, this is also applicable to the Building Permit Fee grant. For Orono there is no opportunity for infill as there are no vacant properties in the CIP area; as such the Site Plan grant would not be applicable. i I Attachment 2 To Report PSD-002-13 Orono CIP Grants Summary Grant ype Year Building Name Location value Stage S 2005 Hair with Flair 5310 Main St. $299.00 paid S, F 2005 Orono Bakery 5340 Main St. $6,714.53 paid S 2005 Main thru Church Antiques 5341 Main St. $717.57 paid F 2006 Blueberrys 5341 Main St. $128.71 paid S, F 2006 Galloway Cafe 5323 Main St. $1,399.10 paid S, F 2006 Not just Chocolate 5314 Main St. $6,750.00 paid S 2006 Discount store 5337 Main St. $121.12 paid S, F 2006 Well Wise Centre 5331 Main St. $1,855.97 paid S, F 2007 Terran's 5324 Main St. $2,528.99 paid S 2007 Patriot Antiques 5324 Main St. $739.00 paid F 2008 5265 Main St. 5265 Main St. $5,000.00 paid S, F 2008 Orono Electric 5352 Main St. $2,846.00 paid S 2009 Apple Blossom Shop 5345 Main St. $1,989.25 paid S 2009 Di's Pizzeria 5304 Main St. $1,786.00 paid S, F 2010 Patriot Antiques 5283 Main St. $2,905.68 paid S 2010 Hedgehog Antiques 5324 Main St. $770.00 paid S 2011 Orono Antique Market 6 Park St. $1,767.44 aid BC 2011 Orono Town Hall 5315 Main St. $5,000.00 aid F 2011 Riss/Riorden 6290 Main St. $4,181.00 aid S = Signage F = Facade BC = Building Code I = Infill The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Orono CIP is $91,000. Over $47,000 has been paid out in grants. Twenty-seven projects have received CIP grant funding in Orono in the past seven years. Fifteen of these projects have been new signage and the remainder have been building fagade and code improvements. In addition funds (approximately $9,000) were expended on the 175th celebrations, brochures, hall rentals, sign refurbishment, etc. There is approximately $35,000 left in uncommitted funds. i Attachment 3 To Report PSD-002-13 Bowmanville CIP Grants Summary Grant Type Year Building Name Location $ value Stage F BC BP SPC 2005 Balmoral Place 54 King St. E $ 23 770.00 paid F 2006 Brian's House of Fish 185 Church $ 5,700.00 paid F 2006 Edward Jones 1 King St. E $ 4,980.17 paid F BP 2008 Mike Sullivan 118 Kinq St. $ 10 070.00 paid BC F BP R SPC 2008 Lan e's 29-31 King St.W. $ 30 029.00 aid BC F BP R SPC 2008 Bethesda House 25-27 King St. W. $ 30 076.00 paid F 2008 Masonic Lode 19 Kin E $ 2,616.81 paid F, BC 2008 Wilson's 182 Church Street $ 1,944.89 paid F BP 2009 Delton Financial 108 King St. E $ 8,198.19 paid BC F BP R 2009 Sevarg Investments 33 Kin W $ 25M8.09 paid F 2009 Bowmanville Barber 19A Kin W $ 867.00 paid BP, BC, F 2010 Chanterelle 33 Division St. up to $18,000 committed F 2010 Oak Unlimited 91-101 King St. W $ 41 460.53 paid F 2010 former Leisure Lady 19 1/2-21 Kin W $ 10,0 0.00 paid F 2010 former Leisure Lady 19 1/2-21 Kin W $ 18 000.00 committed BP BC 20101 Royal Service 104 King E up to $8,000 committed F 2010 Royal Service 104 King E up to $10,000 pending F 2011 Vanstone Mill 116 King St. W. $ 8,583.00 paid F 2011 James Insurance 24-26 King St. E. $ 11 444.71 paid F 2011 Atkin's Auto 12 Temperance St. $ 4,333.33 paid F, BC, BP 2011 Sturdy House 30 Silver Street up to $18,000 committed BC 2012 Octagon House 48 Division Street $ 5,000.00 paid BC BP 2012 77-79 King St. W. $ 5,000.00 paid BC F BP 2012 formerly Tattoo Parlour 17-23 Temperance St. $ 18 000.00 committed partial F BC BP R 2012 Double Dragon Scugog and King St. W. $ 28 000.00 committed F 2012 Glass Slipper 55 King St. W. $ 3,000.00 1committed BC = Building Code BP = Building Permit F = Facade R = Reconstruction SPC = Site Plan The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Bowmanville CIP is $324,000. Just under $228,000 has been paid out in grants, with another $83,000 committed, $10,000 pending and $28,000 in discussion. Bowmanville has seen the greatest amount of grants dispersal with fifty-six projects receiving funding assistance. Twenty-two projects were for facade improvements, thirteen were upgrade to building codes, twelve were building permit fees, three were site plan control fees, and five were building reconstruction (after fires). While not all funds have been dispersed, currently all funding available has been earmarked for projects and applications have been on hold since July. In addition funds were expended on the 150th celebrations (approximately $7,000). There are no uncommitted funds at this time for Bowmanville. Committed - means letter has been issued, committing the funds. Pending - means discussion with owner, waiting for additional information. Attachment 4 To Report PSD-002-13 Newcastle CIP Grants Summary Grant Type Year Building Name Location $ value Stage F 2008 You're In The Dog House 205 Kinq Ave. E. $ 3,195.94 paid F, S 2008 The Black Knight 119 King Ave. W. $ 7,000.00 paid F 2008 Clark Chiro ractic 10 King Ave. E. $ 3,087.00 paid F 2008 Roselina's 4 King Ave. E. $ 5,000.00 paid BC 2009 The Black Knight 119 King Ave. W. $ 10,000.00 paid F 2009 Canada Brokerlink Insurance In Person 83 King Ave. W. $ 3,508.00 paid F 2009 Newcastle Eye Care 85 King Ave. W. $ 