HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-18-96DWREFER- 16WIHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Of Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # � d Date: Monday, February 5, 1996 Res. #! Subject: PD-18-96 File P++N Recommendations: By-law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 18-96 be received for information. 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this report is to advise Council of the status of the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing process with respect to Referral No. 16 (Mosport Park Ltd.) to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 2. REFERRAL NO. 16 - MOSPORT PARK LTD. 2.1 Mosport Park referred those lands identified as Regional Node "J ". Their referral centred on their request for additional uses within the Node. The Regional plan recognized only the uses existing on the date of adoption of the Plan. Any new uses would, therefore, require the approval of an amendment to the Durham Official Plan. 2.2 On behalf of all parties (Region of Durham, Municipality of Clarington and Mosport Park Ltd.) and participants (North Clarington Ratepayers Association Inc.), Mr. Andrew Allison, Assistant Regional Solicitor and Mr. Dennis Hefferon, Municipal Legal Counsel, requested that the hearing currently scheduled to commence on 5 1 /1- REPORT . February 26, 1996, be adjourned sine die. This request was made on the basis that the parties were of the opinion that it was necessary to have all the relevant planning documentation before the Board to be heard concurrently. 2.3 The Board was advised by Mr. Allison and Mr. Hefferon on January 16th, 1996 that the Municipality of Clarington was expected to adopt a comprehensive Official Plan at a meeting scheduled for January 29, 1996 that will impact on the positions of all parties and participants in this matter. Once adopted, the Official Plan will be forwarded to the Region of Durham for approval. All the parties and participants anticipate that once the Region gives notice of its proposed decision, the sections of the Clarington Official Plan that relate to the Mosport Park lands will be referred to the Board. It was currently estimated that notice of the Region's proposed decision would be given in the latter part of 1996. 2.4 In addition, Mosport Park Limited has appealed Zoning By -law Amendment No. 95 -88 and will be seeking to have this appeal consolidated with the other matters. 2.5 The Board, while agreeable to adjourning the hearing so that all matters between the Municipality, the Region and Mosport Park could be consolidated and considered together, would not agree to an indefinite adjournment. It was suggested by the Board that Referral No. 16 be adjourned to a mutually agreed upon date, of approximately one (1) year from now. In order to find a date that was acceptable, the Board indicated that they would convene a telephone conference with the parties involved to select a date acceptable to all parties and the Board. 3. CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Staff will continue to keep Council apprised of any development related to this referral to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 515 REPORT PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development LT *FW *df 26 January 1996 Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 516