HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-06Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA)
Board of Management Meeting Minutes
Tuesday February 6, 2024; 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair
Laura Holmes, Secretary
Gerri Lucas, Treasurer
Lloyd Rang, Council Representative (departed 7:24pm)
Cathy Holmes, Director
Edgar Lucas, Director
Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative
Amber Ross, owner Pink Lemon Decor
Sarah Gerdy, owner Markets
Regrets: Erin Kemp, Director
Laura Knox, MOC Ec Dev representative
Delegations Present: Lisa Backus, Manager of Community Planning
Tony Ricciardi, Manager of Infrastructure
Amanda Tapp, Manager of Development Review
The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement statement and called the meeting to order.
1. Presentation by Delegations
A presentation was shared on -screen and copy will be distributed to board members.
L. Backus shared information on Community Planning - Land use planning. Statutory meetings happening.
Bowmanville West Urban Centre includes GO Train. Provincial government is interested in density. Community
consultations revealed insights. Bowmanville East Secondary Plan includes downtown. Consultations continue.
Downtown Civic Precinct — where is higher density appropriate, set-up for future needs, how can usage be
improved, potential for flex -use street on Temperance. Goodyear Lands Precinct — redevelopment plans,
decontamination efforts.
A. Tapp shared information on Development approvals. Developments will have key economic impacts. Several
around the GO train area and Bowmanville Avenue. One across from Bowmanville Mall. Some have ground floor
commercial units. Green Rd/Hwy 2 has a park space. Hospital development plans.
T. Ricciardi shared information on Infrastructure projects. Ongoing Bowmanville Ave/Hwy 2 reconstruction
expected completion July 2024. 2024-7 rehab of Liberty Street expected to start 2026 region led project. Multi-
use trail to connect to baseline. Bowmanville Ave widening from Baseline to CPR finalizing design, construction
2025-6. Regional led project. Multi -use trail north side.
Municipal projects. Bridge rehab should have little impact on traffic. Sidewalk connections will be improved.
Pavement rehab — Scugog to Liberty. Liberty to Haines in 2024, changes to lane configurations. Veterans Square
& Courtyard revitalization being led by Community Services. To tender in early spring and will be unavailable
until Remembrance Day. Temperance St design is impacting King St pavement rehab plans. Active
transportation plan is available on website, public consultations underway.
Historic Downtown Bowmanville
Business Centre (BIA)
Clarington plans to extend pavement rehab from CPR underpass to Roegnik. May try to partner with Region to
extend current construction. Bridge on King St requires rehab.
Lambert from Church to King. Utility relocates. 2025 construction tender.
Concept drawing of Veterans Square has been approved by Legion. Accessibility improvements. Level entrance
with sidewalk. Some stairs remain. Seating area. Work to begin spring and be completed by November.
Invest Clarington. Concierge service — dedicated staff person to navigate Municipal requirements. 2023 — 4 CIPS
applications, 1 patio permit. 2024 — refresh of intake process. approx 100 inquiries last year. Investment of 2 —
D&R steel, Volt Raceway.
New website. Low Value, Buy Local directory — local businesses listed on internal municipal site. Employees
encouraged to seek out local sources for goods and services. Part of Angel Investors Durham — will host 3
Clarington events.
Ken Ferguson in Community Services will be best positioned to provide information on timeline for start of
Veterans Square and potential interference with festival road closures. There have been consultations with MTO
on configurations of highway interchanges, particularly Baseline/Hunt.
The Chair asked that L. Backus receive correspondence from OBIAA to present to Council. The Chair will provide
copy of the report.
The Chair thanked the delegations for their presentation. Delegates departed at 7:19pm.
2. Updates from Community Partners
(a) CBOT
B. Wrightman presented that resources regarding Homelessness have been shared with members of the
business community throughout Clarington. Expressed thanks to BIA for distribution to members. Mayor's
office provided a list of resources. Notes from November 2023 roundtable session are available. Ideas from
DRPS and other organizations are included. Upcoming events — March 5 first aid training session, March 20
partnering with Ontario Tech for session on Al, March 21 job fair no fee to business for table. Business
retention and expansion project from 2023 report finalized. Results and recommendations have been
shared with participants. Can be viewed on CBOT website.
The Chair shared that session coming up on February 20 — how to explain BIA to Council.
Lots of conversations at OBIAA center around Director expenses, sponsorship, tax obligations, accounting,
and award ceremony. OBIAA conference is upcoming.
3. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas
THAT the minutes of the meeting of January 9, 2024 be approved as circulated.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
Historic Downtown Bowmanville
Business Centre (BIA)
(a) Smoking/Vaping on Sidewalk
The Chair spoke with the Municipal lawyer. Bylaw has not been enforcing minimum smoking distance from
business, but a bylaw does exist.
A concerned community member sent a message through the Bowmanville.com contact form about this.
The Chair will reach out to bylaw about sending a letter to all businesses reminding them of the bylaw in
(b) OPG at Events
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by G. Lucas
THAT OPG will be permitted to participate at Maplefest and Applefest as an invited guest of the BIA but are
required to follow all rules and regulations outlined to participants.
