HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-21-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1 REPORT File # Res. # By-Law # �MING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: MARCH 9 , 1990 T #: WD-22-90 FILE #: WB,ECT: REQUEST FROM THE ORONO DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION FOR A NEED AND FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR THE ORONO DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-22-90 be received; 2 . THAT Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be retained to carry-out a preliminary investigation to identify and document the problem areas in accordance with their letter attached to Report WD-22-90; 3 . THAT the preliminary investigation include all of Orono including the Downtown Business Area; 4 . THAT Item 6 : ORONO STUDY of the proposed 1990 Capital Budget be amended to read as follows: Gross Expenditure $12,500 Tax Levy $10,000 Lot Levies $ 21500 . . .2 PAGE 2 REPORT NO. : WD-22-90 5 THAT Mr. W.K. Lycett be advised of Council's decision. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENT 1989r from No- 1: Correspondence dated March 9 ► 1989) W.K .. Lycett (Received November 1► from Totten No.2: Correspondence dated February 27 , 1990, Sims Hubicki Associates . 2 .0 At a regular meeting held on November 13, 1989 , Council passed Resolution #C-747-89 : from "THAT the correspondence dated March 9 , 1989 , W.K. Lycett, with respect to a Need and Feasibility Study for sewage treatment and disposal facility for Orono Downtown business Improvement Association be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Public Works Department for review and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Mr, Lycett be advised of Council's decision. " 3 .0 REVIEW AND COMMENT ant 3 . 1 Ministr of the Environment Dire has Grant Pro a DirectrGrant Program whic] The Ministry of the Environment or repairs t is available to small communities for the upgrading This program is applicabl existing sewage disposal facilities . depending on th stems or pr P to either communal systems private systems, to 85 referred alternative solution. Financial assistant eofofpfto85 P general the of the capital cost is a on lthe in of population for t} assistance is calculated it is estimated that t] serviced community. In the care of Orono, level of funding, if eligible, will be about 74% . . • • REPORT NO. : WD-22-90 PAGE 3 3 .2 Preliminary Investigation - Problem Area to be Identified and Documented The initial step requires that the problem area be identified and documented. Preliminary discussions should be held at this time with local ministries and staff concerning the problem area. Once the problem area has been surveyed, and evidence collected which identifies that at least 20% of the permanent dwellings have a problem, then the documentation must be submitted to the Ministry of The Environment with a Council Resolution requesting a ruling on the project by the Ministry on the eligibility of the project for funding assistance. This preliminary investigation must be done and paid for by the Municipality. 3. 3 Ministries Project Priority Evaluation Committee The Ministries Project Evaluation Committee (PPEC) will provide a ruling on the eligibility for funding. Once funding is approved preliminary engineering, including an in depth study to define the extent of the problem and recommend solutions can be undertaken. Once the final engineering report is complete, a copy, together with the appropriate applications for approval as well as the applications for grant are to be submitted to the Ministry for review and approval. 3.4 Carry-out Study for all of Orono The request from the Orono Business Improvement Area was that an application be made for the Orono Business Improvement Area only. It is my opinion that the preliminary investigation should include all of Orono rather than just one part of Orono. It is, therefore, recommended that the preliminary investigation include all of Orono. 3 .5 Estimated Cost for Preliminary Investigation The estimated cost to undertake a preliminary investigation to identify and document the problems in the community of Orono is $12,500 . . . .4 PAGE 4 REPORT NO. : WD-22-90 4 .0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4 . 1 It is recommended that the firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be retained to carry-out a preliminary investigation to identify and document problem areas in the community of Orono with regard to private sewage disposal systems and that $12,500 be included in the 1990 Budget for the investigation. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, t , --- --------------- _ _ __ ----------------- Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrence E Kotseff, Director of Public Works . Chief A ' istrative Officer. WAE*llv March 5, 1990 Attachments u-u TELEPHONE(A 16)983-5007 ;arrtsfer, olicitOT, OfHr�7 �itc. v BOX 87 5367 MAIN ST. ORONO.ONTARIO L08 1M0 March 9th 1989 The Mayor and Council of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario L1C 3A6 Re : Need and Feasability Study for Sewage Treatment and Disposal facility for Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association. Dear Madam and Council Members : As a member of and solicitor for the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association , I am presenting herewith its petition for certain studies to be conducted with the view of having what might be termed a "mini sewage system" to serve that section of the Hamlet of Orono under the designation or jurisdiction , ( if you will) of the D . B . I .A . which we believe encompasses these properties on either side of Main Street from just north of Centre Street on the north to Station Street on the south and including one property south of Station Street on the east side of Main. This area represents what might be described as the downtown business core which it is the hope and desire of our group or association to keep alive and a vibrant entity . We believe that with the other projects we have and will be planning for the area including the establish- ment of the Orono Woods Walk Park project adjacent to the west now in progress that we will be able to achieve our goals in this respect and further that the installation of a sewage system for this area would more than greatly enhance our chances of success . We believe also that whatever plant is required for such a system , if feasible , could be located in the park area which of course is municipal property. ATTACHMENT 'NO UD-22-90 2 - As a result of our investigations towards the possible implementation of this project we have ascertained from the Regional Works Department that a needs study must first be carried out and that this will be instituted only on request or action on behalf of the appropriate municipality , in this case the Town of Newcastle . We believe that the need is in fact present and has been for some time and this you will see is in part evidenced by the signatures of the property and business owners in the designated area in support of this petition also presented herewith. Upon receipt of these enclosures , we trust that council will take the necessary positive action to bring about the beginning of something beautiful for Orono and its undoubtedly brilliant future . Yours truly , W. K. Lycett WKL : klw EncI . P.S. This letter, as you will note was written in March of this year but in the midst of what has turned out to be possibly the busiest year of my life thus far, it has taken me until now to contact all the property owners and tenants personally and attest to their signatures and you will see that there is a 1002 endorsement save for Bell Canada whose property is not within the defined area. In spite of my tardiness, I trust that Town officials will give this matter their immediate consideration and action and I am sending copies of this correspondence and enclosures to the Mayor and our local Councillors. Your continued interest in our area will be greatly appreciated. i 0 R 0 N 0 D . R . I . A . February 22nd , 1989 BE IT RESOLVED that the Orono D . B . I . A. petition the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to institute the immediate and appropriate study of the geographic area designated to the Orono D. B . I . A. to determine the present need for a sanitary sew$ge treatment and disposal facility for that area and , if as a result of such study such a need is found to exist , to expeditiously implement a further feasability and cost study in respect of the instalation of such a facility , all in conjunction with , but without detrimental affect upon , the present study and development of the Orono Woods Walk Park under consideration , and further that this resolution be circulated amongst the property owners and commercial tenants within the designated area for signatorial approval prior to its presentation . We the undersigned officers hereby certify that this resolution was duly passed at the general meetin of the Orono D. B . I . A . on the 22nd day of February 1989 . J dy Chad , Secretary Susan Sawyer , Chairperson I i II I _i PETITION I� The undersigned owners of lands situate within that area of the Hamlet of Orono designated as the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area Hereby Approve the forgoing resolution of the Orono D . B . I . A . dated the 22nd day of February 1989 as attested by the signatures of its chairperson Susan Sawyer and Secretary Judy Chad , and further support its presentation to the Council of the Town of Newcastle as soon as possible . OWNER LEGAL FRONTAGE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION W . K . Lycett Lot 15 Block Q East side Main li.4*< zzC St . 95 . 04 ft North side Centre St . 122 . 64 ft . Brian Clifford Lot 12 Block 0 Larson East Side Main Sandra Lynn St . Larson West side / Church St . 