HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-70-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE €c'� `t REPORT File # 1 YZ ,. ., Res. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 31, 1988 REPORT #: WD-70-88 FILE #: SUB.ECT: 1988 STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT this report be received; and 2. THAT the Street Lighting Program listed on Attachment #6 be approved; and 3. THAT the cost be financed from the 1988 Capital Budget for Street Lighting ($30,000) and from the Road Reserve Account ($13,970.54) REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Provision was made in the 1988 Public Works Budget for $30,000 for the installation of street lights in the Town of Newcastle. . i Page 2 WD-70-88 I 1.2 During 1988, Council passed the following resolutions: Resolution #C-504-88 "WHEREAS Councils past and present have had numerous requests from citizens for street lighting at various intersection locations along Taunton Road; AND WHEREAS the Regional Municipality of Durham has a policy of not providing lighting on said road; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT STAFF of the Public Works Department review and report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee ways and means of the Town providing lighting at said intersections" . li Resolution #C-505-88 j "WHEREAS safety concerns have been raised in the Hamlet of Tyrone due to the lack of street lighting; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff of the Public Works Department review and report on possible street light locations in Tyrone, particularly, at the intersection of the 7th Concession and Regional Road #14". 2.0 CRITERIA AND WARRANTS 2.1 The Town of Newcastle By-Law 84-21 established Criteria and Warrants for j Street Lighting (see Attachment No.1) . I 2.2 The Region of Durham established a "Policy on Roadway Lighting" in 1975 (see Attachment No.2) . 2.3 The various requests for the installation of street lighting have been reviewed on the basis of the Town's and/or the Region's street lighting policies. I 3.0 REVIEW OF LOCATIONS FOR STREET LIGHTS 3.1 The list of requests/proposals for street lights are summarized on Attachment No.3. I 3.2 Location numbers 1 to #4, listed on Attachment No.3, are Regional intersections which the Town (see Attachment No.4) requested the Region to review for compliance with the Region's policy for Roadway Lighting. . . .3 Page 3 WD-70-88 3.3 The Region has reviewed these locations and found that none of them meet the Regional warrants for street lighting (see Attachment N0.5) . In addition, the Region also reviewed the intersection of Regional Road 57 at Scugog Street (see Attachment No.7) and requested that the Town consider that location for illumination (see Attachment #3, location #5) . 3.4 Public Works Staff have reviewed all of the locations on Attachment No.3 including the Regional intersections, (locations #1 to #5) and found that all the locations proposed meet the Town's warrants with the exception of : #4 Mitchell Corners - Regional Road #4 and Regional Road #34; #10 Nash Road and Holt Road #13 Walkway between Burke Court and Saunders Avenue. 3.5 The Town's street lighting criteria and warrants (By-Law 84-21) deals specifically with lighting on roadways and accordingly location #13 being a walkway did not comply. Our review of this location indicates that there are definite needs for illumination of this walkway. 3.6 The proposed 1988 Street Lighting Program consists of the street lighting locations that meet the Town's warrants and the walkway between Burke Court and Saunders Avenue (see Attachment No.6) . 3.7 The street lighting configuration at Regional intersections is subject to approval from the Region of Durham. 4.0 COST 4.1 The proposed street lighting which is within the boundaries under the jurisdiction of Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, being locations #11 and #12 and the walkway #13, would be installed by Newcastle Hydro Electric Commmission and payment would be made to same. The estimated cost for these installations are $6,820.00. 4.2 The costs of the illumination of Regional Road 57 at Scugog Street (location #5) has been estimated, since the request was received on October 24, 1988 and we were unable to include it in the street lighting tender. The estimated costs at this location is $1,980.00. The installation of street lights and the costs for same can be accommodated as an addition to our street lighting tender. 4.3 The balance of the Street Lighting Program has been tendered and the costs are $32,185.42. . . .4 i i Page 4 WD-70-88 I 4.4 In the past, the Town through development agreements has collected monies from the developers of subdivisions for the future reconstruction and illuminaton of existing Town roads which abutted these subdivisions. Locations #2 (Old Scugog Road) and #7 (Nash Road) are examples of roads where the Town has collected monies for street lighting. These monies were deposited in a Road Reserve Account (#5001-33-851) and it is now appropriate to credit our street lighting account for the costs of the street lighting at locations #2 and #7 in the amount of $13,970.54. 