(c) Downtown Parking
L. Holmes read an update that the Acting Municipal Law Enforcement Coordinator provided by email.
Central meters in municipal lots have been upgraded and will allow debit, credit, and cash payments.
(d) DRPS
The Chair reported that he spoke with Inspector Finateri of DRPS and requested that a larger police
presence be visible downtown. Inspector states that foot patrols are still occurring but will be increased
when possible.
S. Correspondence
Correspondence was received from
i. Fire Chief regarding sidewalk snow clearing; letter to property owners (via email)
ii. Planning department regarding Notice of Public Meeting — Bowmanville Avenue; COPA2023 (via email)
iii. (via website contact form) Concerned community member regarding volume of cigarette butts in front
of Endivine
iv. Concerned business owner regarding recent property damage and thefts downtown (via email)
V. OBIAA regarding advocacy letter (via email)
vi. Planning department regarding Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan; JC-015-24 (via email)
Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by G. Lucas
THAT item 5.i. was distributed to business members.
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
The Chair reported that the gas company has put protective covers on meters to avoid damage from snow plow.
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4
Business Centre (BIA)
6. Treasurer's Resort
The Treasurer presented the following:
i. $65 205 in current account
ii. Audit items are due by end of February
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented.
The Chair questioned whether the balance was remainder from previous. The Treasurer confirmed that the levy
transfer had not yet been received.
7. Directors' Reports
(a) Council Liaison —
No report.
(b) Events —
C. Holmes shared the results of the 2024 events survey. Most respondents did not support cancellation of
Twilight Tuesday or Sidewalk Sale, so these will continue in 2024. A small number (non -majority) of
respondents supported cancellation of the vendors market at Moonlight Magic. A decision has been made
to cancel the vendors market for 2024 on a trial basis. A revised Calendar of Events will be distributed to
business owners and published on website. A business owner located on Division St has asked if the road
closure for Maplefest and Applefest could be extended to the Church St intersection to allow participation in
front of their location and increased festival flow up Division St. Several years ago, the road closure was
altered to begin at the south side of the entrance to the municipal lot to allow access to the lot and property
access to the Balmoral Place residences, so changing the closure will impact traffic flow. A request will be
made as part of the Road Closure application. An ad will be placed in Grapevine magazine promoting
Maplefest, along with special advertising opportunity for downtown businesses. A new publication Liberty
N magazine has asked to publish the BIA events calendar. Meet the Easter Bunny is scheduled for Sat March
30. Communications with Clarington Library about a Story Walk or other promotion are ongoing.
(c) Membership Relations —
G. Lucas reported that Talk of the Town is no longer moving. Durham Regional Glass has closed and will
operate out of his home. The Nooks is closing. Chad's Game Room has decided to close because of recent
thefts and a break and enter, feels it is no longer safe to operate in downtown Bowmanville. The Fox and
Falcon has closed.
The Chair would like to make sure that the BIA is celebrating accomplishments/retirements of business
members and asked that flowers be sent to the owner of Durham Regional Glass.
(d) Streetscape —
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 5
Business Centre (BIA)
E. Lucas reported that baskets will come down at end of February. Weather permitting, other winter items
will be removed in March or April. The Chair will investigate if the street sweeper can be used in colder
(e) Communications —
No report.
(f) Website & Social Media —
No report.
8. New Business
(a) Business Operating Hours
The Chair would like to know if there is an appetite for standardizing business hours, particularly during the
holiday time. Finds it difficult to be one of the only businesses offering late night hours.
Concerns raised about late hours included difficulty of independent business owners agreeing, employee
safety, increased operating costs, rising labour/staffing costs, etc. It was also raised that many downtown
businesses do not operate on Monday's year-round.
(b) Part-time Maintenance
The Chair would like to reach out to Mr. Brake about having clean-up following garbage days.
More information would be required before any decisions are made. The Chair will report back with details.
(g) Member Involvement
The Chair would like to see more member involvement.
(e) Downtown Parking
The Chair would like an update on downtown parking.
Municipal Law Enforcement staff will be invited to share statistics on the uptake of the newly implemented
mobile parking application when the results become available. Item deferred.
(h) Thefts, Break & Enter, Property Damage
In the past few weeks, downtown has suffered from a series of shoplifting incidents which impacted several
businesses, thefts from parked vehicles, at least two known break and enters resulting in significant thefts,
and several incidents of intentional property damage including a BB gun shot into a front window, graffiti,
and broken doors.
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 6
Business Centre (BIA)
It was suggested that business owners need resources on how to protect themselves and their businesses.
The Chair will reach out to DRPS to determine if they are willing to meet with business owners to provide
tips on crime prevention.
(i) OBIAA Advocacy Letter
OBIAA has drafted an advocacy letter for businesses and/or BIAs to submit to multiple levels of government.
In Section 1. earlier in meeting, the Chair asked that L. Backus receive this letter as correspondence to
present to Council.
(j) Membership Networking Event
The Chair would like to host an in -person social networking event for business members.
It was suggested to combine the DRPS speaker with the networking event.
March 20 was proposed as date and Markets as proposed location.
The Chair will reach out to DRPS to determine availability. Planning will commence once DRPS and date is
9. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on March 12, 2024 commencing at
6:30pm, virtually.
10. Adjournment
Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by G. Lucas
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.