HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-27 Council Post-Meeting Agenda Date:January 27, 2025 Time:6:30 p.m. Location:Council Chambers or Electronic Participation Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries and Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Michelle Chambers, Legislative Services Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2101 or by email at mchambers@clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Collection, Use & Disclosure of Personal Information: If you make a delegation, or presentation, at a Committee or Council meeting, the Municipality will be recording you and will make the recording public on the Municipality’s website, www.clarington.net/calendar. Written and oral submissions which include home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses become part of the public record. If you have any questions about the collection of information, please contact the Municipal Clerk. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non-audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net/archive The Revised Agenda will be published on Friday after 3:30 p.m. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with a * beside them. Pages 1.Call to Order 2.Moment of Reflection 3.Land Acknowledgement Statement 4.Declaration of Interest 5.Announcements 6.Presentations / Delegations *6.1 John McDermott, McDermott & Associates Limited regarding Report PDS-006-25 - Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Recommendation Report Addendum to Report PDS-033-24 4 *6.2 Andrew Rice regarding Report PDS-006-25 - Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Recommendation Report Addendum to Report PDS-033-24 7 7.Consent Agenda 7.1 Minutes from the Regular Council meeting dated December 16, 2024 9 7.2 Minutes from the Special Council Meeting dated January 13, 2025 18 7.3 Minutes from the General Government Meeting dated January 13, 2025 21 7.3.1 Motion regarding Amendment to Item 8.1 - Report PUB-002-25 - Open Air Burn By-law Addendum 30 (Councillor Elhajjeh intends to introduce the attached motion) 7.4 Minutes from the Planning and Development Committee Meeting dated January 20, 2025 31 7.5 Minutes from the Newcastle Community Arena Board meeting dated November 12, 2024 35 7.6 Minutes from the Clarington Heritage Committee meeting dated November 19, 2024 37 January 27, 2025 Council Agenda Page 2 7.7 Minutes from the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee meeting dated November 19, 2024 43 7.8 Minutes from the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated December 12, 2024 46 7.9 Minutes from the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee meeting dated January 9, 2025 49 *7.10 Minutes from the Newcastle Community Hall Board meeting dated January 21, 2025 55 7.11 2025-002 - Being a By-law to Regulate Open-Air Burning 58 Item 8.1 of the General Government Committee Minutes 8.Items for Separate Discussion 8.1 Correspondence from Ebraheem Waraich, Ontario Power Generation, Regarding a Request for a Noise By-law Exemption 71 (Motion to approve the request for a Noise By-law exemption, from Ebraheem Waraich, Ontario Power Generation, from February 3, 2025 to December 31, 2025) 9.Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 10.Unfinished Business 10.1 Report PDS-006-25 - Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Recommendation Report Addendum to Report PDS-033-24 73 Link to Report PDS-033-24 (Referred from the December 9, 2024, Planning and Development Committee Meeting) Link to Memo-013-24 11.Confidential Items 12.Confirming By-Law 13.Adjournment January 27, 2025 Council Agenda Page 3 From:no-reply@clarington.net To:ClerksExternalEmail Subject:New Delegation Request from McDermott Date:January 24, 2025 2:00:40 PM EXTERNAL A new delegation request has been submitted online. Below are the responses provided: Subject Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Action requested of Council Appear as a Deputation Date of meeting 1/27/2025 Summarize your delegation Submissions re Section 12.1.8 Have you been in contact with staff or a member of Council regarding your matter of interest? Yes Name of the staff member or Councillor. Darryl Lyons Report number (if known) PDS-006-25 Correspondence number (if known) n/a Will you be attending this meeting in person or online? In person First name: John Single/Last name McDermott Page 4 How to pronounce your name: McDermott Firm/Organization (if applicable) McDermott & Associates Limited Job title (if applicable) Principal Planner Address Town/Hamlet Pickering Postal code Email address: Phone number Alternate phone number Do you plan to submit correspondence related to this matter? No Do you plan to submit an electronic presentation (i.e. PowerPoint)? If yes, the file must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk’s Department by 2 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date. No I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law Permits seven minutes for delegations. Yes [This is an automated email notification -- please do not respond] Page 5 From:no-reply@clarington.net To:ClerksExternalEmail Subject:New Delegation Request from Rice Date:January 24, 2025 2:00:51 PM EXTERNAL A new delegation request has been submitted online. Below are the responses provided: Subject Bowmanville East Urban Center Secondary Plan Action requested of Council Opportunity to speak Date of meeting 1/27/2025 Summarize your delegation Comments on secondary plan Have you been in contact with staff or a member of Council regarding your matter of interest? Yes Name of the staff member or Councillor. Darryl Lyons Report number (if known) PDS-006-25 Will you be attending this meeting in person or online? In person First name: Andrew Single/Last name Rice How to pronounce your name: Rice - Just like the food! Page 7 Address Town/Hamlet Bowmanville Postal code Email address: Phone number Alternate phone number Do you plan to submit correspondence related to this matter? Yes Do you plan to submit an electronic presentation (i.e. PowerPoint)? If yes, the file must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk’s Department by 2 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting date. Yes I acknowledge that the Procedural By-law Permits seven minutes for delegations. Yes [This is an automated email notification -- please do not respond] Page 8 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Council Minutes Date: Time: Location: December 16, 2024 6:30 p.m. Council Members (in Chambers or Electronic Participation) Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: M. Dempster, D. Lyons, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, L. Reck, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers Other Staff Present: M. Machacek, J. MacLean, J. O'Meara, M. Westover _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Recess Resolution # C-145-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Council recess for 15 minutes to address technical difficulties. Carried The meeting reconvened at 6:45 p.m. with Mayor Fost er in the Chair. Recess Resolution # C-146-24 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That the Council recess for 15 minutes to address technical difficulties. Carried The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 2. Moment of Reflection Councillor Rang led the meeting in a moment of reflection. Page 9 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 2 3. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Rang recited the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 4. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 5. Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6. Presentations / Delegations 6.1 Presentation by Greg Gordon, Chair, Energy From Waste-Waste Management Advisory Committee (EFW-WMAC), regarding 2024 EFW-WMAC Annual Report Greg Gordon, Chair, Energy from Waste, Waste Management Advisory Committee (EFW WMAC) was present regarding the 2024 Annual EFW WMAC Report. Greg outlined the current Committee membership and provided an overview of their 2024 accomplishments and projects, which included the organics program, Durham York Energy Centre emissions reporting, and advocating for the increase of diversion of waste. The Committee intends on looking at the clear waste bag pilot project as the Region of Durham is looking to move to the larger garbage bins in 2025. Greg noted that the Anaerobic Digestion facility is currently on hold due to increased costs. G. Gordon answered questions from the Members of Council. Resolution # C-147-24 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Rang That the Delegation of Greg Gordon, Chair, Energy from Waste, Waste Management Advisory Committee (EFW WMAC), regarding WMAC), regarding 2024 Annual EFW WMAC Report, be received with thanks. Carried 6.2 Presentation by Paul Davidson, Deputy Treasurer, Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Lee-Ann Reck, Deputy CAO, Public Services, Darryl Lyon, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure, of the 2025 Budget Update - Overview to Council Paul Davidson, Deputy Treasurer, Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Lee-Ann Reck, Deputy CAO, Public Services, Darryl Lyons, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure, were present to provide the 2025 Budget Update - Overview to Council. With the use of an electronic presentation an overview of following items was provided to Council. Page 10 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 3 1) Introduction  Budget Update Process  2025 Annual Budget Update  2025 Annual Considerations  Projected Property Assessment  Operating Budget Update  Updated Staffing Requests 2025-27 2) Operating Budget Update  Projected Tax Levy - 2025 Update  2025 Proposed Budget Amendments  Planning Impacts of Bill 23 and 185  Updated Staffing Requests 2025-27 3) 2025 Capital Budget  Capital Investments At A Glance  2025 Capital Budget Highlights 4) Long-Term Debt  Long-Term Debt – Existing Debt Servicing  Long-Term Debt - Proposed 5) Reserve and Reserve Funds They answered questions from the Members of Council. Resolution # C-148-24 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang That Staff be directed to make the line-by-line budget available to all Members of Council for the 2025 budget update; and The Presentation by Paul Davidson, Deputy Treasurer, Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Lee-Ann Reck, Deputy CAO, Public Services, Darryl Lyons, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure, of the 2025 Budget Update - Overview to Council, be received with thanks. Page 11 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 4 Yes (4): Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang, and Councillor Traill No (3): Mayor Foster, Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (4 to 3) Recess Resolution # C-149-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Council recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:57 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7. Consent Agenda 7.1 Council and Standing Committee Minutes Resolution # C-150-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That all Items listed in Section 7.1, be approved, in accordance with the Agenda with the exception of Item 9.1 from the General Government Committee minutes and Item 9.1 of the Planning and Development Committee minutes. Carried 7.1.1 Minutes from the Regular meeting of Council dated November 18, 2024 Resolution # C-151-24 That the minutes from the regular meeting of Council dated November 18, 2024, be adopted. 7.1.2 Minutes from the Special General Government Committee Meeting dated November 19-20, 2024 Resolution # C-152-24 That the minutes from the Special General Government Committee meeting dated November 19-20, 2024, be approved. Page 12 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 5 7.1.3 Minutes from the General Government Committee Meeting dated December 2, 2024 Resolution # C-153-24 That the minutes from the General Government Committee meeting dated December 2, 2024, be approved. 7.1.4 Minutes from the Planning and Development Committee Meeting dated December 9, 2024 Resolution # C-154-24 That the minutes from the Planning and Development Committee meeting dated December 9, 2024, be approved. Veteran's Crosswalk Resolution # C-155-24 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang Whereas a Veterans’ Crosswalk not only makes an everyday pedestrian crosswalk more vibrant, but also creates a bold, visual statement of our respect and immense gratitude towards our veterans; Whereas a Veterans’ Crosswalk at King and Temperance is an appropriate location because it is central, close to the cenotaph and because the annual Bowmanville Remembrance parade crosses King to reach the cenotaph every November 11; and Whereas the Bowmanville Veterans Crossing will serve as a permanent memorial to those who have served in the Canadian Forces; Now therefore be it resolved that Staff proceed with the painting of a Veterans’ crosswalk crossing King at Temperance, running north/south; That the cost of the crosswalk and its maintenance be referred to the Deputy CAO/Treasurer; That the Bowmanville Legion Branch 178 be consulted with respect to design and be invited to the opening ceremony of the crosswalk, scheduled for November 11, 2025; and That Staff be directed to consider us a design similar to that p rovided by the Legion in an email dated December 13, 2024, from Doug MacCheye, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 178. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang, Councillor Traill, Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0) Page 13 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 6 Durham Homelessness Support Line Resolution # C-156-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart Whereas there is a need to protect the vulnerable population in the Municipality of Clarington; And whereas it would be helpful to inform our citizens of support services in Durham Region; Now therefore be it resolved that Clarington Staff be directed to work with the Region of Durham Outreach Team to identify signage in a location in/around the commuter lot in Newtonville that may or may not include the website/phone/QR code, as appropriate, for support services. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang, Councillor Traill, Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0) 7.2 Advisory Committee and Local Board Minutes Resolution # C-157-24 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That all Items listed in Section 7.2, be approved on consent in accordance with the agenda. Carried 7.2.1 Minutes from the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings dated September 25 and October 15, 2024 Resolution # C-158-24 That the minutes from the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings dated September 25 October 15, 2024, be received for information. 7.2.2 Minutes from the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee meeting dated October 22, 2024 Resolution # C-159-24 That the minutes from the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee meeting dated October 22, 2024, be received for information. Page 14 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 7 7.2.3 Minutes from the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated November 14, 2024 Resolution # C-160-24 That the minutes from the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated November 14, 2024, be received for information. 7.2.4 Minutes from the Clarington Diversity Committee meeting dated November 14, 2024 Resolution # C-161-24 That the minutes from the Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee meeting dated November 14, 2024, be received for information. 7.3 Communications 7.4 Staff Reports and Staff Memos 7.5 By-laws Resolution # C-162-24 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Anderson That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2024-054 to 2024-062; That the said by-law be approved. Carried 7.5.1 2024-054 - Being a by-law to authorize an Interim Tax levy for 2025 7.5.2 2024-055 - Being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $15,000,000 to meet, until taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year 2025 7.5.3 2024-056 - Being a By-law to amend the Traffic and Parking By-law 2014-059, as amended 7.5.4 2024-057 - Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate a Community Hall in Tyrone in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 2008-039. 7.5.5 2024-058 - Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate a Community Hall in Solina in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Municipality of Clarington and to repeal By-law 2008-038 7.5.6 2024-059 - Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to control and manage activities at the Newcastle Village Community Hall and to repeal By-law 2014-094 Page 15 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 8 7.5.7 2024-060 - Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 7.5.8 2024-061 - Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Block 1, Registered Plan 40M-2752 from Part Lot Control 7.5.9 2024-062 - Being a By-law to exempt a certain portion of Blocks 216, 217, 218, 219 and 220 Registered Plan 40M-2741, from Part Lot Control; 8. Items for Separate Discussion 9. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion 10. Unfinished Business 10.1 Memo-015-24 - Diwali Fireworks Permit Statistics Resolution # C-163-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Rang That Memo-015-24 - Diwali Fireworks Permit Statistics, be received for information. Carried 11. Confidential Items 11.1 Memo-014-24 - Proposed Acquisition of Property by the Municipality of Clarington Closed Session Resolution # C-164-24 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session 9:58 at p.m. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to staff. Page 16 December 16, 2024 Council Minutes 9 12. Confirming By-Law Resolution # C-165-24 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2024-063, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of December 2024; and That the said by-law be approved. 13. Adjournment Resolution # C-166-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the meeting adjourn at 9.59 p.m. Carried Page 17 1 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Special Council Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: January 13, 2025 3:27 p.m. Council Chambers or Electronic Participation Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: M. Dempster, J. Newman, L. Turcotte, D. Lyons, R. Maciver, T. Pinn _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 3:27 p.m. 2. Moment of Reflection Councillor Anderson cited the Moment of Reflection. 3. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Anderson led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 4. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. Suspend the Rules Resolution # C-001-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add an item, regarding Potential Property Acquisition, to the Agenda. Carried Page 18 Special Council Minutes January 13, 2025 2 5. Approval of Amendments and/or Shortening the Time Period for the 2025 Budget Update Resolution # C-002-25 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Woo That the amendments to the 2025 Budget Update, approved at the January 13, 2025, General Government Committee meeting, be approved; and That the shortening of time for budget amendments, approved at the January 13, 2025, General Government Committee meeting, be approved. Carried 6. Potential Property Acquisition Closed Session Resolution # C-003-25 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 4:05 p.m. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in "closed" session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to Staff. 7. Confirming By-law Resolution # C-004-25 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Woo That By-law 2025-001, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a special meeting held on the 13th day of January, 2025, be approved. Carried Page 19 Special Council Minutes January 13, 2025 3 8. Adjournment Resolution # C-005-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang That the meeting adjourn at 4:06 p.m. Carried Page 20 1 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 General Government Committee Minutes Date: Time: Location: January 13, 2025 9:30 a.m. Council Chambers or Electronic Participation Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: M. Dempster, J. Newman, L. Turcotte, R. Maciver, T. Pinn, J. Gallagher, D. Lyons, L. Reck, M. Machacek Other Staff Present: P. Pirri, M. Westover _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Councillor Elhajjeh called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Mayor Foster led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 5. Presentations/Delegations 6. Consent Agenda Resolution # GG-001-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang That all items listed in Section 6, with the exception of items 6.3 and 6.4, be approved, in accordance with the Agenda. Carried Page 21 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 2 6.1 Correspondence from the City of Guelph, Regarding Enabling Municipalities to Charge Fees for Use of Municipal Property by Gas Utilities Resolution # GG-002-25 Whereas, across most of Canada, municipalities charge for-profit gas utilities fees for the use of municipal property to support municipalities in managing abandoned gas distribution infrastructure and any conflicts with municipal infrastructure without increasing the financial burden on property taxpayers; And whereas, if the charging of these fees is permitted, revenues would provide much needed funding towards essential municipal services and programs, and support municipalities in funding any future work associated with gas distribution infrastructure; And whereas, in Ontario, Section 9 of O.Reg. 584/06 under the Municipal Act, 2001 prohibits municipalities from charging for-profit gas utilities these fees; Now therefore be it resolved that the Province of Ontario be requested to amend Section 9 of O.Reg. 584/06 under the Municipal Act, 2001, to permit municipalities to charge fees to for-profit gas utilities for their use of public property; and That the Municipality of Clarington expresses its support, in principle, for Bill 219 – the No Free Ride for Fossil Fuels Act, 2024, which would enshrine the right of municipalities to charge fees under the Municipal Act, 2001, and the City of Toronto Act, 2006. 6.2 FSD-001-25 - Reserve and Reserve Fund Reorganization Resolution # GG-003-25 That Report FSD-001-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That Staff be authorized to reallocate funds within the Municipality’s reserve funds, in accordance with the proposed consolidations provided within Report FSD-001-25; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-001-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.5 PDS-001-25 - Whistle Cessation at CN Rail Grade Level Crossings at Bennett Road and Cobbledick Road Resolution # GG-004-25 That Report PDS-001-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That Staff be directed to continue with work to implement whistle cessation at the Bennett Road and Cobbledick Road CN Rail grade level crossings; Page 22 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 3 That Staff be directed to report back with a draft resolution in Q1 2025 to implement whistle cessation and to provide notice of intent to the public in accordance with the applicable Federal legislation; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-001-25 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.6 CAO-001-25 - Economic Development Action Plan Resolution # GG-005-25 That Report CAO-001-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the 2025-2026 Economic Development Action Plan attached to Report CAO-001-25, as Attachment 3, be endorsed; That deferral of the remaining items in the Economic Development Strategy, be supported; That Priority G1.4 of the Clarington Strategic Plan be postponed at this time; and That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-001-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.3 FSD-002-25 - Alternative Revenue Sources Resolution # GG-006-25 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report FSD-002-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That Staff be directed to take the necessary steps to implement a Mun icipal Accommodation Tax and report back to Council with the required revenue - sharing agreements and enabling by-law; That Staff be directed to take the necessary steps to implement a Stormwater Management Fee by January 1, 2028, and report back to Council with the required agreements and by-laws as required; That Staff be directed to review User Fees and include additional fees for consideration in the User Fee Bylaw under the principle that services benefitting individuals should be funded by the individu als; That the Region of Durham be requested to reconsider the Vacant Home Tax and assist the municipalities who would want to implement such tax; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-002-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Page 23 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 4 6.4 PUB-001-25 - Respectful Conduct Policy and Customer Service Excellence Related Management Directives Resolution # GG-007-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PUB-001-25 Respectful Conduct Policy and Customer, be referred back to Staff. Motion Withdrawn Resolution # GG-008-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PUB-001-25, and any related delegations or communication items be received; That Council approve the proposed draft Respectful Conduct Policy, attached as Attachment 1, to promote a respectful, tolerant, and harassment free workplace for all Staff and the public utilizing our services for their personal enjoyment with the following amendment: That Section 5.3.9 be amended by removing the words "including taking photographs, video, or audio recordings, of persons without their consent ”; and That all interested parties listed in Report PUB-001-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 7. Items for Separate Discussion 7.1 Correspondence from Hon. Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Regarding Municipal Accountability Act 2024 Resolution # GG-009-25 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Woo Whereas in a letter dated December 12, 2024, Minister Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requested feedback from municipalities related to the proposed Municipal Accountability Act, 2024, Clarington Council submits the following for consideration:  The Council endorses the recommendations submitted by AMCTO to the Ministry on July 14, 2021;  That, when passed, the Bill be immediately implemented and not be delayed until the term of the new councils in 2026; Page 24 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 5  That the Code of Conduct make reference to and hold Councillors accountable to policies approved by their local municipal Councils;  That private phones, e-mails, or other private electronic means not be used in the conduct of municipal business and that in the event of an investigation by the Integrity Commissioner, the IC be given access to those records pertinent to the investigation; and  That annual attendance records be included on Council agendas. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang, Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Traill Carried on a recorded vote (6 to 1) 7.2 LGS-001-25 - Appointment to the Public Library Board Resolution # GG-010-25 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Rang That Report LGS-001-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the resignation of Steven Cooke be received with thanks; That the Committee consider the applications for appointments to the Public Library Board, and that the vote be conducted to appoint the citizen representatives, in accordance with the Board / Committee Management Policy; and That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-001-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Public Library Board That Alannah Hamdic be appointed to the Public Library Board for a term ending December 31, 2026, or until a successor is appointed. Alter the Agenda Resolution # GG-011-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Woo That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 8.1 Report PUB-002-25 - Open Air Burn By-law Addendum, at this time. Carried Page 25 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 6 8. Unfinished Business 8.1 PUB-002-25 - Open Air Burn By-law Addendum Resolution # GG-012-25 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PUB-002-25, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the By-law attached to Report PUB-002-25 as Attachment 1, reflecting Scenario One, which allows for both recreational fires and open -air burning, be approved; That By-law 2012-062, to regulate open air burning, be repealed; and That all interested parties listed in Report PUB-002-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Yes (5): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Rang, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart No (2): Councillor Elhajjeh, and Councillor Woo Carried on a recorded vote (5 to 2) Recess Resolution # GG-013-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Mayor Foster That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 11:19 a.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7. Items for Separate Discussion 7.3 Proposed Amendments and/or Shortening the Time Period for the 2025 Budget Update Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG-014-25 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting for an additional 20 minutes. Carried Page 26 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 7 Suspend the Rules Resolution # GG-015-25 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the meeting for an additional 10 minutes. Carried Resolution # GG-016-25 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Woo That the Committee recess for a 45-minute lunch break. Carried The meeting reconvened at 1:15 p.m. with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 7.3.1 Request for Staff and Creation of Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee (Councillor Anderson) Resolution # GG-017-25 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Woo That the Municipality of Clarington, elevate the Anti-Black Racism Task Force from a working group of the Diversity Advisory Committee to a separate Advisory Committee of Council, to be called the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee; That all current members of the Anti-Black Racism Task Force be appointed to the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee and have their term extended to the end of this Council term; That staff review and update the Terms of Reference for both the Diversity Advisory Committee and newly formed Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee and bring back to Council for approval; That the Terms of Reference for the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee include a Councillor Representative, and Councillor Rang be appointed as the Council Representative for a term ending November 14, 2026; That the Terms of Reference for both committees include a Staff Liaison; That the 2025 budget be amended to include an additional staff resource for the IDEA portfolio (Grade 6 – non-affiliated); and That all interested parties be notified of Council’s decision. Carried Page 27 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 8 Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee That Lauren Reyes-Grange, Rochelle Thomas, Dione Valentine, Hawa Mire, Nadia Nembard-Hunt, Jodie Glean, Joseph Adesanya, and Angela Todd Anderson, be appointed to the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2026, or until a successor is appointed. 7.3.2 Jury Lands Provision Funds (Councillor Traill) Resolution # GG-018-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Woo That the net difference of the Jury Lands Provision funds be set aside in the Rate Stabilization Fund. Carried 7.3.3 Shorten Time Period for the Budget (Councillor Woo) Resolution # GG-019-25 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Anderson That in accordance with Ontario Regulation 530/22 Section 7 (4), of the Municipal Act, Council shortens the 30-day period to pass resolutions making an amendment to the proposed budget; and That the period be shortened to January 13, 2025. Yes (6): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Elhajjeh, Councillor Rang, Councillor Woo, and Councillor Zwart No (1): Councillor Traill Carried (6 to 1) 9. New Business 10. Confidential Items 10.1 LGS-002-25 - Potential Property Disposition Resolution # GG-020-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Woo That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report LGS-002-25 - Potential Property Disposition, be approved. Carried Page 28 General Government Committee Minutes January 13, 2025 9 10.2 LGS-003-25 - Proposed Acquisition of Property by the Municipality Closed Session Resolution # GG-021-25 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That, in accordance with Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeting be closed for the purpose of discussing a matter that deals with a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. Carried Rise and Report The meeting resumed in open session at 3:13 p.m. Mayor Foster advised that one item was discussed in “closed” session in accordance with Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001 and one resolution was passed to provide direction to Staff. 11. Adjournment Resolution # GG-022-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the meeting adjourn at 3:13 p.m. Carried Page 29 Municipality of Clarington Council Meeting Resolution # Date: January 27, 2025 Moved By: Councillor Elhajjeh Seconded By: ________________________ That subsection 7.15c) of Attachment 1 to Report PUB-002-25, being a By-law to regulate open air burning, be amended as follows, be changed from 5m to 7.5m: The owner or occupant shall burn shall be at least 7.5m from property lines, fences, street/road/highway, overhead wires, structures, trees and bush/hedges or other combustible materials. That the corresponding change be made to By-law 2025-002. Page 30 1 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Planning and Development Committee Minutes Date: Time: Location: January 20, 2025 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers or Electronic Participation Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Regrets: Councillor S. Elhajjeh Staff Present: J. Newman, L. Turcotte, D. Lyons Other Staff Present: N. Zambri _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgment Statement Councillor Rang led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 5. Presentations/Delegations 6. Consent Agenda 8. Unfinished Business 7. Items for Separate Discussion 9. New Business 10. Public Meetings Page 31 Planning and Development Committee Minutes January 20, 2025 2 10.1 Public Meeting for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Libby Racansky was present regarding the application. Using an electronic presentation, Libby expressed concerns regarding the Nash Road extension, wetlands, increased traffic, pests, and diseases. L. Racansky stated the road extensions do not conform with municipal, regional, and provincial policy statements. Jim Derlatka was present in opposition to the application. Jim expressed concerns about increased traffic congestion, pollution, and overwhelmed emergency services. J. Derlatka stated that the development would result in more noise, construction, and loss of green space and habitats. Jim also noted that the development would increase the rat population on Nash Road. J. Derlatka explained that he circulated a petition on social media, which received around 100 signatures, and answered questions from Members of the Committee. Thorsten Koseck expressed frustration with the Ontario Land Tribunal process. Thorsten raised concerns about traffic, the accuracy of studies, and the development of isolated pockets without adequate infrastructure such as parks, schools, and hospitals. T. Koseck emphasized that Bowmanville Avenue should be extended to two lanes and urged the Committee to consider the bigger picture, follow a comprehensive plan with accurate studies, and stop the isolated developments. Thorsten answered questions from Members of Committee. Mark Jacobs, The Biglieri Group, was present on behalf of the owner. Mark provided an overview of the site, the planning policy, the Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plan, and the proposed development. M. Jacobs displayed the conceptual streetscapes for the semi-detached, single-detached, and street townhouses. Mark outlined the concept plans, proposed zoning regulations, and additional supporting documents submitted. Mark answered questions from Members of Committee. 