HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-12Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA)
Board of Management Meeting Minutes
Tuesday March 12, 2024; 6:30pm
Virtual Meeting
In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair
Laura Holmes, Secretary
Gerri Lucas, Treasurer
Cathy Holmes, Director
Edgar Lucas, Director
Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative
Laura Knox, MOC Ec Dev representative (departed at 7:30pm)
Amber Ross, owner Pink Lemon Decor
Sarah Gerdy, owner Markets
Cindy, employee of Gather
Jen, employee of Gather
Marg Seaton, owner The Glass Slipper
Natalie Dookheran, owner Roam Coffee
Regrets: Erin Kemp, Director
Lloyd Rang, Council Representative
Delegations Present: none
The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement statement and called the meeting to order.
1. Presentation by Delegations
The Chair recognized that no delegations were present.
2. Updates from Community Partners
(a) CBOT
B. Wrightman shared that CBOT has connected with Durham Region Social Services- homeless services, to
have a breakfast session in April for businesses to navigate challenges surrounding homelessness. Details
will be forthcoming. Al impacts on business, CBOT has partnered with Ontario Tech continuous learning
division to host an event on March 20, 8:30am at Garnet B. Rickard. Breakfast with Mayor Foster on March
28 at Solina Community Hall at 7:30am. Basilico Restaurant ribbon cutting tomorrow at 5pm.
(b) Economic Development
L. Knox shared that there is a refresh of the Seasonal Sidewalk Patio Program for 2024. Details will be
forthcoming within next 3-4 weeks. Application process will be online. Through survey results, concerns
raised about loss of parking and safety. Update of CIP program will including online form submission.
Information sheet will be sent to business owners and building owners. There is a pot of funds available for
Bowmanville. Marketing of CIP program will include postcards. My Main Street funding from fed dev.
There is opportunity for individual businesses and for group projects. The Municipality is planning to submit
Community Activator application for Veterans Square project. It is likely that Veterans Square will not be
available for use at Maplefest. Chad at Paint Factory inquired at Economic Development about painting a
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2
Business Centre (BIA)
mural on a downtown business wall. L. Knox will share the proposal with the BIA to see if there is interest.
There may be opportunity for building owner to submit CIP.
The Chair reported that at the most recent session there was significant conversation on banner poles.
Some BIAs run their own Veteran banner program. The Chair is planning to attend at least one day of the
OBIAA conference.
3. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes
THAT the minutes of the meeting of February 6, 2024 be approved as circulated.
4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
(a) Smoking/Vaping on Sidewalks
L. Holmes reported that a Tobacco Enforcement Officer at Durham Region Health has provided a document
that will be distributed to BIA members. The bylaw is no smoking or vaping within 9m from public
entrances. The Enforcement Officer will be visiting some businesses downtown to ensure that employees
are aware and that window signs are posted.
(b) Part-time Maintenance
Item deferred. The Director of Public Works has recently retired.
(c) Membership Networking Event/DRPS Crime Prevention Session
An officer from the Crime Prevention division of DRIPS will attend to provide tips to businesses. The session
is set for Thursday March 21, 7-8pm at Markets. Refreshments will be provided by Roam Coffee and Nest
Desserts. An RSVP reminder will be sent to businesses.
(d) Garbage/Recycling on Street
There are continuing reports of tenants leaving bags of garbage and household items on the street all days
of the week.
The Chair will speak with businesses/building owners about the garbage issue and will also contact the
5. Correspondence
Correspondence was received from
i. Deputy CAO/Treasurer regarding 2024 Levy Transfer (via email)
ii. Economic Development office regarding My Main Street program information (via email)
iii. Economic Development office regarding Seasonal Patio Program survey (via email)
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3
Business Centre (BIA)
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
THAT item 5.iii. has already been distributed to BIA members.
6. Treasurer's Resort
The Treasurer presented the following:
i. $233 448.99 in current account
ii. 2024 levy has been received
iii. Audit is ongoing
Moved by C. Holmes, seconded by L. Holmes
THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented.
7. Directors' Reports
(a) Council Liaison —
No report.
(b) Events —
C. Holmes reported that Maplefest vendor spots are sold out. Shuttle will run from Indoor Soccer facility
paved lot on southwest side to Rotary Park. Road closure was approved for Division Street at Church St.
Lions Club declined offer to run pancake breakfast. Meet the Easter Bunny on Sat March 30. Partnered with
Clarington Library on Window Scavenger Hunt for Easter. Lots of businesses interested. Girls Night Out
scheduled for April 18.
(c) Membership Relations —
G. Lucas reported that Enniskillen General Store will be moving into location at King/Silver. There is a rumor
that a pizza place will be moving into the former Lil Tucks location. There are a few other vacancies
(d) Streetscape —
G. Lucas has inquired about a bulk discount pricing for summer flowers for business owners. Will report
back when more information available. E. Lucas reported that winter decor will be coming down before
Easter. Six planters have been removed that suffered wind damage. There are several broken banner poles
on Church Street.
(e) Communications—
L. Holmes reported that the CBOT event list, Smoking/Vaping By -Law information, and RSVP reminder about
the DRPS session will be sent this week.
(f) Website & Social Media —
Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4
Business Centre (BIA)
L. Holmes reported that the business directory has been updated to remove all closed businesses. Will
require more updates as vacancies are filled.
8. New Business
(a) Clarington Library
The Chair spoke with the Executive Director of Clarington Library, Museums, and Archives and invited
Library representatives to attend BIA meetings.
The Library is seeking sponsorships. The Chair explained that the Library will need to approach individual
business owners for sponsorships or partnership opportunities.
L. Holmes explained that the BIA works closely with the Library Marketing Director on several partnership
initiatives throughout the year.
9. Date of Next Meeti
The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday April 9, 2024 commencing at
6:30pm, virtually.
10. Adiournment
Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes
THAT the meeting adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 7:53pm.