3,508.00 paid F 2009 Yummy Pleasures 123 King Ave. W. $ 5,000.00 paid SPC 2009 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E. $ 3,000.00 paid F 2010 Clark Chiropractic 10 King Ave. E. $ 310.75 paid SPC 2010 Diana's Gingerbread Cottage 106 King Ave. E. $ 10,637.00 aid F 2010 Syvan Developments 187 King Ave. E. $ 5,000.00 paid F, BC, S 2011 Home Hardware 15 Kin Ave. W $ 22,000.00 committed SPC 2011 S van 187 King Ave. E. $ 3,000.00 committed BC, S, SPC 2011 Gift of Art 187 King Ave. E. $ 12,000.00 committed BC 2011 Community Hall King Ave. W. $ 10,000.00 committed S, F 2012 Studio 37 Hair 37 Kinq Ave. W $ 4,559.00 paid S, F 2012 Actax Services Ltd. 35 King Ave. W. $ 7,000.00 pending S 2012 Apple Dentistry 50 Mill St. $ 2,000.00 paid BC = Building Code S = Signage F = Facade I = Infill SPC = Site Plan The non-capital funding provided to date for implementation of the Newcastle CIP is $105,000. I Approximately $65,000 has been paid out in grants, with another approximate $40,000 committed. Newcastle Village's CIP approved a total of thirty projects which have been completed with funding assistance. Eleven of these were building facade improvements. There are no uncommitted funds at this time for Newcastle. Committed - means letter has been issued, committing the funds. Pending - means discussion with owner, waiting for additional information. _i I Attachment 5 To Report PSD-002-13 i Courtice CIP Grants Summary WORKS 2009 Street Trees A street tree planting program began in 2009 utilizing community improvement funding. A total of 26 street trees were planted at four locations along the Courtice Highway 2 corridor between Townline and Courtice Road under the supervision of the Manager of Parks Development. It is anticipated that future funding will augment the street tree planting program on the municipal road allowance, thereby continuing to implement the recommendations of the Courtice Main Street Master Development Plan. 2010 Tooley Memorial The Municipality acquired the house and property at 71 Old Kingston Road in 2009 with the intention of providing a trailhead and small parkette along the Farewell Creek Valley. This initiative was to start to fulfill the actions identified in the Municipality's Corporate Strategic Business Plan 2007-2010 to create a focal point and develop a trail system along the Farewell Creek, also known to some as Barber's Creek. Funds were allocated for the construction of the cairn in the 2010 budget and the project was completed in November. The Clarington Museum and Archives prepared the wording, in consultation with the Clarington Heritage Committee and Staff for the plaque. 2011/2012 Parkette Trulls Road and Highway 2 Capital Funding was allocated in the 2011 budget for development of a parkette at this intersection. The project was designed, tendered and awarded in 2011 with construction to commence in the spring of 2012. The construction cost of the pergola feature and other amenities will exhaust the capital funds allocated for this project. The 2011 and a minor amount of the 2012 CIP funds (non capital) were used to provide lighting adjacent to the pergola. Lighting will assist in deterring vandalism and making the pergola more usable and visible. Summation To date a total of$35,000 has been allocated for Highway 2 improvements; $26,000 has been expended and $9,000 is available for additional improvements which is anticipated to be used for additional street tree planting. Attachment tj To Report PSD-002-13 CIP GRANT PROGRAM Dee's Harvest Table 1o6 King Ave. E Newcastle, On UB 1H5 deesharvesttable(@gmail.com To Faye Langmaid- Planning Dept., Municipality of Clarington In 2009 I began the process of opening a business (restaurant) in the village of Newcastle, despite budgeting to allow for unexpected costs the project went well over budget and threatened to put an end to things before getting opened. Gord Robinson, who was then councillor, dropped off the CIP book for Newcastle along with information on the grants available. I made an application for sign, Site Plan/Building Code and funds were set aside and would be available after the completion of the work. The application process was straight forward and as the funds were available at the time they were earmarked for my project. Once paperwork supporting the costs was provided and the work was completed and inspected the funds were released which to say the least took some financial strain away. The CIP book that I received laid out the vision that members of business and the community have for Newcastle and as this is my home town I too share the goal of keeping an aesthetic that is both historic and new. The CIP grants encourage development that is in line with the shared vision of village's future. This program is an asset to the future of a rapidly growing community and there is so much that can and should be done to invest in the continued development of the village. It is my hope that my business is an asset to the village and its success creates a positive impression on residents and those considering relocating to the area. The