10.1.1 PDS-003-25 - Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to Permit 285 Residential Units at 2499 Nash Road, 2538 and 2494 Bowmanville Avenue in Bowmanville Resolution # PD-001-25 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Traill That Report PDS-003-25 and any related communication items, be received for information only; Page 32 Planning and Development Committee Minutes January 20, 2025 3 That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Tribute Tercot Brookhill 2 Inc. and continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent recommendation report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-003-25 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 10.2 Public Meeting for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Libby Racansky was present to express concerns regarding traffic congestion, speeding, and safety. Jim Derlatka was present in opposition to the application. Jim voiced concerns from a petition signed by those opposing the development due to issues such as overpopulated schools, lack of infrastructure, lack of accessible and affordable housing, increased crime, loss of wildlife and green space, safety concerns, an overpopulated community, diminishing services, and property tax increases. J . Derlatka questioned whether the traffic study would be redone and if it included Green Road and answered questions from Members of the Committee. Thorsten Koseck was present and questioned what Bowmanville Avenue will look like in the future and whether more side streets will be created. Thorsten stated that the park in the development is a mistake, as residents won’t use it due to its location and parking issues. T. Koseck expressed concerns regarding transportation safety, the lack of bicycle lanes, and insufficient infrastructure. Thorsten also questioned where the infrastructure for electric vehicles is. Mark Jacobs, The Biglieri Group, was present on behalf of the owner. Mark provided an overview of the site context, planning policy, the Brookhill Neighborhood Secondary Plan, and the proposed development. M. Jacobs displayed the conceptual streetscapes for the semi-detached, single-detached, and street townhouses. Mark outlined the concept plans, proposed zoning regulations, and additional supporting documents submitted. Mark answered questions from Members of Committee. The Public Meetings concluded at 8:37 p.m. Page 33 Planning and Development Committee Minutes January 20, 2025 4 10.2.1 PDS-004-25 - Applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to Permit 187 Residential Units at 2547 Bowmanville Avenue in Bowmanville Resolution # PD-002-25 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Rang That Report PDS-004-25 and any related communication items, be received for information only; That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Tribute Tercot Brookhill 1 Inc. and continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent recommendation report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-004-25 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 11. Confidential Items 12. Adjournment Resolution # PD-003-25 Moved by Councillor Rang Seconded by Mayor Foster That the meeting adjourn at 8:43 p.m. Carried Page 34 Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Minutes – November 12, 2024 - 7:11p.m. Newcastle Memorial Arena Present: Gary Oliver - Vice Chair (Remote) Shea-Lea Latchford - Secretary Todd Taylor - Treasurer Sue White Jim Vinson Regrets – Bryan Hutchison Absent – Omar Patel 1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 2. Land Acknowledgment Statement 3. Adoption of Agenda - Motion #24-032 - Moved by Sue White, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT: The revised agenda be accepted moving the elections to the end of the meeting. CARRIED 4. Adoption of Minutes - Motion #24-033 - Moved by Sue White, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT: The revised minutes be accepted. CARRIED 5. Manager’s Report – Safety – Josh reviewed incident procedures with his staff and confirmed that the Chair/Vice Chair must be notified immediately. Josh informed the Board that 90% of the training certificates have been completed and logged in. Josh confirmed he is working on the completion of his supervisory/manager courses. Risk Management – The monthly reports were completed. All unused paint cans have been properly disposed of. The emergency contact list has been updated. A PPM/Ammonia sheet was created, and the emergency procedure posted on the compressor room door. The light covers above the ice were installed. The SW rink emergency exit door closer needs to be repaired. The canteen emergency light battery needs replacing. Rentals – The winter schedule is posted on our website. All October invoices for ice activities were mailed as well as the invoices for rink advertising. A cheque was received from Snack Vending for $332.17. Page 35 2. Repairs/Maintenance The pad light was repaired and all covers added to lights. Furnace “B” has been repaired. The motor/fan in the lady’s washroom has been replaced. A new motor/pump was installed in the hot water tank in the office. Grip tape was installed in the stairwells and the dressing room numbers placed on the dressing doom doors. Josh reported he is still waiting for Gerr to repair or replace the motor for the front door outside push button and the door for gender neutral washroom to be repaired. He is also waiting for Brent’s Plumbing for the repairs in the men’s washroom and the shower head in room #4. The door handle to the rink is broken and Durham Locksmith was notified and parts ordered. Staff – Josh held his monthly staff meeting. Josh will order T-shirts or long sleeve shirts so staff will always be in unform and can be identified as “Staff ”. Josh is still interviewing candidates for the operator’s position. Inspections/Municipal Operations – No inspection was conducted for the month of October. An eleven-month warranty walkaround/inspection with MOC and Gerr was completed. ORFA Update - Josh has started the Legal Awareness #1 certificate and once completed will proceed with Level #2 time permitting. There is an Indoor Ice Season Opener and a Practical Public Health Inspection Guide Version 1. Other: CIMCO has sent their proposal. There is an induvial who wishes to book a summer sports camp – Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Josh will investigate further. 6. Financial Report – Todd provided the Board with an update of our revenue for January 1st to November 12, 2024. He does not see any threats to the budget and will continue to provide regular updates to the Board. Todd asked the members of the Board if anyone had any spending items beyond norms needed in 2025. 7. Business Arising from Previous Minutes - Terms of Reference – Members of the Board met with George Acorn on October 25, 2024, but have not received an update from the municipality staff. George indicated we are covered for insurance thru the Municipality and don’t need to consider any additional polices. 8. Election of Vice -Chair – Councillor Zwart open floor for nominations for the position was Vice-Chair. Jim Vinson accepted the position but only until March 31, 2025. 9. New Business – Christmas Party – After a quick discussion, it was decided that the annual Christmas Party will be held at the Old Newcastle House in Newcastle. 10. Adjournment - Motion #24-0342- Moved by Gary Oliver, seconded by Sue White THAT: The meeting adjourn at 8:59 p.m. CARRIED Page 36 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 1 - If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility . Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting was held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, and via Microsoft Teams on November 19, 2024, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Ron Hooper, Heather Graham, Joseph Dalrymple, Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum), Sitara Welch, Brian Jose (NVDHS), Victor Suppan, Councillor Elhajjeh, Jason Moore (ACO), Ron Sproule Regrets: Sher Leetooze (NVDHS), Noel Gamble, Colin Maitland Staff Present: Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: V. Suppan suggested adding the New PPS item to the new business. 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington’s Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 24. 46 Moved by J. Dalrymple, seconded by R. Sproule That the Agenda be adopted. “Carried” 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 24. 47 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by J. Moore That the minutes of October 15, 2024, the Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. “Carried” 5 Delegations/Presentations: Arin McQuaid, the property owner of 81 Scugog, presented the renovation work on going on the property. The property has been on the CHC agenda for quite some time, as it has been falling into a state of neglect. The property owner Page 37 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 2 - acknowledges that this property has been in a state of disrepair for quite some time. The property owner is a real estate professional with experience restoring a historic home. The restoration of 81 Scugog will be a phased, long -term process. The designation bylaw focused on architectural features rather than history. The by-laws identified it as the Second Empire style, but all agreed that it was built in the Italianate style. The house is currently split into a duplex. Original molding is still present in some areas. The principal room does not include the crown molding any more. Some of the ceilings are sagging, so they will need to be repaired, as well as the trim and baseboards. At this time, the objective is to restore the front verandah. The porch columns were removed and stripped, repainted in blue (discovered base colour), and reinstalled. All will be stripped and repainted. The footings had been remade. The pickets of railings are in Alfred Hitchcock style. The front profile is rounded. Long rails of the railings on the verandah have been restored. Efforts have been made to save all railings. A special machine has been ordered to remove the paint without damaging the wood. The second storey will be next year project - the intent is to restore all detailing (corbelling, brackets, scrollwork; floral and bird theme). The black line across the front of the brick will be reinstated with the correct type of brick paint. There is a crack going through the concrete steps, likely from when the house was moved. That needs to be addressed. Will try to jack them up, but they may need to be replaced at some point. Heritage permit application has been submitted for the Committee review. 6 Business Arising 6.1 143 Simpson Avenue Staff provided an update responding to the Committee’s concern that the water and snow melting may impact the original brick. The ramp will have a slight slope away from the building and will be monitored with the careful use of an ice melter. CHC Members would like to see the ramp pulled away from the brick. 24.48 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway The Heritage Committee recommended the accessibility improvement ramp construction at 143 Simpson Avenue, as a minor alteration, with the conditions that protect the wall and original doors, minimizing the water damage to the original wall brick and monitoring the ice melter usage. “Carried” 7 Project Reports Page 38 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 3 - 7.1 Municipal Inventory/ Register: V. Suppan reviewed the heritage designation by-law of 127 Church Street, Orono. indicated that the previous motion recommended the property’ designation and evaluated the interior details. It is suggested that the designated heritage attributes include a few interior features and that some information be added to the designation by-law. Detailed content was provided through an email. 24.49 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by R. Sproule That the Heritage Committee recommends amending the designation by-law so that the following items be included in the designation by -law: Interior Features: • Faux woodgrain finish on some of the window frames • a marble-like painted finish on the woodwork around the stairway • etched panels in the original folding doors to what was once the music room Information: • In 1969, Miss Lena Renwick contributed $20,000 to relocate the Library and established the Orono Library at this location. “Carried” 7.2 Public Outreach/Education: Subcommittee members will meet and discuss for future programs and activities. 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: No updates 9 New Business: Heritage Permit Application 9.1 HPA 2024-009 81 Scugog St. The Committee discussed the restoration work proposed and conducted by the property owner. The property owner is taking the approach of preserving and maintaining the defining elements of the heritage property. The proposed work included minor brick and mortar repairs and work on the front façade, strip existing painted surfaces and replicate with the original palette. The compromised front decking was replaced with like-for-like milled wood, matched in size, type, and other defining characteristics to preserve the building’s visual integrity while ensuring long-term durability. The renovation of the house is intended to be undertaken in phases. 24. 50 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by R. Hooper Page 39 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 4 - That the Committee recommends approval of the proposed work to restore the front porch as a major alteration that is subject to the Council’s approval, considering the proposed work altering designated attributes, detailed in the Heritage Application submitted on November 14, 2024 . “Lost” 24.51 Moved by J. Dalrymple, seconded by S. Conway That the Committee recommends approval of the proposed work to restore the front porch, as detailed in the Heritage Application submitted on November 14, 2024, as a minor alteration that is subject to the Deputy CAO of Planning & Infrastructure Service’s approval. “Carried” 9.2 Shaw House Opening Staff gave brief updates on the Shaw House Opening event. The designated house – the Shaw House at 156 Church Street, Bowmanville was converted into office space for the Municipal Emergency and Fire Services Department. The opening event took place on November 1st. Some CHC members attended. Peter thanked those who had attended. Mayor acknowledged the Heritage Committee's work and contributions. V .Suppan reviewed the designation by-law of the property 156 Church Street, Bowmanville and noticed the woodwork, medallion, the stained glass over the door were not included in the list of designated features. 24.52 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Heritage Committee recommends amending the designation by-law to include the interior features such as woodwork, medallion, and stained glass over the front door as designated attributes. “Carried” 9.3 Heritage Information Session Bill 23 changes necessitate the review of listed properties that are scheduled to fall off the register as of January 1, 2027, if they do not proceed to heritage designation. The Information Session was held on October 23, 2024. The Municipality’s cultural heritage consultant, ARA, presented the information on heritage designation, the designation process and other issues that property owners are concerned about. P. Vogel and R. Hooper also participated in the Session and presented information from the perspective of the CHC and a designated property owner. It was well attended, and lots of questions were asked and addressed. 9.4 PPS 2024 updates Page 40 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 5 - V. Suppan gave an overview of the new PPS, 2024. The new PPS, 2024 highlighted the 'proactive' strategies, and the CHC could contribute ideas on what those strategies would be. Staff outlined the Committee's opportunity to participate in the Official Plan Review (OPR) and that policies will be updated through the OPR to be consistent with the new PPS 2024. 9.5 December Committee meeting Most of the time, this Committee does not meet in December. The Committee opted not to hold a December meeting by consensus. 10 Other Committee Updates: 10.1 Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle CIP: No updates 10.2 ACO—Clarington Branch: No updates 10.3 NVDHS – B. Jose gave updates on NVDHS public engagement activitie s. The Society hosted Newcastle Public School and shared stories on Remembrance Day. Corporate fundraising has begun. Looking for enough funding to sponsor a student. 10.4 Museum: Waverley Place will continue to be accessible as the renovation projects continue. This holiday season, we will be hosting the following events and tours: • Edwardian Christmas Open House- following the Tree lighting in Bowmanville on Dec. 6th, from 6:30-8:30pm. Tours of the house will be offered, music by the municipal band and participate in crafts and refreshments at the SJWHC. • Festive Fun- a children's program on Dec 7th, includes parlour games and old- fashioned crafts • Thursday Evenings- recurring program of Holiday tour of Waverley and Retro Board games. • Saturday afternoons- recurring holiday tours run 11 am and 3pm at Waverley Place 10.5 Heritage Conservation District: No updates 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park: No updates 10.7 Jury Lands Foundation: Monthly meeting tomorrow evening. Hoping to make an announcement regarding some funding. 11 Standing items: 11.1 81 Scugog Street: No updates 11.2 Fletcher Tree: No updates Page 41 **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024 - 6 - 11.3 Parkland around Belmont House Staff provided information on the jurisdiction and designation of the provincially- owned land. The Municipality does not have the authority to designate provincially- owned properties. 24.53 Moved by J. Dalrymple, seconded by J. Moore That staff seek an opinion from the municipal solicitor regarding the authority to designate provincial-owned properties. “Carried” R. Sproule raised the discussion on Toll House plaque. The Region has advised they do not support anything being put within their ROW. Staff reminded the CHC that there was a discussion about standardizing a stand-up sign/plaque. The Gay property commemoration plaque at 1697 Highway 2 should be used as a template for other plaques. Adjournment: 9:30 p.m. Next Meeting: January 21, 2025, 7:00 p.m. Page 42 Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee MINUTES November 19, 2024 Virtual If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Participation: Y/N Person Y/N Person Y Brian Reid (Past Chair) Y Leanne Fernandez Y Carmen Aeillo Y Leo Blindenbach R Councillor Margaret Zwart (Council Liaison) Y Patrick Bothwell Y Kate Potter (Chair) Y Tom Hossie (Vice Chair) Y Ken Mercer (Staff) Y Rod McArthur R Leah Bourgeois Y Meg Vandenbrink Y Kayla Stephens Agenda Items 1. Call To Order And Welcome – Kate Potter 2. Additions To The Agenda / Adoption Of The Agenda – moved by Leanne, seconded by Patrick - CARRIED 3. Adoption Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting - moved by Tom, seconded by Rod CARRIED 4. Committee Administration a. Annual report to Council – Kate advised that this is progressing well. Councilor Zwart has provided possible dates for a presentation to be made to Council: January 13, February 3rd or March 3rd. Kate will coordinate with Tom re best date. Presenters will be given 20 minutes. Ken will determine if any slides etc need to be provided in advance 5. SWNA Workplan: a. Q3 and Q4 i. Bird box maintenance (fall) – Brian, Carmen, Rod and Tom determined that this could be deferred until spring. We had switched to doing this in the fall three years ago when we discovered that some well-intentioned member of the public was doing this without our knowledge, thereby affecting our data collection. With the signage we have placed on the boxes, this problem seems to have abated. Page 43 ii. Christmas bird count – still planning on proceeding but still awaiting the name of a contact person for our area. If such is not soon made known to us, we will proceed on our own iii. Fall clean up – less collected in previous years, probably no more than the equivalent of six full bags – and much of that related to some type of party on the beach plus things discarded from cars along Toronto Street. Blog article thanked the public for its cooperation in using receptacles etc. b. 2025 Workplan Ideas Brainstorming This portion of the meeting was devoted to brainstorming ideas for activities , events etc that we would like to continue next year and to suggest new ones to consider. After some discussion, it was agreed that we would continue with our “ core “ activities ( perhaps with some modifications ), those activities being:  SPRING AND FALL CLEANUPS  SPRING WILDFLOWER PLANTING- see item below  MOTH WEEK  FALL MONARCH TAGGING – possibly relocate to Cobbledick side New ideas:  Tree identification - as a public event with signage provided thereafter. It was suggested that we invite the municipal arborist to a meeting to discuss such a project  Invasive plant removal – it was agreed that this should proceed. We will need to map out an area to address , probably starting with patches of garlic mustard in the April-May period  Restoration of the area affected by the Regional watermain project. Ken advised that the project calls for hydroseeding to be done this fall ( and perhaps again in the spring ) involving a mix of grasses and wildflowers. It was suggested that we could possibly undertake our annual spring wildflower planting on this site to supplement the hydroseeding  Photography “ Contest “ – this was a successful event done a number of years ago. It was agreed that we could do a version of this again in 2025, tapping into the many local photographers known to frequent the SWNA. Kayla expressed interest in taking a lead role in such a project.  Communications strategy – although not a “ project” per se, it was agreed that we need to have a more formalized, structured approach to promoting our activities and generally letting the public know what we are doing. The municipal communications department might be able to assist. It was suggested that a representative of that department could be invited to a future meeting to discuss. Our own use of social media has had mixed results, depending on the event or target audience. It was noted that the loss of a Clarington-wide newspaper has made things more difficult. There was also discussion about how to better engage/involve local schools/students. Page 44 6. External Projects: a. (Update) Special projects / general update on relevant items from the Municipality of Clarington (Ken) i. Management Plan – nothing to report ii. Parks and Recreation Plan – is now posted on line for anyone to review iii. Waterfront Strategy – nothing to report iv. Stormwater Plant work – next phase will be proceeding very soon. Kate and Tom will arrange a time to meet on site with the regional representative who has contacted us recently. Other members of the committee will be advised when this meeting will take place so they may attend as well if available. v. Newcastle WPCP Upgrades – Ken advised that the tie-in to the main line is scheduled to be done on December 3rd. The waterfront trail has now been reopened, although the Cobbledick parking lot remains closed. vi. Information Board/Signage – Ken provided information and images of display units available for installation at both entrances to the SWNA. We appear to have sufficient funds to acquire two of the larger units and possibly a third smaller one. These are enclosed, lockable, weather proof units that would allow us to post notices etc. where they would be more visible than our existing kiosks. After some discussion, the committee asked Ken to proceed. These would be installed in the spring of 2025. It was noted that this should assist us with the communications issue referred to above. 7. Other Business a. By-law infractions (camping, fishing, mountain biking/pits, harvesting) – none reported 8. Round Table – All Members Kate advised that she had seen an owl in the SWNA and that others had told her they had seen them as well. Meg reported that she still walks in the area regularly and is pleased to note that we have relatively little garbage and litter. Rod noted that despite the closure of the Cobbledick parking lot these past couple of months, usage of that side of the SWNA continues to be strong. 9. Next Meeting: January 21st – location TBD, although the meeting will be a hybrid one. 10. Adjournment – moved by Patrick and Leanne Page 45 * Subject to Advisory Committee approval * Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 12, 2024 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, December 12, 2024 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Microsoft Teams or Meeting Room 1C, Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Henry Zekveld (Chair), Tom Barrie, Richard Rekker, John Cartwright, Brenda Metcalf, Mitch Morawetz (DRFA), Councillor Zwart, Eric Bowman, Craig Rickard, Jennifer Knox Regrets: Jordan McKay, Ryan Cullen Staff Present: Lisa Backus, Jane Wang – Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Allison De Vos – Invest Durham 1. Welcome and Introductions H. Zekveld welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement H. Zekveld recited Clarington’s Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declarations of Interest None 4. Approval of Minutes of November 14, 2024 024-020 Moved by Tom Barrie, Seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the Minutes of the November 14, 2024 meeting, as amended, be approved. Carried 5. Presentations / Delegations None. 6. Business Arising from Previous Meeting 6a. Farmer’s Parade of Lights E. Bowman and B. Metcalf provided an update on the event. It was scheduled for December 4 but was cancelled due to the weather and emergency services needing to respond to other emergencies. It was rescheduled for December 17, starting at 5:30 p.m. at Enniskillen. Page 46 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 12, 2024 7. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals 7a. 2025 Meeting Calendar The list of Committee meetings for 2025 was shared. J. Wang advised that a new chair and vice-chair would be elected at the first meeting in 2025. 7b. OFA Issue Spotlight: Railways T. Barrie spoke about the issue. Rail companies are changing their policy such that neighbouring property owners may be financially responsible for maintenance, drainage, or safety upgrades at railway crossings. Some adjacent farmers have already been charged annually for railway expenses. Various conflicts between farmers and railways were discussed. 8. Liaison Reports 8a. Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee – T. Barrie T. Barrie provided the update. DAAC heard a presentation from the farmer wellness initiative, which is a mental health program. The work plan was reviewed. 8b. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture M. Morawetz provided the update. The OFA annual general meeting was held and well attended. Various motions were passed including requesting the Province to add new weeds to the Provincial list of noxious weeds, add slow moving vehicle signage to driver education, and include meat processing as a defined skill by Skilled Trades Ontario. The DRFA successfully applied for funding for an agriculture leadership program and a networking event that will be booked for February 9th at the Oshawa Generals game. The DRFA will be planning for the upcoming year at their next meeting. 8c. Durham Farm Connections – B. Metcalf B. Metcalf provided the update. The primary student program will be held at the Brooklin Arena the first week of April. The annual general meeting will be January 15, 2025 at the Greenbank United Church. 8d. Durham Agricultural Economic Development Update – A. De Vos A. De Vos provided the update. An Agriculture Leadership Program is being developed with the DRFA and DFC. The goal is to enhance leadership skills to improve farm businesses and agriculture-based associations. Sessions will be held between January and April on topics like global agricultural challenges, effective communication, resilient farm businesses, and farm transitions. 9. New Business 9a. New Members for 2025-2028 AACC Term J. Wang noted that Chris Ennis, Brad Found, Henry Zekveld, and Lloyd Vandergaast were appointed to the AACC for the 2025-2028 term at the December 2, 2024 General Government Committee. The appointments will be ratified at the December 16, 2024 Council meeting. Page 47 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington December 12, 2024 9b. Holiday Celebration Staff handed out thank you letters to members’ whose terms are finishing in 2024. A Committee member suggested that activities of the AACC could be highlighted in the “Growing Clarington Together” newsletter that is released by the Planning and Infrastructure Services department. Staff will take this suggestion back. Committee members discussed potential topics for upcoming meetings, including migrant worker housing, issues with roadside trees, how best to communicate with Council, and conservation authority influence on tile drainage systems. 10. Date of Next Meeting January 9, 2025 11. Adjournment 024-021 Moved by Eric Bowman, Seconded by Craig Rickard That the meeting adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Carried Page 48 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the IDEA Officer at 905- 623-3379 ext. 2563. Clarington Diversity Advisory Committee Meeting Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 241 379 956 663 Passcode: Crdbfd Dial in by phone +1 289-274-8255,,384371305# Canada, Oshawa Thursday, January 9, 2025, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CDAC Members: Tenzin Shomar Rochelle Thomas (CDAC representative of CABRTF) Koren Kassirer Bev Neblett Lauren Reyes-Grange (CDAC representative of CABRTF) Pranay Gunti Vincent Wong Ron Hooper Starr Lee Grace Councillor Anderson CABRTF Members: Dione Valentine Hawa Mire Nadia Nembhard-Hunt Jodie Glean Angela Todd Anderson Absent: Joseph Adesanya Also Present - Pinder DaSilva (Municipality of Clarington), Donnalee Smith (CLMA), Clarington’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Mary-Anne Dempster, Mayor Foster and Councillor Woo Meeting started at 7:04 pm Page 49 1. Land Acknowledgement: The Land Acknowledgement was read by T. Shomar 2. Review and Approval of agenda Moved by B. Neblett; seconded by V. Wong That the agenda for January 9, 2025, be accepted with the following changes: • Agenda item 9 (Review CABRTF Terms of Reference), be moved up to agenda item 7. • New agenda item, Motions to vote in new CABRTF members, be added after agenda item 9. • Add ‘Other Business’ as an agenda item as it was left off in error. Carried 3. Declaration of interest There was no declaration of interest by members. 4. Review of draft Nov 14, 2024, meeting minutes Moved by R. Hooper; seconded by R. Thomas That the minutes from November 14, 2024, CDAC meeting, be approved. Carried 5. Welcome New CDAC Members Introductions of all members, new CDAC members and guest speakers were completed. 6. Guest Speakers: CAO, Mary-Anne Dempster, and Mayor Adrian Foster The CAO, Mary-Anne Dempster, provided an overview of the reason for attending the meeting along with Mayor Foster. M. Dempster shared that some of the Deputy CAO’s are presenting at other Committees of Council to discuss and clarify the role of Council committees, sub-committees, Staff Liaison, and Council members. M. Dempster shared the following information: • When CDAC and CABRTF were established one of the primary roles for the Staff Liaison was to help set up the CDAC and CABRTF committees, but the Staff Liaison role was not intended to only support Council committees and sub-committees. • The Staff Liaisons have full-time jobs, and the IDEA Officer is responsible for supporting the organization’s inclusion and diversity initiatives. Additionally, the Accessibility portfolio also reports to the IDEA Officer. Page 50 • CABRTF is a sub-committee of CDAC and there should be someone from CDAC who acts as the representative and secretary for CABRTF. • There have been many requests from different committees, including CABRTF, for Staff to attend meetings but Staff don’t have the capacity to attend all the requested meetings. • Any issues and recommendations raised by the committee must follow protocols. Specifically, any recommendations from CDAC need to be put forth as a motion in their minutes which would be pulled by the Council representative at Council meeting for consideration. For CABRTF the motion would go to CDAC and then CDAC would approve the motion and request the Council representative to pull that motion at the next Council meeting. Then it is up to Council to decide and direct Staff on the motion. The direction to Staff to move forward with work does not come from any Council Committees or sub-committees but from Council. M. Dempster further clarified that it has not been P. DaSilva who is preventing the Staff from attending the requested meeting but due to capacity it has been difficult for the Staff to find time to attend. M. Dempster shared that she recognizes there were requests for the Communication Manager to attend the CABRTF meeting to discuss the process for moderating social medial remarks and it was M. Dempster that stated this meeting needed to be delayed given that the Communication Division was scheduled to complete a social media audit in 2025. There are procurement procedures that must be followed to find the right consultant to support the audit. M. Dempster shared that the Communication team will attend committee meetings to request feedback on the audit when they are ready. Mayor Foster provided the following overview of the role of Council, specifically Council representatives on committees: • The committees are there to provide advice to Council and bring expertise and knowledge to help Council with decisions but the recommendations do need to come through the committee’s Council representative not directly from the committee. • There will often be constraints on what can be approved or implemented. • There is recognition that the way things are structured today is not optimal and the budget constraints are real. • Clarington is an exceptionally lean municipality and there were significant changes that needed to be made to meet the Council budget. • Budget and resource constraints greatly impact the capacity of Staff to meet the significant requests for Staff time, but the first responsibility of Staff is to go to Council who will determine resources. Page 51 • That most, but not all, Council committees have a Councillor and Staff Liaison, and the Staff member is there to complete clerical duties only (arrange meetings, agendas, minutes). Question and Answers The role of Staff Liaison was further clarified, specifically that Staff do not take direction from committees and that if Council wants to look into something further, they have to pull the motion from the minutes and then direct Staff. The Municipality has seen that the request for Staff time is growing to an unrealistic expectation, and the Staff have other commitments and work plans. M. Dempster shared that there is not enough capacity to provide continued Staff resources to the CABRTF. Some CABRTF members shared that everyone on the sub-committee is volunteering their personal time as they have a passion for the work, and they bring lots of talent and skills to CABRTF. They shared that historically; they felt there was great commitment from E. Mittag and Councillor Hooper. They were receiving advice and support from them, and they would like to bring that level of support back so that it is part of the sub-committee. Some CABRTF members requested clarification on who would be responsible for the clerical duties if the Staff Liaison is removed. They shared that as a volunteer group they do not have the time or capacity to take on the duties that the Staff Liaison has been supporting them with. It was explained that one of the sub-committee members would need to take on the role of secretary. Some CABRTF members stated they would like to better understand the municipality’s key performance indicators (KPI’s) and alignment with CABRTF and CDAC work plans. They stated they are not trying to tell the Staff what to do but perhaps the Staff can provide some guidance related to CABRTF work that Clarington is doing. M. Dempster further explained that committees do not do the work of the Staff and the role of CABRTF is to support and make recommendations to CDAC, not Staff. It is CDAC who makes the recommendations to Council and then Council makes the final decision. M. Dempster stated there has been confusion about the structure of CABRTF, perhaps because it is the only formal sub-committee for Clarington. It appears that in the past CABRTF operated like a Council Committee with a Council representative and Staff Liaison and that clarity should have been provided to CABRTF on their role and structure as a sub- committee of CDAC earlier. It was explained that it is not the norm to have Council member on a sub -committee or have a Staff Liaison. Page 52 Some CABRTF members shared that there is a high caliber of intelligence, talent and lived experience on the sub-committee and they want to ensure that the Municipality isn’t taking this talent for granted. They want to ensure that the work they do doesn’t become performative like attending community events and sitting at a booth during an event. Mayor Foster shared that it appears that the CABRTF is asking for a Council Committee structure, not a sub-committee structure and requested feedback on whether this is what the members wanted. Mayor Foster further shared that if that happens, the Municipality will likely need to look at an Anti-Racism Advisory Committee, not an Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee. Some of the CABRTF members shared their hesitancy to dissolve the CABRTF for an Anti- Racism Advisory Committee, including, • The Terms of Reference would clearly need to differentiate the work that is currently being done by CDAC, including providing support and recommendations to Council on all other forms of racism, and the future work of an Anti-Racism Advisory Committee. The members shared that there would be a lot of gray areas as to what initiatives would be supported by which committee. • Although there are many anti-EDI initiatives coming forward, there is still so much anti-black racism in Clarington that the sub-committee would be hesitant to dissolve it. • When the Black community comes together to do this type of work, there is always a sense of urgency, to shift policies and to represent other Black individuals and families who may not have the voice. This sense of urgency would be lost if it became an Anti-Racism Advisory Committee. • If the work falls under the umbrella of an Anti-Racism Advisory Committee, then the supports and initiatives required to address anti-black racism will not be available. • An Anti-Racism Advisory Committee would not necessarily be able to address all racism related issues in the community and likely would result in creating multiple working groups focused on specific types of racism (anti-Black, Islamophobia, antisemitism etc.). • It is important to not to make anti-black racism more invisible by calling it anti- racism. Mayor Foster shared that as the mayor, he sees the broad needs of the community that need to be addressed, and we do want to hear from other racialized individuals who are experiencing racism in the community. Some CABRTF members stated that if there was a motion put forward to dissolve the CABTRF, their preference would be to form an Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee. Page 53 Both Mayor Foster and M. Dempster agreed to take this motion to Council but stated that the current Staff do not have capacity to take on another Council Committee so they would need to request additional Staff be hired to support the IDEA portfolio. This individual would also act as the Staff Liaison for the new committee. Some CABRTF members requested that the mayor also be part of the new committee composition, even if he is only able to attend the meetings on a quarterly basis. Mayor Foster stated that he could not make the commitment to attend every quarter given the busyness of his schedule. He stated he is not saying he will not attend but it will depend on his schedule. Additionally, the January 9th CDAC meeting included the selection and voting in of new CABRTF members as the term for some of the CABRTF members ended December 31, 2024. Some CABRTF members requested that given the conversation regarding governance and structural issues, would it be possible to defer adding new members and instead keep the composition as is? Moved by B. Neblett; seconded by K. Kassirer That CDAC dissolve the CABRTF and request that Council create an Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee with a Council member and Staff Liaison. Carried Moved by R. Thomas; seconded by L. Reyes-Grange That CDAC defer selecting and voting in new CABRTF members and that all current members of the CABRTF be appointed to the Anti-Black Racism Advisory Committee and have their term extended to the end of this Council term. Carried Due to the length of the meeting, the decision was made defer all other applicable agenda items to CDAC’s February meeting. 