49 . 5 ft . South side 1 �'i <i JLJ cii •1�' Centre St . 167 . 64 ft . Horst Hoench Pt . Lot 11 , , Block 0 , ' L T East side � Main St . 43 ft . West side Church St . 43 ft . 2 - OWNER LEGAL FRONTAGE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION Joanne C. Swadron Pts . Lots 9 & 11 Block 0 East side Main St . 31 ft . West side Church St . 31 ft . Linda Eileen Pt . Lot 9 Taylor Block 0 East side Murry Brian Main St . 24 ft . Taylor West side � Church St . 24 ft . H . Partner Pts . Lots Family 8 & 9 Estate Block 0 ✓ zc�a Holdings Ont . East side Limited Main St . 66 ft. West side Church St . 38 ft . Harvey :J . Pt . Lot 8 Partner Block 0 East side Bergice. A, M Main St . 54 ft Prirrnor West side Church St . 21 . 5 Town of Newcastle Pt . Lot 7 Block 0 East side Main St . 66 ft . North side Park St . 118 . 3 ft W . K . Lycett Pt . Lot 7 Block un- identified by letter f East side Main St . 31 ft . South side Park St . 63 ft . 3 - OWNER LEGAL FRONTAGE SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION W. E . Reid Pt . Lot 7 Block un- identified Ir��!� � J.�./l• by letter — ✓/ / l East side Main St . 35 ft . South side Park St . 36 . 3 ft . Ella Noreen Pt . Lot 6 Dean Block un- identified by letter East side Main St . 66 ft . Harvey J . Pt . Lots 5 Partner & 6 , Block Bernice A .M . unidentified Partner by letter East side Main St . 27 . 5 ft� North side of lane 76 . 75 ft ., Earl John \ �• r r Taylor Pts . Lots 1 4 & 5 , BlockI unidentified {� by letter — ast side Ma n St . 39 . 3 ft . South ide lane 7 f t . Lori Calvo Pts . Lots 3 & 4 , Block unidentified by letter 't East side Main St . 48 ft • 2 in . / Velda Madelene Cowan Pt . Lot 3 Block un- identified _ by l e t t e r East side Main St . 36 ft . 4 - OWNER LEGAL FRONTAGE SIGNATURE (S) DESCRIPTION B . Adele Lot 2 & Pt . Lot 3 , Block ~' McGill L unidentified by letter East side 96 ft . Main St . West side 80 ft . Church St . Pts . Lots 2 n Nandor Kish & 3 Block K Francisca Kish East side 80 ft . Main Street South side 4 0 f t . �'� --s� Station St . Edna P . Mercer West side 33 ft. Estate Main St . Orono Electric North Pt . Lot Deed No . 90000 1 , Block P West side • Main ft . St . Pts . Lots 1 Bettina Ann & 2 , Block P Maddocks 39 ft . , West side Main 1 Street 1 in. 1-1/Z Pt . Lots 1 & 2 James He-QY Block P , Stutt side 22 ft . , Elizabeth Jean West s 6 in . j Main St . S t u t t *' Cornius Petrus North Pt . Lot Id I Vreeker 3 , Block P West side 40 . 92 ft . Carol Anne � Vreeker Main Street Orono Insurance South 38 links 3 Lot , Block P Brokers Ltd . ��•% i � f �• -'� West side 25 - 08 ft . Main St . OWNER LEGAL FRONTAGE SIGNATURE (S) DESCRIPTION Allan Frazer Lots 4 & 5 , McKenzie West side Main St . 132 ft . Laurence Pt. Lot 6 Gilbert Cyr Block P Mary Ellen West side Cyr Main St . 30 ft . Clarence Roy Pts. Lots 6 & ` Forrester 7 , Block P West side 39 f t . n-�o Main St . 3 in . David Victor West side 38 ft . P a r f i t t Main St . 7' ft . Colleen M a r i e McLean W. Vance Allen Lot 8 , Block P 22 ft . `-- Jean M. Allen West side 7L�y- Main St . Carman L. Lot 9 & west Cornish Pt . Lot 1 0 ���-�_ �u�✓� E . Faye Block P = � Cornish East side Main St . 22 ft . Ralph Howard Lot 10 , Block McInnes P , West side - Main St . 22 ft . Charles Edward Lots 11 & 12 Woodyard Block P , west C /! side Main St . 45 . 75 ft . Canadian Lot 13 , Block �- Imperial Bank P , West sidelt��dh ^� L of Commerce Main St . 60 . 06 ft . 6 - LEGAL OWNER DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SIGNATURE (S) Kenneth Nixon Pt. Lot 1 Mary Ilean Front & Rear Nixon Range , Block J West side f1-,n C Main St . 49 . 5 ft . �= John Robert Lot 2 & Pt . 1 �% Hendry Lot 1 , Block J Carollyn Ann West side Hendry Main St . 66 ft . — C—/ Norman Kennedy) North 3/4 Lot \\ Lola Isabel 3 , Block J West side Kennedy Main St. 49 . 5 ft . Charles E. Pts . Lots 3 & Taylor 4 , Block J ✓�z i � 2 West side Main St . 49 . 5 ft . Ray Edward Pts . Lots 4 & Brown 5 , Block J Mary Agnes West side Brown Main St . 50 ft . North side — Station St . (West) 106 ft . PETITION The undersigned owners of businesses for which business assessment is levied within that area of the Hamlet of (jrono designated as the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area Hereby Approve the foregoing resolution of the Orono D. B . I .A . dated the 22nd day of February 1989 as attested by the signatures of its chairperson Susan Sawyer and Secretary Judy Chad , and further support its presentation to the Council of the Town of Newcastle as soon as possible . OWNER SIGNATURE Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v Wallace Auto Supply Ltd . Reflections Partner , Harvey Ltd . Wendy B ' s Deb ' s Fashions Rolph Dominion Hardware Becker Milk Ltd . Co. Hair with Flair The Village Bin Duvall , Gerald 2 - OWNER SIGNATURE Maddocks , Bettina Ann Stutt , James Henry Vreekr Petrus Cornlus . n i Sawyer , Susuan M. Pollit , George T . Not Just Fashions