HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-12Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA)
Board of Management Meeting Minutes
Tuesday November 12, 2024; 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
1. Attendance
In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair
Laura Holmes, Secretary
Gerri Lucas, Treasurer
Lloyd Rang, Council Representative (departed 7:34pm)
Cathy Holmes, Director
Edgar Lucas, Director
Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative
Amber Ross, owner Pink Lemon
Natalie Dookheron, owner Roam Coffee
Nadine Harron, owner Nest Desserts (joined 6:37pm)
Sarah Gerdy, owner Markets (joined 6:41pm —video not working)
Regrets: Erin Kemp, Director
Laura Knox, MOC Ec Dev representative
Delegations Present: Kristina Bergeron, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement (departed 7:03pm)
Rob Maciver, Deputy CAO/Municipal Solicitor (departed 7:03pm)
Natalie King, Supervisor Municipal Law Enforcement (departed 7:03pm)
2. Call to Order
The Chair called the meeting to order.
3. Land Acknowledgement
The Chair read the land acknowledgement statement.
4. Presentation by Delegations
Kristina Bergeron shared presentation on parking meter replacement on screen. Part of Municipality's ongoing
effort to upgrade. New meters will allow contactless(tap), card insert, and coin. New decorative pole assembly.
Current 172 poles will reduce to 99 double stalls. LED screens with programmable display negating need to bag
meters. Solar powered. Wireless remote monitoring system. Communications will be sent to BIA. Expected
delivery is end of January 2025. Anticipated install February 2025, weather permitting.
HotSpot mobile payment option will remain. Expect significant savings by shift away from coins. Will be
collecting data on uptake. 2hr parking limit enforcement will still be conducted. There is no plan to upgrade the
central meters in the municipal lots currently, as those were upgrade in recent years to accept card payments.
No planned per hour price increase. Will investigate with Operations about snow bank removal around meters.
The Chair thanked the delegations for attending with information about the meter updates.
5. Updates from Community Partners
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 [date]
Business Centre (BIA)
(a) CBOT
B. Wrightman shared that this morning was the fourth iteration of discussions around homelessness. GAP
committee works to prevent/end homelessness through education and connections with the business
community. The session focused on storytelling and seeking solutions through education and experiential
understanding. The Mayor's office is planning to put together a task force. Upcoming events for small
businesses — HR Essentials. December 6t" breakfast with MPP McCarthy. Will share invitations with BIA.
Beauty Paramedic is moving locations. Carwin Tax space is vacant. Endivine is closed. Renovation work is
ongoing in the former Happy King location.
(b) Economic Development
The Secretary read an update that L. Knox shared via email.
The Economic Development team has welcomed Brayden Siersma and Darryl Julott to the team. An email
about CIP for 2025 will be sent to be distributed to members. Any feedback on the Seasonal Sidewalk
program would be welcome. Veteran's Square renovations will be completed over the next several weeks
with work ongoing on the north side.
The Chair is planning to have a small meeting with Economic Development and welcomed any Board
members to attend. The Chair will send details when available.
6. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the minutes of the meeting of Tuesday October 8, 2024 be approved as circulated.
7. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
(a) Power Supply
The Chair reported that GFI replacements have been installed. One pole in front of Gather has not been
changed yet.
(b) Feasibility of Historic Designation
No update.
8. Consent Items - Correspondence
Correspondence was received from
i. Todd McCarthy, MPP Durham regarding Small Business Week
ii. Planning Department regarding Notice of Adoption ZBA2022-0002 re: Green Road
iii. Economic Development regarding Racialized and Indigenous supports for entrepreneurs
iv. Clerks Department regarding AODA
V. Economic Development regarding Doing Business with Clarington invitation
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
THAT item 8.v. was time sensitive and distributed to members.
Historic Downtown Bowmanville
Business Centre (BIA)
9. Consent Items — Discussion
10. Treasurer's Resort
The Treasurer presented the following:
i. $170136 in current account
ii. Many expenses are upcoming
Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented.
11. Directors' Reports
(a) Council Liaison —
L. Rang reported that Parks Rec & Culture master plan has been approved. Bowmanville Zoo land master
plan is approved. $1.1M for trail construction to begin 2025, open to public 2026. Camp 30 discussions and
heritage impact assessments. $4.5M to stabilize cafeteria building. Marigold Hospice is fundraising for
construction in Newcastle. Ice rinks are still in plans. Pool and recreation centre in South Bowmanville at
Clarington Fields. South Courtice will likely get two additional pads. Shaw House renovation is complete
and Fire & Emergency Services has moved in. Cell towers partnership SharedTowers Inc. Firestation 1 at
Rickard. Northglen municipal land. Could be operational in 6 months and hopefully will resolve connectivity
issues. Warming Centre will be in the former Tourism Office at the Liberty Street highway exit. Recognized
all the work that Municipal staff have done on multiple files in recent months.
(b) Events —
C. Holmes reported that Applefest was very well attended. Expressed disappointment that the Municipality
did not share updates on construction completion at Veterans Square and start of construction on Church
Street. This impacted site planning and resulted in loss of accessible parking on Church Street. Received
numerous messages from participants regarding how our events are the best organized and well attended
of any they attend throughout the year. One issue was that portopotties were placed in accessible parking
spaces in Division lot as tenants from the building on King/Division parked overnight in the spaces that are
usually used for portopotties. This was the first time these tenants were displaced and efforts will be made
to ensure that spaces required for portopotties are blocked off in future. A decision will need to be made on
whether Division Street will continue to be utilized for event site mapping. There were mixed reviews on
Girls Night Out — some businesses were very busy and others were not. Moonlight Magic is upcoming O=on
Dec 6. The treelighting ceremony will be on Temperance Street and horse-drawn wagon rides along King
Street between Scugog and George. The King St parking lot will remain open for parking this year. There are
no vendors or participants this year. Grinch Giveaway scheduled for Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, & 21. There was not
as good of a response for businesses donating this year compared to last. Meet Santa scheduled Dec 7, 14,
and 21 with photo donations going to Salvation Army.
(c) Membership Relations —
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 [date]
Business Centre (BIA)
G. Lucas reported that flowers were delivered to new businesses.
(d) Streetscape —
E. Lucas reported that winter holiday decor installation in underway. Winter hanging baskets will be installed
later this week. Vendor is trying to get sidewalk planters delivered before the parade this weekend.
Garlands and tinsel are in good condition. May need to look to replace shooting stars in upcoming years.
BMO window wrap will be changed.
(e) Communications—
L. Holmes reported that the traffic notice about Santa Claus Parade this Saturday was distributed.
(f) Website & Social Media —
L. Holmes reported that Zoom contract is signed. The web masters fixed a few bugs on the website but
everything is working well now.
12. New Business
13. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday January 14, 2025
commencing at 6:30pm, virtually.
14. Adjournment
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 7:54pm.