7. Adjournment Moved by L. Reyes-Grange; seconded by B. Neblett That the CDAC meeting be adjourned at 9:45 pm Carried Next meeting – February 13, 2025, at 7:00pm (Virtual) Page 54 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD MeeƟng January 21, 2025 7:00 PM Council Chambers In AƩendance: J. Calder-Rowsell, Chair P. MarƟn W. Woo, Regional Councillor Regrets: V. Wong Staff In AƩendance: McKayla Park, Secretary 1. Call to Order Chair called the meeƟng to order at 6:57pm 2. LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT W. Woo opened the meeƟng with the Land Acknowledgement statement. 3. Approval of Agenda MoƟon by P. MarƟn Seconded by W. Woo “CARRIED” 4. Cornhole League Delegates – Kyle Allin & Mel Green Kyle Allin opened discussion; inclusive community league; goal to bring together the community. Running as a non-profit organizaƟon to bring inclusivity and posiƟve impact to the community. RequesƟng to conƟnue Fall Rental Agreement and rate unƟl the end of their leagues year – May 2025. Encouraged board to work together for community. Delegates leŌ at 7:27pm 5. Approval of Minutes November and December minutes to be reviewed and approved in February 2025 6. DeclaraƟon of Interest None to report Page 55 7. Finance 7.1. Financial Report – M. Park MoƟon was made to accept the financial report with excepƟon of YTD. MoƟon made by W. Woo, seconded by P. MarƟn “CARRIED” 7.2. Hall Improvement Projects - Finance Discussed seeking out informaƟon and quotes to remediate moisture/mildew and remodel the Centennial Room and upgrade Audio/Video Equipment in the Main Hall. J. Calder, W. Woo and M. Park to research companies and gather quotes for further discussion. MoƟon was made by W. Woo to replace signing table with anƟque table, white in colour – budget set at $250, seconded by P. MarƟn “CARRIED” 7.3 Adopt QuickBooks Payroll MoƟon was made by W. Woo to adopt QuickBooks payroll Seconded by P. MarƟn “CARRIED” 8.0 CLOSED SESSION 7:59PM MoƟon by W. Woo Seconded by P. MarƟn That in accordance with SecƟon 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, the meeƟng be closed for the purpose of discussing maƩer that deals with: Cornhole League Rental Labour RelaƟons “CARRIED” MOTION TO RISE AND REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION. Three items discussed in “closed” session in accordance with SecƟon 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Closed session ended 9:01pm 9.1 Municipal Accountability Act Engagement Survey 9.2 Custodial Schedule Discussion related to addiƟonal casual staffing Page 56 9.3 MoƟon Change to Payroll Dates MoƟon by P. MarƟn to alter payroll dates to a standard payroll structure Seconded by W. Woo “CARRIED” 9.4 Quote for Cleaning Discussed having a deep clean done throughout the hall - M. Park will gather quotes. 9.5 Admin Cell Phone MoƟon by P. MarƟn for M.Park to set up administrator cell phone to be paid in full by the hall. Seconded by W. Woo “CARRIED” 9.6 RepainƟng Urns Discussed repainƟng garden urns black. J. Calder-Roswell will research companies and gather quotes. 10. Adjournment MoƟon was made to adjourn the meeƟng at 9:36 pm MoƟon made by W. Woo Seconded by P. MarƟn “CARRIED” Page 57 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2025-002 Being a By-law to regulate open-air burning. Whereas section 7.1 of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4 authorizes the council of a municipality to pass by-law regulating the setting of open-air fires, including establishing the times during which open air fires may be set ; And whereas, part 2 of the Ontario Fire Code, O.Reg. 213/07, subsection (1) provides that open air burning shall not be permitted unless approved, or unless such burning consists of a small, confined fire, supervised at all times, used to cook food on a grill, spit, or barbecue, and commensurate with the type and quantity of food being cooked; And whereas, the municipal Act, 2001, S.O 2001, c 25, Section 11 (2), provides that a council of a lower-tier and upper-tier may pass by-laws with respect to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality, including respecting climate change, and the health, safety and well-being of persons; And whereas, the municipality Act, 2001, S.O 2001 c. 25, Section 391 (1) provides that a municipality may pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on Persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it, including permit fee; Now therefore, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: Page 58 Open Air Burning By-law 2025-002 Page 1 of 13 PART 1 – INTERPRETATION 1. Definitions 1.1. For the purpose of this By-law, (a) “Agricultural Burn” means a burn permit for agricultural properties that fall within the normal farm practices as defined in the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 1. (b) “Barbeque” means an appliance that is designed and approved by a recognized testing agency and intended solely for cooking food by a small, confined fire. Barbeques must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, but it does not include devices predominantly designed for personal warmth, or recreational fires. (c) “Burn Ban” means no person shall set a fire within the Municipality of Clarington while the burn ban is imposed by the Fire Chief. (d) “Cost recovery” means where section 10 of this By-law is invoked, all costs associated with the work may be added to the tax roll of the property to which the offense occurred and shall be collected in the same manner as municipal taxes pursuant to the municipal Act 2001, c. 25, s. 398 (2). (e) “Fire Chief” means the Fire Chief of the Municipality or a designate. (f) “Flying Lantern” means a small hot air balloon or other device designed to carry an open flame as an airborne light, also known as a Sky Lantern, Chinese Lantern, Kongming Lantern, Wish Lantern, or other similar devices which are devices containing a fuel source, which is usually a petroleum or wax based fuel that when lit causes the lantern to rise. (g) “Municipality” means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington or the geographic area of Clarington, as the context requires. Page 59 (h) “Nuisance” means smoke or flames, odour, airborne sparks or embers that inhibits neighbours’ ability to enjoy their properties or conduct business without disruption. (i) “open-air burn” means the burning of any materials outside of a building, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, brush or tree limbs, agriculture waste, where the flame is not wholly contained and is, thereby, open to the air. (j) “Outdoor fireplace” means an manufactured appliance, portable or fixed in place, constructed of non-combustible materials, which contains a chamber located within the firebox of the appliance used to contain a combustion flame, a vent or chimney to control the flow of air or combustion gases from the appliance, a spark screen located at the end of the vent or chimney to control disbursement of sparks, and is enclosed on all sides or protected with a spark screen on all sides. The appliance is intended solely for containing a small recreational fire that is no larger than 1m x 1m x 1m high. (k) “Recognized testing agency” means Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, Canada Standards Association, Warnock Hersey or similar agencies that test, approve and certify products for use. (l) “Recreational burning” means a fire that is set and maintained solely for the purpose of providing warmth or recreational enjoyment which is contained to an outdoor fireplace. (m) “refuse” means many articles, thing, matter or any effluent belonging to or associated with a house or household, any industry, trade or business and without limiting the foregoing, may include: i. Accumulation of remains, rubbish or trash. ii. Litter, including paper, cartons, newspapers, flyers, cardboard, and/or packing. iii. Machinery and machinery equipment and/or parts, including but not limited to vehicular parts and or accessories, tires, furnace and/or furnace parts, pipes and/or pipe fittings, water tanks, fuel tanks, and/or septic tanks, tubing, conduit, cable. (n) “Small, confined fire” means a barbeque appliance that has been approved by a recognized testing agency for solely cooking food. (o) “Self-contained residential dwelling unit” means a suite operated as a housekeeping unit, used or intended to be used by one or more persons that contains cooking, eating, living, sleeping and sanitary facilities (p) “Spark screen” means a manufactured non-removable metal screen guard, Page 60 that keeps the sparks and embers contained within the outdoor fireplace. (q) “owner” means the person identified in the most recent tax roll as the owner of a property. (r) “Permit” means a approved document issued to an owner in accordance with this by-law. (s) “Person” includes an individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, organization, trustee, or agent, and their heirs, executors, or legal representatives. (t) “Urban areas or Hamlet residential properties” are properties as designated in the Clarington Official Plan. 2. References 2.1. In this by-law, reference to any Act is reference to that Act as it is amended or re - enacted from time to time. 2.2. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to sections are references to sections in this by-law. 3. Word Usage 3.1. This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 3.2. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. 4. Application 4.1. This by-law applies to all land within the Municipality unless otherwise specified. PART 2- GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ALL BURNING 5. General conditions for Open-Air Burning: 5.1. No persons shall set an open-air burn in the Municipality of Clarington without an approved burn permit. Open-air burning is permitted for residential properties that have 4 acres or more. 5.2. Open-Air burning is not permitted in “Urban areas or Hamlet residential properties”. Page 61 5.3. Open-air burn permits will be issued to the owner of the property. Occupant leasing the property can apply for a permit but must obtain written consent from the owner of the property. Multi-residential properties containing 3 or more self - contained residential dwelling units are not permitted to burn unless approved by the Fire Chief or assigned designates. 5.4. The holder of an open-air burn permit shall at all times, have a competent adult (18 years or older), remain at the burn site for the purpose of tending, controlling and supervising the fire. 5.5. Every person responsible for tending, controlling and supervising the burn shall ensure that the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the burn site. 5.6. No burning shall be maintained when weather conditions can cause any or all of the following: a) A decrease in visibility on any highway or roadway; b) A rapid spread of fire through grass or brush area; c) A public nuisance by creating negative health effects or interference on neighbouring residents. 5.7. No person shall burn during a Fire Ban or when a smog alert has been declared by the Ministry of Environment for Ontario with respect to air quality. 5.8. No person shall burn materials other than, brush or tree limbs or dry season wood. 5.9. No person shall ignite or release any ignited flying lanterns. 5.10. No open-air burn permits are permitted on urban commercial properties, industrial properties, salvage yards or construction sites, unless approved by the Fire Chief or assigned designates. 5.11. The holder of the open-air burn permit shall have an effective extinguishing agent or device of sufficient size and the capability of extinguishing the fire, at the burn site and readily available for use at all times. 5.12. If there is a nuisance complaint filed for the property and Clarington Emergency and Fire Services have determined that the open-air burning is in compliance with the By-law, they will allow the resident to continue to burn. Page 62 5.13. The Clarington Emergency and Fire Services shall be exempt from the provision of this By-law with respect to open-air burning for educational and training purposes. 5.14. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offense and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out in section 10. 5.15. The Fire Chief or appointed designate may approve or refuse any permit application and may impose any additional conditions to reduce the risk of fire spreading. 5.16. The Fire Chief or appointed designate may revoke a permit if any or all the following applies: a) The permit was issued in error, b) Any conditions in the By-law are not being compiled with, c) The permit information was false, incorrect or misleading, 5.17. If a burning permit is revoked due to section (a) (b) (c), the application fee shall not be returned. 5.18. No permit is required for burning in a barbeque that has been approved by a recognized testing agencies for cooking food using commercially produced charcoal, briquettes if they are used safely and in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 5.19. No permit is required for commercially designed heating devices that have been approved by recognized testing agencies that are fueled by natural or propane gas and used safely in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 6. General conditions for Agriculture Burning: 6.1. No persons shall set an agricultural burning in the Municipality of Clarington without an approved burn permit. Agricultural properties must have 4 acres or more. 6.2. Agricultural burns are not permitted in “Urban areas or Hamlet residential properties”. 6.3. Agricultural Burn permits will be issued to the owner of the property. Occupants leasing the property can apply for a permit but must obtain written consent from the owner of the property. Page 63 6.4. The holder of the agricultural burn permit shall at all times, have a competent adult (18 years or older), remain at the burn site for the purpose of tending, controlling and supervising the fire 6.5. Every person responsible for tending, controlling and supervising the burn shall ensure that the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the burn site 6.6. No burning shall be maintained when weather conditions can cause any or all of the following: a) A decrease in visibility on any highway or roadway; b) A rapid spread of fire through grass or brush area; c) A public nuisance by creating negative health effects or interference on neighbouring residents 6.7. No person shall burn during a Fire Ban or when a smog alert has been declared by the Ministry of Environment for Ontario with respect to air quality. 6.8. No person shall burn materials other than brush, trees, dry seasoned wood 6.9. No person shall ignite or release any ignited flying lanterns 6.10. The holder of the agricultural permit shall have an effective extinguishing agent or device of sufficient size and the capability of extinguishing the fire, at the burn site and readily available for use at all times. 6.11. If there is a nuisance complaint filed for the property and Clarington Emergency and Fire Services have determined that the open-air burning is in compliance with the By-law, they will allow the resident to continue to burn. 6.12. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offense and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out in section 10. 6.13. The Fire Chief or appointed designate may approve or refuse any permit application and may impose any additional conditions to reduce the risk of fire spreading. 6.14. The Fire Chief or appointed designate may revoke a permit if any or all the following applies: a) The permit was issued in error, Page 64 b) Any conditions in the By-law are not being compiled with, c) The permit information was false, incorrect or misleading, 6.15. If a burning permit is revoked due to section (a) (b) (c), the application fee shall not be returned. 6.16. No permit is required for burning in a barbeque that has been approved by a recognized testing agency for cooking food using commercially produced charcoal, briquettes, if they are used safely and in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 6.17. No permit is required for commercially designed heating devices that have been approved by recognized testing agencies that are fueled by natural or propane gas and used safely in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 7. General conditions for Recreational Burning: 7.1. No permit is required for recreational burning if the; owner adheres to the following conditions: 7.2. Occupant leasing the property must have written permission from the owner to recreational burn. 7.3. The owner or occupant has a competent adult (18 years or older), remain at the burn site for the purpose of tending, controlling and supervising the fire 7.4. No burning shall be maintained when weather conditions can cause any or all of the following: a) A decrease in visibility on any highway or roadway; b) A rapid spread of fire through grass or brush area; c) A public nuisance by creating negative health effects or interference on neighbouring residents 7.5. No person shall burn during a Fire Ban or when a smog alert has been declared by the Ministry of Environment for Ontario with respect to air quality. 7.6. No person shall burn materials other than, dry seasoned wood logs 7.7. No person shall ignite or release any ignited flying lanterns Page 65 7.8. Recreational burning is not permitted on urban commercial properties, industrial properties, salvage yards or construction sites, unless approved by the Fire Chief or assigned designates. 7.9. The owner or occupant of the property shall have a garden hose located in close proximity to the fire and ensure the water supply valve is fully opened to facilitate quick and thorough extinguishment of the fire. 7.10. Every person responsible for tending, controlling and supervising the fire shall ensure that the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the burn site . 7.11. If there is a nuisance complaint filed for the property and Clarington Emergency and Fire Services have determined that the open -air burning is in compliance with the By-law, they will allow the resident to continue to burn. 7.12. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offense and upon conviction is liable to a fine as set out in section 10. 7.13. Owner or occupants of the property are permitted to use a barbeque that has been approved by a recognized testing agencies for cooking food using commercially produced charcoal, briquettes, if they are used safely and in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 7.14. Owner or occupants of the property are permitted to use commercially designed heating devices that have been approved by recognized testing agencies that are fueled by natural or propane gas and used safely in accordance with the manufacturing instructions. 7.15. The owner or occupant shall: a) Burn at ground level on a non-combustible surface. b) Burn must be contained within an outdoor fireplace, max appliance size of 1m x 1m x 1m. c) Burn shall be at least 5m (16ft) from property lines, fences, street/road/highway, overhead wires, structures, trees and bush/hedges or other combustible materials. d) Burning shall be conducted between 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. e) No person shall burn any refuse, grass clippings or leaves. Page 66 PART 3 – PERMITS for Open-Air & Agricultural Burning 8. Permit Applications 8.1. Any person wishing to set an open-air burn or agricultural burn shall submit a burn permit application for thirty (30) day or twelve (12) months to Clarington Emergency and Fire Services for review and approval. 8.2. Open-air burning conditions – The holder of the open-air burn permit shall, in addition to complying with Part 2 of this By-law, comply with the following: a) Shall burn at ground level b) Burn must be contained within a base/pit with a pile no larger than 1m x 1m x 1m (3.3ft x 3.3ft x 3.3ft). c) All materials to be burned is, brush or tree limbs from the property d) Burn shall be at least 30m (100ft) from property lines, fences, street/road/highway, overhead wires, structures, trees and bush/hedges or other combustible materials. e) Burning shall be conducted between 10:00 a.m.to 10:00 p.m. f) No person shall burn any refuse, grass clippings or leaves. g) Properties where the burn is occurring must be a minimum of 4 acres in size. 8.3. Agriculture burn permit Conditions – The holder of the agricultural burn permit shall, in addition to complying with Part 2 of this By-law, comply with the following: a) Shall burn at ground level, b) Burn must be contained within a base/pit no larger than 3m x 3m x 3m (9.8ft x 9.8ft x 9.8ft). c) All materials to be burned are agricultural waste from normal farm practice as defined in the Farming and Food Production Protection Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 1. Page 67 d) Burn shall be at least 30 m (100ft) from property lines, fences, street/road/highway, overhead wires, structures, trees and bush/hedges, or other combustible materials. e) Burning shall be conducted between 10:00 am to 10:00 pm f) No person shall burn any refuse, grass clippings or leaves. g) Properties where the burn is occurring must be a minimum of 4 acres. PART 4 - ENFORCEMENT 9. Inspections 9.1. In this section, “Officer” means any employee, officer or agent of the Municipality of Clarington whose duties include the enforcement of this by-law. 9.2. An Officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any property for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this By-law have been complied with. 9.3. No person shall prevent, hinder or interfere or attempt to prevent, hinder or interfere with an inspection undertaken by an Officer. 10. Offences and Penalties 10.1. Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offense and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offenses Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33. 10.2. Any person who contravenes the provisions of the By-law is guilty of an offense and upon conviction shall be liable to the penalties imposed pursuant to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c 4, as amended for each offense, exclusive of costs. 10.3. Any person who knowingly, repeatedly or spitefully causes a response from the Fire Department upon any person having an recreational or open air fire legally under this By-law is in contravention of the Bylaw and may be liable for costs incurred by the Fire Department as set out in the Municipality of Clarington fee schedule By-law in the effect at the time of the incident and authorized by the Fire Chief or assigned designates. Page 68 10.4. Any person who sets an recreational burn , open-air burn or agricultural burn in the Municipality of Clarington, assumes full responsibility for fire control and may be liable for cost recovery incurred by Clarington Emergency and Fire Services and or mutual aid partnering Fire Departments, including but not limited to; costs of the personnel and equipment as authorized and set out in the Municipality of Clarington fee schedule By-law in effect at the time of the incident and authorized by the Fire Chief or assigned designates. PART 5 - GENERAL 11. Validity 11.1. In the event any court of competent jurisdiction declares any section or provision of this By-law to be invalid, or be of no force and effect for any cause, such section or provision thereof shall be deemed severable from the remainder of the By-law and the remainder of the By-law shall stand to be enforceable to the same extent as if the offending section or provision thereof had not been included herein. 12. Short Title 12.1. The short title of this by-law shall be the “Open Air Burning By-law”. 13. Repeal 13.1. That By-law No. 2012-062 be repealed. Page 69 14. Effective Date 14.1. This by-law shall be effective on the date that it is passed. Passed in Open Council this 27th day of January 2025. _____________________________________ Adrian Foster, Mayor _____________________________________ June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk Written approval of this by-law was given by Mayoral Decision MDE-2025-003 dated January 27, 2025. Page 70 Ebraheem Waraich Balance of Plant Director 1855 Energy Dr, Courtice ON 416.275.7347 Ebraheem.waraich @opg.com January 22, 2025 Clerk’s Department Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Sent Via Email: clerks@clarington.net Subject: Request for Noise-By Law Exemption AtkinsRéalis is submitting this request on behalf of our client, Ontario Power Generation (OPG), seeking an exemption from the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-Law 2007-071, to permit the construction of the site establishment Works for the Darlington New Nuclear Project (DNNP). The DNNP’s site establishment and construction activities demand a rigorous schedule to successfully complete Unit 1 Small Modular Reactor (SMR). The construction timeline for the initial year (2025) is shown below: Construction Activity Schedule Working Hours Reactor Excavation February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Secant Piling and Shoring February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day CCW South Launch Shaft Excavation February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Tunnelling and Mining February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Concrete Works – rebar, formwork, concrete placement February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Water Treatment February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Page 71 Ebraheem Waraich Balance of Plant Director 1855 Energy Dr, Courtice ON 416.275.7347 Ebraheem.waraich @opg.com Dewatering February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Marine Works May 1, 2025- December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Grading and Backfilling February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Utilities Installation – excavation, backfill, piping, duct banks, etc. February 3, 2025 – December 31, 2025 24 hours a day Given these construction activities will occur outside of the permitted hours detailed Section 3.3 Noise Curfew of By-Law 2007-071, we are seeking an exemption. If you have any questions or require any further information on this application, please reach out to Leah Gold Permitting Lead for the DNNP at leah.gold@atkinsrealis.com. We deeply appreciate your consideration of our request and eagerly await your prompt response. Kind regards, Ebraheem Waraich Page 72 Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Council Date of Meeting: January 27, 2025 Report Number: PDS-006-25 Authored By: Sylvia Jennings, Planner II, Community Planning Submitted By: Darryl Lyons, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Reviewed By: Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Finance and Technology By-law Number: Resolution Number: File Number: COPA2023-0002 (PLN 41.3) Report Subject: Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Recommendation Report Addendum Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-033-024, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; 2. That Report PDS-006-25 (Addendum to Report PDS-033-24), and any related delegations or communication items, be received; 3. That Official Plan Amendment 136 (OPA 136), attached to Report PDS-006-25, to update the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan in the Clarington Official Plan be approved; 4. That upon approval by Council, the recommended Secondary Plan , attached to Report PDS-006-25, be implemented by staff as Council’s policy on land use and planning matters and through the capital budget program; 5. That the recommended Urban Design Guidelines, attached to Report PDS-006-25, be approved and be used by staff to guide development applications and public projects; 6. That the Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Services be authorized to execute any agreements to implement the Secondary Plan once approved by Council; and 7. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-006-25, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Page 73 Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDS-006-25 Report Overview Since the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan was first recommended to Council on September 16, 2024, staff have been working with a landowner to resolve outstanding concerns with the Plan. This report provides an overview of the changes staff have made to the Secondary Plan to address the landowner’s concerns in a new recommended Secondary Plan. Changes include a new site-specific policy, minor mapping changes, minor policy amendments, and an updated policy to protect the future heliport planned for the new Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital. 1. Background 1.1 The Bowmanville East Secondary Plan was recommended to Council through Staff Report PDS-033-24 on September 16, 2024. At the September 23, 2024 , Council meeting, Council referred the report to a future meeting so that Staff could work with a landowner to resolve outstanding concerns with the Secondary Plan. 1.2 Staff prepared Memo-013-24 for the December 9, 2024 Planning and Development Committee meeting, providing an update. Staff and the landowner had reached a solution to all but one concern. As of January 1, 2025, the Region of Durham is no longer the approval authority for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan. To simplify the approval process, and to provide time to resolve the remaining landowner concern, staff recommended that the Secondary Plan be referred to the January 27, 2025, Council meeting. 2. Revisions to the Secondary Plan since September 2024 Recommendation 2.1 As directed, staff have continued to collaborate with the landowner since reporting to Council in December. Staff have made the following changes to the recommended Secondary Plan. Site-Specific Policy and Mapping Changes 2.2 In December, Staff resolved many of the landowner’s concerns regarding a collection of parcels he owns in the northwest corner of the Secondary Plan. The new recommended Secondary Plan adds the following policy 12.1.17 to add clarity around density permissions on his parcels: Page 74 Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-006-25 12.1.17: Notwithstanding any other policy in this Plan to the contrary, inclusive of Section 5.3.3, on those lands with municipal addresses of 139 and 151 Wellington Street, 194-196, 198, 200, 204, 208, and 210-212 Church Street, and 35, 37- 39 Scugog Street, having an area of approximately 1.28 hectares, development shall achieve an overall minimum density of 150 units per net hectare. 2.3 The new recommended Secondary Plan also modified a portion of one of the landowner’s parcels on Schedules A and B such that additional lands are shown as being within the “Downtown Corridor” Character Area and designated “Mixed Use Area” as per Figures 1 and 2 respectively. The Urban Design Guidelines have also been updated to reflect this mapping. Figure 1: Changes to Schedule A – Community Structure and Character Areas Page 75 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-006-25 Figure 2: Changes to Schedule B – Land Use Other Minor Policy Modifications 2.4 Throughout January, the landowner has expressed additional concerns on several policies. In response, the following changes have been made:  Policy 6.8.4 was revised to add 6.8.4 e): Notwithstanding policies 6.8.4 (a) and (b), on those lands with municipal addresses 194 - 196, 198, 200, 204, 208, and 210-212 Church Street, and 35 Scugog Street, building heights shall be a permitted to a minimum of 8 storeys and a maximum of 10 storeys.  Policy 8.3.3 was revised to: Where redevelopment proposes to remove existing affordable housing units, the Municipality encourages their replacement within the new development .  Policy 12.1.16 was revised to: Development applications which require an archaeological study are required to engage First Nations in the Stage One Archaeological Assessment process and to notify First Nations expediently if archaeological artifacts are discovered. 2.5 Policy 12.1.16 was first added to the Secondary Plan after the Statutory Public Meeting in response to Alderville First Nation requesting engagement at Stage One Page 76 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-006-25 Archaeological Assessments. After the landowner’s concern was raised, Staff compared the drafted policy to the new Provincial Planning Statement that came into effect on October 20, 2024 and revised the original policy accordingly. Heliport Policy 2.6 The new recommended Secondary Plan revises policy 12.1.8 regarding the future heliport at the redeveloped Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital and adds a new policy 12.1.9: 12.1.8: Any proposed development with a building height taller than 9 storeys within the 1000 metres of the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital may be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Municipality in consultation with Lakeridge Health, that there will be no negative impacts on the long -term function of the heliport. 12.1.9: Once the flight path for the heliport has been determined, only proposed development within the flight path will be subject to policy 12.1.8 . 2.7 The revised policy is aligned with the Provincial Planning Statement on protecting infrastructure and facilities from incompatible uses. Policy 12.1.9 was added to avoid adverse impacts on development once there is sufficient information. Once the flight path for the heliport has been established, the revised policy automatically would focus the protection area without requiring an Official Plan Amendment process . 2.8 Staff will also develop a heliport policy as part of the Official Plan review and will ensure that impacts to the heliport are considered through the development process. 2.9 Lakeridge Health has been consulted on this policy and has confirmed that it will provide adequate protection. Staff had also requested clarity from Lakeridge Health regarding the timing of determining the flight path and were advised that they will expedite the study and are targeting completion within a year. 2.10 The landowner continues to have concern with the proposed revised policy. 3. Financial Considerations 3.1 The proposed changes to the Secondary Plan are not expected to have financial implications. Financial Considerations for the Secondary Plan are described in Staff Report PDS-033-24. 4. Strategic Plan 4.1 Strategic Plan priorities have been described in Staff Report PDS -033-24. Page 77 Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-006-25 5. Climate Change 5.1 Not Applicable. 6. Concurrence 6.1 Not Applicable. 7. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Council approve Official Plan Amendment 136 to include the updated Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines in the Clarington Official Plan. Staff Contact: Sylvia Jennings, Planner II, 905-623-3379 ext. 2335 or sjennings@clarington.net or Lisa Backus, Manager of Community Planning, 905-623-3379 ext. 2409 or lbackus@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1a – OPA 136 Attachment 1b – Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Attachment 1c – Urban Design Guidelines Attachment 2 – Sequence of Events Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Page 78 1 Attachment 1a to Report PDS-006-25 Recommended Amendment No. 136 To the Clarington Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this Amendment is to include the updated Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan in the Clarington Official Plan. This Secondary Plan will facilitate the development of a sustainable, livable, and inclusive community in the Secondary Plan area. Although predominantly residential, the Secondary Plan area will feature a mix and intensity of uses that allow many needs to be met locally, while also having access to broader amenities. The Secondary Plan promotes higher densities, a mix of uses, a diversity of housing types and tenures, as well as sustainable design. Location: This Amendment applies to an approximately 160-hectare area centered on the intersection of King Street East and Liberty Street. The western and eastern boundaries of the plan area is defined by Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek respectively. Goodyear Lands designated as Special Study Area #3 under the Clarington Official Plan form part of this Secondary Plan. Basis: In 2017, Council authorized an update of the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan to bring it into conformity with the Clarington Official Plan, Regional and Provincial policies, to address market trends, and to reflect the unique redevelopment potential of the former Goodyear Lands. The Secondary Plan has been prepared based on the priorities of Council which include Affordable Housing, Excellence in Urban Design, and Sustainability and Climate Change and are key policy directions guiding the Secondary Plan. Fundamental to the above has been Community Engagement. This Amendment is based upon the study team’s analysis and an extensive public consultation process which included Public Information Centres in November 2018, May 2019 and June 2022. Public and landowner input was received through a facilitated discussion, email, and online comment forms. The Steering Committee’s input has also provided direction for the secondary plan. Background reports were prepared as part of the Secondary Plan Page 79 2 process. The background reports below highlighted key challenges and opportunities for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre and provided direction to the Secondary Plan. The list of reports is as follows: • Phase 1 Technical Report • Existing Servicing Conditions Report • Phase 2 Technical Report • Transportation Impact Study - Goodyear • Functional Servicing Report – Goodyear • Fiscal Impact Analysis Page 80 3 Actual Amendment: Unless otherwise indicated, in the Amendment, newly added text is shown with underlining, and deleted text is shown as a strikethrough. 