HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-2-90 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Res. # _ �=�• By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 19 9 0 REPORT #: WD-2-90 FILE #: W&ECT: SUBJECT: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVMENT AREA - CLARIFICATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CAPITAL PURCHASES AND MAINTENANCE WITHIN THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-2-90 be received; 2 . THAT the responsibilities and levels of service listed on Attachment No.2 to this report be approved; 3 . THAT the same responsibilities and levels of service listed on Attachment No.2 apply to the Newcastle Business Improvement Area and the Orono Business Improvment Area, where applicable; and 4. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono B. I .A.s and that they be advised of Council's decision. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Plan Showing the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area No.2 : Table 1 Showing the recommended Sharing of Responsibilities for the Bowmanville Business Improvment Area. 1nA1 ...2 i REPORT NO. : WD-2-90 PAGE 2 2 . 0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on Monday, October 23, 1989, the General Purpose and Administration Committee passed Resolution #GPA-749-89, as follows: "THAT Walter Evans be assigned the task of acting as Liaison Officer to the Business Improvement Areas . " 2 .2 By-law No. 77-33, dated May 16, 1977 was passed by Council to designate an area in the Bowmanville Central Business District as an Improvement Area and to establish a Board of Management for the Bowmanville Central Business Improvement Area. By-law 77-33 was amended by By-law 80-54 dated May 5, 1980 . The geographical area of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area established by these two by-laws is illustrated on Attachment No. l . 2 . 3 The mandate of the Board of Management of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area is set out in Clause 3 of By-law 77-33: "There is entrusted to the Board, subject to the limitations hereinafter set out, the improvement, beautification and maintenance of lands, buildings and structures in the area owned by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle beyond such improvement, beautification and maintenance as is provided at the expense of the municipality at large, and the promotion of the area as a business or shopping area. " i 2 .4 Clause 3 does not clearly define the responsibilities of the Town and of the Board of Management of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area. For this reason The Board of Management has asked me for clarification. . . .3 iAA � I i I i REPORT NO. : WD-2-90 PAGE 3 I 3 . 0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 Cost Sharing Agreement In 1982 the Board of Management of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area (Bowmanville BIA) entered into a cost sharing agreement with the Town to do the following in the Bowmanville BIA: a) Purchase and develop the parking lot at the south-west corner of the Division Street/Church Street intersection. b) Lease and develop the Silver Street parking lot. c) Provide trees, benches, refuse containers, planting boxes and decorative lighting. 3.2 Cost of the Program j The cost of the program was $330,000, which was financed by a loan of $150,000 from the Province which the BIA is paying back at $16,500 per year. The balance of the cost was paid by the Town and the funds were obtained from the Parking Lot Reserve Fund. 3 . 3 BIA Budget Each year the BIA prepares a budget to provide funds to carry out various programs in the Business Improvement Area. The Bowmanville B. I .A 1989 Budget was as follows: i Administration $ 8,000 Promotion 25,000 Repayment of Loan 16,500 Landscaping 10,500 Capital Works 20,000 TOTAL $80,000 The funding for the BIA Budget is obtained from a special tax levy on the businesses within the BIA. 007 . . .4 i I I REPORT NO. : WD-2-90 PAGE 4 3 .4 Proposed Cost Sharing As noted earlier in this report, Clause 3 of By-law 77-33 outlines the mandate of the Bowmanville BIA and reads in part "beyond such i improvement, beautification and maintenance as is provided at the expense of the municipality at large" . The purpose of this report is to list all of the activities which take place in the Bowmanville BIA for which either the BIA and/or the Town are involved and agree on the responsibility for the activity. In addition, this report sets levels of service to be provided for each of the activities so that we all know what to expect. 