CIP grant money that I received was a large factor in the ability to bring my dream to a reality. I encourage the Municipality to continue this program and to increase funding to allow this community to develop into the `beautiful hometown' that people are seeking. Yours sincerely, Diana L Stephenson I i FINANCIAL LTD. 1`800 tv113 FZT GA®I s 5G0 lic# 1 Q057 108 King St.6., 8©Wmanuille,Ontario HC 11V5 • Telephone: (905) 6973300 Toil Free: 1-800-207-0842 Fax: (905) 623-3092 108 King St,, Bowmanvil(e Ont, INS UC IN5 WEAL'M 905-623-1936 MANAGEMENT 905-623-3092(fax) November 26, 2012 Faye Langmaid Manager of Special Projects, Planning Services Department The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 RE: CIP GRANT DELTON FINANCIAL LTD, & INSCH WEALTH MANAGEMENT 108 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO During the later part of 2009 we decided to proceed with a major renovation to our building. It was also decided that we would change the front door entrance as the existing front door was not functioning adequately. Upon applying for a building permit we were Introduced to Faye Langemaid and the GIP Program. Alf hough we were somewhat skeptical at first, the application and procedures involved were quite painless. The end result was a complete makeover for our front entrance (fagade). We now have a proper, safe and attractive entrance, all of which would not have happened without the grant. Our thanks to the town staff and Faye for pointing us in the right direction. We constantly have people commenting on the building and improvements we have made. Due to our experience we offer our full support to this program, This is an excellent way for the Municipality to help local business owners and landlords maintain an attractive downtown. WSA DEL . INSCH WEALTH MANAGEMENT PER' i TEPHEN SC TY I JAMES INSUR4NCE BROKER LIMITED 26 KING ,STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L IC I N2 November 20, 2092 Faye Langmaid Clarington Planning Dear Faye: I would like to express my appreciation for the grant l received for the improvement of both my buildings, 22-24 King and 26 King Street East in Bowmanville. I have received numerous compliments on how much it has improved the downtown, and it is nice to see a town show pride in the appearance of their downtown core, I believe in order to survive against the big box stores, we have to keep our downtown a pleasant place to visit. People are far more receptive to visiting stores and business's when they have an inviting appearance. I believe by offering grants to continually improve our downtown, it will only help revitalize the community spirit, as we see through the BIA programs of specialty events. By helping with the exterior of many of these old buildings, hopefully it will also give building owners the opportunity to improve and upgrade the interior. I believe strongly that all building owners have the desire to make their buildings the best they can be, but it is difficult in these economic times to do everything, I hope you will continue to support the local businesses and our downtown will flourish. Again, thank you for your support, it is truly appreciated. Sincerely, Eleanor Damant, I i 905-623-4406 1-800-836-7236 fax 906-623-5570 SOLID OAK FURNITURE. NITU E. 3 t v �. y. BILLIARDS OWROOM ". � . � S P' � � s1ti i,'r c i r: ,3 I 95 King Street\Vest,Bowmanville., Ontario L I C IR2 TO: (905)623-236-5 Fax:(905)623-1089 1-800-711-9700 � www.oakunlirnited_ca e-ni.ail: sales e��oakun in�itcd.ca. November 12, 2012 Faye Langinaid Manager of Special Projects Planning Services Department The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, On. LI.0 3A6 Faye: Please accept this testimonial on our behalf as a CIP grant recipient for our business located in Downtown.Bowmanville. For our part as a family business and as with many small businesses located in small towns and villages, the CIP Grants play a very important role in the long term health and viability of such businesses and Downtowns, with the financial assistance enabling us to improve and enhance our buildings to attract potential business to our stores and the Downtown! In our partricualar case our building improvements not only enhanced our building but also the entrance to the Downtown, as our building is the first you see on the eastbound entrance into the Downtown. As a business you only ever get one chance to make a first nllpression to potential customers! The funding was a very intrigal part in us being able to finish the work in it's entirety and save money by completing it all at once rather than in stages and then have to do each stage of the work as we could afford to,by having to finance it entirely on our own, We are very pleased to say that our experience in obtaining the funding was done with relative ease in large part thanks to the guidance, assistance and professional manner which we were privileged to enjoy from your end. On behalf of the Brown Family I would like to thank and commend you for your efforts regarding our funding and hope to be able to work with you again for