1. Existing Section 17.4 Special Study Area 3 – Goodyear Redevelopment Area is hereby amended as follows: “17.4.1The Goodyear Redevelopment Area is approximately 23 hectares of land south of downtown Bowmanville. It is the site of the former Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plant that has operated since 1906 under different ownerships. The closure of the plant provides the opportunity for redevelopment of the site for non-industrial uses. 17.4.2 The Goodyear Redevelopment Area shall be has been planned as a mixed use residential area taking full advantage of its proximity to downtown Bowmanville and the Bowmanville Creek. Prior to any redevelopment, a comprehensive redevelopment plan shall be prepared and adopted as an amendment to the Bowmanville East Town Centre Secondary Plan. 17.4.3 The long term heavy industrial use of these lands will require clean-up or mitigation of any contamination prior to redevelopment. Site remediation must be undertaken in accordance with Section 3.7.21 and comply with provincial standards appropriate to the types of uses proposed. 17.4.4 New development within the Goodyear Redevelopment area shall conform with the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan. In preparing the comprehensive redevelopment plan, the following principles shall be applied: a. The existing street grid network will be extended to form the street and future development blocks; b. Consideration will be given to the adaptive reuse of portions of the existing plant buildings; c. Generous physical and visual access to the Bowmanville Creek valley will be created; d. A mix of residential, commercial, and park uses will be considered; e. High and mid-rise residential areas will transition to lower density residential areas to the south and east; f. The area will be planned to the highest standards of sustainability, potentially including district energy; and g. The lands within the natural heritage system and the flood plain will be dedicated to the Municipality of Clarington.” 2. A new Policy is added after Policy 23.3.4 as follows and the remainder of the policies in subsection 23.3 are renumbered accordingly: Page 81 4 “23.3.5 Notwithstanding Policy 23.3.4, for the areas subject to the following secondary plans, where there is a conflict or inconsistency with the parent Plan, the Secondary Plan shall prevail, inclusive of density and intensification policies of the parent Plan: i) Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan.” 3. Existing Part Six, Section 3 “General Policies for Secondary Plans” is hereby amended as follows: “3. Secondary Plans have been prepared for the following areas: a) Bowmanville East Town Centre Bowmanville East Urban Centre; b) Bowmanville West Town Centre; c) Courtice Main Street; d) Newcastle Village Main Central Area; e) Port Darlington Neighbourhood; f) Bayview (Southwest); g) Clarington Energy Business Park; h) Brookhill Neighbourhood; i) Clarington Technology Business Park; j) Foster Northwest; k) Southeast Courtice; and l) Wilmot Creek Neighbourhood; 4. Existing Part Six, SECONDARY PLANS, is hereby amended by deleting the Bowmanville East Town Centre Secondary Plan in its entirety and replacing it with the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan as shown in Attachment 1. Page 82 Attachment 1b To PDS-006-25 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Municipality of Clarington January 2025 Page 83 2 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan ........................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Vision, Principles & Objectives ......................................................................................... 6 2.1 Vision ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.2 Guiding Principles & Objectives.................................................................................... 7 3.0 Community Structure & Character Areas ........................................................................ 7 3.1 Community Structure ................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Historic Downtown Character Area .............................................................................. 8 3.3 East Business District Character Area ........................................................................... 9 3.4 Downtown Corridor Character Area........................................................................... 10 3.5 Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area ............................................................. 10 3.6 Goodyear Lands Character Area ................................................................................. 11 4.0 Natural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience .............................. 11 4.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Environmental Protection Area .................................................................................. 12 4.3 Climate Change and Urban Resilience ........................................................................ 13 4.4 Sustainable Design ...................................................................................................... 14 5.0 Land Use ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 General Policies .......................................................................................................... 16 5.3 Mixed Use Area .......................................................................................................... 17 5.4 High Density Residential ............................................................................................. 19 5.5 Medium Density Residential ....................................................................................... 20 5.6 Low Density Residential .............................................................................................. 20 5.7 Institutional................................................................................................................. 21 6.0 Urban Design and Built Form ......................................................................................... 21 6.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 22 6.2 General Policies .......................................................................................................... 22 6.3 Placemaking and Streetscapes ................................................................................... 23 6.4 Gateways and Prominent Intersections ..................................................................... 24 6.5 Building Siting and Design .......................................................................................... 25 Page 84 3 6.6 Active At-Grade Uses .................................................................................................. 25 6.7 Parking, Loading and Mechanical Structures ............................................................. 26 6.8 Built Form by Character Area ..................................................................................... 27 7.0 Parks and Community Facilities ..................................................................................... 29 7.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 29 7.2 Parks ........................................................................................................................... 29 7.3 Privately Owned Publicly-Accessible Spaces .............................................................. 31 7.4 Schools ........................................................................................................................ 32 7.5 Community and Recreation Facilities ......................................................................... 32 8.0 Housing ........................................................................................................................... 33 8.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 33 8.2 General Policies .......................................................................................................... 33 8.3 Affordable Housing ..................................................................................................... 34 9.0 Mobility and Street Network ......................................................................................... 34 9.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 35 9.2 Transportation Network ............................................................................................. 35 9.3 Arterial Roads ............................................................................................................. 37 9.4 Collector Roads ........................................................................................................... 38 9.5 Local Roads ................................................................................................................. 38 9.6 Rear Lanes ................................................................................................................... 39 9.7 Public Transit .............................................................................................................. 39 9.8 Active Transportation Network .................................................................................. 40 10.0 Servicing ...................................................................................................................... 41 10.1 Objectives................................................................................................................ 41 10.2 Municipal Services .................................................................................................. 42 10.3 Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development ..................................... 43 10.4 Utilities .................................................................................................................... 44 11.0 Cultural and Built Heritage ......................................................................................... 44 11.1 Objectives................................................................................................................ 44 11.2 General Policies ....................................................................................................... 45 12.0 Implementation and Interpretation ........................................................................... 45 Page 85 4 12.1 Implementation ...................................................................................................... 45 12.2 Interpretation ......................................................................................................... 47 SCHEDULE A – COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND CHARACTER AREAS SCHEDULE B – LAND USE SCHEDULE C – TRANSPORTATION AND OPEN SPACE NETWORK APPENDIX A – URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES Page 86 5 1.0 Introduction Centered on the intersection of King Street East and Liberty Street, the 127-hectare Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan area (“the Plan area”) encompasses a mix of land uses and a diverse built form. The Plan area includes a number of notable districts and destinations, including the traditional Downtown, the East Business District, the former Goodyear manufacturing lands, the Bowmanville Mall and the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital, and is home to a number of businesses, services and government offices. The Plan area includes portions of the two significant natural heritage assets – the Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek and their associated valley lands – that define its western and eastern boundaries. Furthermore, the Plan area contains the lands of the former Goodyear manufacturing plant (known as the “Goodyear Lands”). Located south of the Downtown and directly adjacent to the Bowmanville Creek, this approximately 15.5-hectare brownfield site represents the largest redevelopment site within east Bowmanville. In the Clarington Official Plan, the majority of the lands are designated as Urban Centre, with the Goodyear Lands designated as Special Study Area #3. The Plan area functions as a focal point of activity, interest and identity for residents of the Municipality of Clarington. This Secondary Plan will build upon the existing condition of Bowmanville East by encouraging forward-thinking development which contributes to the future long-term prosperity and well- being of this complete community. In conformity with the updated Clarington Official Plan, the Secondary Plan is rooted in four priorities as identified by Clarington’s Council: 1) Sustainability and Climate Change – the Secondary Plan will support the adoption of a “green lens” approach to development, with the intent of protecting and enhancing the natural environment, ensuring land use patterns promote sustainable living, and striving towards a net zero community. 2) Urban Design – the Secondary Plan will celebrate and enhance the history and character of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, creating a sense of place through appropriate built form and high quality urban design. 3) Affordable Housing – the Secondary Plan will permit a variety of housing types and tenures to ensure there are ample and appropriate housing options for people of all ages, incomes and abilities. 4) Community Engagement – the Secondary Plan will be underpinned by a robust public consultation and engagement process to ensure an inclusive and welcoming planning process. Page 87 6 The policies of the Secondary Plan are in conformity with the Durham Region Official Plan. The purpose of the Secondary Plan is to provide planning and design policies to guide future development within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The directions of the Secondary Plan will be implemented through Plan of Subdivision, Zoning and Site Plan Control. Development proposals within the Plan area will adhere to this Plan, ensuring that the Bowmanville East Urban Centre achieves the vision and guiding principles which were formulated during the planning process with input from key stakeholders and the broader community. This Plan is complemented by a set of Urban Design Guidelines (attached as Appendix A), which provide direction for its implementation. 2.0 Vision, Principles & Objectives 2.1 Vision Bowmanville East will be a vibrant, livable and sustainable community. Bowmanville East will embody a unique identity, one which celebrates and values its historic character while evolving and adapting to meet the needs of future generations. It will maintain and build on the existing urban fabric, while accommodating opportunities for gradual growth and change. The Plan area will feature a mix of uses of varying intensity, including residential, commercial, employment, open space and institutional uses, in order to meet the everyday needs of both existing and future residents. A variety of housing, businesses, and essential services will be located within the Plan area, helping shape Bowmanville East into a retail, tourism and civic destination—welcoming people of all ages, incomes and abilities to live, work and play. New infill buildings will be developed at appropriate and complementary heights and densities and implement transitions to the existing built form. The redevelopment of the Goodyear Lands will provide an exciting opportunity to repurpose former industrial lands for the establishment of a new master-planned, higher-density mixed use community. The Plan area will provide a cohesive and walkable public realm, comprised of a network of ecologically-rich parks, open spaces, and multimodal streetscapes. These will introduce additional opportunities for greenery, public art and active transportation, encouraging users to explore and interact with the community. The existing natural heritage system, including the valleylands adjacent to the Bowmanville and Soper Creeks, will be preserved, enhanced and connected to the broader Plan area. Finally, Bowmanville East is envisioned as an inclusive and forward-thinking community. This Plan includes policies which support municipal affordable housing targets and encourage a wide range of housing options to meet the varied needs of residents. Development within the Plan area will be designed to minimize environmental impact, adopt sustainable building technologies and support greater urban resilience in pursuit of a post-carbon future. Page 88 7 2.2 Guiding Principles & Objectives This Vision will be realized through the implementation of policy directions which are based upon the following seven key guiding principles and their associated objectives: 1. Provide Housing Choice and Affordability – to ensure that residents are able to access and maintain adequate, affordable and suitable housing which securely contributes to their sense of well-being and quality of life. 2. Improve Connections – to facilitate comfortable, direct and efficient connections for all modes of transportation in order to enable access between key destinations and promote mobility via active transportation methods. 3. Diversify Open Space – to create opportunities for parks, open spaces, and streetscapes which support recreational activities, social interaction and diverse programming for users of all ages and abilities. 4. Maintain Historical Character – to recognize the area’s unique pattern of historical development and to promote development which is complementary to the existing character and enables context-sensitive transitions in built form. 5. Establish an Active Street Wall – to support development which has appropriate and pedestrian-oriented scale and massing, and where appropriate locates active uses at- grade to support street-level activity. 6. Promote a Sense of Place – to strengthen and celebrate the unique characteristics of the area and encourage a built form and public realm which reinforces its key role as a destination within Clarington. 7. Create a Sustainable Future – to ensure a healthy environment for future generations through development practices which protect the natural environment and respond to climate change in the pursuit of a resilient, equitable and post-carbon future. 3.0 Community Structure & Character Areas 3.1 Community Structure The community structure for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre organizes a distribution of land uses and intensities of development to achieve this Plan’s vision, principles & objectives. The Secondary Plan establishes five Character Areas across the Plan area which respond to existing urban conditions, define the identities of different areas within the Urban Centre, and Page 89 8 provide guidance in regards to the hierarchy and character of future redevelopment. As identified on Schedule A of this Plan, the key structuring elements of the Plan area include: 3.1.1 Character Areas: Five Character Areas are established to define and organize future development within the Plan area, including direction in regards to land use, building heights and public realm features. The five Character Areas include the Historic Downtown, East Business District, Downtown Corridor, Residential Neighbourhoods and Goodyear Lands. Sections 3.2 to 3.6 of this Plan describe the Character Areas. 3.1.2 King Street Corridor: As a Regional Corridor, King Street shall be the primary location for higher-density, mixed use areas which support higher-order transit services, pedestrian- oriented development, and a concentration of commercial and service uses to serve the community, in accordance with the Regional Official Plan. 3.1.3 Liberty Street Corridor: As a Local Corridor, Liberty Street shall be developed with mixed use areas with appropriate densities to support frequent transit service, in accordance with the Regional Official Plan. 3.1.4 Environmental Protection Areas: Environmental Protection Areas along the Bowmanville and Soper Creek valleys largely define the eastern and western boundary of the Plan area. 3.1.5 Parks and Open Space: The parks and open space network includes the existing Rotary Park, a Neighbourhood Park with an important civic and community role. Additional public parks and open spaces are anticipated to be developed through future development within the Plan area, including a parkette within the Goodyear Lands. 3.1.6 Gateways and Prominent Intersections: Gateways are key locations where high-quality architectural design and treatment will be applied. Gateways are located at the western and eastern terminus points of the King Street corridor, signifying points of entry into the Plan area. Prominent Intersections are key intersections that function as community focal points, where built form and special architectural and landscaping elements serve to emphasize the significance of the intersection. 3.2 Historic Downtown Character Area Objective 3.2.1 The Historic Downtown will continue to function as the social and commercial heart of the Bowmanville community, preserving the distinctive main street character and fine- grain streetscape which defines its status as a local destination for shopping, dining and public life. Policies 3.2.2 It is the Municipality's intent to maintain the Historic Downtown as the administrative and symbolic centre of Clarington. New civic, administrative and institutional uses are Page 90 9 encouraged to be located along Temperance Street, helping to entrench and expand the presence of existing municipal buildings and to establish a local hub for these functions. 3.2.3 King Street will continue to serve a primary commercial function, with retail and service uses located on the ground floor of mixed use buildings. 3.2.4 New development will be comprised of primarily mid-rise forms and will preserve the historic character and existing fine-grain streetscape of the King Street corridor. Context-sensitive intensification and redevelopment will be encouraged, which supports and enhances the historic streetscape along King Street while providing additional massing and height without negatively impacting the streetscape. 3.2.5 New development will provide for and be supported by a generous public realm including a western gateway, a newly established ‘flex’ shared street along Temperance Street, active uses along King Street, Division Street and Temperance Street, new connections to the Goodyear Lands and Bowmanville Creek, and new public parks and open spaces. 3.3 East Business District Character Area Objective 3.3.1 The East Business District will continue to develop as a commercial and mixed use center while leveraging opportunities from existing anchor retail and institutional uses. Policies 3.3.2 Medical clinics, offices, laboratories, and other supportive uses are encouraged to be located within the East Business District in order to create an expanded medical campus adjacent to the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital and deliver high-quality job opportunities. 3.3.3 The Bowmanville Mall is recognized as the major commercial anchor of the East Business District. Further development or redevelopment is encouraged to retain retail uses while locating buildings closer to the street to create a more direct relationship to King Street. 3.3.4 New development will be comprised of a mix of mid-rise and high-rise forms, with opportunities for high-rise buildings fronting King Street. Where new development abuts existing low density residential forms, a transition in built form will be required. 3.3.5 New development within the East Business District is encouraged to create a finer grained street network around Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital and provide additional frontage for development. 3.3.6 New development will provide for and be supported by public realm opportunities including an eastern gateway, active frontages along King Street East and Liberty Street Page 91 10 South, potential new connections and views to Soper Creek, and new public parks and open spaces. 3.4 Downtown Corridor Character Area Objective 3.4.1 The Downtown Corridor will act as a mixed use transition zone which cohesively links the East Business District and Historic Downtown. Policies 3.4.2 New development will include a mix of mid-rise and high-rise forms, with the built form implementing a transition between the mid-rise character of the Historic Downtown and the high-rise buildings of the East Business District. 3.4.3 Development is encouraged to contribute to a cohesive, well-scaled and consistent street wall along King Street East between Division Street and Liberty Street. 3.4.4 New development will provide for and be supported by public realm opportunities including active frontages along King Street, potential new connections to the Goodyear Lands and Bowmanville Creek, and new public parks and open spaces. 3.5 Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area Objective 3.5.1 The Residential Neighbourhoods will function as an extension of the existing low density residential areas to the north and south, introducing context-sensitive opportunities for new infill housing. Residential Neighbourhoods within the identified Regional Centre are planned to accommodate higher densities to support the planned function of the other Character Areas, while Residential Neighbourhoods within the remainder of the Plan area are intended to form an appropriate transition of built form and uses to those permitted in the surrounding Urban Residential areas outside of the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan. Policies 3.5.2 New development will include a range of housing forms, typologies and tenures, to improve housing choice and supply. 3.5.3 Existing institutional uses in this Character Area will be encouraged to remain, with the potential to be incorporated into future site redevelopment. 3.5.4 Development within this Character Area will provide for and be supported by a public realm strategy that is consistent with and contributes to the predominantly residential uses, including the protection and retention of mature trees, where possible. Page 92 11 3.6 Goodyear Lands Character Area Objective 3.6.1 The Goodyear Lands will be planned and developed as a complete community which repurposes former industrial lands to create new housing units and jobs while creating accessible connections to the surrounding natural heritage system and traditional Downtown. Policies 3.6.2 New development will be comprised of a mix of mid-rise and high-rise forms, with high- rise buildings located at the core of the Character Area and a downwards transition to mid-rise towards the existing residential neighbourhoods to the east and north. 3.6.3 A network of new public streets will be established to improve the connectivity of the Goodyear Lands to its surrounding areas. 3.6.4 A new parkette will be established at the centre of the Character Area to provide active and passive recreational space. 3.6.5 New development will deliver new community facilities and services, including a potential school site, required to serve the needs of the new residential community, to be determined in consultation with the Municipality of Clarington and other stakeholders. A new school may be within the podium of a mixed use building. 3.6.6 New development will provide for and be supported by new public realm opportunities. including new connections to the Bowmanville Creek and the surrounding natural heritage network, enhanced streetscape treatments, and a new public plaza. 3.6.7 New development will have regard for the heritage value of existing industrial buildings on-site and is encouraged, where possible, to retain and adaptively re-use heritage properties. 3.6.8 New development is encouraged to incorporate active at-grade uses to generate pedestrian activity. Retail uses are encouraged at the core of the Character Area to support street animation and activity. 3.6.9 The industrial history of the Goodyear Lands will be incorporated into the design of the public realm through landscaping, lighting, signage, heritage interpretation installations, public art, and/or other appropriate forms. 4.0 Natural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Urban Resilience 4.1 Objectives Page 93 12 4.1.1 To provide for the protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural heritage system, including its ecological integrity and function. 4.1.2 To ensure that watercourses, sensitive species, and wildlife habitat, amongst other features, are not harmed by the effects of human activity. 4.1.3 To protect the natural heritage system from incompatible development. 4.1.4 To facilitate active transportation connections to the natural heritage system, where appropriate. 4.1.5 To facilitate development proposals which achieve sustainable development and building design principles. 4.1.6 To encourage development which supports improved outcomes in regards to climate change adaptation and mitigation, water conservation and management, energy conservation and management, urban tree canopy, biodiversity, and local food systems. 4.2 Environmental Protection Area 4.2.1 Environmental Protection Areas are recognized as the most significant components of the Municipality’s natural environment. These areas and their ecological functions are to be preserved and protected from the impacts of human activity. Lands designated Environmental Protection Area are shown on Schedule A. 4.2.2 Environmental Protection Areas include natural heritage features, hydrologically sensitive features, lands within the regulatory flood plain of a watercourse, and hazard lands associated with valley systems, including slope and erosion hazards. Areas associated with Environmental Protection Areas support their ecological integrity and include vegetation protection zones and other natural heritage areas. 4.2.3 The delineation of the boundary of lands designated as Environmental Protection Area are approximate and shall be detailed through appropriate site-specific studies prepared as part of the review of development applications in accordance with the policies of this Secondary Plan and the Clarington Official Plan. 4.2.4 Any new development in proximity to the natural heritage system shall be required to complete an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan. The purpose of EIS would be establishing the limits for development adjacent to the natural heritage features and/or natural hazards through identifying feature boundaries and applying appropriate Vegetation Protection Zones (VPZ) as per Clarington OP policies. 4.2.5 Development shall be subject to the policies of the Clarington Official Plan as it pertains to natural heritage system policies in Section 3.4, Watershed and Subwatershed Plans Page 94 13 policies in Section 3.5, the Hazards policies in Section 3.7, and the Environmental Protection Areas policies in Section 14.4. 4.2.6 The eastern portion of the Plan area includes lands within the Soper Creek subwatershed. The Municipality is undertaking the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study to develop the Soper Creek Subwatershed Plan, which will identify stormwater management and natural heritage strategies to protect, rehabilitate, and enhance the natural features within the watershed. Development within the Plan area shall be required to adhere to the recommendations of the Subwatershed Plan. 4.2.7 Notwithstanding Section 14.4 of the Clarington Official Plan, development and redevelopment on the Bowmanville Mall lands may be permitted to the defined top-of- bank of the Soper Creek provided provision is made for public access and connection to a valleyland trail system. 4.2.8 Notwithstanding the development policies in Sections 3.4, 3.7 and 14.4 of the Clarington Official Plan, it is recognized that the Vanstone Mill has historically been located within the valleyland of the Bowmanville Creek. Further development and redevelopment within the valleylands is permitted provided: a) It is located outside of the floodplain; b) Erosion control works are undertaken; c) Environmental protection lands are dedicated to the Municipality; and d) Arrangements are made to restore and enhance the natural features within the Bowmanville Creek corridor. 4.3 Climate Change and Urban Resilience 4.3.1 The Municipality’s array of planning tools, including this Plan, the associated Urban Design Guidelines, as well as the Priority Green Development Program, will ensure development proposals meet increasingly rigorous standards of energy and water conservation, and reduce carbon emissions. 4.3.2 Development proposals should: a) Demonstrate best practices in green building technologies, use of renewable and alternative energy sources, and employ other sustainable design measures to contribute to the achievement of the Region of Durham’s greenhouse gas emissions target of 80% below 2007 levels by 2050; b) Where feasible, utilize materials from sustainable sources for construction and infrastructure projects, and account for positive and negative life-cycle impacts of materials when assessing their contribution; Page 95 14 c) Consider the climate risks and implement where feasible the primary adaptation measures outlined in the most recent version of the Durham Region Climate Resilience Standard for New Houses; d) Utilize street alignments, building placement, and façade design to maximize potential for passive and active solar energy capture; and e) Support the use of electric vehicles through the provision of charging infrastructure in the Mixed Use and High Density Residential areas and in on- street parking areas near parks. Engagement with utility companies early in the planning process is strongly encouraged. 4.3.3 In multi-unit residential, townhomes, and non-residential development with shared common onsite parking spaces, provide at least 20% of parking spaces with electrical vehicle charging stations. All remaining spaces will be designed to enable future charging station installation. 4.3.4 The Municipality will work with Durham Region, GO Transit, Metrolinx, and neighbouring municipalities to improve transit services, carpooling, and other traffic demand management measures in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from private automobile reliance. 4.3.5 Integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies into development proposals through land use and development patterns that: a) Maximize vegetation and natural areas to support improved air quality, stormwater management, and carbon sequestration; b) Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, including embodied carbon, and other pollutants; c) Maximize opportunities for the use of renewable energy systems; and d) Promote active transportation. 4.4 Sustainable Design 4.4.1 Encourage development proposals that include water efficient building design and practices in all new buildings, including measures such as ultra-low flow fixtures, dual flush toilets, and rainwater harvesting. 4.4.2 The Municipality will support a variety of water conservation efforts through building technology, landscaping, and stormwater management. 4.4.3 Encourage development proposals that include energy efficient building design and practices in all new buildings. Page 96 15 4.4.4 Incorporate energy-saving measures in buildings such as window shading, daylight design, daylight sensors, heat recovery ventilation, high-efficiency mechanical equipment, and energy efficient appliances and lighting. 4.4.5 The following can be used to mitigate heat island effects: a) Green roof and cool roof strategies that use high albedo materials to reduce heat gain; b) The strategic use of deciduous trees to help with evapotranspiration and shading of sidewalks and hard surface areas in summer; c) Solar access in winter; and d) Light-coloured paving materials with an initial solar reflectance of at least 0.33 at installation or a solar reflectance index of at least 29. 4.4.6 Buildings should be designed and constructed to achieve all mandatory measures of the most current version of ENERGY STAR for New Homes or comparable rating system. Buildings should be designed for solar readiness by accommodating connections to solar photovoltaics (PV) or solar thermal connections. 4.4.7 Public realm light fixtures should be LED, pedestrian-scaled, and conform with the Municipality’s lighting standards. 4.4.8 Alternative energy systems and renewable energy systems are permitted and encouraged in accordance with Provincial and Federal requirements. 4.4.9 Encourage development and streetscape improvements which support biodiversity objectives by incorporating a wide variety of species at-grade and on rooftops, including native plant species, pollinator-friendly species, drought-resistant species and edible landscapes. 4.4.10 Protect the existing urban tree canopy by retaining mature trees, where appropriate. 4.4.11 All private development shall be supported by landscape plans which demonstrate how the development will contribute to the urban forest, improve the health and diversity of the natural environment, support other local plant and animal species, and further enhance the connectivity of the built environment to natural heritage features and hydrologically sensitive features. 4.4.12 Incorporate sufficient soil volume to ensure growth of large, healthy shade trees, and, where appropriate, other plantings, informed by design guidelines developed by the Municipality. 4.4.13 New development and public realm improvements are required to use native plant species wherever possible, particularly along rights-of-way and pedestrian trails. Page 97 16 4.4.14 A diversity of tree species shall be planted in parks and along rights-of-way to provide a healthy and more robust tree inventory that is less prone to insects and diseases. The selection of tree species within the Secondary Plan area will contribute to the Municipality’s species diversity objectives. 4.4.15 Where trees and shrubs are destroyed or harvested pre-maturely prior to proper study and approval, compensation will be calculated at a 3:1 ratio. 