HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-17-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: PD17.96 Meeting: Date: .0. General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, February 5, 1996 Report #: PD -17 -96 File #: T 1c�� i File #' Res. # By -law # • - • 90-020/N PART LOT 8, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE • ' + 90-020/ 90-021, Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended to the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -17 -96 be received: 2. THAT the Official Plan Amendment Application (90- 020 /N) submitted by G.M. Sernas and Associates Limited, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Payne, to amend the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle be CLOSED at the request of the applicant. 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1.1 Applicant: G.M. Sernas and Associates 1.2 Owner: Mr. and Mrs. Payne 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: From "Permanent Agricultural Reserve" to an appropriate designation to permit residential development. 1.4 Area: 1.7 hectares 2. LOCATION 2.1 The land subject to the application abuts the northern boundary of the Hamlet of Newtonville in Part Lot 8, Concession 2, former Township of Clarke (see Attachment #1). 510 REPORT NO. PD -17 -96 - lei PAG E 2 3.1 The Official Plan Amendment application proposed to extend the northern boundary of the Hamlet of Newtonville to allow for the development of a residential Plan of Subdivision. Immediately south of the lands subject to the Official Plan Amendment, are additional lands on which Mr. & Mrs. Payne have submitted applications for draft plan approval and rezoning (DEV 90 -021, and 18T- 90013). 3.2 The Official Plan Amendment application was circulated and a Public Meeting was held in accordance with the Planning Act on May 22, 1990. 4. STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 Staff in reviewing the application are concerned that: • Approval of this application could set a precedent for expanding the entire northern boundary of Newtonville. ® A previous application to expand the northern boundary of Newtonville (OPA 89- 001 /D /N) in Part of Lot 9, Concession 2 was previously denied by Council. • Expansion of the boundary may create "Gaps" of vacant land within the Hamlet. • There already exists a limited supply of water connections available to lands within Newtonville. If water connections are allocated to lands presently outside of the Hamlet boundary, then existing undeveloped lands within the Hamlet may be unable to obtain municipal water. Taking into account these issues, the Planning Department could not support the Official Plan Amendment Application to expand Newtonville's Hamlet Boundary. The Payne's upon being advised of the above comments requested that their application be held in abeyance until they advise staff otherwise. 4.2 During the review of Clarington's Official Plan, the Paynes made a written submission (W180), stating that they believe that their existing stone farmhouse located at 2173 Regional Road #18 should be incorporated within the Hamlet boundaries. The stone 511 REPORT NO. PD -17 -96 PAG E 3 house is included within the limits of the Hamlet. The Payne's have since stated that they wish to formally withdraw Official Plan Amendment Application 90- 020 /N. 4.3 With the closing of this application, the Paynes have been advised that they must resubmit a revised plan for the subdivision showing how the lands can be developed within the limits of the hamlet. This revised plan will be formally recirculated, enabling Staff to review the revised application incorporating agency comments, and report back to Council. 5.1 In accordance with the owner's request, Staff are recommending that the Official Plan Amendment Application 90 -020 /N be CLOSED, and that the Region of Durham be so notified. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, 4 / .� Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development HB *km *Attach #1 - Location Map 25 January 1996 W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. & Mrs. Payne R.R. #1 Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1 JO G.M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 8Y7 512 ATTACHMENT #1 513 L 0 T 8 C O N C E S S I O N 2 I II OTHER LANDS 1 OWNED BY APPLICANT Ico L II -- - -J F A I R i r Ia 4 ®. 1 0, PART B b ! `� ;� = ^ PART ^. q ,1, _ �� d id PART 6 .° y R -10'0 ni 13 12 PART 5 Z �N'da ray � � • J i " � i I(' R.l]5'° S " ,y J If p 195.0 3 ~ 1= IrlMS! rw n PART 4 b ar yi i l6lOTr- >SOC/ o � � (� PART J 2 twrawsi«.1 j .4 ru I PART 2 i O �o -*. ,., � PART 1� ,ir t iw - III :1•_b, �� i n ., i v°i INST. NO. B { 104920 2 I2 °� � '� I i 2 I 9�3 � PARK I I Ij I 1� INS 9 3 i B� 23 x _ L _ — \INS;,, -_ t —� C H U B No. 139 n \ V INST. IIF Val it • K, I I I � ® EXISTING HAMLET BOUNDARY ® LANDS SUBJECT TO OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90 -020 /N (DEV 90 -021 , 18T-90013) 513