HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-69-88 66 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Fi le # Res. By-Law # r` `I MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 31, 1988 REPORT #: WD-69-88 FILE #: WUCT: DEDICATION OF PARTS 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10 OF PLAN 1OR-3029 AS PUBLIC ROAD ALLOWANCE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and 2. THAT a By-law be passed to dedicate Parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Plan 1OR-3029 as Public Road Allowance and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute said by-law; and 3. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. David W. McKay, LL.B. , Polak, McKay, Hawkshaw, Barristers & Solicitors, 158 Harwood Avenue, Ajax, Ontario, US 2H6. REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Attached is a letter from David W. McKay, requesting the removal of of a 1 foot reserve described as Parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Plan 1OR-3029 (see Attachment No.l(a) and 1(b) . . . .2 Page 2 WD-69-88 i 1.2 The purpose of Mr. McKay's request is to provide clear and unobstructed access to his client's property. 1.3 The property in question is located on Paynes Crescent in Newtonville (see Attachment No.2) . 1.4 The south side of Paynes Crescent is protected by a 0.3 metre reserve to control development of abutting lands. 1.5 Mr. McKay's client has developed these lands through Land Division Applications LD 560/87 to LD 564/87. 1.6 As part of the Land Division Application procedure the applicant was required to fulfill a number of conditions. 1.7 The conditions of Land Divison have now been satisfied and it is now appropriate to remove the 1 foot reserve and dedicate same as public road allowance. 2.0 RECOMMENDATONS 2.1 It is, therefore, recommended that a by-law be passed dedicating Parts 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Plan 10R-3029 as public road allowance and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute said by-law. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrenc .�Cotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief A min trative Officer. I I :llv October 12, 1988 I P01T T7 ,&11, MCKAY & HAWKSHAW TELEPHONE 416-683-6880 FAx 416-428-2063 BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS H. S.POLAK, Q.C. D. w MCKAY, LL.B. RONALD J. HAWKS RAW, LL.B. IS8 HARWOOD AVE.SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO LtS 2H6 September 7 , 1988 Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario I Re: Part Lot 7, Conc. 1, Newcastle Payne Crescent - Il Soo Yang LD560/87 to LD564/87 Attn: Mr. Tony Canella, Works Dept. Dear Sir: We enclose most recent reference plan relating to the above severances. As the conditions for severances have now been satisfied, please accept this letter as our formal request that the one foot reserves shown as Parts 6,7,8,9,10 on the said plan be conveyed to our client and necessary by-law procedures be instituted to effect this. We understand that the next council meeting is September 26, 1988 and Mr. Taylor in the Planning Department suggested we request that this matter be placed on the agenda by Friday, September 9, 1988, as we must complete this matter by the end of September, 1988. Your assistance is appreciated. i Yours very truly, POLAK, McKAY & HAWKSHAW Per: E tT"1 "ON ;Yrre anG `ua D UF.11-4GE1VEC) 7scuss v.'rrr DWM/bh d p+ease Answer r ` �9�8 Note& Return to Me encls. 5�.t� j ATTACHMENT N0, 1(A) C°PIES r° InvestigatF and Report . PUBLIC WORKS tike Apprepnate Action WD-69-38 DEPT, „� V 'S3N� S3NAVd - :� CON C E SSON 2f CO CESSION! 1 JA E 61Sb tLSt 699t �, O 2 O tact �.- �ycv Q pct� ccsv 6Kt: Lt4t 9rcv stet S I T E LO G N"C 1 o h1 Gotit�t £Kt •: 9�t cca' fi � Z£ 9Z Osz;v 4i 2z ..9,6r l�y .y�::ttrv..3SOH o N 2 w .,... •f' ... Y @ O ...7" t••y7(t �1'YY> L Jba. ' 8/ Qvoa 7d01938 .. Ottt 0 • Lztt �,,�, z ATTACHMENT N0,2 81� WD-68-88 eott g lc, .1�.�•..•rs'I.vJltr(�-" y ^ORAvF .1' . 11 -• ...•«s M J.Y G�S - ail'!%.'.....a�...M'4'Y..i �o-. .S'l'.i `` ..00.�l..•r I , a � 9 law K �r- i•G 9tH 66 44 IA eh r + C1 � oio o .♦ J V y it o r•+ y �� ■ ' c R Lwvd 10, Cf I l��F � • 1 ,' G' [r n 1711 ATTACHMENT N0, 1 (B) i( WD-68-88