4.4.16 Local food production and distribution is encouraged and supported by this Plan. Opportunities include: a) Community gardens; b) Use of food-producing plant species; c) Food co-ops and community food centres; d) Food-related home businesses; and e) Farmer’s markets. 5.0 Land Use 5.1 Objectives 5.1.1 To contribute to the development of a complete community with a full range of housing, services and amenities to meet the daily needs of people of all ages and abilities. 5.1.2 To achieve an appropriate mix of commercial, residential, recreational, cultural, and institutional uses at densities appropriate for an urban downtown. 5.1.3 To permit levels of retail and service uses along King Street East and West to meet local needs and support the continued vibrancy of the Historic Downtown. 5.1.4 To achieve a transition in land use towards stable residential areas and the natural heritage system. 5.2 General Policies 5.2.1 The development of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre will realize efficient and transit- supportive urban densities within the delineated Regional Centre by achieving a minimum target of 150 people and jobs per gross hectare, in accordance with the Regional Official Plan. The delineated boundary of the Regional Centre is shown on Schedules A and B. 5.2.2 Development will adhere to the distribution of land uses as indicated in Schedule B. Minor alterations that maintain the intent of this Plan’s policies may occur without Page 98 17 amendment through the development approval process and in accordance with policies 24.1.2 and 24.1.3 of the Clarington Official Plan. 5.2.3 The following land use designations apply within the Secondary Plan area: a) Mixed Use Area; b) High Density Residential; c) Medium Density Residential; d) Low Density Residential; e) Institutional; f) Neighbourhood Parks and Parkettes; and, g) Environmental Protection Area. 5.2.4 Developments within the Regional Centre shall be planned to maximize permitted heights and massing in order to reach their highest potential transit-supportive density and walkability, where appropriate. 5.2.5 Home-based occupations are permitted as an accessory use to a residential dwelling for all land use designations within this Plan, to the extent that they are compatible with residential uses and are in accordance to Section 9.3.3 of the Clarington Official Plan. 5.2.6 Within all residential land use designations, small-scale service and neighbourhood retail uses are permitted to the extent that their nature, scale, design and location are compatible with residential uses. These uses are intended to serve the population within the immediate area and improve the walkability and concentration of local amenities, in accordance with Section 9.3.2 of the Clarington Official Plan. 5.2.7 Live-work units are defined as a single unit which can accommodate combined residential and personal service or office uses, as appropriate. 5.2.8 Mid-rise buildings are characterized as buildings between 4 to 6 storeys and high-rise buildings are characterized as buildings between 7 to 12 storeys, in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan’s policy on urban structure typologies. 5.2.9 Existing uses within the Historic Downtown Character Area, which are not compatible with the historic character of the area or the future vision for street-related commercial redevelopment, such as auto-related sales and service, service stations, and commercial uses with outdoor storage, shall be encouraged to relocate to areas outside the Historic Downtown. 5.2.10 Drive-through facilities are not a permitted use in any land use designation. 5.3 Mixed Use Area Page 99 18 5.3.1 The Mixed Use Area designation allows for the greatest mix of uses including residential, office, retail, personal service, cultural, community, and institutional uses. 5.3.2 Development within the Mixed Use Area designation shall predominantly consist of street-oriented building forms with active retail and service uses at-grade, and residential and/or non-residential uses above. 5.3.3 Lands within the Mixed Use Area designation within the Downtown Corridor, East Business District and Goodyear Lands Character Areas shall, in aggregate, achieve a minimum density of 150 units per net hectare. 5.3.4 Lands within the Mixed Use designation within the Historic Downtown Character Area shall, in aggregate, achieve a minimum density of 75 units per net hectare. 5.3.5 The following uses shall be permitted within the Mixed Use Area designation: a) Residential dwellings, in compliance with the dwelling types outlined in Policy 5.3.6; b) Live-work uses; c) Assisted and special needs housing; d) Office uses, including professional and medical offices, e) Commercial uses including retail stores, restaurants, and personal service uses; f) Community uses such as libraries, community centers, schools, places of worship, daycare facilities, post offices, fire and police stations or similar uses designed to serve the community at large; g) Parks and open spaces, including privately-owned public spaces; h) Hotels, convention and events facilities; and i) Arts and cultural establishments. 5.3.6 Permitted residential dwelling types include: a) Dwelling units above the ground floor within a mixed use building; and, b) Apartment buildings. 5.3.7 Not withstanding Policy 5.3.6, townhouses may be permitted in the Mixed Use Area designation within the Goodyear Lands Character Area as part of a larger mixed-use development. 5.3.8 Not withstanding Policy 5.3.6, townhouses may be permitted in the Mixed Use Area designation as part of a larger mixed use development which includes one or more of the residential dwelling types identified in Policy 5.3.6, to act as a transitional form to low density residential areas. Page 100 19 5.3.9 Standalone residential buildings are only permitted in the Mixed Use Area as part of a larger mixed-use development. 5.3.10 A concentration of community and institutional uses is encouraged to be located within the lands bound by Wellington Street, King Street, Silver Street and Division Street, in order to enhance and strengthen the existing civic and community center. 5.3.11 A concentration of medical-related uses, including medical offices, laboratories and pharmacies, is encouraged to be located within the lands on either side of King Street East between Liberty Street and Simpson Avenue in order to create a new medical campus around the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital. 5.3.12 Where Mixed Use Area lands abut Low Density Residential lands, proposed development is required to implement a gradual built form transition between high-rise and mid-rise forms and existing low density residential areas. 5.3.13 In the redevelopment of lands, the Municipality will: a) Encourage the consolidation of smaller land parcels; b) Encourage development which enhances the pedestrian character of the streetscape, including appropriate setbacks to accommodate retail spill-out areas; c) Encourage private laneway connections between properties to reduce the need for multiple access points onto major roads; d) Encourage joint parking and street access between abutting properties; and e) Encourage the preservation, renovation and reuse of historic buildings. 5.4 High Density Residential 5.4.1 The High Density Residential designation allows for predominantly residential uses within mid-rise and high-rise building forms to deliver a mix of housing types and tenures. 5.4.2 Development within the High Density Residential designation shall achieve a minimum density of 150 units per net hectare. 5.4.3 The following uses shall be permitted within the High Density Residential designation: a) Residential dwellings, in compliance with the dwelling types outlined in Policy 5.4.4; b) Live-work uses; c) Assisted and special needs housing; and Page 101 20 d) Community uses such as libraries, community centers, schools, places of worship, daycare facilities, post offices, art and cultural facilities, or similar uses designed to serve the community at large. 5.4.4 Permitted residential dwelling types include: a) Apartment buildings. 5.4.5 In addition to the uses permitted by Policy 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 of this Section, on the lands known for municipal purposes in 2024 as 258 King Street East, a single building may be constructed and used with a mix of residential uses and such commercial uses that Council considers to be appropriately limited in scale and type having regard to the capacity, operations and safety of King Street East and Galbraith Court and to the compatibility with adjacent residential uses provided that: a) A minimum of 50% of the gross floor area of the building is constructed and used for residential purposes; and b) Commercial uses do not exceed a maximum of 400 square metres. 5.5 Medium Density Residential 5.5.1 The Medium Density Residential designation allows for predominantly residential uses within mid-rise building forms to deliver a mix of housing types and tenures. Where appropriate, high-rise forms may also be permitted. 5.5.2 Development within the Medium Density Residential designation shall achieve a minimum density of 65 units per net hectare. 5.5.3 The following uses shall be permitted within the Medium Density Residential designation: a) Residential dwellings, in compliance with the dwelling types outlined in Policy 5.5.4; b) Live-work uses; c) Assisted and special needs housing; and, d) Community uses such as libraries, community centers, schools, places of worship, daycare facilities, post offices, or similar uses designed to serve the community at large. 5.5.4 Permitted residential dwelling types include: a) Apartment buildings; and, b) All forms of townhouses. 5.6 Low Density Residential Page 102 21 5.6.1 The Low Density Residential designation allows for predominantly residential uses within grade-related dwellings to deliver a mix of housing types and tenures. 5.6.2 Development within the Low Density Residential designation shall achieve a minimum density of 25 units per net hectare. 5.6.3 The following uses shall be permitted within the Low Density Residential designation: a) Residential dwellings, in compliance with the dwelling types outlined in Policy 5.6.4; and, b) Community uses such as libraries, community centers, schools, places of worship, daycare facilities, post offices, or similar uses designed to serve the community at large. 5.6.4 Permitted residential dwelling types include: a) Street townhouses; b) Semi-detached dwellings; and c) Detached dwellings. 5.6.5 Private streets and private lanes are not permitted within the Low Density Residential Designation. 5.7 Institutional 5.7.1 Institutional includes uses such as government offices, museums/archives, hospitals and post-secondary education uses. The Institutional designation consists of lands used for the Municipal Administrative Centre and the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital. 5.7.2 The Municipality supports the retention and expansion of the existing Municipal Administrative Centre and the provision of other related institutional and civic uses within the Historic Downtown to strengthen its role as the administrative and symbolic centre of Clarington. 5.7.3 The Municipality supports the expansion of Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital as required to meet the health care needs of existing and future residents. The Municipality encourages the attraction and retention of other uses supportive to the Hospital, including medical offices and long-term care facilities. 5.7.4 The Municipality supports the co-location of social, health, retail, cultural, educational, and recreational uses, services and resources. The opportunity to co-locate these uses shall be considered when contemplating the expansion or redevelopment of existing community facilities and spaces. 6.0 Urban Design and Built Form Page 103 22 6.1 Objectives 6.1.1 To create a high-quality public realm which is safe, comfortable, welcoming and beautiful. 6.1.2 To support urban design principles that will result in a cohesive and inviting pedestrian experience across both the public and private realms. 6.1.3 To establish a scale and form of development that is human-scale, contextually-sensitive and appropriately transitions to its surroundings, including defining a distinctive built form identity for each Character Area. 6.1.4 To prioritize the creation of vibrant and animated streetscapes through the establishment of enhanced streetscape design, active at-grade uses, landscaping, street furniture and public art, which supports heightened levels of pedestrian activity. 6.2 General Policies 6.2.1 The Urban Design Guidelines that accompany this Plan are to be used as guidance in the interpretation and implementation of this Plan’s policies. 6.2.2 Development shall provide a variety of building types, heights and site configurations across the Plan area, and on lands that can accommodate multiple buildings. 6.2.3 Development shall distribute heights, densities and concentrations of varied uses as per the policies of this Secondary Plan to support a well balanced built environment with appropriate scale, form and transition. 6.2.4 Development shall contribute to a high-quality public realm which creates an integrated network of streets and open spaces and establishes pedestrian and cyclist friendly connections to support a growing residential and employment population. 6.2.5 Development shall provide appropriate transitions to adjacent low density residential areas, public parks and open spaces. 6.2.6 Streets and lanes are recognized as part of the public realm, in addition to their functional roles as access routes. They will provide linkages across Bowmanville East and support a connected and attractive public realm network together with other public spaces and areas. 6.2.7 Visually interesting streetscapes shall be created through variation in building typology, architectural detailing and massing. 6.2.8 Development shall be encouraged to integrate small-scale publicly-accessible open spaces, in the form of mid-block connections, sliver parks, forecourts, courtyards, mews Page 104 23 and other micro spaces, in order to expand the public right-of-way and support finer grain pedestrian movement. 6.3 Placemaking and Streetscapes 6.3.1 Public art is encouraged to be incorporated into private development and public infrastructure to support placemaking, and should facilitate expressions of cultural and natural heritage, community history and local identity. The provision of public art shall be prioritized at Gateways and Prominent Intersections. 6.3.2 Development is encouraged to help enhance the experience of the community within its natural setting, including locating, siting and massing development to complement access and views to natural heritage features, and supporting extensions and improvements to the active transportation network. 6.3.3 King Street is recognized as the traditional main street and primary thoroughfare of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The environment along King Street will be designed to define and support its role as a commercial main street and vibrant urban place. An enhanced streetscape will be implemented through the following: a) Sidewalks on both sides of the street; b) Planting and furniture zones adjacent to pedestrian sidewalks on both side of the street, which may include seating, street trees, decorative planters, and pedestrian-scaled lighting; c) Retail spill out space within the setback area; and d) Distinctive paving and wayfinding elements which highlight the civic prominence of the street. 6.3.4 Temperance Street is an important secondary corridor within the organizing structure of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. Home to a number of public spaces and buildings, an enhanced streetscape along Temperance Street will be designed to define and support its role as a civic spine through the following: a) A shared ‘flex’ street treatment will be implemented along Temperance Street, between Wellington Street to Queen Street, by removing the formal distinctions between spaces dedicated to pedestrians, cyclists, and motorized vehicles. b) Planting and furniture zones on both sides of the street, which may include seating, street trees, decorative planters, and pedestrian-scaled lighting; and c) Retail spill out spaces within the setback area. 6.3.5 All streets should support a vibrant and attractive public realm, provide a safe pedestrian environment, and consider complete streets design principles, in line with direction provided within the Urban Design Guidelines. Page 105 24 6.3.6 The Municipality, in cooperation with local businesses, will promote the Historic Downtown as a point of tourist activity. 6.3.7 The Municipality will establish special signage standards to enhance the character of the Historic Downtown. 6.3.8 The Municipality will investigate feasibility for a heritage conservation district designation for the historic downtown of Bowmanville through the required studies and technical analysis. 6.3.9 The Municipality will consider a Master Streetscape Plan for the Plan area to guide decisions for enhancing downtown Bowmanville East’s streetscape for the next generation, including opportunities to reimagine key public right-of-ways. 6.4 Gateways and Prominent Intersections 6.4.1 Gateways and Prominent Intersections represent special locations within the Plan area which will support a distinct sense of place and are subject to enhanced public realm treatments. Gateways are designed in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan’s policies on Gateways. 6.4.2 Gateways are the primary entry points to the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, contributing to a sense of arrival and reflecting the identity of the area as a whole. Gateways are located at the western and eastern terminus points of the King Street corridor, at each end of the Plan area, and are identified in Schedule A. 6.4.3 Prominent Intersections shall serve as community focal points, both visually in terms of building height, massing and orientation, architectural treatment and materials, and landscaping, and functionally in terms of destination uses, public spaces and amenities. The following locations within the Plan area are identified as Prominent Intersections: a) Scugog Street and King Street; b) Temperance Street and King Street East; c) Liberty Street and King Street East; d) Simpson Avenue and King Street East; and e) At the centre of the Goodyear Lands (as part of a new planned street network). 6.4.4 Gateways and Prominent Intersections should include distinctive building, landscape and streetscape treatments, including but not limited to planters, public art, special paving, signage, and street furniture, which help frame the public realm and serve as a marker for entry points into the Plan area. Privately-owned publicly-accessible spaces are encouraged to be located at Prominent Intersections to contribute to their visual prominence. Page 106 25 6.4.5 Where appropriate, buildings should be located and massed to create, frame, and contribute to memorable and identifiable views and vistas towards Gateways and Prominent Intersections, with built form strategies such as building setbacks, stepbacks and articulation, and high quality landscape treatments, as generally described in the Urban Design Guidelines. 6.4.6 Streetscape design elements within the public right-of-way should be coordinated with and enhance private development sites adjacent to Gateway and Prominent Intersection locations, to create a cohesive visual identity. 6.5 Building Siting and Design 6.5.1 Buildings will be sited and oriented to frame adjacent streets and public spaces and fit harmoniously within the existing context. 6.5.2 Access from sidewalks, other pedestrian facilities and public open spaces to primary building entrances shall be clearly visible, convenient and direct, with minimum changes in grade, and shall be accessible and barrier free. 6.5.3 Buildings on corner lots shall have articulated facades facing both streets. 6.5.4 Larger buildings shall break up the visual impact of their mass through stepbacks to upper levels, recesses and projections, façade articulation, architectural detailing and changes in materiality, among others. 6.5.5 Development shall provide a transition, locating less dense and lower scale buildings in locations adjacent to lower density designations. 6.5.6 Buildings shall be sited to avoid front-to-back and/or overlook conditions. Where this cannot be achieved, impacts should be minimized with appropriate screening through architectural or landscape treatment. 6.5.7 Buildings shall be sited and designed to address shadow impacts on sensitive uses, including surrounding residential neighbourhoods and parks and open spaces. Where requested by Municipal staff, development applications may be required to submit a supporting Sun/Shadow Study. 6.5.8 Balconies shall be recessed and/or integrated into the design of the building façade. 6.5.9 Air conditioning units, utility metres and similar features should not be visible from the public realm (street/sidewalk) and should be well integrated into a building massing, recessed and screened. 6.6 Active At-Grade Uses Page 107 26 6.6.1 Active at-grade uses help support pedestrian activity at street level, increasing visual interest and animation which contributes to urban vibrancy. Active at-grade uses include retail storefronts, restaurants, personal and business services, office lobbies or entrances, institutional uses, and residential lobbies and amenity areas. 6.6.2 Active at-grade uses shall be located along both sides of King Street, between Scugog Street and Galbraith Court. Additional active at-grade uses are encouraged at key intersections with north-south streets that extend off King Street, including Temperance Street, Division Street, Ontario Street, Scugog Street, and Liberty Street. 6.6.3 Active at-grade commercial or institutional uses shall maintain a minimum ground floor height of 4.0 metres, provide glazing along all major frontages, and introduce weather protection features, where appropriate. 6.6.4 Active at-grade residential uses shall locate entrances to be accessible from the public sidewalk, feature prominent entryway features to clearly indicate entrance and exit points to the building, and incorporate landscaping features which contribute to a vibrant public realm. 6.6.5 Active at-grade use shall be encouraged where development fronts onto parks, open spaces and community facilities. 6.6.6 Buildings with active at-grade uses shall be built close to the street line with a continuous façade which contributes to a cohesive streetscape. Design features such as narrow building frontages, multiple entrances, and use of distinctive signage and pedestrian-oriented lighting on the ground floor façades are encouraged. 6.6.7 Front setbacks for buildings with active at-grade uses will generally feature hard landscaping to encourage access between building frontages and the sidewalk. These setbacks are encouraged to include commercial/retail spill-out zones or privately-owned public spaces which extend the public realm. 6.7 Parking, Loading and Mechanical Structures 6.7.1 The Municipality shall consider the implementation of a payment-in-lieu parking policy within the Regional Centre. 6.7.2 New development will remove and not retain large surface parking areas. Where feasible, parking is encouraged below grade or in structured solutions in limited circumstances, only where the ground floor has been activated by the permitted land use, as an ancillary use to maximize landscaping opportunities and optimize development sites. 6.7.3 New off-street parking will generally be screened from view of the public realm. Parking is to be provided within buildings where possible, in accordance with policy 6.7.2. Where it is not feasible to locate parking within buildings or structures, surface parking Page 108 27 shall be located to the rear or side yard of buildings in order to preserve the frontage for a diversity of soft and hard landscaping. 6.7.4 Vehicular entrances to above or below-ground parking structures on public streets are encouraged to be integrated into the design of the building and located to reduce conflict with pedestrians. Design features such as distinctive pavement markings and appropriate lighting are encouraged to denote entrances to parking structures. 6.7.5 Shared vehicle parking facilities between adjacent properties is encouraged. 6.7.6 New parking facilities shall be designed to accommodate bicycle parking as well as reserved spaces for drivers of car-share / carpool vehicles and electric cars. Where on- street parking is permitted, curbside management strategies will be encouraged to maximize the efficiency and utility of on-street parking spaces. 6.7.7 The implementing zoning by-law shall establish minimum and maximum requirements for parking, including requirements for accessible parking spaces. Parking requirements shall seek to reduce minimum and maximum parking standards in order to encourage a shift toward sustainable modes of transportation and reflect the walking distance to transit and complementary uses. 6.7.8 Loading, servicing and other functional elements are encouraged to be integrated within the building envelope. Where this is not feasible, these elements should be located to the rear of the building and screened from view to avoid visual impact to the public realm or surrounding residential areas. 6.7.9 Mechanical penthouses, roof structures and roof fixtures, including satellite dishes and communications antenna, should be screened and, where feasible, integrated within the design of buildings. Parapets may be utilized to accommodate such screening. 6.8 Built Form by Character Area 6.8.1 Development will provide a mix of building types, variation of building heights, and transition in scale across the Plan area, and will support the built form vision for the Character Areas as outlined in Policies 6.8.2 – 6.8.6. 6.8.2 Development in the Historic Downtown will: a) Permit buildings with a minimum height of 3 storeys and a maximum height of 6 storeys; b) Locate the greatest heights within the Historic Downtown along Church Street and Scugog Street, with lower-scale development along King Street; c) Maintain a minimum 1.0 metre front yard setback and/or match the front yard setbacks of adjacent buildings, where appropriate; and d) Establish a minimum 3.0 metre stepback above the established streetwall. Page 109 28 6.8.3 Development in the East Business District will: a) Permit buildings with a minimum height of 4 storeys and a maximum height of 12 storeys; b) Locate the greatest heights within the East Business District along the King Street corridor; c) For high-rise buildings, establish a minimum podium height of 7.5 metres; d) Maintain a front yard setback of a minimum of 1.0 metre and a maximum of 3.0 metres, where appropriate; and, e) Establish a minimum 3.0 metre stepback above the established streetwall. 6.8.4 Development in the Downtown Corridor will: a) Permit buildings with a minimum height of 4 storeys and a maximum height of 10 storeys; b) Locate the greatest heights within the Downtown Corridor along the King Street corridor, while acting as a transition zone between the Historic Downtown and East Business District; c) Maintain a front yard setback of a minimum of 1.0 metre and a maximum of 3.0 metres, where appropriate; and d) Establish a minimum 3.0 metre stepback above the established streetwall. e) Notwithstanding policies 6.8.4 a) and b), on those lands with municipal addresses 194-196, 198, 200, 204, 208, and 210-212 Church Street, and 35 Scugog Street, building heights shall be a permitted to a minimum of 8 storeys and a maximum of 10 storeys. 6.8.5 Development in the Residential Neighbourhoods will: a) Permit buildings with a maximum height of 4 storeys within the Regional Centre and a maximum height of 3 storeys outside of the Regional Centre; b) Maintain a minimum 3.0 metre minimum front yard setback, where appropriate; and c) Notwithstanding policy 6.8.5 a), for the lands bound by Silver Street, Wellington Street, Scugog Street and Church Street that are in the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area, building heights shall be permitted to a maximum of 5 storeys. The maximum height of buildings located within 15 metres of Wellington Street shall be a maximum of 4 storeys in order to provide appropriate transition in building height to the north side of Wellington Street. 6.8.6 Development in the Goodyear Lands will: Page 110 29 a) Permit buildings with a minimum height of 4 storeys and a maximum height of 12 storeys; b) Locate the greatest heights within the central core of the Goodyear Lands, with transitions towards existing residential low density forms; c) Limit buildings within 30 metres of the north and east lot line adjacent to the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area to a maximum of 4 storeys; d) Establish a series of landmark buildings at the height peak; e) Where buildings demonstrate a clear landmark status and are of a high design quality, provide enhanced public realm benefit or community amenity, ensure comfortable thermal and wind conditions for surrounding pedestrian spaces, include green/sustainable design features, and do not significantly shadow existing neighbourhoods or the public realm, building heights of over 12 storeys may be permitted; f) Maintain a front yard setback of a minimum of 1.0 metre and a maximum of 3.0 metres, where appropriate; and g) Establish a minimum 3.0 metre stepback above the established streetwall for buildings greater than 4 storeys. 7.0 Parks and Community Facilities 7.1 Objectives 7.1.1 To provide adequate public park space to meet the recreational needs of future residents and visitors. 7.1.2 To provide privately owned publicly-accessible spaces (POPS) to support a broader network of open space areas which are designed to a high quality and integrated with the public realm. 7.1.3 To protect for a future school site to respond to anticipated growth within the Plan area, which may be within the podium of a mixed use building. 7.1.4 To ensure the provision of a full range of community services and facilities to serve the needs of residents of all ages and abilities. 7.2 Parks 7.2.1 Development in the Plan area shall provide for a safe, welcoming and generous parks system that contributes to, enhances and connects to the broader parks, open space and natural heritage system. Page 111 30 7.2.2 The parks system for the Bowmanville East Urban Center consists of Neighbourhood Parks, Parkettes and Public Squares. The precise size and location of the Parkettes and Public Squares will be determined at the time of development review and approval, based on the parkland provision requirements of the Clarington Official Plan. 7.2.3 The park system, as a whole, shall provide a variety of opportunities for passive and active recreation and be comprised of well-designed spaces that contribute to the area’s sense of identity and place. 7.2.4 Rotary Park is classified as a Neighbourhood Park in accordance with Section 18.3 of the Official Plan. Featuring walking paths, seating, lawn areas and a covered pavilion, Rotary Park provides a multi-functional green space for the community. It will continue to be maintained and enhanced to support the civic and recreational needs of the community. 7.2.5 The existing green space around the Clarington Museums and Archives currently serves as a passive green space within the Historic Downtown. Additional enhancements and amenities are encouraged to further improve the aesthetics and functionality of this space. 7.2.6 A new Parkette shall be located within the Goodyear Lands Character Area, with a conceptual location identified in Schedule C. It shall be centrally-located to maximize accessibility for residents and visitors. 7.2.7 Parkettes are intended to augment the recreation, leisure and amenity needs of a neighbourhood but will not contain sports fields. They are to be between 5,000 square metres (0.5 ha) and 10,000 square metres (1 ha) in size. Parkettes support passive recreation activities, additional green space and habitat for plants and wildlife. 7.2.8 Public Squares shall be delivered through development activity as new additions to the parks system within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. Public Squares shall be distributed throughout the Plan area, with at least one encouraged in each Character Area. Though the precise location of these spaces will be determined through the development approvals process, the following have been identified as desirable locations for Public Squares: a) In the vicinity of King Street East and Simpson Avenue; b) In the vicinity of King Street East and Liberty Street North; c) In the vicinity of King Street East and Temperance Street; and, d) Within the Goodyear Lands Character Area. 7.2.9 Public Squares are intended to enhance the public realm by providing defined spaces for social interaction. They are to be up to 10,000 square metres (1 ha) in size and shall be highly visible from the dominant frontage. They shall be designed to support activity year-round and can be used for cultural events, public art, farmers markets, and small scale outdoor activities. Page 112 31 7.2.10 The planning, design and development of parks and open spaces will be guided by the following design considerations to ensure the creation of a high-quality park experience: a) Connect and extend to streets, open spaces and natural areas in and surrounding the Plan area; b) Be programmable and have a functional size, shape, configuration, and topography as determined by the Municipality, c) Incorporate convenient, safe and visible pedestrian and/or trail connections to provide public access through the park; d) Provide a place to rest, and social interaction and to seek shelter; e) Provide shade through trees or shade structures; f) Meet accessibility standards for the design of public spaces; g) Ensure continuity with the design elements of the public boulevard h) Integrate public art or cultural features, including opportunities for heritage interpretation and commemoration to celebrate the cultural heritage of the area; and, i) Where possible, provide opportunities for expansion when adjacent properties redevelop. 7.2.11 Development adjacent to parks and open spaces will: a) Be set back to allow the building and any of its exterior features and amenities to be provided and maintained on the development site; and b) generally, not be permitted to locate loading and servicing areas adjacent to the park. 7.2.12 Dedication of lands for parks will be in accordance with Section 18 of the Clarington Official Plan. Areas conveyed for parkland purposes will be of a size and shape that they can be programmed with activities. 7.2.13 Environmental Protection Areas, associated vegetation protection zones and stormwater management areas shall not be conveyed to satisfy parkland dedication requirements under the Planning Act. 7.3 Privately Owned Publicly-Accessible Spaces 7.3.1 In addition to the publicly owned lands that form the parks designation, development is encouraged to include privately owned publicly-accessible spaces that contribute to the sense of place in the community and the quality of the urban environment. 7.3.2 Privately owned publicly-accessible spaces will complement the parks and open space system and contribute to the urban environment by creating extra spaces for social Page 113 32 interaction, adding to visual interest, improving mid-block permeability and complementing adjacent land uses. Among others, they can include mid-block connections, sliver parks, forecourts, walkways and passages, courtyards, mews, and other park-like spaces. 7.3.3 Public access to privately owned publicly-accessible spaces will be secured through the development approvals process. 7.3.4 Privately owned publicly-accessible spaces provided through development will be coordinated with active at-grade uses in adjacent buildings such as retail and community spaces to provide seating and gathering spaces within the public realm and avoid locating loading and servicing areas adjacent to privately owned publicly- accessible spaces. 7.4 Schools 7.4.1 The location of a potential future school site is shown symbolically on Schedule B and will be further delineated through the development review process or during site selection by a School Board. Schedule B does not preclude the selection of alternate school sites by a School Board. School sites will be developed in accordance with the relevant policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 7.4.2 The potential future school site is encouraged to be developed as an urban vertical school, which may include the co-location of school uses within mixed use, multi-storey buildings. The final design and specifications are subject to input from the respective School Board and Municipality and requisite standards from the Ontario Ministry of Education. 7.4.3 The co-location of the potential future school with other public amenities and services, such as day cares and community centres, is encouraged. 7.4.4 The potential future school shall be sited to promote accessibility and active transportation including, where feasible, adjacency to planned parks and open spaces. 7.5 Community and Recreation Facilities 7.5.1 The Municipality shall undertake an update of its plan for community and recreation facilities based on the projected population of the Plan area. 7.5.2 Future community facilities shall be located in highly accessible areas that can be accessed easily by pedestrians and cyclists, as well as by automobile. 7.5.3 Future community facilities should evoke a prominent civic presence, demonstrate design excellence, and contribute to placemaking objectives for the downtown. Page 114 33 7.5.4 Development that is phased should include required on-site facilities as part of the first phase of development, where feasible. 8.0 Housing 8.1 Objectives 8.1.1 To support the delivery of a variety of housing forms, sizes and tenures, that allow households of various sizes and incomes to find a home within Bowmanville East. 8.1.2 To encourage the provision and retention of affordable housing and rental housing for low and moderately-low income households. 8.1.3 To encourage the provision and retention of housing which serves the specialized support needs of residents, including supportive housing, assisted housing and seniors housing. 8.2 General Policies 8.2.1 Developments will deliver a range of building and unit types, sizes, configurations and tenures, including purpose-built rental housing and seniors housing, to accommodate a variety of individuals and households and deliver a broad spectrum of housing options. 