HomeMy WebLinkAboutA2024-0047 Staff ReportClarftwn
Summary of Comments Submitted
3883 Tooley Road, Darlington
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Committee of Adjustment
Clarington Building Division
No concerns subject to
submitting a building permit
application for the proposal
Clarington Development Engineering Division
No concerns and See
Attachment 1
Clarington Fire and Emergency Services Department
No concerns
Central Lake Conservation Authority (CLOCA)
No concerns
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 2
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Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Date of Meeting: January 23, 2025
File Number: A2024-0047
Address: 3883 Tooley Road, Darlington
Report Subject: A minor variance application to facilitate the construction of an accessory
building by increasing the maximum permitted accessory total floor area
from 90 square metres to 136 square metres and by increasing the
maximum permitted accessory building height from 4.5 metres to 5.5
1. That the Report for Minor Variance A2024-0047 be received.
2. That all written comments and verbal submissions be considered in the deliberation
of this application.
3. That application A2024-0047, for a Minor Variance to Section 3.1.c. by facilitating
the construction of an accessory structure by increasing the maximum permitted
accessory total floor area from 90 square metres to 136 square metres, and by
increasing the maximum permitted accessory building height from 4.5 metres to 5.5
metres be approved as it maintains the general intent and purpose of Zoning By-law
84-63 and the Clarington Official Plan, is desirable for the appropriate development
or use of the land and is minor in nature.
4. That all interested parties listed in this report be forwarded a copy of the
Committee's decision.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
A2024-0047 Page 3
1. Application Details
1.1 Owner: Niko Anastasskis
1.2 Applicant: Hull Drafting & Development c/o., Lonny Gibson
1.3 Proposal: A minor variance application to facilitate the construction of an
accessory building by increasing the maximum permitted
accessory total floor area from 90 square metres to 136
square metres and by increasing the maximum permitted
accessory building height from 4.5 metres to 5.5 metres.
1.4 Area of Lot: 1.96 Acres (0.79 hectares)
1.5 Location: 3883 Tooley Road, Darlington
1.6 Zoning: Residential Estate (RE) Zone
1.7 Clarington Official Estate Residential and Environmental Protection Areas
Plan Designation:
1.8 Heritage Status: None
1.9 Water Supply: Private well
1.10 Sewage Disposal: Septic system
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
A2024-0047 Page 4
Figure 1: Property Location Map
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
A2024-0047 Page 5
2. Background
2.1 On October 15t", 2024, Planning Staff received an application for Minor Variance from
the agent and owner of property. The minor variance is proposed to facilitate the
construction of an accessory building by increasing the maximum permitted accessory
total floor area from 90 square metres to 136 square metres and by increasing the
maximum permitted accessory building height from 4.5 metres to 5.5 metres.
3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses
3.1 The subject property is located on the east side of Tooley Road and is south of
Pebblestone Road (See Figure 1). The property's lot area is approximately 1.96 acres
(0.79 hecatres) in size and has approximately 60 metres of frontage with an
approximate depth of 137.16 metres.
3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows:
a. South — Rural Residential Lands with single detached dwellings
b. North- Rural Residential Lands with single detached dwellings
c. East — Woodlands
d. West —Agricultural Lands/ Woodlands
4. Public Notice and Submissions
4.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage notifying of
the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, the appropriate notice
was mailed to each landowner within 60m of the subject site.
4.2 At the time of writing this report, staff have not received any inquiries regarding the
5. Discussion
Maintain the general intent and purpose of the Clarington Official Plan
5.1 The subject property is designated Estate Residential Areas and Environmental
Protection Areas within the Clarington Official Plan.
5.2 The Clarington Official Plan permits the residential use of the property under the Estate
Residential land -use designation (this includes accessory structures i.e., sheds,
garages). The proposed garage does not interfere with the Environmental Protection
Area, is permitted under the Estate Residential Area land use, and is accessory to the
residential use.
5.3 It is staff's opinion that the application conforms to the intent and purpose of the
Clarington Official Plan.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
A2024-0047 Page 6
Maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law
5.4 The subject property is zoned "Residential Estate (RE) Zone" within Zoning By-law 84-
63. Since the lot is less than 2 hectares, the maximum permitted floor area for
accessory structures are 90 square metres or 10 percent of the lot, whichever is less.
The purpose of this provision is to ensure properties do not become overwhelmed with
structures, that there is sufficient open space for drainage, and to ensure accessory
structures remain secondary to the principal residential use. The proposed garage
complies with all other zoning requirements for an accessory structure.
5.5 There is ample outdoor amenity space, and the proposed accessory structure does not
take away from the usability of the rear or side yard. The total accessory floor area for
all accessory structures will be 136 square meters, in comparison to the floor area of the
existing house, which is 199.43 square metres. Therefore, the proposed accessory
structure is secondary to the existing dwelling in size (See Attachment 2).