4.5 The costs may be summarized as follows: Estimated Locations $ 8,800.00 Tender T88-28 $32,185.42 Sub Total $40,985.42 Credit from Road Reserve Account $13,970.54 TOTAL $27,014.88 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 The Public Works Department has reviewed and assessed all of the street lighting requests/proposals received in 1988 and accordingly have prepared our 1988 Street Lighting Program (see Attachment No.6) . 5.2 The costs of the program is $27,014.88 which is within the 1988 Budget amount of $30,000. 5.3 Council Resolution #C-505-88 has been satisfied by the installation of street lighting at the intersection of Regional Road 14 and Concession Road 7 in Tyrone. Any future needs within the hamlet will be monitored and addressed through the street lighting program of subsequent years. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 It is, therefore, recommended that Council approve the 1988 Street Lighting Program listed on Attachment No.6 and that the cost be financed from the funds provided in the 1988 Capital Budget for street lighting ($30,000.00) and from the Road Reserve Account ($13,970.54) . . .5 i Qe) Pag e 5 WD-70-88 I i 6.2 With regard to Resolution #C-504-88, provision will be made in the 1989 Capital Budget for a two year program for street lighting. i Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., wrence E. otseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Admin'strative Officer. i ASC:lly October 25, 1988 i I I i i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i 8Y-LAW 84- 21 being a by-law to establish a policy with respect to criteria and warrants for street lighting within the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to enact a policy with respect to the criteria and warrants for street lighting within the Town of Newcastle; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did, by Council Pesolution HC-910-83, eancted December 12th, 1983, direct that the criteria and warrants for illumination be established by by-law; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: POLICY T-7 t shall be the policy of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle that the criteria and warrants for street lighting in the Town of Newcastle shall be in accordance with schedules detailed herein. SCHEDULE "A" A. GENERAL POLICIES FOR STREET LIGHTING: 1 . Where one or more of the following warrants is satisfied, the Town may consider the provision of street lighting on the initiative of Council as provided under the Local IL7provements Act, 2. The Town may consider the installation of street lights on Regional Roads or King's Highways or at the intersection of Town Roads and Regional Roads or King's Highways if sufficient warrants exist. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this policy, street lighting requirements will continue to be imposed as part of development agreements and street lighting required external to new development (or which becomes deficient as a result of new development) will be funded by incorporating the additional cost in the calculations of lot levies. I i 4. The level and standard of illumination to be provided in a specific area will be calculated by the Director of Public Works in accordance with c;:rrently accepted practice. 8. WARRANTS FOR STREET LIGHTING OV MAIN LINE ROADS: Street. Lights may be provided: j 1 . Where the distance between the limits of illunination intersections or road sections is less than half a mile; ATTACHMENT N0,1 WD-70-38 f I �i i Page 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84-21 i 2. Where a section of road is adjacent to high level illuminated roads, shopping centres or other establishments; 3. Where railway level crossing exist in urban areas; 4. Where road sections are used by high volumes of pedestrian traffic at night and sidewalk or alternate provisions, such as extra wide shoulders exist; 5. Where the occurrence of night time accidents is high and such accidents can be attribute.,d to the need for lighting; 6. Where there are high concentrations of residential development; 7. Near schools and other institutions; 8. Where illumination will be effective as a crime deterrent. C. WARRANTS FOR STREET LIGHTING AT INTERSECTIONS: Street lights may be provided a? intersections: 1. Where one or more of the intersecting roads is illuminated; 2. Where the accident rate is three or more per year; 3. Where there are traffic signals; 4. Where channelization, via curbed islands or pavement marking I exists; I! 5. Where there are exclusive turning lanes provided; I 6. Where the intersection is adjacent to areas having high levels of illumination; 7. Where the conditions of vertical and/or horizontal geometry are substandard to the point where unsafe conditions exist , i at night. ADMINISTRATION 2. The Town of Newcastle's Policy respecting Criteria and Warrants for Street Lighting, shall be administered by the Director of Public. Works; 3. This BY-Lair shall come into effect upon the date of passing by Council. I 4. By-Law 84-8 be repealed. By-Law read a first and second time this 13 day of February 1984. By-Law read a third and finally passed this 13 day of FebruarJ984. CL�'F..D UNDER THE HAND OF THE,...