8.2.2 A range of unit sizes, including those suitable for larger households, is encouraged within apartment and multi-unit buildings. 8.2.3 Residential units within apartments or multi-unit buildings will include operable windows and are encouraged to include storage space and balconies or terraces. 8.2.4 All development proposals should incorporate barrier-free, universal or flex design features in both common and living areas. 8.2.5 New multi-unit buildings with residential uses will be encouraged to include both indoor and outdoor amenity spaces, which are capable of hosting a variety of programming and are suitable for a range of household types. 8.2.6 Two additional dwelling units (ADUs) are permitted within a detached dwelling, semi- detached dwelling, or townhouse, and one ADU is permitted within a building or structure ancillary to a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or townhouse, in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan and subject to the provisions of the zoning by-law and other relevant regulations. 8.2.7 Where possible, residential development should include Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) ready design so that the owner can add an ADU, such as a basement suite. Page 115 34 8.2.8 Notwithstanding Policies 8.2.6 to 8.2.7, ADUs will not be permitted within hazard lands or in areas that have no safe access. 8.3 Affordable Housing 8.3.1 The Municipality will collaborate with public and non-profit housing providers to encourage a supply of affordable housing units within the Plan area. 8.3.2 Affordable housing, including subsidized non-market housing units, are encouraged to be integrated within neighbourhoods and combined within developments that also provide market housing to encourage mixed-income communities. 8.3.3 Where redevelopment proposes to remove existing affordable housing units, the Municipality encourages their replacement within the new development. 8.3.4 Affordable housing is encouraged to locate near to existing and planned transit. 8.3.5 The provision of assisted and supportive housing by cooperative and non-profit housing associations is encouraged within the Plan area. The Municipality will work with Durham Region to identify opportunities and potential locations for assisted and supportive housing. 8.3.6 To facilitate the development of affordable housing units within the Plan area and in the Municipality, in accordance with Policy 8.3.2, developers shall provide either land or a contribution of funds to the Municipality for the development of affordable housing in the community. The Municipality may consider a reduction in contribution where affordable housing is provided as part of a development. 8.3.7 The contribution of funds will be facilitated through a contribution agreement between the Municipality and the developer. The agreement will be negotiated by Municipal staff prior to site plan approval. At the time of site plan approval, 50% of the funds will be paid, with the remaining 50% to be paid at the time of first building permit. 8.3.8 To support the provision of affordable housing units, the Municipality will explore other potential incentives such as reduced or deferred development charges, reduced application fees, grants, and loans, to encourage the development of affordable housing units. The reduction or deferral of development charges shall be done in consultation with the Region of Durham. The Municipality will also encourage Durham Region to consider financial incentives for affordable housing. 8.3.9 The Municipality will give priority to development approval applications which include affordable housing units, including those that are being funded by federal and provincial government programs or non-profit groups. 9.0 Mobility and Street Network Page 116 35 9.1 Objectives 9.1.1 To establish a well-designed, connected and accessible road network which enables safe, reliable and efficient movement throughout the community. 9.1.2 To foster an urban environment where walking, cycling and transit are viable and attractive alternatives to travel by automobile. 9.1.3 To support a fine-grained street grid pattern which appropriately defines development blocks, active transportation, and maximizes access to future transit. 9.1.4 To strengthen the active transportation network to encourage the uptake of more sustainable transportation methods, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle for residents. 9.1.5 To support a well-integrated transportation network which improves permeability of the urban fabric and supports connections to adjacent neighbourhoods and the surrounding natural heritage network. 9.2 Transportation Network 9.2.1 The transportation network will be developed generally as indicated on Schedule C. Development of the transportation network shall apply a complete streets approach, reflective of the planned Secondary Plan context of transit-oriented development and transit-supportive density with reduced automobile reliance. 9.2.2 The road network includes the following types of roads: a) Arterial Roads: Arterial Roads carry the highest volumes of traffic over long distances, are used as primary transit routes, and provide limited vehicular access to adjacent properties. Arterial Roads may be under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham or the Municipality. b) Collector Roads: Collector Roads provide for key linkages between Local Roads and Arterial Roads and are designed to carry moderate amounts of traffic over short distances. Collector Roads are under Municipal jurisdiction. c) Local Roads: Local Roads carry lower volumes of vehicular traffic and facilitate access to individual properties. Local Roads are under Municipal jurisdiction. d) Rear Lanes: Rear lanes provide access to private garages, parking spaces, and loading and servicing areas at the rear of buildings (such as an apartment or mixed use building). Rear lanes may be under Municipal jurisdiction or privately owned. 9.2.3 Design roads as complete streets to ensure that all modes of mobility can move along and cross them in a safer and more comfortable manner: motorists, transit users, Page 117 36 cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. Prioritize active modes of transportation and the quality of service for the most vulnerable users, including those with accessibility needs. 9.2.4 Design roads as significant public spaces such that they are enjoyable, comfortable and visually-appealing. Create environments which are human-scaled and inviting and can act as multifunctional public spaces that contribute strongly to a sense of place. 9.2.5 The existing grid of public streets shall be maintained and extended where possible. It is the Municipality’s policy to implement the following extensions of the grid system as required by transportation need and when funding is budgeted. This includes the extension of Church Street East through to connect with Galbraith Court. In addition, the Municipality will investigate the possible construction of private roads on the hospital lands in any hospital expansion. 9.2.6 Promote the safety and visibility of vulnerable road users through the use of street lighting, crosswalks, materials, and speed control measures such as speed humps and intersection bump-outs, particularly around neighbourhood destinations. 9.2.7 Incorporate green infrastructure, such as perforated pipes, rain gardens and bioswales, on public right-of-ways. 9.2.8 Incorporate landscaping treatments, such as trees, plants and flowerbeds, within the public boulevards to support urban drainage and maintenance of biodiversity. 9.2.9 Design Arterial, Collector and Local Roads to include a vibrant and healthy tree canopy. 9.2.10 All new and improved roads, public or private, will be built to be consistent with the requirements of the road authority having jurisdiction. 9.2.11 The conveyance of land consistent with the widening of the right-of-way may be required to permit development adjacent to roads. Additional dedication for road widenings may be required, such as for grading, drainage and stormwater management, auxiliary turn lanes, transit provisions and utilities. 9.2.12 The Municipality may require completion of transportation and traffic impact studies to complement submitted Draft Plans of Subdivision and/or Site Plans, or for phases of the Goodyear development. The timing for the need of these studies, as well as the scope of work should be reviewed with Municipal staff to confirm the approach and assumptions, but it is generally noted that the work will include a comprehensive and detailed assessment of traffic conditions, demand forecasts, traffic impacts, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures, improvement needs (road widenings, auxiliary turn lanes, traffic controls, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and transit provisions, as applicable), and basic design elements (e.g. turn lane storage lengths). Page 118 37 9.2.13 Wherever possible, development shall provide for joint parking and street access between abutting properties to facilitate the movement of vehicles and improve the supply of parking. In no case shall development preclude the possibility of shared parking and access being provided to adjoining properties at a future date. 9.2.14 To reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and enhance mobility options for residents and visitors, the Municipality shall review implementation of a Micro-mobility Program to permit single-person lightweight human- or electric-powered modes of travel, such as e-skateboards, e-bicycles, e-scooters and limited-speed motorcycles. 9.3 Arterial Roads 9.3.1 King Street and Liberty Street are classified as Type B Arterial Roads. Scugog Street north of King Street and Mearns Avenue are classified as Type C Arterial Roads. 9.3.2 Arterial Roads will be improved in accordance with Durham Region and Clarington requirements, as appropriate, and the policies of the Clarington Official Plan, including the Arterial Road design criteria. 9.3.3 Access directly onto King Street and Liberty Street will generally be prohibited. Access consolidation and joint accesses will be encouraged through development and redevelopment opportunities. Access from side streets and/or shared access with adjacent development should be provided. 9.3.4 The Municipality will implement various measures, subject to budgetary approval and in consultation with the Region of Durham, to enhance traffic operations, safety and capacity on King Street, and achieve the objectives of this Plan including: a) Improving road geometry, rationalizing lane arrangements, installing raised centre medians where appropriate and other design modifications; b) Widening sidewalks and incorporating streetscape enhancements to improve the pedestrian environment; c) Reviewing regulations for street parking; d) Adding additional traffic signals and optimizing traffic signal timing; e) Encouraging the relocation of undesirable private accesses; f) Investigating the designation of King Street as a controlled access road under the Municipal Act, 2001, and the closing of undesirable private accesses; and, g) Investigating of potential on-road or off-road cycling facilities along King Street East as identified on Schedule C. 9.3.5 Liberty Street South (Regional Road 14), from Baseline Road to King Street, is planned to be reconfigured from its current two-lane cross section to a three-lane cross section Page 119 38 with a new centre two-way left-turn lane, as identified in Municipality of Clarington and Region of Durham Transportation Master Plans. 9.3.6 Intersection spacing on Arterial Roads is limited in accordance with Durham Region guidelines and the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 9.4 Collector Roads 9.4.1 The following are classified as Collector Roads: a) Simpson Avenue; b) Church Street and Queen Street, between Scugog Street and Liberty Street; and, c) Scugog Street, between King Street and Queen Street. 9.4.2 Collector Roads will be designed in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan and the following standards: a) Prove a minimum of two through lanes and the road may include an auxiliary turning lane at junctions and intersections where required; b) Provide a multi-use path on one side of the road and a pedestrian sidewalk on the other; c) Landscaping and tree plantings are required within the right-of-way; d) Provide appropriate lighting to contribute to the safe function of the roadway as well as the safe and appropriate lighting of the pedestrian realm. e) Lighting should be downcast to reduce light pollution. f) Incorporate passive and physical traffic-calming measures where appropriate to reduce speeds and improve safety. 9.5 Local Roads 9.5.1 Local Roads shall be established in a modified rectilinear grid pattern to realize high levels of connectivity and permeability across the Plan area. Cul-de-sacs are generally not permitted. 9.5.2 Local Roads will be designed in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan and the following standards: a) Connect to Collector Roads and Local Roads. Permit direct connections to Type B and C Arterial Roads only if such intersections do not affect the operating conditions of the Arterial Road; b) Provide sidewalks as part of the right-of-way; c) Limit long blocks (over 250 metres), where possible, to facilitate walkability; Page 120 39 d) Provide appropriate lighting to contribute to the safe function of the roadway as well as the safe and appropriate lighting of the pedestrian realm. e) Lighting should be downcast to reduce light pollution. f) Incorporate passive and physical traffic-calming measures where appropriate to reduce speeds and improve safety. 9.6 Rear Lanes 9.6.1 Rear lanes will be located to provide access to a private garage or parking space at the rear of residential and commercial lots. They may be considered where it is either not desirable or possible to have driveways and garages fronting directly onto a road. 9.6.2 Rear lanes shall be designed in accordance with the road classification criteria in Appendix C, Table C-2 of the Clarington Official Plan. 9.6.3 In addition to their vehicular functions, rear lanes can serve as alternative pedestrian and cyclist routes which may supplement the more formalized active transportation network. 9.6.4 Public utilities may be located within rear lanes subject to functional and design standards established by the Municipality. Public rear lanes may provide access to service and maintenance vehicles for required uses and may include enhanced lane widths and turning radii to accommodate municipal vehicles as deemed necessary by the Municipality and the Region. 9.6.5 Within the East Business District, an integrated system of private rear lanes is encouraged to be provided through redevelopment to permit movement of passenger vehicles between adjoining commercial properties. The Municipality will encourage the transfer of easements by private land owners to secure access between abutting properties on internal lanes. 9.7 Public Transit 9.7.1 Public transit will help reduce automobile reliance and associated greenhouse gas emissions, facilitate the uptake of active transportation choices, enhance local and regional connectivity, and encourage the adoption of healthy and active lifestyles within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. 9.7.2 The location and design of streets, buildings and the public realm will consider the operation of public transit vehicles, and the ability for pedestrians and cyclists to have safe, convenient access to surface transit stops and designated waiting areas. 9.7.3 The location and design of transit stops should optimize pedestrian access to building entrances and community amenities, where possible. Page 121 40 9.7.4 Transit stops should accommodate appropriate amenities including transit shelters, street furniture, bike racks, and pedestrian-oriented lighting. Where feasible, the integration of transit waiting areas in buildings located adjacent to transit stops shall be considered to support existing and growing transit ridership. 9.7.5 The transit system, including transit stops and shelters, shall be planned and designed to be barrier free in order to be accessible to people with disabilities in accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). 9.7.6 Future public transit routes will generally follow the Arterial and Collector Road network as illustrated on Schedule C. Therefore, the delineation of Local Roads will facilitate easy and convenient connections for pedestrians and cyclists to these streets. 9.7.7 The Municipality shall continue to work with Durham Region and transit agencies to expedite the planning, design and construction of regional transit improvements, including monitoring future growth and service demand needs, planning for additional transit routes along the Arterial and Collector road network, and ensuring that sufficient space is protected for transit stops as part of Arterial rights-of-way. 9.7.8 The Municipality is supportive of the introduction of higher-order transit along the King Street, which is designated as a Regional Transit Spine under the Clarington Official Plan. 9.8 Active Transportation Network 9.8.1 The active transportation network will be improved by introducing additional improvements to pedestrian and cycling routes to expand mobility options and offer alternative modes of transport to move to and through the Bowmanville Urban Center, including connections with the surrounding neighbourhoods and natural heritage network. 9.8.2 The active transportation network includes both on- and off-street facilities including trails, multi-use paths, sidewalks, and cycle tracks and on-street bicycle lanes to accommodate all abilities and facilitate all self-powered forms of mobility and provide alternatives to automobile transportation lanes. The active transportation network will be delivered as shown on Schedule C. 9.8.3 The active transportation network shall prioritize connectivity to destinations such as natural heritage areas, parks, schools, community or institutional uses and high-traffic streets outside the Plan area boundaries. 9.8.4 A number of extensions to the cycling network are proposed throughout the Bowmanville Urban Centre. The preferred type and configuration of cycling facilities shall be subject to further study to determine their feasibility and shall be subject to the applicable Municipal and Regional technical design standards and Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18 Guidelines. These future extensions are identified in Schedule C. Page 122 41 9.8.5 Schedule C identifies a number of locations for Planned Cycling Infrastructure, where routes are currently under study or design development by the Municipality. This includes: a) King Street East between Ontario Street and Liberty Street; b) King Street East between Liberty Street and Mearns Avenue; and c) Liberty Street South south of King Street East. 9.8.6 A number of extensions to the trail network are proposed to enhance connectivity with existing trails within both the Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek valleylands. Trails serve as a key form of off-street connectivity and provide opportunities for a range of recreational activities. These future extensions are identified in Schedule C. 9.8.7 Trails shall be designed to allow for comfortable, two-way pedestrian passage, have multiple entry points, and be supported by a suite of amenities including, but not limited to, washroom facilities, benches and seating areas, signage and waste receptacles. 9.8.8 Certain proposed trail extensions fall within lands owned or regulated by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). The design and implementation of these facilities should be coordinated with the CLOCA and subject to requisite environmental and engineering studies to determine appropriate locations and design. 9.8.9 A number of extensions to the existing sidewalk network are proposed to supplement gaps within the existing pedestrian network, improve mobility and safety, and facilitate an increased walking mode share within the Plan area for trips to and from residences, institutions and local businesses. These future extensions are identified in Schedule C. 9.8.10 Any new street shall incorporate a sidewalk. 9.8.11 Owners of abutting properties are encouraged to provide pedestrian easements along mutual property lines to help establish a publicly-accessible network of mid-block connections. 9.8.12 Development should minimize conflicts between pedestrians and other road users through signage, appropriate grades, paved surface, surfacing width and delineation of rights-of-way, and well-designed transitions where facilities merge with roads. 10.0 Servicing 10.1 Objectives 10.1.1 To ensure all servicing and utility infrastructure complies with applicable Municipal and Regional standards, and that adequate servicing is available to support the intensification and development envisioned within the Plan area. Page 123 42 10.1.2 To ensure that stormwater management systems minimize stormwater runoff and mitigate the potential adverse impacts on natural environments through the use of low impact development (LID) principles and other quality and quantity control measures in accordance with Municipal, Regional and Provincial requirements. 10.2 Municipal Services 10.2.1 All new development within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre will be serviced by municipal water and sewer services and storm water management facilities. 10.2.2 Development will not exceed the capacity of existing municipal servicing infrastructure within and external to the Plan area. Where improvements and/or upgrades to existing municipal infrastructure, or new municipal servicing infrastructure, is planned for implementation, timing and/or phasing of development will be coordinated with such planned new, improved and/or upgraded infrastructure so as to streamline the land use planning, infrastructure planning and infrastructure investment process. 10.2.3 New development will proceed based on the sequential extension of full municipal services in accordance with the municipal capital works program. 10.2.4 Where infrastructure capacity is inadequate to support proposed and planned growth, development will be required to provide upgrades and/or improvements to municipal servicing infrastructure, and new municipal servicing infrastructure, where appropriate, to provide adequate capacity. Landowners will be required to work with the Municipality and the Regional Municipality of Durham to develop a plan for the phasing of extensions to existing services at the time an application for draft plan of subdivision is submitted. 10.2.5 The upgrades and/or improvements to, or new, municipal servicing infrastructure may be secured in a servicing agreement entered into between various landowners to identify cost-sharing obligations, coordination on construction of such infrastructure, cost and implementation. 10.2.6 Development proponents and the Municipality will seek to incorporate infrastructure and utilities in a manner that is sensitive to the quality of the public realm and reduce the impact of development on hydrologic and ecological systems. 10.2.7 Wherever possible, watermain extensions to the existing systems should be designed in grid patterns. Dead-end watermains should be avoided for improved water quality. Watermain looping will be required either through public streets or servicing easements. 10.2.8 Sanitary collection system shall be designed, constructed and commissioned by incorporating best practices to reduce infiltration and inflow into the sewers. Page 124 43 10.3 Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development 10.3.1 Proposed stormwater management quality, quantity, erosion control and water balance for ground water and natural systems shall be assessed during the development approval process to determine the impact on the natural heritage system and environmental features. 10.3.2 Development will be encouraged to use Low Impact Development (LID) measures intended to minimize stormwater runoff and to manage stormwater on-site. 10.3.3 The submission of the following plans and reports are required to determine the impact of stormwater quality/quantity, erosion and water balance of the proposed development: a) Stormwater Management Report and Plan; b) Erosion and Sediment Control Plan; c) Servicing Plans; d) Grading Plans; e) Geotechnical reports; f) Hydrogeologic reports; and g) Other technical reports as deemed necessary. 10.3.4 The Stormwater Management Report and Plan identified in Policy 10.3.3 will apply a range of stormwater management practices including Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to ensure water quality control, baseflow management, water temperature control and the protection of aquatic habitat. The Stormwater Management Report and Plan shall explore and consider the feasibility of, and opportunities to, implement such LID measures as: a) Permeable hardscaping; b) Bioretention areas; c) Exfiltration systems; d) Bioswales and infiltration trenches; e) Third pipe systems; f) Vegetation filter strips; g) Green roofs (multi-unit buildings); h) Rainwater harvesting systems; and i) Other potential measures. 10.3.5 Stormwater management plans shall adhere to the targets and requirements outlined in the Soper Creek Subwatershed Study and the Bowmanville / Soper Creek 2020 Watershed Plan Update, where applicable. Page 125 44 10.3.6 Stormwater management for all development will be undertaken on a volume control basis and demonstrate the maintenance of recharge rates, flow paths and water quality to the greatest extent possible. Peak flow control and the maintenance of pre- development water balance will be demonstrated. 10.3.7 Development proposals will demonstrate the use of an adequate volume of amended topsoil or equivalent system to improve surface porosity and permeability over all turf and landscaped areas beyond 3 metres of a building foundation and beyond tree protection areas. 10.4 Utilities 10.4.1 The Municipality encourages utility providers such as hydroelectric power, communications/telecommunications facilities and utilities, broadband fibre optics, and natural gas to ensure that sufficient infrastructure is or will be in place to serve the Plan area. 10.4.2 The Municipality will promote utilities to be planned for and installed in common trenches, where feasible, in a coordinated and integrated manner in order to be more efficient, cost effective, and minimize disruption. 10.4.3 Telecommunications/communications utilities, electrical stations or sub-stations, mail boxes or super mail boxes and similar facilities should be incorporated and built into architectural and landscaping features, rather than being freestanding. Where feasible, these will be compatible with the appearance of adjacent uses and include anti-graffiti initiatives, and not be located in a municipally owned park. 10.4.4 Future development shall consider the visual impact and location of existing above and below-grade utilities including telephone, hydro, water and natural gas. 10.4.5 Future development is encouraged to implement buried utilities. 10.4.6 Utilities, infrastructure and servicing shall be located so as not to interfere with existing trees, mature tree growth or landscaping. 11.0 Cultural and Built Heritage 11.1 Objectives 11.1.1 To promote a culture of conservation that recognizes the significance of cultural and built heritage resources and their contribution to the character of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. 11.1.2 To incorporate cultural heritage resources into community design and development. Page 126 45 11.2 General Policies 11.2.1 Where possible, the Municipality will seek the retention, conservation and/or rehabilitation of cultural heritage resources in their original locations and for their original uses within the Plan area, as appropriate. Where it is not possible to retain the original uses, adaptive re-use of heritage buildings shall be encouraged. 11.2.2 New development should achieve a compatible relationship with cultural heritage resources in their context through consideration of elements such as urban scale, building height, massing, materiality, profile and architectural character and expression. 11.2.3 Development on or adjacent to a cultural heritage resource identified on the Municipality’s Heritage Resource List is subject to evaluation through a Heritage Impact Assessment to the satisfaction of Municipal staff. 11.2.4 Development within the Goodyear Lands shall aim to retain the industrial heritage character of the former factory complex. Where possible, adaptive re-use of the existing factory buildings is encouraged. 11.2.5 The industrial and commercial history of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre should be incorporated into the design of the public realm through landscaping, lighting, signage, heritage interpretation installations, public art, and other appropriate forms. 12.0 Implementation and Interpretation 12.1 Implementation 12.1.1 The policies of this Plan will inform decisions related to development of the lands within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Plan area. The policies of this Plan will be implemented by exercising the powers conferred upon the Municipality by the Planning Act, the Municipal Act and any other applicable statues, and in accordance with the applicable policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 12.1.2 A Zoning By-law will implement the policies of this Plan. 12.1.3 The Municipality will monitor the policies of this Secondary Plan as part of the regular Official Plan review and propose updates as deemed necessary. 12.1.4 An existing use of land, building or structure which is lawfully in existence prior to the passage of the implementing Zoning By-law and which does not conform to this Secondary Plan, but continues to be used for such purposes, shall be deemed to be legal non-conforming. Page 127 46 12.1.5 Non-conforming uses, legal or otherwise, shall be encouraged to relocate or redevelop so that the subject land may be used in conformity with the policies of this Secondary Plan and the provisions of the implementing Zoning By-law. 12.1.6 Inherent to this Secondary Plan is the principle of flexibility, provided that the general intent and structure of the Plan are maintained to the satisfaction of the Municipality. As such, it is the intent of the Municipality to permit some flexibility in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan in the interpretation of the policies, regulations and numerical requirements of this Plan except where this Plan is explicitly intended to be prescriptive, such as those regarding minimum densities and minimum and maximum heights. 12.1.7 No development is permitted within the Goodyear Lands Character Area until a Record of Site Condition has been provided to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington. A holding provision shall be included within the implementing zoning by-law. 12.1.8 Any proposed development with a building height taller than 9 storeys within 1000 metres of the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital may be required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Municipality in consultation with Lakeridge Health, that there will be no negative impacts on the long-term function of the heliport. 12.1.9 Once the flight path for the heliport has been determined, only proposed development within the flight path will be subject to policy 12.1.8. 12.1.10 A Sustainability Report is required to be submitted along with any development applications for lands in the Secondary Plan area. The report should indicate how the development meets the sustainable development principles and policies of this Plan, the Clarington Official Plan, and the Priority Green Development Standards, and should address sustainable community, site, and building design. 12.1.11 The Urban Design Guidelines are contained as an appendix (Appendix A) to this Plan. The Urban Design Guidelines provide guidelines for both the public and private sectors. They indicate the Municipality of Clarington’s expectations with respect to the character, quality and form of development in the Bowmanville East Urban Centre community. The Demonstration Plan illustrates one manner of implementing the planning principles of the Secondary Plan. The Urban Design Guidelines and Demonstration Plan have been approved by Council, however, do not require an amendment to implement an alternative design solution, or solutions at any time in the future. 12.1.12 Engineering infrastructure must follow the schedule within the Municipality’s and Region’s capital budget. 12.1.13 Development applications for lands abutting the Arterial Roads shown in Schedule C shall require that lands be dedicated for road widenings, as determined by the Municipality and the Region. Page 128 47 12.1.14 Approval of development applications are conditional upon commitments from the appropriate authorities and the proponents of development to the timing and funding of the required road and transportation facilities, parks and community facilities. These works will be provided for in the subdivision and site plan agreements. Phasing of the development, based on the completion of the external road works, may be required by the Municipality of Clarington. 12.1.15 Approval of development applications are conditional upon commitments from the appropriate authorities and the proponents of development to the timing and funding of required stormwater management, sanitary sewer and water supply facilities. These works will be provided for in subdivision and site plan agreements. Phasing of development, based on the completion of external sewer and water services, may be implemented if required by the Municipality of Clarington. 12.1.16 Development applications which require an archaeological study are required to engage First Nations in the Stage One Archaeological Assessment process and to notify First Nations expediently if archaeological artifacts are discovered. 12.1.17 Notwithstanding any other policy in this Plan to the contrary, inclusive of Section 5.3.3, on those lands with municipal addresses of 139 and 151 Wellington Street, 194- 196, 198, 200, 204, 208, and 210-212 Church Street, and 35, 37-39 Scugog Street, having an area of approximately 1.28 hectares, development shall achieve an overall minimum density of 150 units per net hectare. 12.2 Interpretation 12.2.1 The Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan aligns with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. The policies of this Plan, along with Schedules and Appendices must be read and interpreted in conjunction with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 12.2.2 In the event of a conflict between the Clarington Official Plan and this Plan, the policies of this Secondary Plan prevail. 