the betterment of our business and the Downtown of Bowmanville• Yours truly; Gail Brown i i qASUILH VAN & CO. (PROFF.SSIONALCORPORATION) CHAIVITimm AccovNTANT November 28, 2092 I�. V Faye Langmaid NOV 3 p 2011. Manager of Special Projects Planning Services Department MUNICIPALITY OFCLARINQTON The Municipality of Clarington PLANNING DEPARTMENT 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON l.1 C 3A6 Dear Faye, Re: CIP Program The purpose of my writing is to provide a testimonial regarding the CIP Program. My business has been located in downtown Bowmanville since first opening in 1997. From 1997 to 2008 the business was located on Silver Street near King Street, and eventually more space was required. It was a priority to stay in the downtown area, and several years were required until a desired location became available. In late 2008 the current building '(118 King Street last)was purchased for this purpose. While the new office building was structurally sound, since there had been several occupants over the years,with minimal investment in the property, a significant investment was required to bring the premises up to the desired appearance. In determining the most cost effective way to improve the appearance of the building, various alternatives were considered. The CIP Program provided a meaningful incentive to make improvements to the facade, and provided additional funds that in turn permitted more extensive work to be completed. Further, the planning staff was very helpful during each stage of the program. The Bowmanville downtown has been rejuvenated in recent years, and much of King Street has taken on a new look. The CIP program has no doubt played a significant role in this process. Please do contact me if I can be of any assistance. Regards, Sullivan & Co. (Professional Corporation) Michael Sullivan Chartered Accountant It 8 Kim STREET EAST,BOWNIANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C 1N5 TFL.905-6973736 FAX 905-697-3758 E-MAIL:ms @michaelsullivan.ca 20 ROBERT STREET 1 EST, UNIT A x h NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO L1B 106 Taus.905-987-3211 Fax 905 987-3083 DEVELOPMENTS Tall free 1-866-987-3211 L I M I T 6 n www.siwan.com November 13, 2012 Testimonial for Clarin0on Council Re; Community Improvement Plan Grant programs for Bowmanville and Newcastle Dear members of Council: The CIP Grant programs in both Newcastle and Bowmanville have inspired our company to improve properties we have on the main streets of both communities. We encourage you to continue to expand funding to these programs. Syvan Developments Limited has been operating for over 30 years from our head office in Newcastle and has been fortunate enough to own and develop several properties in the downtown cores of both Newcastle and Bowmanville. Although we have always strived to improve our properties,the CIP grants have motivated us to complete improvements sooner than we might normally have done. In addition to the financial aid provided, the Planning Department has provided us with guidance in improving facades and improving signage so that it is in keeping with these two historic downtown areas. Of course, in all cases, we have provided well over twice the amount of the funding provided by the Municipality. In the case of 21 King St W in Bowmanville(former"Leisure Lady"),we have probably spent ten times the grant amounts. But the motivation provided by the existence of the grants pushes businesses like ours to get going on improvements. The facades we completed in Newcastle(83 & 85 King Ave W)were not really on our radar until we discovered that there were CIP grants. We then surveyed our inventory to see what could use sprucing up and decided to go forward with these two. In all cases,we hired locally and bought our supplies locally resulting in tens of thousands of dollars of spin off benefitting our communities. As soon as we complete one of our downtown building improvements, we invariably have several other I downtown property owners approach us to ask about the improvements. It often inspires neighbouring properties to do their own improvements with the result of the whole area looking much better. Planning has been encouraging and easy to deal with throughout our experience. Should you wish to discuss this further,please do not hesitate to contact Edmond or Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Sincerely, SYVAN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED t! Edmond Vanhaverbeke t`l eresa Vanhaverbeke edsnotld@syvan.com theresa syyan.com ftenerahword\cip testimonial nov 2012 i Hello Faye I would like to thank you and the municipality for your work in helping Studio 37 in Newcastle on our facade improvement. Because of this grant we were able to greatly enhance the appearance of our shop at 37 King Ave. west . We couldn't have done it without you . The process of applying and processing the grant was made easy by the help of your staff. Great work! Thanks so much and keep this program going . The town is looking better because of it. Bill Schmahl Sent from my iPhone II