__...._,._._� � Mayor � CL."n AND THE SEAL OF THE CORFCRAtION OF THE TOWN OF NEW ASTLE < ;L 10 BE A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW_­ OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ( _ DATED THE iO DAY OF i ATTACHMENT N0,1 (CON'T) I'd TWA W WNC."ILL WD-70-38 POLICY AND PROCEDURE 9EPARTMENT CONCERNED: WORKS — TRAFFIC POLICY ON ROADWAY LIGHTING A(U--N7ION 10*WCiVA pF .Vote ano .Nn RECEIVED Discuss with 4 REPORT NO. 186-75 "— `-` Please Answer ITEM N0, E P 2 '1988 Note & Return to W -- COPIES TO I Investigate and Repon , INITIATED BY: WORKS COMMITTEE PUBL IC WORKS , take Appropriatc Actiun, �_,.._...._.._.._ DEP1306,S one PASSED BY COUNCIL ON POLICY: POLICY ON ROADWAY LIGHTING 1. The Regional Municipality will maintain or will install and maintain roadway lighting on roadways under Regional control at intersections or other isolated locations if any one of the following conditions is fulfilled. (a) Intersections where traffic is channelized by means of physical islands and curbs - at least partial illumination. (b) Intersections' where traffic is channelized by means of pavement markings only at least partial illumination along channelized leg(s) . (c) Signalized intersections - at least partial illumination. (d) Locations with high night time collision rates (3 per year with no other obvious cause) - at least partial illumination. (e) Intersections of 4 lane undivided roadways where the warrants for traffic signals are fulfilled at least 80% - partial illumination. (f) Intersections adjacent to existing areas of high intensity illumination (i:e. shopping centres, service stations, plazas, etc.) .where the Region deems roadway illumination necessary for the safe operation of traffic at least partial illumination. An area municipality shall be permitted, at its expanse, to install and maintain lighting on a Regional roadway, subject to the approval of the Region and to such conditions as the Region may set respecting the matter of location, type of fixtures, level of illumination, location of power supply, etc. The Region will not maintain or install and maintain roadway lighting at locations within an urban lighting system or at a location which abuts a roadway on which the area municipality has provided illumination. . a ATTACHMENT NO.2 WD-70-88 - - . ( 2 - I POLICY ON ROADWAY LIGHTING (continued) I i 4. Where the Region has installed illumination at an isolated location and the area municipality subsequently provides illumination on the abutting roadway(s) ; the Region's fixtures will be turned over to the area munici- pality and the Region's responsibility in the matter shall cease. i F 5. Where street construction or other considerations necessitate the removal or relocation of area municipality lighting fixtures, the Region will assume responsibility for a portion of the cost of relocation or removal as provided for in the Public Service Works on Highways Act. 6. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of facilities, it shall be the policy to promote, where practical, the joint use of poles, underground ducts, etc. This applies particularly to signalized intersections. 7. Lighting installed as of January 1, 1974, shall be considered as approved under this policy. I ATTACHMENT NOr2 (cON'T) WD-70-88 I i J i STREET LIGHTING REQUESTS/PROPOSALS LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1. Regional Road 57 and Martin Road 2. Old Scugog Road From and Including Regional Road 57 Northerly to Buttery Court 3. Tyrone: Regional Road 14 and Concession Road 7 4. Mitchell Corners: Regional Road 4 and Regional Road 34 5. Regional Road 57 at Scugog Street 6. 3563 Tooley Road 7. Nash Road: Centerfield Drive to Trulls Road 8. Nash Road: From 170 metres east of Varcoe Road westerly to Townline Road 9. Burketon: Sumac Drive to Boundary Road 10. Nash Road and Holt Road 11. 250 Baldwin Street (Newcastle Village) 12. 386 Sunset Boulevard (Newcastle Village) 13. Walkway between Burke Court and Saunders Avenue 14. Varcoe Road from Nash Road to Highway #2. ATTACHMENT NO, 3 WD-70-S8 i i i i i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE to 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 August 31, 1988 Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L1N 1C4 - I Attention: Dave McMullen Traffic Operations Manager Dear Sir: Please be advised that the Public Works Department are preparing our 1988 Street Lighting Program and find that a number of locations, which require review, are under-Regional jurisdiction.