12.2.3 The boundaries shown the Schedules to this Plan are approximate, except where they meet with existing roads, valleys or other clearly defined physical features. Where the general intent of this Secondary Plan is maintained to the satisfaction of the Municipality, minor boundary adjustments will not require an amendment to this Secondary Plan. 12.2.4 Where examples of permitted uses are listed under any specific land use designation, they are intended to provide examples of possible uses. Other similar uses may be permitted provided they conform to the intent and all applicable provisions of this Secondary Plan. Page 129 Schedule A: Community Structure and Charcter Areas Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan January 2025 Legend Secondary Plan Boundary Regional Centre Boundary -Environmental Protection Area -Neighbourhood Park -Parkettes Historic Downtown East Business District Downtown Corridor Residential Neighbourhoods Goodyear Lands - King Street Corridor I iberty Street Corridor Gateways Prominent Intersections Page 130 Schedule B: Land Use Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan January 2025 Legend Secondary Plan Boundary Regional Centre Boundary Environmental Protection Area -Neighbourhood Park -Parkettes Mixed Use Area High Density Residenbal Medium Density Residential Low Density Residennal lnstilutional School Future School Gateways Prominent Intersections Page 131 Schedule C: Transportation and Open Space Network Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan January 2025 Page 132 Municipality of Clarington Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines May 2024 Attachment 1c to PDS-006-25 Page 133 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan2 Contents 1.0 Introduction 4 Purpose of the Guidelines 4 Interpretation 4 2.0 Vision and Guiding Principles 5 3.0 Community Structure 6 3.1 King Street – Main Spine 6 3.2 Character Areas 10 3.3 Parks and Open Spaces 10 3.2 Visually Prominent Locations and Gateways 10 4.0 Built Form 12 4.1 Siting and Orientation 12 4.2 Building Design and Articulation 13 4.2.1 Entrances 14 4.2.2 Street Activation and Ground Level Design 16 4.2.3 Podium/Street Wall 18 4.2.4 Tall Buildings (9+ storeys) 20 4.2.5 Transition 22 4.3 Visually Prominent Locations 24 4.4 Pedestrian Circulation 25 4.5 Vehicular Access, Loading, Storage and Waste Areas 25 4.6 Vehicle Parking 25 5.0 Public Realm 26 5.1 General Public Realm Guidelines 26 5.2 Streets 26 5.2.1 General Street Guidelines 27 5.2.2 King Street 28 5.2.3 Temperance Street 30 5.2.4 Streets with Active Transportation Links 32 5.3 Public Open Spaces 34 5.3.1 General Public Space Guidelines 34 5.3.2 Civic Green Parks 34 5.3.3 Public Squares and Parkettes 36 5.3.4 Slivers and Connections 38 5.4 Multi-Use Paths 40 5.5 Schools 41 Page 134 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 3 6.0 Natural and Cultural Heritage 42 6.1 Natural Heritage/Valleyland 42 6.2 Cultural Heritage 42 7.0 Character Areas 44 7.1 Goodyear Lands Character Area 44 7.1.1 Street and Block Network 46 7.1.2 Parks and Open Space Network 48 7.1.3 Built Form 50 7.2 Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area 54 7.2.1 Siting and Orientation 54 7.2.2 Building Design and Articulation 54 7.2.1 Vehicular Access and Parking 54 Page 135 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan4 1.0 Introduction Purpose of the Guidelines The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide urban design standards and expectations for public and private development in the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The Guidelines articulate a ‘how-to’ for the vision and policies of the Secondary Plan. The Guidelines promote new development that achieves the following: • Protects and enhances the natural heritage system and celebrates those features within the community; • Maintains, enhances and expands a vibrant, walkable and complete community; • Ensures buildings, streets, parks, and open spaces are of a high design standard contributing to memorable public and private realms; and • Promotes health and safety by prioritizing active transportation as the primary, day-to-day choice for moving around. The Guidelines will be used to guide and evaluate public and private development initiatives. They will be used by: • Municipal council and committees to evaluate if an application meets the Municipality’s vision for development in Bowmanville East Urban Centre; • Municipal staff and external agencies when reviewing private development applications, and, as a framework to guide Municipal studies and projects; • The development industry, including but not limited to landowners, developers, and consultants, to guide and shape development proposals; and • The public to understand the vision for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, and the benefits of urban design in their community. Interpretation The Guidelines provide further elaboration and guidance of the policies of the Clarington Official Plan (Official Plan) and the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan as they relate to matters of urban design, including community structure, public realm, site design, and built form. The Guidelines are to be read in conjunction with: • The Official Plan, particularly Section 5: Creating Vibrant and Sustainable Places and Section 9: Livable Neighbourhoods; • The Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan; • The Clarington Zoning By-law; • The Clarington General Architectural Design Guidelines; • The Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High- Density Residences; • The Landscape Design Guidelines; • The Lighting Guidelines; and, • Priority Green Development Framework and The Implementation Plan. These Guidelines establish good general urban design practices applicable across the Bowmanville East Urban Centre and all of its conditions, with a focus on infill, redevelopment and intensification. The Clarington General Architectural Design Guidelines will be more applicable to low-rise, house-form development in the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area. The Guidelines will be used as a tool to guide and evaluate planning applications including draft plan of subdivision, zoning, site plan control, and minor variance, at the discretion of the Municipality of Clarington, to ensure that high levels of urban design are achieved. Page 136 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 5 2.0 Vision and Guiding Principles Vision Bowmanville East Urban Centre will be a vibrant, livable and sustainable community. Bowmanville East will embody a unique identity, one which celebrates and values its historic character while evolving and adapting to meet the needs of future generations. It will maintain and build on the existing urban fabric, while accommodating opportunities for gradual growth and change. The Bowmanville East Urban Centre will feature a mix of uses of varying intensity, including residential, commercial, employment, open space and institutional uses, in order to meet the everyday needs of both existing and future residents. A variety of housing, businesses, and essential services will be located within the Urban Centre, helping shape Bowmanville East into a retail, tourism and civic destination—welcoming people of all ages, incomes and abilities to live, work and play New infill buildings will be developed at appropriate and complementary heights and densities and implement transitions to the existing built form. The redevelopment of the Goodyear Lands will provide an exciting opportunity to repurpose former industrial lands for the establishment of a new higher-density, mixed use community. It will provide a cohesive and walkable public realm, comprised of a network of ecologically-rich parks, open spaces, and multimodal streetscapes. These will introduce additional opportunities for greenery, public art and active transportation, encouraging users to explore and interact with the community. The natural heritage system, including the valleylands adjacent to the Bowmanville and Soper Creeks, will be preserved, enhanced and connected. Finally, the Bowmanville East Urban Centre is envisioned as an inclusive and forward-thinking community. This includes support for affordable housing targets and a wide range of housing options to meet the varied needs of residents. Development will be designed to minimize environmental impact, adopt sustainable building technologies and support greater urban resilience in pursuit of a post-carbon future. Guiding Principles The following principles form the core tenets of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan. Together with the vision, these principles will guide decision-making as the Secondary Plan is prepared and implemented. Provide Housing Choice and Affordability Improve Connections Diversify Open Spaces Maintain Historical Character Establish An Active Street Wall Promote a Sense of Place Create a Sustainable Future Page 137 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan6 3.0 Community Structure This section provides an overview of the key urban design drivers that shape the overall approach to the physical character and form of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The structuring elements, below, include: • King Street – Main Spine • Character Areas • Parks and Open Spaces • Gateways and Visually Prominent Intersections An overview of the key objectives of each structuring element is provided to show, at a high level, how it shapes design responses. They should be read in conjunction with the other Guidelines. 3.1 King Street – Main Spine King Street is the traditional main street of Bowmanville. It has been, and will continue to be, the principal thoroughfare and the retail/civic heart of the community. At its western end, the historic blocks of the downtown are characterized by a 2 to 3 storey street wall continuously along the street edge, ground floor retail, mixed uses above, and tree-lined pedestrian-friendly sidewalks. This successful model will be continued to the east, presently characterized by auto-oriented development, so that over time, the entire length of King Street will become an active, walkable main spine lined by great buildings. The King Street corridor is the focal point for higher densities and mixed uses, which are key ingredients of a compact, complete community. An enhanced streetscape environment is envisioned to support active transportation, create a vibrant and attractive public realm, and provide connectivity to Bowmanville and Soper Creeks. Key Objectives • Focus the greatest mix of uses, highest densities, and tallest buildings towards King Street. • Provide for frequent pedestrian linkages to King Street, through a finely scaled grid pattern of streets, mid-block connections and direct building entrances. • Development facing King Street shall be of the highest design and architectural quality, with a focus on active uses at ground level and pedestrian scale street edges. • Public realm landscaping will provide wide sidewalks supporting large street trees and places for retail to spill out, with beautiful paving and furniture. 3.2 Character Areas The urban areas outside of the creek valleys have been classified into different development typologies, or Character Areas, based on existing conditions and development forms, as well as on planned character, role and function. The Character Areas provide a general framework for the continued evolution of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. Some Character Areas are intended for significant revitalization, some allow for modest change and intensification that maintains the existing identity, and some will not see significant change. While the principles of good urban design set out in these Guidelines apply across all Character Areas, there are some specific guidelines that apply to individual Character Areas. East Business District Currently typified by low density, automobile- oriented uses, this area can accommodate the greatest intensification, accompanied by investment in a high quality public realm that provides the outdoor amenity space for the new population. Key Objectives • Re-orientation of new buildings to line King Street, with retail at ground level and other uses above. Parking is screened from view. • New Parkettes, Public Squares, Sliver Parks, Mid-block Connections, and streetscape enhancements will be sprinkled throughout, providing recreational amenities. One larger Public Square is intended to function as a neighbourhood focal point and gathering area. Page 138 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 7 Figure 01: King Street - Main Spine Page 139 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan8 • Potential redevelopment of the Lakeridge Health Centre supports great streetscapes and provides a supportive community anchor. • Potential redevelopment of the Bowmanville Mall should create a complete new neighbourhood, with a fine-grained grid of streets, new public parks, and a mix of retail, residential and other uses. Downtown Corridor Currently a mix of street related and automobile- oriented uses, this area is a transition between the Historic Downtown Character Area and the East Business District Character Area. Sensitive infill and redevelopment will preserve the best of the street related buildings while adding density. Key Objectives • Re-orientation of new buildings to line King Street, with retail at ground level and other uses above. Parking is screened from view. • New Parkettes, Public Squares, Sliver Parks, Mid-block Connections, and streetscape enhancements will be sprinkled throughout, providing recreational amenities. One larger Public Square is intended to function as a neighbourhood focal point and gathering area. • Preservation of historic and character-defining buildings along King Street wherever possible. • Sensitive transitions to historic and surrounding low-rise buildings. Historic Downtown A vibrant, cohesive and continuous historic streetscape will be preserved. New development is encouraged to support the diversity of business and cultural destinations, but must maintain the heritage character. Overall building heights will be lower. Key Objectives • New development will infill street wall gaps and maintain the street wall heights. Building additions will be stepped back from the street edge and have a compatible architectural character that maintains the focus on historic streetscapes. • Investment in King Street, Temperance Street and the Clarington Museum and Archives site will create new amenities for the area and flexible civic gathering areas. • Sensitive transitions to historic and surrounding low-rise buildings. Residential Neighbourhoods The Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area captures established low rise communities around the edges of the downtown and King Street. They are primarily residential with some small scale retail. These areas can accommodate modest intensification and a greater diversity of housing forms in low rise building forms while maintaining their existing character. Key Objectives • Infill development will maintain a low rise character at the street edge. • Additions will maintain house form massing along the streetscape, with taller elements set well back. Goodyear Lands Character Area The Goodyear Lands Character Area has tremendous potential to develop as an exciting district within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, complementing the downtown, while being a complete community unto itself. Key Objectives • New street and block pattern ties into existing streets and blocks to create a seamless integration with the urban fabric. • A central public open space spine Parkette links Queen Street with the Bowmanville Creek and is the focal point for the district, enhancing the connectivity of the park network for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. • New retail at the district’s heart creates lively streets and supports local residents. • A mix of building forms, with taller buildings located closer to the Bowmanville Creek at the heart of the district transitions to lower buildings adjacent to the existing surrounding neighbourhood. • The site’s industrial heritage is celebrated through appropriate preservation and interpretive strategies. Page 140 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 9 Figure 02: Character Areas Page 141 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan10 3.3 Parks and Open Spaces Parks and open spaces include the Bowmanville and Soper Creek valleys, as well as existing and future formal parks and plaza spaces. They are highly accessible to the community through the well- connected grid pattern of streets. They support community gathering and recreation as well as ecological and hydrological functions. They are green lungs that complement the urban character of the community. Key Objectives • Each Character Area (other than the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area) is intended to have a central public open space and gathering area, each with a unique role and character. • New Parkettes and other open spaces will be established through new development. As such, their locations will be opportunistic and proceed at the pace of new development. • New open spaces will be located along streets where they are highly visible and accessible to the community. • New development will front, face and feature open spaces. • Open spaces will be designed and programmed to promote accessibility and usage for all. Together, the network of open spaces will provide a diversity of experiences and recreation. 3.4 Visually Prominent Locations and Gateways Visually prominent locations are unique and special because the public realm and buildings at these locations has an important role to play in defining the overall image and character of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. Because they are so visible, the quality of design should be elevated, creating memorable landmarks and experiences. Gateways mark the threshold of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre along King Street, the primary spine of the community. The Bowmanville Creek and Soper Creek valleys bookend the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, and the passage through the valleys, over the bridges, and into a pedestrian-scaled, urban environment establish special gateway experiences unique in Clarington. There are several locations along King Street where it intersects with other busy or important streets that create visually Prominent Intersections, where it is appropriate for buildings to have enhanced architectural features and for the public realm to provide enhanced pedestrian amenities. The alignment of the street network, including the interface of different street grid orientations, creates View Terminus sites that are focal points of long views. Because of their visual prominence, these locations should also have enhanced built form and public realm features. Key Objectives • Create gateways along King Street at each end of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The gateway experience should include the streetscape experience transitioning from the creek valleys into the downtown area. • Gateways and visually prominent locations should feature landmark characteristics in building design and landscape, for example through enhanced planting, decorative paving, additional seating and street furniture, taller building elements, main building entrances that are aligned to view corridors, active uses, and location of public open spaces. Page 142 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 11 Figure 03: Parks and Open Spaces Figure 04: Gateways and Visually Prominent Locations Page 143 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan12 4.0 Built Form The following guidelines apply to the lots and parcels that make up the residential, commercial, employment and institutional uses of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. They include guidance on overall site layout inclusive of building location, site access and circulation, as well as on building design, with the goal of creating attractive, interesting and pedestrian-scaled streetscapes. The core principles of the Built Form guidelines should also be applied to the development of publicly owned buildings such as schools, halls, community centres and the like. 4.1 Siting and Orientation • The primary facade of buildings should be located at or close to the street line (right of way) and generally be parallel to it, creating a well-defined street edge. • In the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area, buildings should be set back consistently with the predominant setback on the block. • Where public open spaces are provided, such as Public Squares, Parkettes, forecourts, or patios, buildings should be sited to define the edges of the public space. • Buildings shall be oriented to and address public streets and urban open spaces with a frontal appearance inclusive of windows and building entrances. Where buildings front onto more than one public street or open space, all building facades shall have a frontal appearance. • Along King Street, buildings should be continuous along its frontage. • Locate taller buildings to minimize overlook and shadow impacts on public open space and the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area. Figure 05: Buildings are sited to define street edges. The mid- rise building has retail at ground level and is located beside the sidewalk (right). The townhouse units have small front yard zones (left). A small setback (bottom) provides a public space at the building entrance and for retail spill-out. Figure 06: Buildings line the street edge. Over time, as properties redevelop, a continuous street wall will be created. Figure 07: Buildings can be set back from the street edge where they create public spaces or amenities. Page 144 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 13 4.2 Building Design and Articulation • Building massing should be articulated through vertical and horizontal recesses or projections, datum lines, and changes in plane, materials, texture or colour. • A rhythm of vertical elements, such as bays, columns, window alignments, entrances and/or datum lines should be provided for all buildings with over 12 metres of frontage to create a fine- grained character and human scale. • All facades facing public streets and open spaces should be consistent in their design and materials. No blank walls or reduced material quality is permitted facing streets. • Building materials should be chosen for their functional and aesthetic quality and exterior finishes should exhibit quality of workmanship, longevity, sustainability and ease of maintenance. • Change of materials should coincide with defined architectural elements such as projections, datum lines, and bays in the facade. Materials should wrap corners. Building design should incorporate distinct base, middle and top portions in order to visually break up vertical massing and help establish pedestrian scale. The scale of the base, middle and top may vary; the design principles are equally applicable to a 2 storey building or a tall building. Base Portion Provide visual interest through the materials, colours, fenestration, articulation and architectural detailing in order to reinforce a pedestrian scale environment at street level and mark a distinct base or transition to ground level. Middle Portion The middle portion of the building is usually the largest component. Variation in the design and articulation of this portion of the building should promote visual interest and contribute to the overall streetscape. Top Portion The top portion of the building, which may include the upper storeys as well as the roof profile, should contribute to the visual identity of the building and create a cap at the skyline. Rooftop mechanical systems should be integrated with the primary façade expression or concealed into the roof design. Figure 08: Base, Middle and Top Page 145 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan14 4.2.1 Entrances • Primary building entrances should address primary streets and should be clearly articulated and expressed in the façade composition. Secondary entrances are encouraged on all streets. • Emphasize entrances with architectural forms and detailing such as changes in height and massing, projection, shadow, punctuation, materials, and change in roofline. Modest variation in height, setback and/or step backs are appropriate. • Ensure main entrances to public buildings, offices, and residential lobbies are weather protected through use of canopies, awnings or recesses. • Ensure the grading of entrance areas and transitions from inside to outside are barrier free and accessible. Page 146 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 15 Figure 09: The main entrance is emphasized through massing, roof profile, and material expression in the facade, with a forecourt in front. Figure 10: The main building entrance is emphasized through a central, taller massing element clad in an accent material. The entrance is a double height volume, and recessed for weather protection. Figure 11: The building entrance is covered, with a small forecourt. The architectural expression above (balconies, brick) changes. Page 147 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan16 Figure 12: Priority Retail Frontages 4.2.2 Street Activation and Ground Level Design • Provide active uses at ground level to promote indoor-outdoor activity. Prioritize retail, commercial or institutional uses that generate pedestrian activity. • Commercial frontages, and all frontages along King Street, shall have a minimum ground floor height of 4.5 metres. • Animated ground level facades shall be created through substantial transparency and frequent entrances. Retail • Retail uses are preferred along King Street, and within the heart of the Historic Downtown and Goodyear Lands Character Areas. Refer to the Priority Retail Frontages diagram (Figure 12). • Retail uses shall incorporate a minimum of 75% transparency along their frontages. • Retail display windows shall be located as close to the street line as possible. Avoid deep columns, recesses or building projections that screen retail windows from view along the sidewalk. • If a building is setback from the street line, the setback zone shall be designed as an extension of the public sidewalk, and may include an additional row of street trees and street furniture as space permits. Retail or café spill out is encouraged. Residential • Units at ground level shall be designed with individual entrance doors from the unit to the street, and their individuality expressed in the façade design. • The setback zone in front of ground level units shall be designed as a traditional front yard area, with a walkway, porch or stoop, low walls and landscaping, and other elements to create a semi-private transition. • A generous pedestrian connection should be provided from the street edge to residential lobbies. Seating and planting framing the entrance area is encouraged. • Live-work zoning is encouraged. Page 148 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 17 Figure 13: The retail uses extend along the street edge, with a high degree of transparency. Figure 14: Ground level units are individually articulated in the architectural expression. Each has a direct entrance to the adjacent sidewalk with a small front yard transition zone. Page 149 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan18 Maximum Podium Height 3-Storey 3m Step-Back Minimum Podium Height 2-Storey 3m Step-Back Maximum Podium Height 4-Storey Minimum Podium Height 3-Storey Figure 15: Podium Street Wall in the Downtown Corridor, East Business District and Goodyear Lands Character Areas Figure 16: Podium Street Wall in the Historic Downtown Character Area 4.2.3 Podium/Street Wall New development should establish a consistent street edge definition adjacent to the public realm. With the exception of the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area, this will be a continuous street wall along street frontages, where each development is built to the lot line or to public spaces such as mid-block connections or parkettes. Taller buildings will be designed with a podium to create the street wall. Downtown Corridor, East Business District, and the Goodyear Lands Character Areas • For buildings greater than 4 storeys, provide a minimum 3.0 metre step back to taller portions of the building above the 3rd to 4th storey,. Historic Downtown Character Area • For buildings greater than 3 storeys, provide a minimum 3.0 metre step back to taller portions of the building above the 2nd or 3rd storey. Page 150 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 19 Figure 17: This building has a 4 storey podium. Above the podium the building is stepped back. This is appropriate for the Downtown Corridor, East Business District and Goodyear Lands Character Areas. Figure 18: In the Historic Downtown Character Area, podiums should be 2 to 3 storeys in height to match the existing context. Above the podium the building is stepped back. Page 151 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan20 Figure 19: Mechanical penthouses set back from the egde of the building have an architectural expression different from, but consistent with, the facade, while contributing to an interesting skyline. 4.2.4 Tall Buildings (9+ storeys) Tall buildings have a responsibility to ensure their design qualities benefit the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. The increased population that tall buildings provide must be served by public realm benefits such as new open space, high quality streets with amenities, and increased material quality. Taller buildings must mitigate their height and bulk to maintain sky view and sunlight access to surrounding streets, open spaces and properties. • The tower portions of tall buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 25 metres. • Tall buildings shall provide a minimum of 12.5 metres of separation to the property lines of adjacent sites with development potential. • Tower floorplates of residential buildings shall not exceed 750 square metres in area. • Variation in the podium massing and articulation is encouraged, for example, to express the massing of the tower element to ground level. • The top level(s) of the building must contribute to the creation of an attractive skyline through massing, materials and architectural treatment • Mechanical penthouses should set back 5 metres from the edge of the building and incorporate a high-quality architectural expression, or where not set back, be designed to be fully integrated with the primary façade massing, expression and materials. Page 152 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 21 Figure 20: This mechanical penthouse is fully integrated with the architectural expression to create a dynamic skyline profile. Page 153 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan22 4.2.5 Transition New development should provide a transition to Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas, to avoid abrupt changes in scale and significant overshadowing, and to provide privacy and sky view for those properties. There are a variety of design strategies that can be employed, such as: • Locate the tallest buildings away from Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas. • Shadows from new development should not adversely impact the rear yards of Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas. • Where new development is located with a flankage (side yard) relationship to Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas within the Regional Centre, the massing of new development should be 3-4 storeys adjacent to those areas, with taller massing set back. This provides a compatible scale along the streetscape. • Where new development is located with a flankage (side yard) relationship to Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas outside of the Regional Centre, the massing of new development should be 2-3 storeys adjacent to those areas, with taller massing set back. This provides a compatible scale along the streetscape. • Where new development backs onto the rear yards of Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas, a buffer should be provided: –Spatial buffer: a separation between the property line and the new building massing should be provided. The separation should include a landscape buffer (below), but could also include driveways, parking, or outdoor amenity space; –Landscape buffer: an opaque fence and buffer landscaping, inclusive of groundcover, shrub and small or large tree planting should be provided. • New development that fronts onto a street with a Neighbourhood Residential Character Area across the street could be up to 4 storeys in height, with taller massing set back. This provides a compatible scale across the streetscape while allowing for an increase in scale for the development site. • Provide architectural design features in the podium that reference the design of the Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas, such as setbacks, materiality (e.g. brick), and datum lines. Page 154 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 23 Figure 21: Built Form Transition for Flankage Conditions Figure 22: Built Form Transition for Rear Yard Conditions Figure 23: Built Form Transition for Frontage Conditions Page 155 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan24 Figure 24: The building addresses both streets with a frontal appearance. The round architectural form at the corner creates a landmark appropriate for Prominent Intersections. Figure 25: Taller building elements are encouraged at visually prominent locations. 4.3 Visually Prominent Locations Visually prominent locations include Gateways, Prominent Intersections, and View Terminus sites, as well as the edges of other important locations such as public open spaces and natural features, that because of their high visibility and role in defining the public realm, have increased importance in contributing to the image and character of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. As such, the design of the public and private realm should be enhanced. • New development and landscaping will frame rather than block public views of prominent natural features, view termini, landmark buildings, public art and other prominent downtown features. • At Prominent Intersection sites, develop both street facing facades as front elevations with pronounced entrances oriented to the corner and/or the primary streets. • Taller building elements at Prominent Intersections and View Terminus locations are encouraged, such as small towers, rotundas, porticos, change in building plane, special rooflines, public art, and street wall height exceptions, where those elements exhibit: –compatibility with adjacent context, including appropriate scale; –compatibility with the principal building expression; and, –Design excellence. • Along King Street, at Prominent Intersections and View Terminus sites, podium height at the focal point may be up to 6 storeys for a distance of 10 metres along both street frontages. Taller architectural features are encouraged. • Enhanced quality of materials and detailing is encouraged. • Surface parking lots visible from the street edge are not appropriate. 10m 10m Figure 26: Increased podium heights are encouraged at visually prominent locations to provide distinctive architectural features. Page 156 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 25 4.4 Pedestrian Circulation • Pedestrian circulation networks should be clear, direct and barrier-free and incorporate pedestrian amenities where appropriate. • Clear and accessible pedestrian walkways should be provided from the sidewalk to the main entrance of each building. • Pedestrian walkways should be well defined and provide direct connection to public open spaces, parking areas, other building entrances, transit shelters and adjacent developments. • Pedestrian walkways (may include public sidewalks) should be provided along the full length of the building along any façade including consolidated residential lobbies, individual at- grade residential unit entrances, and along any façade abutting parking areas. • Internal pedestrian walkways should be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of concrete or special paving to enhance pedestrian safety and the attractiveness of the walkway. 4.5 Vehicular Access, Loading, Storage and Waste Areas Access, loading, storage and waste areas are important building functions, but they should be subordinate to the quality of streetscapes and the public realm. • Vehicular entrances should be consolidated and shared wherever possible. • Vehicular entrances should be located on lower order side streets or lanes, and minimize impacts on adjacent properties. • Loading, service, storage and garbage areas should be integrated into the building design or placed away from street frontages and screened from view. Specifically, for a garbage collection enclosure, a fully enclosed/roofed building that is screened with a privacy fence or landscaping and integrated with the architectural style of the main building or incorporated within the main building is required. • Curb cuts and driveways should be minimized in radii and width. • Garbage storage should be centralized indoors, and at the rear of the building. • Loading and service areas should be buffered visually and as necessary for noise impacts, especially when located adjacent to Residential Neighbourhood Character Areas. Enclosures should be constructed of materials to match or complement the building material. • Outside storage should not be visible from any public street or open space. • Utility meters, transformers and HVAC equipment should be located away from public view and / or screened. 4.6 Vehicle Parking The design of vehicle parking areas, whether surface or structured, should prioritize pedestrian circulation, and should incorporate appropriate siting, orientation and screening. • Surface and above-grade structured parking should be located at the side or rear of buildings and screened from public view. Parking shall not be located between buildings and the street line. • Surface parking spaces adjacent to streets should have landscaped edges incorporating low planting and hard elements (e.g. fencing, walls) that screen vehicles but maintain clear views at eye level. • Pedestrian movement should be given priority in the design of all parking facilities. Clearly marked, direct and safe pedestrian routes should be provided. • Lighting for parking should be oriented to limit visual impact on adjacent properties. • Landscaping and site organization should prioritize managing stormwater quality and quantity on-site, wherever possible. Page 157 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan26 5.0 Public Realm The public realm encompasses all of the outdoor spaces within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre which are visually or physically accessible to the general public. It includes publicly owned land, such as streets and parks, as well as Privately Owned Public Space (POPS) that is publicly accessible, such as forecourts and mid-block connections. The public realm is a vital component of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. It forms the communal ‘living room’ for the community, provides access to its diverse land uses and destinations, and together with the built form, defines its character and image. The design of the public realm should reflect a high standard of quality and relate to the surrounding context, land uses, and landmarks. The public realm should create an interlinked network of streets and public open spaces that facilitate social and civic interactions. A successful public realm provides: • A functional, safe, accessible, sustainable and enriching environment; • Well-articulated streetscapes that are beautiful and comfortable; • A network of streets that supports multi-modal choices for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists; • Pedestrian linkages that connect people to destinations, including adjacent commercial and mixed use uses; • Diverse open spaces that provide a wide spectrum of environments and experiences, from passive natural spaces to actively programmed urban spaces; • Amenities, furnishings, wayfinding, and public art that provide orientation, identity and a sense of place. 5.1 General Public Realm Guidelines • To support the health and development of the urban forest, provide 30 cubic metres of soil volume for each large canopy tree. Soil volumes may be continuous, and achieved through street boulevards, landscaped areas, open planters, or soil cells. • Select species that are adapted to their condition with a preference for native species that provide SWM and habitat/pollinator benefits • The pattern of tree planting should provide options for both sunny and shaded areas, depending on time of year and day. • Consider permeable paving, rain gardens, and other low-impact development strategies. 5.2 Streets The streets network provides for safe and convenient movement for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists throughout the Bowmanville East Urban Centre to support accessibility. As an established urban area, the Bowmanville East Urban Centre has a well-defined and -connected hierarchy of streets that function as the backbone of the community. The grid pattern, the high frequency of street intersections, the small scale of blocks, and the integration of different street grid orientations, are fundamental structuring elements that have shaped, and should continue to shape, the evolution of the community. In order to support road network functions, enhance the public realm and establish a strong visual identity for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, streetscape design should be a high priority. The streetscape includes the configuration of elements within the right of way such as travel lanes, cycling facilities, pedestrian zones, and landscaping, as well as how the adjacent buildings frame the street edges and support street activity. As the Bowmanville East Urban Centre continues to intensify and support walking as a primary means of transportation, street design should prioritize wide sidewalks and a generous street tree and furniture zone. Page 158 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 27 Figure 27: Streets should provide for the needs of pedestrians and cyclists while balancing their vehicular function. All streets should provide a wide sidewalk, as well as a generous zone for street trees and furniture. 