Apple Blosson Shop Cry Grocery Plus Ltd . Forrester , Roy Powel , Anna McInnes Mini Mart Brown , Ray Edward Matthews & Associates Parfitt , David Victor /-,Z�C Bell Canada Lycett , William Kay West , Margaret Frances Mary i i / } G.L.TOTTEN B.Sc., P.Eng. R.E. SIMS B.A.Sc., P.Eng. l J.M. HUBICKI B.A.Sc., OAA, P.Eng. u R.L.WINDOVER M.Sc.,P.Eng. P.C. EBERLEE B.A.Sc., P.Eng. CONSULTANTS TOTTEN SIMSHUSICKIASSOCIATES 1981)LIMITED 1500 HOPKINS STREET,WHITBY,ONTARIO 4 + s ,s CANADA,LIN 2C3 `otten ,ms hubicki associates (415)NS-9383 Fax:559-0221 February 27, 1990 Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. W.. A. Evans, P. Eng. Director of Public Works Re: Community of Orono Sewage Treatment & Disposal Proposal for Engineering Services TSH Ref. No. 52-0003 Dear Sir: Further to your letter of January 29, 1990, we submit herewith our proposal for engineering services for a feasibility study of the sewage treatment and disposal facilities in the' Community of Orono. The Ministry of the Environment provides financial assistance to municipalities for upgrading water and sewage disposal systems including feasibility studies required to determine the most acceptable solution to existing problems. The level of funding is based on the population of the community to be serviced. Using a future estimated population of 2,362 for the Hamlet of Orono as per the Secondary Plan Study prepared by others, the level of funding, if eligible is about 74%. In order to obtain funding from the Ministry, it must be shown that at least 20% of the permanent dwellings in the service area have a problem. For private sewage disposal facilities this may include sewage ponding or discharge off property, grey water discharge off property or the contamination of private wells and recreational waters by malfunctioning individual septic systems. Once the required documentation has been compiled and assessed, the supporting documentation will be submitted to the Ministry together with an application for grant and a Council Resolution requesting a ruling on the project by the Project Priority Evaluation Committee (PPEC) . ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS A I TAG I BEN T CIO ,2 WJ-22-9J 2. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates has extensive experience in the assessment of water and sewage facilities for the determination of MOE funding. Our experience includes but is not limited to the preparation of a feasibility study of the existing sewage treatment facilities and recommended improvements for the Community of Bala, District of Muskoka; an assessment of private water and sewage disposal facilities in the Community of Killarney in the Township of Rutherford and George Island, and an assessment of the private sewage disposal systems in the Police Village of Warkworth in the Township of Percy. TSH have a thorough understanding of the proposed project and the coordination that will be necessary with the Town of Newcastle. Our proposal allows for personal contact and communication between Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Town staff to ensure the Town's objectives are fulfilled. It is proposed to undertake a survey in the spring of the year when conditions are typically at their worst. The survey will include collecting the following information; -description (type, size, date installed) -owners comments -inspectors comments -bacteria and chemical samples of ponding sewage or discharge to drainage courses if any -surface drainage observations Laboratory analysis will be undertaken on samples collected to determine bacteriological contamination and nitrate levels. It is proposed that if only the downtown core is assessed that a more detailed description of the area, involving preparation of lot plans and a complete description of each of the approximate 30 lots will be compiled. If the entire community is assessed, then a more general description of the service area will be undertaken at this preliminary stage. Discussions will be held with Public Works personnel as well as the Public Health Unit. A review will be made of any previous reports and information available from the Town, or the Public Health Unit regarding the study area. The estimated fees including disbursements will be $5,000. for an assessment of the business area only, and $12, 500, for an assessment of the entire Community of Orono. The business area includes Main Street from just north of Centre Street to Station Street and includes one property on Main Street south of Station Street on the east side . The entire Community of Orono as defined in the Secondary Plan Study is that area bounded by Highway 35/115 to the east , Taunton Road to the north and O'Chonski Road to the west. We appreciate the opportunity afforded us in submitting this proposal. We are available at your convenience to discuss the contents of this submission. Yours very truly; R. B. Baker, P. Eng. Vice President SB/jh