- Intersections of concern are as follows: 1. Mitchell Corners - Regional Road 4 and Regional-Road 34. i 2. Tyrone - Regional Road 14 and Concession Road 7. � 3. Regional Road 57 and Old Scugog Road. 4. Regional Road 57 and Martin Road: In order that we may.finalize our -Street Lighting Program, would you kindly review the above noted intersections for compliance with Regional -street lighting warrants. In the event these locations meet the warrants, please advise us of same and the timing-of installation of any works. Your prompt response to our request would be greatly appreciated, since we will be reporting to Council in September on our Street Lighting Program and will be commencing the installation of these works this fall. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the above-mentioned, please contact the undersigned. Yours truly K - I ATTACHMENT N0 ,4 A:S. Cannella, C.E.T. WD-70-88 Manager of Engineering ASC:lly DURHAM September 7 , 1988 The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Box 623 40 Temperance Street 105 Consumers Dr. Bowmanv i l l e, Ontario Whitby, Ontario L1C 3A6 Canada,L1 N 6A3 (416)668-7721 Attn: Mr. A.S. Cannella, Manager of Engineering W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Dear Sir: Please quote our ref: Re: Town of Newcastle 1988 Street Lighting Program As requested in your letter dated August 3, 1988, we have reviewed the four intersections under Regional NEWCL-GEN-TRA jurisdiction to determine the need for illumination. Based on the night-time collision history and the existing geometrics, none of the locations meet the Region' s warrant for the installation of roadway lighting. Should the Town of Newcastle wish to install illumination at any or all of the named locations, it may do so at the Town' s expense, subject to Regional approval respecting location and type of fixture. Yours truly D.H. McMullen, Manager Traffic Operations Division DHM/j h ATTACHMENT NO 5 - �► r;-,vE�,, WD-70-88 il p 'iea:x An9wer ,I 19$$ Note& Retum to Me t;Or'�;< to tn*stipte and REport f>tJf3�lC WrJ KS r-3F0 AppMprilte Aet- I 1988 STREET LIGHTING PROGRAM LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1. Regional Road 57 and Martin Road 2. Old Scugog Road From and Including Regional Road 57 Northerly to Buttery Court 3. Tyrone: Regional Road 14 and Concession Road 7 5. Regional Road 57 at Scugog Street 6. 3563 Tooley Road 7. Nash Road: Centerfield Drive to Trulls Road 8. Nash Road: From 170 metres east of Varcoe Road westerly to Townline Road 9. Burketon: Sumac Drive to Boundary Road i 11. 250 Baldwin Street (Newcastle Village) 12. 386 Sunset Boulevard (Newcastle Village) 13. Walkway between Burke Court and Saunders Avenue 14. Varcoe Road from Nash road to Highway #2. Please note that Locations #4 and #10 on Attachment N0.3 do not form part of the 1988 Street Lighting Program ATTACHMENT NO- 6 WD-70-88 October 21 , 1988 The Co0ratlon of the Toyn_or Newcastle 40 Temperaye Street Bowmanville, Ontario ZIC ;A6 Attention: QoC..jonn W i n aters: bear air: Re: Intersection ot;l?eg!onal Road b7 and Old Scugag Road West We have investigated the concerns addressed in firs. Boyce's lettr'r; as requested 0-your Yorrespondence of September 6, 7l4Is_€2ld-�7-GEii :ig�3t?. , , Mrs. Boyce is correct in her observations that the street 1 i gbli trg on Old Scugag Road could lead northbound motorists on Regional koad 61 to believe the highway aliyns with the street lighting. . ` , The Reyt9qTwiJJ,instgl J,del inestion on the curve, South of the Old Scugag Road West in Nseetion to guide northbound Motorists. This delineation will also divert the port bound motorists attention from the street lighting cn Old Scugag koad. To further improve the intersection we suggest that the Town of Newcastle complete he lighting system on Old 5cugog Road by installing two additional luminaires at the intersection; one on the southwest corner and one on toe east side of Regional load 674 opposite the intersection. This would highlight the intersection for motorists at night. A similar suggestion for illuminatiog the South junction of Old Scugag load/Concession 3 at Regional load Q was forwarded to the Town in 1986. T nat suggestion was prompted ley complaints from motorists regarding the night time visability of that intersection. It is Regional Policy not to install or maintain lighting at kecyional intersections where the area nonicipality has a lighting system on the intersecting road. i I i ATTACHMENT NO. 7 WD-70-88 i q:. i 4: Should the Town decide. to proceed with the iiiumims Lion of these intersections, rp�y staff