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Staff Report
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Report To: General Government Committee
Date of Meeting: February 3, 2025 Report Number: PDS-002-25
Authored By: Andrei Micu, Manager, Park Design and Development
Submitted By: Darryl Lyons, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure
Reviewed By: Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Finance and Technology
By-law Number: Resolution Number:
File Number:
Report Subject: North Bowmanville Dog Park Site Selection
1. That Report PDS-002-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be
received for information;
2. That the North Bowmanville Dog Park Site attached to Report PDS-002-25, as
shown on Attachment 1, be approved; and
3. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-002-25, and any delegations be
advised of Council’s decision.
Staff Report
Report Overview
Staff recommend locating the new Bowmanville Dog Park at the northeast corner of Baseline
Road West and Spry Avenue. This site has been identified as the preferred option after
thorough evaluation and consideration based on the criteria outlined in the approved Parks,
Recreation, and Culture Master Plan. Staff are seeking direction to proceed with construction
on the recommended site.
1. Background
1.1 At the November 4, 2024, General Government Committee meeting, Council directed
staff to seek an alternative site for the development of a dog park and report back with
options in Q1, 2025.
2. Discussion
The Municipality experienced challenges in developing a dog park on a previously
selected site.
2.1 The planned 6,100m² off-leash dog park, including 1,000m² small dog area, and a 40-
space parking lot on the Longworth Avenue site, could not be developed as initially
planned because the soil was found to be contaminated, posing health risks to both pets
and visitors. This discovery halted progress, as the contaminated soil would require
extensive remediation to make the site safe for public use. As a result, the Municipality
has had to reconsider the location.
Alignment with the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan
2.2 The Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan recommends improving the distribution
of leash-free dog parks. Additionally, if it is determined that the Longworth Avenue site
is unsuitable for an off-leash dog park, the plan suggests evaluating alternative sites
based on the following site selection criteria:
a. Located on Municipal property.
b. Minimum area of 5,000m².
c. Accessible to the public year-round.
d. Located on flat land with suitable soil quality, adequate drainage and devoid of
environmentally sensitive areas and other geotechnical hazards.
e. Should not be located along the waterfront.
f. Set back from adjacent land uses from 15m to 50m.
g. Include on-site parking.
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Report PDS-002-25
2.3 Staff re-evaluated previously proposed sites as well as new sites suitable for the
development of a dog park. The evaluation was based on recommendations noted in
the approved Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan for design and siting of a dog
Recommended Site
2.4 The northeast corner of Baseline Road West and Spry Avenue has emerged as the
preferred location for the new dog park. This site aligns with the selection criteria
outlined in section 2.2, offering several advantages, including municipal ownership, flat
terrain, and existing on-site parking. These factors enable expedited construction of the
dog park, within Q2 of 2025. Additionally, the site meets the minimum area
requirements and the necessary setbacks from adjacent land uses, including
Bowmanville Creek. Attachment 1 and 2.
2.5 Operational constraints including waste disposal, turf maintenance, and existing trail
condition have also been considered and will be addressed through detailed design and
in consultation with the Public Services Department.
2.6 Other considerations including parking capacity of the existing paved parking lot will be
assessed through the design process.
2.7 The proposed site is located within Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority
(CLOCA) regulated lands. The conservation authority has been consulted on a
preliminary inquiry basis and a permit application will be submitted during the detail
design stage.
Alternate considered sites.
2.8 The following sites were also evaluated but did not meet one or more of the site
selection criteria, conflicted with other programming, or had extensive construction lead
times. Attachment 3.
a) The former Bowmanville Zoo site. This site is not recommended because it does not
align with the recommendations set forth in the approved Parks, Recreation, and
Culture Master Plan and Bowmanville Zoo Master Plan. The programming of the
Zoo lands was subject to extensive public consultation before finalizing the
recommendations, which do not include a dog park. The proposed extensive trail
network planned for the former Zoo lands will provide opportunities for on-leash dog
b) Garnet B. Rickard, near the existing skate park. The available space at this location
is constrained to approximately 1,000m², which is significantly below the
recommended size outlined in the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan.
c) The future Fire Training Centre at Liberty and Concession 4. The design and
development exercise of the Fire Hall and Training Centre would have to be
completed prior to siting of the dog park. The timing associated with these tasks
would delay the dog park construction beyond 2025 and not satisfy Council’s motion
to prioritize the dog park construction.
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Report PDS-002-25
d) Soper Hills and Soper Spring secondary plan areas. These areas are currently in the
process of preparing secondary plans. While it is expected that these areas will
include future Municipal Parks, the programming for this infrastructure is currently
unknown. The development of an additional off-leash dog park in these areas would
not be available until 2029 or later.
e) Micro dog parks within existing established parks were considered but are not
recommended because it would eliminate established park amenities or park open
spaces. Proximity to residential lots is also of concern because the increased noise
that is likely to be experienced.
3. Financial Considerations
3.1 In 2021, Council approved $230,000 for the development of a new dog park at a
location to be determined.
3.2 The total cost of consulting services incurred to date is $34,466.11 net HST. No further
consulting fees are expected.
3.3 It is estimated that the remaining budget balance of $195,533.89 is sufficient to develop
a dog park on the recommended site, inclusive of earthworks, fencing, and pathways.
The proposed scope does not include lighting.
3.4 Public Services Department identified incremental annual costs of approximately $5,000
for garbage disposal and grass maintenance. Additionally, Public Services Department
has identified approximately $5,000 per year for staff time, from existing staff
complement, associated with general maintenance and inspections. Public Works will
collaborate with Deputy CAO/Treasurer of Finance to address any financial implications
associated with increased operational costs.
4. Strategic Plan
4.1 G.2.3 prioritizes the Development and implementation of the Parks, Recreation, and
Culture Master Plan. The North Bowmanville Dog Park is identified as an action item
within the approved Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan.
5. Climate Change
5.1 Not Applicable.
6. Concurrence
6.1 The Deputy CAO, Public Services has reviewed this report.
7. Conclusion
7.1 It is respectfully recommended that Council endorse the Baseline Road West and Spry
Avenue site as the preferred location for the new Bowmanville Dog Park and direct staff
to proceed with construction.
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Report PDS-002-25
Staff Contact: Andrei Micu, Manager, Park Design and Development, 905-623-3379 x 2439 or
Attachment 1 – Preferred location
Attachment 2 – Preferred location, aerial view
Attachment 3 – Alternate considered sites.
Interested Parties:
The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision:
Sean Reynolds
PDS-002-25Attachment # 1
PDS-002-25Attachment # 2
Proposed Dog Park Location - Aerial View
Baseline Road
Recommended Site
PDS-002-25Attachment #