5.2.1 General Street Guidelines • Streets should be designed to reflect complete street design principles, in order to balance the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists. • Streets should provide a continuous canopy of street trees at maturity. • New sidewalks should be provided for existing streets without sidewalks on at least one side. • All new streets should have sidewalks on both sides, in order to accommodate increased pedestrian movement as a result of intensification. • New streets should be designed and laid out based on a grid pattern, including extensions of and connections to existing surrounding streets. • Where new streets are created, block lengths should generally be short, 175 metres or less as measured from intersection to intersection. Page 159 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan28 5.2.2 King Street King Street is the heart and soul of downtown Bowmanville and the main spine of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. As the community evolves, King Street will continue to play its role as the main street. The highly walkable, attractive and active character of King Street through the historic downtown will be extended through the entire Bowmanville East Urban Centre. It will have a dual function both as a destination for shopping and civic life, as well as a connector that links the Bowmanville Creek valley in the west with the Soper Creek valley in the east, and all points in between. King Street will be the highest priority for streetscape enhancements and quality. • Provide wide sidewalks on both sides of the street that feature: –Special paving that references the rich history of Bowmanville, with distinct colour and textures; –Public art, particularly at visually prominent locations, as stand-alone elements or integrated with the streetscape furnishings; –Wayfinding that creates a distinct identity for the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, and provides orientation for area destinations and businesses; –A coordinated family of street furniture and elements, such as poles, lighting, and seating; and –Low level planting along the sidewalks wherever space permits, e.g. in bump-outs and tree planters. • Provide street trees on both sides of the street, with preference for soil cells to provide the needed soil volumes under sidewalks. • Continue the streetscape character exhibited by the historic downtown through the Downtown Corridor and East Business District, including provision of narrow vehicular travel lanes, on- street parking, wide sidewalks, and streetscape enhancements such as decorative paving, seating and pedestrian-scaled street lighting. New streetscaping should be compatible with the historical-themed streetscaping in the historic downtown without needing to be the same, i.e. it may reflect the contemporary nature of surrounding new development. • Ensure pedestrian sidewalks are a minimum of 1.8 metres on both sides of the street. • Provide clear and direct connections to existing and planned trails within the creek valleys at each end of Bowmanville East Urban Centre. • Enhance the gateway experience of the creek valleys as thresholds to the Bowmanville East Urban Centre through streetscape enhancements, public art, lighting, and planting design. Page 160 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 29 Figure 28: Special streetscaping elements are appropriate for King Street to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, including high- quality paving, well-defined crosswalks, decorative pedestrian ligthing, seating, planting, and street trees. Page 161 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan30 Figure 29: Temperance Street as Shared Street 5.2.3 Temperance Street Temperance Street is an important cross street to King Street in the downtown. It forms a civic spine, connecting Rotary Park, City Hall and its plaza, the Library, Clarington Museum and Archives, and two churches. To reinforce this symbolic role, Temperance Street should have an enhanced streetstcape that expands the function of the public spaces along it and provides new opportunities for programming and events in the historic downtown. • Create a shared street treatment along some or all of Temperance Street that features: –A continuous decorative hard surface encompassing driving, cycling and walking zones. A mountable curb to permit flexibility in programming when the street is closed for events; –Wayfinding that creates a distinct identity, and provides orientation for adjacent civic buildings, public spaces, and businesses; –A coordinated family of street furniture and elements along it, such as poles, lighting, and seating; and –Street elements such as benches, planters, trees, bollards, and bike parking that provide definition within the shared space and delineate vehicular travel zones from pedestrian- and cycling-only areas. • Provide street trees on both sides of the street, with preference for soil cells to provide the needed soil volumes under sidewalks. • Provide direct connections to adjacent public spaces, including design continuity between City Hall plaza and Temperance Street, • The shared street treatment should be prioritized between Church Street and King Street, linking City Hall with Bowmanville’s main street. This streetscaping can be extended to link Rotary Park and Wellington Street. Page 162 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 31 Figure 30: Shared street designs provide pedestrian-oriented streetscaping elements across the entire right-of-way, from building face to buliding face. While accommodating vehicles and/or parking, the shared street design prioritizes active transportation. It can be closed to vehicular traffic during events or seasonally, providing a flexible urban plaza for gathering and activities. Page 163 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan32 Figure 31: Example of on-street painted bicycle lanes with bike boxes and cross-ride. 5.2.4 Streets with Active Transportation Links Many streets in the Bowmanville East Urban Centre are planned for active transportation links. This means that cycling is encouraged. The design configuration will need to be determined through further study, for example, whether uni- or bi- directional cycle tracks, multi-use paths, or signed bike routes are most appropriate. It will be important to also maintain generous pedestrian sidewalks on these streets; space for active transportation facilities is preferred to come from the vehicular zone through a ‘road diet.’ • Prioritize separated and protected cycling facilities with buffering to vehicular traffic inclusive of grade differential and spatial separation. • Ensure signage and pavement markings clearly identify cycling zones, including, at intersections, both cycling and pedestrian crossings. • Provide cycling signalization where warranted, for example at major streets with high traffic volumes. • Ensure continuity and safe turn movements between other cycling facilities and off-road trails. Page 164 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 33 Figure 32: Example of a protected bicyle facility, separated by physcal buffers to the vehicular and pedestrian portions of the right-of- way. Page 165 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan34 5.3 Public Open Spaces There is a diversity of existing and planned public spaces within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre that will create a wide range of recreational opportunities. Public spaces will be linked by the street system to create an interlinked public realm network. New public open spaces may be publicly owned, or they may be Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS), at the discretion of the Municipality of Clarington. The following guidelines apply to both; there is no difference in design intent based on ownership. 5.3.1 General Public Space Guidelines • Open Spaces should be visible to and accessible from adjacent streets. • Sidewalks, trails and multi-use paths should provide direct connections to open spaces. • Viewing opportunities to the Natural Heritage System should be provided. • Apply Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles. 5.3.2 Civic Green Parks Rotary Park is a traditional green civic park that provides a multi-functional green space for the community, and includes walking, seating, viewing, covered areas, lawn areas, decorative landscaping, and trees. Rotary Park provides access to the Bowmanville Creek Valley at the southern end of Temperance Street. At the northern end of Temperance Street, the green area around the Clarington Museum and Archives has a similar character, with walking, seating, picnic, landscaping and treed areas. Together, these Civic Green Parks anchor each end of the Temperance Street spine. • Maintain the green character through extensive soft surface and planted areas. • New amenities and facilities should be compatible with their passive recreational character. • Consider enhancements to the Clarington Museum and Archives, such as: –Expanding amenities by providing, seating, additional pathways, a pavilion, interpretive signage, or small games; and –Creating strong linkages to Temperance Street, on each side of the Clarington Museum and Archives (62 Temperance Street), with outdoor walkways incorporating a shade structure, seating, public art or other landscape elements. Page 166 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 35 Figure 33: Enhanced pedestrian walkways along the Clarington Museum and Archives building can link Temperance Street with the open space amenities interior to the block. Page 167 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan36 Figure 34: Parkette Diagram Frontage Minimum 20m Street Depth Maximum 1.5 x Frontage 5.3.3 Public Squares and Parkettes As the Bowmanville East Urban Centre intensifies, it is important that new public open spaces are provided to keep pace with the growth of new residents, employees and visitors. Public Squares and Parkettes will be the primary new public open spaces, located and designed in conjunction with new development. Public Squares and Parkettes are small open spaces that have a concentrated variety of amenities within them that attract a full range of users. They are more urban in character than typical suburban parks, and will be sprinkled throughout the highly walkable urban fabric. They complement surrounding retail and residential uses by providing a place for those uses to spill out into in the form of both passive recreation and small-scale active recreation. Public Squares and Parkettes will range in size and amenities based on the size of development. It is a goal to provide a large Public Square or Parkette within each Character Area as a focal point. Other Public Squares and Parkettes will be provided in conjunction with development at the discretion of the Municipality of Clarington. • In the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, Public Squares will typically range from approximately 400 square metres to 3,500 square metres, and may be up to 10,000 square metres. Parkettes will range from 5,000 to 10,000 square metres. • Public Squares and Parkettes should have a minimum frontage of 20 metres along public streets. Larger Public Squares and Parkettes should have longer street frontages. Generally, the ratio of street frontage to depth should not exceed 1:1.5. An exception to this ratio would be a linear Parkette that connects multiple development blocks with a continuous public realm experience. • Adjacent uses should address the Public Squares and Parkettes with a frontal appearance inclusive of windows and doors. Public Squares and Parkettes shall not be located adjacent to loading areas, garbage areas or blank walls. • Public Square and Parkette design should consider or be inclusive of the adjacent public right of way. • Prioritize locating Public Squares and Parkettes in locations that receive sunlight in the afternoon hours during shoulder seasons. • Public Squares that are located along King Street and are the focal points of Character Areas should be located with a minimum of 30 metres of frontage along King Street where possible. • At a minimum, Public Squares and Parkettes should provide trees, seating, a hard surface walkway or plaza area, waste/recycling receptacles, bicycle facilities, lighting, and at least one other amenity. Larger Public Squares and Parkettes will provide more amenities. • Public Squares and Parkettes should incorporate a range of active and passive recreational amenities, such as Multi-Use Paths, children’s play structures, multi-purpose play courts, water play, shade structures, gathering areas, public art, and/or unprogrammed flexible space for patios or small events. • Features and amenities within specific Public Squares and Parkettes will vary depending on need and context. Consider providing alternative amenities to those of nearby existing and planned Public Squares and Parkettes so there is a diversity of options within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. • Public Squares and Parkettes should provide direct connections to street sidewalks, trails, Multi-Use Paths, and all adjacent building entrances. • Public Squares and Parkettes should incorporate special paving treatments at formal entries, seating areas, and patio/event spaces. Page 168 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 37 Figure 35: Parkettes and Public Squares will have a variety of shapes, sizes and locations, and their design and amenities should respond to their adjacencies. In retail contexts, they should include flexible plaza spaces, seating, and public art. In residential contexts, they will be more passive with a higher proportion of green space. Page 169 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan38 5.3.4 Slivers and Connections The Bowmanville East Urban Centre is an urban setting that prioritizes walkability, and there will be many small public open spaces that complement the primary open space system, such as mid-block connections, sliver parks, forecourts, courtyards, mews and other micro spaces. These types of spaces will be provided where the size of development, and therefore the corresponding size of the public realm, is small. They have a variety of functions, including as miniature Parkettes, as enhancements to the public right of way (e.g. wider sidewalks, additional street trees), providing finer grain pedestrian movement, or as moments of landscaped beauty. • Adjacent uses should address Slivers and Connections with a frontal appearance such as with windows or doors. • Slivers and Connections should provide a clear link with or extension of the adjacent public right of way. • Provide appropriate surfaces and landscaping. Generally, their small size will require a hard surface that functions as an extension of the sidewalk. • Where space permits, provide trees and seating. Consider additional amenities such as public art, shade structures, and planting beds. • Ensure clear sight lines and path of travel to all adjacent building entrances and the public sidewalk. • Planting and amenities should have a consistent design, landscape and material palette with the adjacent right of way or public space. • Ensure Slivers and Connections are adequately lit by pedestrian scale lighting or from the surrounding streets. Page 170 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 39 Figure 36: Forecourts and sliver parks can augment the sidewalk by providing small places to sit or gather. Figure 37: Courtyards and interior block spaces can provide a quieter form of public space. They should be visible and accessible from the surrounding street network. Figure 38: Mid-block connections provide pedestrian porosity through the centre of blocks and can be small amenity spaces in themselves. Page 171 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan40 Figure 39: Multi-use paths can be provided in the valley land areas, incorporating amenities such as seating, shelters and lookouts. Figure 40: Multi-use paths along rights-of-way should be separated from vehicular travel lanes, for example, by planting buffer and grade shifts. 5.4 Multi-Use Paths Over time, a network of shared pedestrian/cycling routes may be implemented in the Bowmanville East Urban Centre in the form of Multi-Use Paths. Their function is to enhance active transportation within the Urban Centre and to adjacent active transportation systems. Multi-Use Paths may be located within road rights-of-way, or within public open spaces such as the valley lands. They complement the street network. • Multi-Use Paths should be planned and located to extend the active transportation network beyond the existing street network including frequent connections with the street network. • Separate Multi-Use Paths from vehicular travel through horizontal and/or vertical offsets. • Multi-Use Paths should be a minimum of 3 metres in width. • Ensure the surface of Multi-Use Paths is a hard surface, with continuous flush grading at intersections and driveways. • Ensure street crossings are marked and signed. • Provide trees and landscaping on both sides of Multi-Use Paths, space permitting. • Where Multi-Use Paths are located adjacent to pedestrian-only zones such as sidewalks or public open spaces, ensure there is appropriate separation and buffering, including design elements such as bollards, planting, buffer strips, signage, pavement markings, and/or small grade separations (e.g. raised curb). Page 172 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 41 Figure 41: Urban-scaled mixed-use schools. Precedents: Crosstown Elementary School in Vancouver and Jean Lumb Public School / Canoe Landing Community Centre in Toronto 5.5 Schools The Bowmanville East Urban Centre is well served by schools that are within or immediately adjacent to it, which can be reached easily on foot. As the population continues to grow, there may be a need for additional school space, either within the existing sites or in a new site. As an intensifying downtown, it is anticipated that additional school capacity within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre will take on an urban character. School sites and buildings will be designed to have a compact footprint, and may be mixed vertically or horizontally with other compatible uses. The following guidelines are primarily intended for new school sites in a mixed- use context. • Schools shall be located within a 5-minute walking distance to most residents. Locations south of King Street are preferred, where they will have better spacing from the existing schools to the north of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre. • School sites will be compact and may consider shared uses, such as co-location with public parks to share facilities, and/or shared parking. • Schools shall be accessible by various modes of transportation, including transit, walking and cycling. School bus drop off zones, if required, should minimize space needs, such as by being located along public streets as layby lanes. • School sites and adjacent streets should prioritize pedestrian and cycling access and safety through: –Visibly marked and signed bicycle routes and pedestrian crosswalks, with appropriate lighting; and, –Visibly marked pedestrian crosswalks with appropriate lighting and signage. • Multi-storey school buildings are preferred, to provide compact footprints that minimize space usage. They may be integrated with other uses and development, such as within the podium level of residential buildings. • School buildings shall have one or more dedicated, highly visible and well-articulated entrances facing public street(s) for the exclusive use of the school. Entrance design shall provide for student comfort and amenity through: –Large canopy or other weather protection over the main doors; –Forecourt space for student gathering, including seating and planting; and, –Proximity and direct sidewalk connection to bus drop off and/or transit. Page 173 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan42 6.0 Natural and Cultural Heritage 6.1 Natural Heritage/Valleyland The Bowmanville Creek is the primary natural feature within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre boundary. It will function as the primary passive recreational resource for the community, providing a place to walk, sit, enjoy nature and escape from the urban environment. There is a tributary of Soper Creek within the eastern edge of the Bowmanville East Urban Centre boundary, which provides connectivity to the main Soper Creek Valley. The Soper Creek tributary has a similar, though lesser, role as Bowmanville Creek. • Provide visual and physical connections to the creek valleys from adjacent sidewalks, trails and active transportation facilities. • Provide seating and viewing opportunities along trails within the valley areas. • Existing healthy native vegetation and natural areas should be preserved. Areas with degraded environmental conditions should be restored. • Planting within the valleys and their buffers should be native, non-invasive and self- sustaining with a priority to habitat creation. • Adjacent development should match grades between properties to minimize retaining wall requirements. Bowmanville Creek • Extend the existing trail within the valley to the north with, at King Street, a direct connection to the King Street multi-use trail. • Provide a major new trail connection to Bowmanville Creek from the Goodyear Lands Character Area, with a bridge crossing of the creek. 6.2 Cultural Heritage These guidelines inform the design of new structures on or adjacent to properties of heritage value. The principles and objectives are applicable to all scales, from additions to low rise residential buildings to the significant redevelopment of large sites incorporating one or more heritage buildings. The principles of design exhibited by historic buildings can be separated from the style of their architectural expression and detailing. The following guidelines do not promote the mimicry of historic styles. Contemporary building expressions are preferred for their ability to be compatible with heritage resources, as they avoid being derivative, and their materials and detailing contrast, thus emphasizing the unique qualities of the heritage resource. • New development shall not destroy historic materials, features, and spatial relationships that characterize a property or site. • New development should be visibly differentiated from the old, achieving compatibility primarily through harmonious scale, massing, façade articulation and materiality. • New development shall reference the street wall height of adjacent heritage buildings by matching street wall heights or by providing a strong cornice line or other datum line in the façade design. • New development shall reference the heights and proportions of adjacent and surrounding heritage buildings in: –First floor height; –Sign band height; –Window height, size and proportion in the street wall; –Entrance frequency, position and height; and, –Vertical rhythm in the street wall as articulated in architectural bays, window alignments, or columns. • New development should provide a minimum 10 metre setback or step back to existing, distinct architectural features such as towers and cupolas. Page 174 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 43 Figure 42: New development references datum lines in the heritage building, including roof lines, eave lines, and vertical proportions. The new development creates a sense of separation and distinctness from the heritage building through a recess (shadow line) where it is joined, and by using a distinctly different material (glass). Figure 43: The heritage building reads as a distinct expression while being framed by new development that has similar massing and articulation. Figure 44: New development maintains a similar street wall height as the heritage building, with taller elements of the new development stepped back. The rhythm of punched windows with vertical orientation references the heritage facade. Where they join, the recess and high quality but contrasting materials does not compete with the heritage building, and allows each to contribute to a high quality street frontage. Figure 45: Taller components of new development are stepped back from the primary heritage facade. Page 175 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan44 7.0 Character Areas 7.1 Goodyear Lands Character Area The Goodyear Lands Character Area will be a new mixed use district within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre, replacing a former industrial use. In contrast to the broader Urban Centre, the streets, blocks, and public spaces of the Goodyear Lands Character Area will be created from scratch. This affords the opportunity to implement best practices for urban design and placemaking. New development shall have regard for the design guidelines in this document, with a particular focus on: • Creating a safe, attractive, and connected public realm that comprises the street network, new public open spaces, and the Bowmanville Creek. • Maximizing connectivity between the Goodyear Lands Character Area and the existing urban fabric. • Ensuring streetscapes and new public open spaces have a high quality of design inclusive of paving, seating, street furniture, lighting, and planting. • Establishing a pedestrian scaled street wall, with active uses facing all public streets and spaces. • Providing a distinct sense of character within the precinct, inclusive of landmark elements in the built form or landscape. A demonstration plan has been prepared to illustrate how the design guidelines could be applied to the Goodyear Lands Character Area. The following guidelines provide additional design requirements specific to the Goodyear Lands Character Area. Page 176 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 45NE L SON S T R E E T D U K E S T R E E T AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E QUEEN S T R E E T ARGYLE STREETALBERT STREETALBERT STREETBOWMANVILLE CREEKROYAL CANADIANLEGION BRANCH 178KING ST R E E T E A S T 19.9952 NE L SON S T R E E T D U K E S T R E E T AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E QUEEN S T R E E T ARGYLE STREETALBERT STREETROYAL CANADIANLEGION BRANCH 178KING ST R E E T E A S T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T DURHAM STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONME W S 19.9952NE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S ION DURHAM STREET EXTENSIONDURHAM STREET EXTENSIONDURHAM STREET EXTENSIONDURHAM STREET EXTENSIONDURHAM STREET EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONNEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T NEW L O C A L S T R E E TQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S ION STACKED TOWNHOMES BACK-TO-BACK TOWNHOMES MIXED USE RETAIL RESIDENTIAL CYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE PUBLIC PARKETTES CENTRAL PUBLIC REALM SPINE CONNECTION TO QUEEN STREET POPS STABLE TOP-OF-BANK 10M TOP OF BANK SETBACK ZONE CLOCA REGULATED AREA LIMIT BOWMANVILLE CREEK DAM GOODYEAR STRUCTURES TO REMAIN EXISTING TRAILS PROPOSED TRAILS POTENTIAL TRAIL CROSSING LOW-RISE APARTMENTS POTENTIAL CONNECTION TO KING STREET Figure 46: Demonstration Plan for the Goodyear Lands Character Area Page 177 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan46 7.1.1 Street and Block Network • Create a grid network of new streets that provides connectivity throughout the Goodyear Lands Character Area, including providing access to the Bowmanville Creek. • Link new streets to Queen Avenue, Nelson Street, and Durham Street. • Prioritize the safety and experience of pedestrians within the streetscape design by providing: –a minimum 1.8 metre pedestrian sidewalk on both sides of the street; –street furniture distributed throughout the district inclusive of seating and bicycle lock up; –street trees on both sides of the street, ensuring 30 cubic metres of soil volume per tree; and, –crosswalks at all intersections. • Provide cycling facilities within the Goodyear Lands Character Area that provides continuous links from north to south, including to the Bowmanville Creek valley. Page 178 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 47 Figure 47: Goodyear Lands Character Area Location for New Connections NE L SON S T R E E T D U K E S T R E E T AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E QUEEN S T R E E T ARGYLE STREETALBERT STREETALBERT STREETBOWMANVILLE CREEKROYAL CANADIANLEGION BRANCH 178KING ST R E E T E A S T 19.9952 NE L SON S T R E E T D U K E S T R E E T AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E AL F R E D S H R U B L A N E QUEEN S T R E E T ARGYLE STREETALBERT STREETROYAL CANADIANLEGION BRANCH 178KING ST R E E T E A S T NEW L O C A L S T R E E T DURHAM STREET EXTENSIONARGYLE STREET EXTENSIONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONQUEEN AVENUE EXTENSIONME W S 19.9952NE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S IONNE L SON S TR E E T EX T EN S ION Page 179 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan48 7.1.2 Parks and Open Space Network • Create a central public realm spine linking Queen Street, via Devitts Lane, to the Bowmanville Creek valley. The spine can take a variety of forms such as promenades along streets or lanes, wide mid-block connections, one or more linked Parkettes, or a high quality shared street. Design characteristics shall include the following: –Provide a continuous pedestrian and cycling connection within the spine, linking the sidewalk on Queen Street with the trail in the Bowmanville Creek valley; –Provide amenities along the spine such as seating, pubic art, patio spaces, and children’s play; and –Create a larger Parkette at the terminus of the spine adjacent to the Bowmanville Creek valley, with a trail head to the valley trail. • Provide placemaking within the public realm that celebrates the site’s heritage through interpretive signage and landscape elements. Page 180 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 49 Figure 48: Examples of linear public spaces that have a variety of amenities including passive recreation, playgrounds, plazas and seating. Figure 49: Placemaking elements within the public realm can celebrate the industrial heritage of the Goodyear Lands Character Area by landscape references to former artifacts and uses, and by interpretive signage. Page 181 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan50 Figure 50: Additional Step-back for Tall Buildings within the Goodyear Lands Character Area 7.1.3 Built Form • Building heights should be tallest nearest the Bowmanville Creek valley, in the centre of the site. Building heights shall decrease towards existing low-rise residential. Buildings, or portions thereof, within 30 metres of existing low-density residential should generally be a maximum of 4 storeys in height. Note this does not apply along the southern edge of of the Goodyear Lands property, where a future development, adjacent to the Goodyear Lands, will provide a transition to the existing low-rise residential. • Increased building heights above that permitted by the Secondary Plan may be considered, provided that taller development: –Is located near the Bowmanville Creek valley, away from nearby existing low rise neighbourhoods; –Does not have significant visual, privacy or shadow impacts on existing neighbourhoods; –Is of exceptional design quality, with landmark architectural treatment; and, –Provides enhanced public realm benefits such as plazas, mid-block connections, parkettes, public art and/or community amenities such as daycare or community space. • Buildings shall face all new streets and public spaces internal to the Character Area (i.e, all open spaces except the Bowmanville Creek Valley) with a frontal expression inclusive of windows, doors, balconies, stoops, and other architectural elements. • A minimum of 50% of the Bowmanville Creek valley shall be visible to and accessible from new public roads, without building frontage. • Provide retail and/or commercial opportunities at the heart of the neighbourhood, clustering around the principal street(s) and public spaces including the spine. • In addition to the stepback requirements of these Guidelines, buildings within the Goodyear Lands Character Area of 9 or more storeys in height should incorporate an additional 1.5 metre minimum step back within the top two storeys where they face public streets or public spaces. Page 182 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 51 Figure 51: Goodyear Lands Character Area Building Heights and Transition 4 Page 183 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan52 Figure 52: Goodyear Lands Character Area Bowmanville Creek Valley: Minimum 50% Visibility and Accessibility Page 184 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 53 Figure 53: Goodyear Lands Character Area Retail/Commercial Frontages Page 185 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan54 7.2 Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area The following guidelines apply to significant changes to sites within the existing Residential Neighbourhoods Character Area, including infill redevelopment, replacement dwellings, major additions, additional dwelling units on a lot, and major façade remodeling. New development in Residential Neighbourhoods Character Areas shall have regard for the general design guidelines in this document and the Clarington General Architectural Design Guidelines. 7.2.1 Siting and Organization • Buildings should be placed in relation to the streetscape and immediate neighbours. New development should have a set back consistent with the predominant set back along the street. • Generally, locate new development close to the street edge to frame streetscapes. • Site new development to preserve existing trees. 7.2.2 Building Design and Articulation • Ensure the massing of new buildings is generally consistent with the massing of other buildings along the streetscape as seen from the street edge. Taller building elements should be located with greater set back from the street edge. • Building massing and architectural design should reference the architectural treatment of existing buildings along the streetscape or in the immediate neighbourhood. The objective is to ensure new development is compatible with existing buildings by incorporating similarities in design language, not to replicate existing buildings. Building references can include similarities in: –Building shape; –Roof lines and profile; –Principal massing elements such as bays, projections, floor heights, and entrance treatments; –Architectural features such as porches, stoops, chimneys, columns, frieze boards and other details; –Datum lines such as cornices, base courses, bays, and window alignments; –Proportions; and, –Materials. 7.2.3 Vehicular Access and Parking • Parking, including garages, should be designed and located to minimize their impact on the streetscape. Parking should be located at the side or rear of principal buildings. • Front-facing garages attached to the main building should not occupy more than 50% of the building’s width. • Driveways should be located and spaced to reinforce the rhythm of the streetscape including the ability to provide street trees in the boulevard. Page 186 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Urban Design Guidelines 55 Figure 54: The multi-unit infill building (right) maintains the street character through similar setback to the the existing homes. Taller elements of the infill building are located at the corner, and parking is located behind the building. Figure 55: The new dwelling, while modern, references many characteristics of the existing buildings along the streetscape including massing, setback, prominent entry, and roof form. Figure 56: This infill project preserves a single detached house while intensifying with row housing that has a compatible scale and character with the existing streetscape. Page 187 Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan56Page 188 Attachment 2 to PDS-006-25 Sequence of Events Summary Date Event October 2, 2017 Initiation of the Secondary Plan Update PSD-072-17 September 20, 2018 Steering Committee Meeting #1 November 22, 2018 Public Information Centre #1 March 19, 2019 Steering Committee Meeting #2 October 15, 2019 Meeting with Goodyear Landowner May 1, 2019 Public Information Centre #2 January 20, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting #3 July 20, 2020, May 26, 2021, January 13, 2022 Meetings with Goodyear Landowner April 13, 2022 Steering Committee Meeting #4 June 1, 2022 Public Information Centre #3 October 17, 2022 and February 9, 2023 Meeting with Goodyear Landowner October 12, 2023 Steering Committee Meeting #5 December 20, 2023 Notice of Statutory Public Meeting mailed to properties in the Secondary Plan area and within 300m December 21, 2023 Draft materials; Official Plan Amendment, Secondary Plan, Urban Design Guidelines, available on project webpage December 21, 2023 Interested Parties notified of draft documents available on project webpage December 20, 2023 and January 10, 2024 Newspaper advertisements of Statutory Public Meeting December 20, 2023 – January 21, 2024 Notice of Statutory Public Meeting advertised on Municipal facilities reach screens January 17, 2024 Staff Report available January 22, 2024 Statutory Public Meeting September 9, 2024 All notices sent out by this date including to IPs and properties within the Secondary Plan area and within 300m September 12, 2024 Website updated with recommendation report and supporting materials September 12, 2024 Agenda Published with recommended OPA, Secondary Plan and Urban Design Guidelines September 16, 2024 Planning and Development Committee Meeting and Recommendation September 23, 2024 Bowmanville East Secondary Plan is referred to the November 18, 2024 Council meeting Page 189 November 18, 2024 Bowmanville East Secondary Plan is referred to the December 9, 2024 Planning and Development Committee meeting December 9, 2024 Memo-013-24 reports on progress in resolving outstanding issues. Council defers to the January 27, 2025 Council meeting at staff’s recommendation January 27, 2025 Council meeting and updated Staff Recommendation Page 190