will he pleasF�(t �-c assist in t!?e design. �t Even With delineators i rl place :end irnpr( ved )i gijti nq, the intersection of Ulf Scugoq Rd. and !regional R(7. b7 is nt?t ideal because of tree ,eopletric constraints. We 1?elit:ve 3;hat The elimination of trie int:ersect'lot's is the ~:test solution. Tnere is a short road connecting i2Etg. Rri. >7 and Old Scugo Read ,;i±st, north of this intersectiotj, This could he upgraded x and a cul-de-sac constructed at the south end of 0ltj Sc.jj foca } Rd. This option wi !i Le PursueO in the future taking into account future develorment to t lje souieri o:; Slid Scugog !:cf. Yours truly, -' rr t;"2"Y' Sf911'f b i W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. cou i ss i over of_ Works AWN cc: Councillor Arm Cowman Firs. Jat►c- Boyce W.A. Evans, P. i I ATTACHMENT IV0,7 � WD-70-88 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84- 21 being a by-law to establish a policy with respect to criteria and warrants for street lighting within the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deevts it expedient to enact a policy with respect to the criteria and warrants for street lighting withift the Town of Newcastle; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did, by Council Resolution #C-910-83, eancted December 12th, 1983, direct that the criteria and warrants for illumination be established by by-law; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: " POLICY Tit shall be the policy of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle that the criteria and warrants for street lighting in the Town .of Newcastle shall be in accordance with schedules detailed herein. SCHEDULE "A" A. GENERAL POLICIES FOR STREET LIGHTING: I . Where one or more of the following warrants is satisfied, the Town may consider the provision of street lighting on the initiative of Council as provided under the Local Improvements Act. 2. The Town may consider the installation of street lights on Regional Roads or King's Highways or at the intersection of Town Roads and Regional Roads or King' s Highways if sufficient warrants exist. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of this policy, street lighting requirements will continue to be imposed as part of development agreements and street lighting required external to new development (or which becomes deficient as a result of new development) will be funded by incorporating the additional cost in the calculations of lot levies. 4. The level and standard of illumination to be provided in a specific area will be calculated by the Director of Public Works in accordance with currently accepted practice. B. WARRANTS FOR STREET LIGHTING ON MAIN LINE ROADS: Street Lights may be provided: 1 . Where the distance between the limits of illumination intersections or road sections is less than half a mile; ATTACHMENT .N0 .1 WD-7J-38 E 0 Page 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84-21 2. Where a section of road is adjacent to high level illuminated roads, shopping centres or other establishments; 3. Where railway level crossing exist in urban areas; 4. Where road sections are used by high volumes of pedestrian traffic at night and sidewalk or alternate provisions, such as extra wide shoulders exist; 5. Where the occurrence of night time accidents is high and such accidents can be attributed to the need for lighting; 6. Where there are high concentrations of residential development; 7. Near schools and other institutions; - 8. Where illumination will be effective as a crime deterrent. C . WARRANTS FOR STREET LIGHTING AT INTERSECTIONS: Street lights may be provided at intersections: 1. Where one or more of the intersecting roads is illuminated; 2. Where the accident rate is three or more per year; 3. Where there are traffic signals; 4. Where channelization, via curbed islands or pavement marking exists; 5. Where there are exclusive turning lanes provided; 6. Where the intersection is adjacent to areas having high levels of illumination; 7 . Where the conditions of vertical and/or horizontal geometry are substandard to the point where unsafe conditions exist at night. ADMINISTRATION 2. The Town of Newcastle's Policy respecting Criteria and Warrants for Street Lighting, shall be administered by the Director of Public Works; 3. This By-Law shall come into effect upon the date of passing by Council . 4. By-Law 84-8 be repealed. By-Law read a first and second time this 13 day of February 1984. By-Law read a third and finally passed this 13 day -of. Februarl984, CEF'',FiED UNDER THE HAND OF THE _.-._r� CL"•K AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASM f</ ;L TO BE A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW. i OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DATED THE (O DAY OF i34/ CUM OF THE CORPORATION OF _�•' TIC TWO OF NEWCASTLE Mayo r _ er ATTACHMENT N0,1 (COW T) WD-70-38