HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-09-10Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA)
Board of Management Meeting Minutes
Tuesday September 10, 2024; 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair
Laura Holmes, Secretary
Gerri Lucas, Treasurer
Lloyd Rang, Council Representative
Cathy Holmes, Director
Edgar Lucas, Director
Laura Knox, MOC Ec Dev representative
Amber Ross, owner Pink Lemon Decor
Regrets: Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative
Erin Kemp, Director
Delegations Present: Paul Pirri, MOC Director of Economic Development
Chief Dave Speed, MOC Fire Chief (departed 6:46pm)
The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement statement and called the meeting to order.
1. Presentation by Delegations
(a) Q&A regarding upcoming Fire Inspections
Chief Speed thanked the BIA for distributing the materials to members. Fire Inspectors have completed
their campaign to visit businesses and deliver letter regarding inspections. Main purpose is to ensure barrier
protections are in place and fire exits are accessible. A full fire code inspection will take place of the
premise. If infractions are uncovered, owners will have opportunity to remedy. If unwilling to rectify, fines
can be issued under the Fire Code. The inspections will focus on business locations with three or more
residential units. There will be no distinction between restaurants and retail.
(b) Introduction of Clarington's new Director of Economic Development
P. Perri has a background as a municipal councillor, holds a Master of Public Administration. Former
positions include Senior Manager of Economic Development for City of Whitby and member of
Entrepreneurial Services with the City of Toronto.
Clarington will hire two Economic Development officers. L. Knox will remain in current position.
There will not be a focus on tourism or destination marketing. Believes Kitchener is a good example of
progress in Ec Dev. Key focus on getting out to business to see how small and home -based business can
grow in Clarington. Build sense of community within Clarington to help local business grow, cross -promote
between sectors, connect local vendors. Concedes that infrastructure is an issue in Clarington, including
telecom and servicing of vacant. Recruitment of larger sector business will be longer term goal. Intention is
for Energy Park and Technology Park to continue to attract new business. There is a role for Ec Dev to play
in safety, cleanliness of downtown.
2. Updates from Community Partners
(a) Economic Development
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2
Business Centre (BIA)
L. Knox shared that Veterans Square redevelopment is on schedule for completion this fall. More concrete
timelines will be shared when available. CIP is open. Mystery Wheel pizza is working to renovate and hope
to open by summer. Former Happy King Restaurant has sold. There are two new vacancies on King just
west of Division. Dam Foods has opened in the former Little West Indies. It is their second location.
Mayor's address is Sept 12 in Newcastle and there is opportunity to sign up. CBOT hosting tourism retail
(b) CBOT
Update provided by B. Wrightman via email
Wishes to extend appreciation to the BIA for distribution of information and resources on homelessness
provided by Durham Region Social Services. Another community conversation about homelessness is being
planned for November 12, 2024. More information to follow.
The Chair shared some recent issues raised during best practice calls. Parking. Advocacy. Seeking support
for Municipal Act changes. Issues with building codes. BIA bucks.
3. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by G. Lucas
THAT the minutes of the meeting of June 11, 2024 be approved as circulated.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
(a) Power Supply
Councillor Rang will follow up with Public Works to determine if any repair plans are in place.
(b) Feasibility of Historic Designation
Councillor Rang submitted the request to staff just prior to summer break. Will follow up.
(c) Recycling Program
Producer responsibility is a provincial directive downloaded onto Regional Municipalities. Councillor Rang
reports that there is not much clarity related to implementation at the present time. Recommends waiting
until more information is available.
5. Correspondence
Correspondence was received from
i. Planning Department regarding Concession Road 6 ZBA2024-007 Public Meeting Notice (via email)
ii. Steve Kay regarding garbage on King St (via email to The Chair and various members of Municipality)
iii. Clarington Fire and Emergency Services regarding planned fire inspections including letter to business
owners/property owners (via email)
iv. Office of CAO/Treasurer regarding any proposed budget changes (via email)
Historic Downtown Bowmanville
Business Centre (BIA)
V. Legislative Services regarding Notice of Adoption OPA137, OPA138, NOA ZBA2024-004, PD-049-24 (via
vi. Legislative Services regarding Notice of Adoption NOA ZBA2021-0015, 2024-030, PD-057-24 (via email)
vii. Legislative Services regarding Notice of Adoption NOA ZBA2021-0016, 2024-029, PD-056-24 (via email)
viii. Steve Kay regarding Terry Fox kick off promotion (via email to The Chair)
ix. Planning Department regarding Bowmanville East Urban Plan Recommendation Report (via email)
Item 5.ii. was also sent to several persons at the Municipality. Councillor Rang shared that staff is seeking a
solution for the garbage issue downtown.
The Chair did a walkabout with Public Works regarding locations of waste receptacles.
Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes
THAT item 5.iii. and 5.viii were time sensitive and were already distributed to members
THAT item 5.iv. was time sensitive and the Treasurer responded in due course
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
6. Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer presented the following:
i. 2023 Audit document received
$185 657 in current account
Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented.
7. Directors' Reports
(a) Council Liaison —
L. Rang reported that homelessness is a Regional responsibility but the Municipality takes a vested interest.
CBOT will host a roundtable in November. Integrated Community Outreach Group is faith -based group that
meet regularly to support unsheltered. Mayor and staff will attend meeting at St Paul's Church. Currently
exploring location for winter warming centre. Library is working with Trent U to have Social Work co-op
student placements. Durham Region Outreach Team provides 24-7 assistance for shelter.
Staff is working with telecos for service improvements in Clarington. MPP Jivani is hosting a townhall on the
(b) Events —
C. Holmes reported that Applefest is completely sold out. An issue has arisen where people are being told
to contact downtown businesses with event -related questions. All event related inquiries must be directed
to email bowmanvillefestivals@hotmail.com or to use the 'contact us' form on the website. Call for
volunteers will be going out in October. Shuttle service will run between Clarington Fields and Rotary Park.
(c) Membership Relations —
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 SEPTEMBER 2024
Business Centre (BIA)
G. Lucas reported that new businesses have been welcomed and sent flowers.
(d) Streetscape —
E. Lucas reported that fall banners were installed at end of August and will be removed by end of Sept so
that Legion banners can go up on October 1. Flowers and planters did well this summer with lots of rain.
Flowers will come down after Applefest. Stars and garland have been tested and are ready for install this
winter. Power supply boxes will need repaired soon.
(e) Communications—
L. Holmes reported that all relevant communications have been distributed. Recently, the email used to
communicate solely with BIA members has received messages from non-members. Reminds that any
persons wishing to contact the BIA should either use the 'contact us' form on the website or email
bowmanvillefestivals@hotmail.com. Suggests that a 'how-to contact the BIA' document be created and
(f) Website & Social Media —
L. Holmes reported that the business directory has been updated.
8. New Business
9. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday October 8, 2024 commencing
at 6:30pm, virtually.
10. Adiournment
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.