HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-015-04 B , Cl~mglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: Monday, February 2, 2004 Addendum to Report #: PSD-O 15-04 File #: PLN 38.4.1 /I -, ., c- C,ev. C,ll Kt'''c"" ,w~\ By-law #: Subject: COMMERCIAL POLICY REVIEW AND BOMANVILLE WEST MAIN CENTRAL AREA SECONDARY PLAN REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-015-04 and Addendum to Report PSD-015-04 be received; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to initiate a Commercial Policy Review and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review in accordance with the approach outlined in Report PSD-015-04; 3 THAT the Municipality's share of the Study be set at $45,000; 4. THAT Staff be authorized to request proposals from Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd., Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. and Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates; and, 5. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-015-04 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: L vi . Crome, MCIP, R.P.P. Director of Planning Services Reviewed by: d ~~,- Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer DJC/df 2 February 2004 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623- 3379 F (905)623-0830 ADDENDUM TO REPORT NO.: PSD-015-D4 PAGE 2 1. Report PSD-015-04 was tabled to Council at my request to allow time for staff to have further discussions with commercial stakeholders on the terms of reference, potential consultants and determine the Municipality's share in the study costs. 2. It is recommended that the Municipality fund up to $45,000 towards the two studies. In consultation with the Treasurer, the Municipality's share will be funded through the 2004 Planning Services Budget and the Development Charges Reserve Fund. 3. The three consulting firms proposed to be invited for the bid are as follows: 1. Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. 2. Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. 3. Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates. The planning firms would lead a study team comprised of a planner, an urban designer, TSH Ltd. (the Municipality's transportation and engineering consultant) and Urban Metrics Ltd., a new firm comprised of the retail market consultants currently undertaking work for the Municipality, (formerly with Pricewaterhouse Coopers). 4. The terms of reference have been finalized with the major commercial stakeholders, including the BIA's, having the opportunity to provide input into the study. 5. A letter from Ms. Roslyn Houser, prepared on behalf of the Metrus Properties and Valiant Property Management, outlines their commitments to the Municipality. Attachment 1 - Letter from Ms. Roslyn Houser dated February 2, 2004 ATllA<ilHMIUrIT 1 02/02/2004 14:51 FAX .. GOODMANS 250 '!oNGE STRb.ET SuLTS 2400 TORON10,ON'1'ARTO CAN^DA M5B 2.M6 TELo 416.979,ZZl'1 f.xo 416.979,1234 .....ww.goodmilln!:i.ca Dl1\EcrLrNE: 416597.4119 :rhowc.r@g,oodl;1"r.UlS.c,'1 February 2, 2004 VIA FACSIMILE Corporation of The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowm<lnville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Attention: David Crowe. Director. Planninl!: Services Department Dear Sir: Re; Commercial Policy Review and Bowmanville Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review Weare advised that staff will be recommending that the Municipality retain a plamring consultant (the "Consultant") to undertake a mWlicipality-wide commercial policy review and a secondary plan review for the Bowmanville Main Central Area, in accordance with the attached terms of reference ("Attachment I"). The estimated cost for the planning review and the peer review of the transportation work is $150,000.00, We are further advised that the Municipality has requested a contribution for a portion of the study cost from West Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "West Diamond") and Valiant Property Management ("Valiant"), the proponents of new commercial development in the western portion of the Bowmanville Urban Area. The balance of the study cost will be paid by the Municipality. On behalf of our client, West Diamond, and Lynda Towru;end-Renaud's client, Valiant, we have been instructed to advise that West Diamond and Valiant are prepared to contribute to the overall study cost (the "Landowners' Share") on the following basis: ' I. The Director of Planning will recommend that the Municipality's share of the estimated project costs of $150,000 will be $45,000 (the "Municipality's Share"). West Diamond and Valiant shall be responsible for 64% and 36% respectively of the Landowners' Share. The Landowners' Share will cover the balance of the project cost of the bid that is accepted by the Municipality, up to <l maximum of$105,000. 2. The Director of pianning will recommend to Council at its meeting of February 2, 2004 that bids be invited from three planning consulting firms with expertise in the field of commercial policy planning, after consultation with West Diamond, Valiant and other stakeholders. The Consultant will be expected to be in a position to provide urban design expertise or to include a sub- consultant with such expertise on its team. 3. The Municipality shall be entitled to select the Consultant in its sole discretion. COOL'IM.ANS u-r . BAKRlSTEJ/.S & SOLICITOR!, TORONTO . V ^NCQUV~R . HONe KONG -~-- ---,- . 141003/017 . 0210212004 14: 51 FAX GOODMANS Page 2 '. 4. The MlIlucipality will request proposals from the three plaruling Consultan~ in.accordance with the terms of reference and the Consultant will be retained by the MunlC1pahty no later than March 29lh, 2004. , 5. In tbe event that the Consultant's proposal preferred by the Municipality provides for a total cost in excess of $150,060.00 and/or a timeline that is materially different than the Terms of Reference, the Municipality will not enter into a written contract without the written consent of West Diamond and Valiant, unless the Municipality determines to enter into such a contract on its own account. 6, Prior to making 'a recommendation to' Council with respect to the selection of the Consultanl, West Diamo"d and Valiant shall each secure their cOlllIUitment to pay by depositing with the Municipality cash or an unconditional and iJrevocable letter of credit in the amount of their proportionate share of the Landowners' . Share, from wbich the Municipality may draw to pay the 'Consultant. The total deposit shall be in the amount of the Landowners' Share of the planning and traffic reviews. 7. The Planning Services Department will ,complete .jts evaluation of and make recommendations respccting the West, Diamond, andValiant applications as soon as reasonably practicable following the Consultant's completion of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review. It is reCO'gnized that the'implementation of recommendations of the Consultant may require amendments to the Municipality's Official Plan, Secondary Plan and Zoning By- law. If-amendments are recommended, West Diamond and Valiant acknowledge that the Municipality will need to comply with the statutory requirements for public notice, We (filSt this is satisfuctory. Yours very truly, GOOD S LLP ~ c.c. Richard Holy Robert DeGasperis Peter Smith . Lynda Townsend-Renaud Robert Hann G26\HOUS~RRI45()jg43,7