HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-72-88 I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �G 1, �•��� REPORT File Res. -- �' By-Law # METING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 31, 1988 REPORT #: WD-72-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: INTERSECTION OF BE NNETT ROAD AND HIGHWAY N0.2 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following; 1. THAT this report be received; and 2. THAT the Minister of Transportation, the Honourable E. Fulton, be petitioned to schedule the reconstruction of Highway No.2 from 100 metres east of Simpson Avenue easterly to Bennett Road, be scheduled for reconstruction as soon as possible; and 3. THAT a copy of this report be sent to Mrs. Ruth Hinkley, president, W�mot Creek Homeowners Association, Box 38, Group 1, R.R. #1, Newcastle, Ontario, LOA 1HO and to the Minister of Transportation, The Honourable Edward Fulton, Office Of The Minister, 3rd Floor, Ferguson Block, 77 Wellesley Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1Z8. I I i I Page 3 WD-72-88 i Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, I Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrenc. Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Adm istrative Officer. i :11v DATE i i i i i I i i i i I i I� i i i i i i 0 r Page 2 WD-72-288 REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of December 21, 1987, Resolution #GPA-996-87 was passed: "WHEREAS the residents of Wilmot Creek have expressed concerns regarding and questioning safety at the #2 Highway and Bennett Road Intersections; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff investigate and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee any measures that could be taken to resolve the concerns of the residents" . 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 In January, 1988 Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited (T.S.H) were requested to review the intersection of Highway No.2 and Bennett Road to address the concerns of the residents of the Wilmot Creek Development. 2.2 T.S.H. reported their findings by letter dated March 29, 1988 (Attachment No.1) . Their letter was forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation for their review and comments. 2.3 By letter dated September 13, 1988, (see Attachment No. 2) the Ministry responded to our concerns. The letter is self-explanatory and can be summarized by saying the Ministry does not see a problem at the intersection and that this section of Highway No.2 is scheduled for reconstruction in the next five years. 3.0 CONCLUSION 3.1 From the above information it can be concluded that the ministry will not address the concerns of the residents of Wilmot Creek until this section of Highway is reconstructed. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Minister of Transportation, The Honourable E. Fulton, be petitioned to schedule the section of Highway N0.2 in the area of Bennett Road as soon as possible and that a copy of this report be forwarded to the Minister and to Mrs. Ruth Hinkley, President, Wilmot Creek Homeowners Association. 3 2� I�Xkl G.L.TOTTEN B.Sc.,P.Eng. "� R.E.SIMS B.A.Sc.,P.Eng. J.M.HUBICKI BA.Sc.,OAA,P.Eng. R.L.WINDOVER M.Sc.,P.Eng. P.C.EBERLEE BA.Sc.,P.Eng. CONSULTANTS TOTTEN SIMS HUBOG ASSOGATES(1981)LIMITED 1A KING STREET EAST P.O. BOX 398, COBOURG ONTAF40 CANADA KM&I totters sims hubicki associates (416)372-2121 FAX(416)372-1754 Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , Director of Public Works, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Municipal Office, HAMPTON, Ontario. LOB 1JO March 29, 1988 Dear Sir: Re: Report on Intersection of King's .Highway No. 2/Bennett Road, Lot 4 and 5, Concession I, Darlington. We have studied the subject intersection and wish to report to you as follows: 'ft�us The main cause of safety related complaints at this intersection appears to be a lack of sight distance to the west. . The curvature of Highway 2, natural obstructions (trees and landscaping) and the fact that Bennett Road is in a small cut section at the intersection combine to limit sight distance to 145 metres west of Bennett Road with an 80 km/h speed limit on Highway No. 2, the' minimum stopping sight distance is 140 metres and the minimum turning sight distance is 275 metres. According to the enclosed RTAC Table, this intersection is deficient in both respects. MOT has this section of Highway No. 2 scheduled for reconstruction within the next 5 years. Their preliminary plans call for shifting Bennett Road 25 metres eastward. This shift, along with shoulder widening, improved grading and removal of obstructions should eliminate visibility problems. If immediate action is deemed necessary, solutions could include removal of 3 - 1.2 metre dia. .Maple Trees at Sta. 23+100 to 23+400±, shoulder - <widening Sta. 23+530 to 23_620 and slope regrading between road and property line Sta. 23+530 to Bennett Road. These proposals would have to be submitted to MOT for their approval. ATTACHMENT N0,1 WD-72-88 [04 rTNr(UN TOWN O foe NEWCASTLE Rohr*W f RECEIVED ascuu w" MAR 30 1988 > TO a3 MvesttHte AIII Rplort PUBt!C WORKS raft,,*,w,,,,n �. Mr. W.A. Evans, P.Eng. , 2. March 29, 1988 As a permanent solution the MOT reconstruction should include left turn lanes for Bennett Road and westbound Highway No. 2 traffic and a right turn lane for eastbound Highway No. 2. Bennett Road is the major access to Bowmanville for the Wilmot Creek Development and traffic should increase in the future. Should you agree with the foregoing comments, you may wish to convey our thoughts to Mr. Ed. Ellard of Planning/Design Section, Ministry of Transportation. One print of a site drawing and photographs are enclosed for your convenient reference. Yours truly, D.R. Bourne, Project Manager. DRB/ag encl. ATTACHMENT NO.1 (CON'T) WD-72-88 i - I Ministry Ministere Planning and Design Section of des Central Region Transportation Transports 5000 Yonge Street p p Willowdale, Ontario Ontario M2N 6E9 Telephone No: 224-7570 September 13, 1988 A(TENTION ?-���V'tN 0F :Nrtt and file �.� , iI:S s Fill, Mr. W.A. Evans, P. Eng. ��- _F,�t�t�iV��J �___,� Director of Public Works ' lNease<'ns� The Corporation of The Town of Newcastl e �?� • � I.��B Note& ke"",to w , 40 Temperance Street COPIES ;o tnvestigatr and Rep�W i i Bowmanvi l l e, Ontario I PuB tC woprs Take A ,ate Action UC 3A6 0[p Te t I Dear Sir: l _ Re: Reconstruction of Highway 2 at Bennett Road, Approximately 1.0 km East of Bowmanville Subsequent to a conversation with Mr. J. Maloney of your office and a follow-up letter on August 2, 1988, I asked the Traffic Section to review the above intersection. The Traffic Section conducted a field review of the intersection and reports that visibility is good from all directions. Ministry accident records indicate that only one accident has been reported in the last three years at this location. Traffic volumes are low and there is no evidence of a serious traffic problem. Future reconstruction of Highway 2 in this area is presently proposed on our five year program. The intersection of Highway 2 and Bennett Road will be shifted to the east. The trees shown on the attached plan will remain. Although traffic volumes do not warrant turning lanes at this time, a left turn lane will be included as part of the reconstruction. The Ministry does not recommend any action be taken prior to the reconstruction. Yours truly, J E.R. Ellard, P. Eng. Attach. Area Manager cc: P: Chackeris R. Ki vi (Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd. ) ATTACHMENT NO,2 WD-72-88 ERE/PC/phva