3.5 Criteria to be Used to Evaluate and Determine Responsibility a) The BIA should be responsible only for those items which are not normally provided at the expense of the municipality at large. b) For those maintenance items which are in the gray area where it is not easy to determine responsibility, the responsibility should be given to the Town. The logic for this criterion is that, as much as is possible, the BIA should not be required to hire and supervise staff to carry out maintenance activities on the streetscape. c) In order to minimize conflicts, as much as is possible, both capital and maintenance items should be totally the responsibility of either the BIA or the Town. 3.6 Determination of Responsibilities The various activities that are carried out in the BIA are listed on Attachment No. 2 . For the purpose of having a complete list and to set levels of service, the list includes items such as street sweeping and snow removal which are obviously a Town responsibility. ? 1,104 . . .5 i i i i REPORT NO. : WD-2-90 PAGE 5 4 .0 Review of Report With the Board of Management of the BIA This report has been reviewed with the Board of Management of the Bowmanville BIA and they agree with the recommendations . I 5 .0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5 . 1 It is recommended that the responsibilities and the levels of service listed on Attachment No. 2 to this report be approved and that the list apply to the Newcastle Business Improvement Area, Orono Business Improvement Area, where applicable, that a copy of this report be forwarded to the Bowmanville, Newcastle and Orono B.I.A.s and that they be advised of Council's decision. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------- ----------------------- Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Iawrenc . Kotseff, Director of Public Works . Chief 'nistrative Officer. i WAE*llv January 8, 1990 Attachments i i I . . .6 '; I1i15 i REPORT NO. : WD-2-90 PAGE 6 j cc: Bowmanville Business Centre c/o Mr. George Webster P.O. Box 365 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3L1 Newcastle Central Business Improvement Area c/o Dr. J. Baarbe P.O. Box 548 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1H0 Orono Downtown Improvement Association c/o Mrs. Sue Sawyer P.O. Box 212 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 U06 O uv rrirl Iv v ILLL BUS/NESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Q CC) A) CAPITAL ITEMS 1) Purchase and development of new parking lots „r. DL 1. Trimming of trees 2. Painting of tree guards 3. Benches 4. Refuse containers and boxes 5. Power costs for decorative lighting and for christmas lighting 6. Decorative lighting 7. Pick-up of litter 8. Parking Lots TABLE 1 TOWN RESPONSIBILITIES LEVEL OF SERVICE Need for new parking lots to be determined by the Town and the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area LEVEL OF SERVICE Once per year As required As required Refuse containers to be emptied once per week and more often if required. Not applicable. As required At least once per week, all year Plowing and sanding as required. Litter pick-up at least once per week, all year. Funding to be provided from Parking Lot Reserve Fund. Resolution #GPA-750-89 passed) by Council on October 30, 1989 gave this responsibility to the Town. The Town pays these costs now. These power costs are now and have been paid by the Town. These costs are now and have been paid by the Town In 1989, the Town provided litter pick-up during the summer months. Plowing and sanding is now and has been paid by the Town. A T TAUC .1-1 ofT 2 D-2-90 . . .2 TABLE 1 TOWN RESPONSIBILITIES B) MAINTENANCE ITEMS (Continued) LEVEL OF SERVICE REMARKS 9. Snow Plowing and Sanding Maintain a bare road through the application of sand, salt and plowing. 10. Snow Removal Within 3 days after the end of a snow storm, any significant accummulation will be hauled away. . . .3 A) B) TABLE 1 BOWMANVILLE IMPROVEMENT AREA RESPONSIBILITIES CAPITAL ITEMS 1. Purchase of flowers, shrubs, benches, flags and banners (including installation) and christmas lighting 2. Replacement of trees, tree guards and benches 3. New trees and guards at new locations 4. Purchase of new refuse containers and planting boxes n R LEVELS OF SERVICE As required As required As required As required LEVEL OF SERVICE 1. Flowers, plants and shrubs As determined by the Bowmanville flags, banners and christmas Improvement Association lighting 2. Sidewalks These items are not normally provided by at the expense of the community at large. When trees, benches, etc. are damaged by a vehicle, the Town will attempt to obtain payment for the damage from the operator of the vehicle. These items are not normally provided at the expense of the community at large. Plowing, sanding and/or salting is the responsibility of the individual property owner