5.6 The intent of restricting the height of accessory structures and buildings is to ensure that
the building remains accessory to the principal residential dwelling. The intent is also to
prevent the accessory structures massing from overwhelming the property on which it is
located or any neighbouring properties by ensuring an appropriate building size relative
to the area of the lot.
5.7 The proposal complies with all other provisions in the "Residential Estate (RE)" zone
and will not alter the streetscape or the established character of the neighbourhood. The
increase in building height will not create privacy concerns and will not negatively impact
the subject property or neighbouring properties since the entire property is screened by
trees and vegetation, and the property rears onto a woodlot.
5.8 Given the above considerations, it is staff's opinion that the proposed minor variance
conforms with the intent and purpose of Zoning By-law 84-63.
Desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure
5.9 The appropriate use of the land is rural residential, and the proposed garage is
accessory to the residential use. The proposed accessory structure will allow the owner
to store personal goods and materials within a wholly enclosed structure, which will help
the property maintain good property standards.
5.10 The proposed accessory structure (garage) will be located at the north side of the
property. The neighbouring properties are screened by mature vegetation and trees.
The proposed location is preferable as it minimizes the impact of the structure's size on
adjacent properties. For these reasons, the proposal to increase the maximum floor
area and height is considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land.
5.11 For the above stated reasons, it is staff's opinion that the minor variance requested is
desirable for the residential use of land and building.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
A2024-0047 Page 7
Minor in Nature
5.12 The proposed garage and existing accessory structures will occupy approximately 1.7
percent of the lot. The proposed accessory building would be secondary to the existing
dwelling and is proposed to be located on the north side of the property, which is
screened by mature trees and vegetation. Although, the proposed accessory structure
is 2 storeys, contributing to increased floor area, it is smaller in footprint and height than
the principal residential building on the subject property.
5.13 The proposal would not have a significant adverse impact on the surrounding properties
or the public realm. The proposed location is preferable to minimize the impact of the
structure's size on adjacent properties.
5.14 For the above stated reasons, it is staff's opinion that the proposed variance is deemed
to be minor in nature.
6. Conclusion
6.1 Given the above comments, staff recommend approval of the application for a Minor
Variance to Section 3.1.c. by facilitating the construction of an accessory structure by
increasing the maximum permitted accessory total floor area from 90 square metres to
136 square metres, and by increasing the maximum permitted accessory building height
from 4.5 metres to 5.5 metres; as it maintains the general intent and purpose of the
Clarington Official Plan, and the Zoning By-law 84-63, desirable for the appropriate
development or use of the land and minor in nature.
Submitted by:
Nicklaus Gibson
Acting Secretary -Treasurer
Committee of Adjustment
Municipality of Clarington
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 8
This report has been reviewed by Sarah Parish, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner, who concurs
with the recommendations.
Staff Contact: Nicklaus Gibson, Planner I, 905-623-3379 ext. 2408 or NGibson(a_clarington.net
Attachment 1: Conceptual Site Plan
Attachment 2: Development Engineering Division Comments
Interested Parties:
The following interested parties will be notified of Committee's decision:
Niko Anastasskis
Lonny Gibson
Attachment 1
AREA GE LOT -:—. FT .1 of H
ARIA E7tls` Hd15£ Z-1 I, Gs9 43 M')
AREA O': Ex15T DFLYJF'ORCH 39].99 RF' Ca6.51 M']
A£€A G €XIST POOL 4GVSE 39333 rT' G9,99 M�
AREA CF Exla' COVERED PATIO 195®Fr' Ob.i3 M°)
AR(9.95 it')
ARE4 G� PROPOSm GARAGE 5lt B ii' {53.IA M']
TOTAL LOT C.d.'ERAGE %1I18 £T� 996.04 H'I • 4598
Speciallzin9 in:
Commercial, Industrial and Residential Drafting DRAWN `�41-E OWC-. NO ���®
off'IcisI Plan Amendments �f32" - '-8" GARAGE AT
• Site Plan Agreementr Rezcrring Z.G. LG. OR A5 NOTED 3083 TOOLEV IRD
Phone: 9D5-728-4846 (office) 905-922-6665 (cell) pA7E FLE No
Email: 2aulldraftmg@gmaii—m APRIL 2924
Attachment 2
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
To: Akibul Hoque, Planner I
From: Karen Richardson, Manager of Development Engineering, Planning
and Infrastructure Services Department
Date: November 12, 2024
Subject: Minor Variance Application A2024-0047
File: Applicant: Lonny Gibson on Behalf of Hull Drafting & Development
Address: 3883 Tooley Road, Darlington
Plan 1 OM751 Lot 2
The applicant requires a Minor Variance to permit the construction of an accessory
building by:
• increasing the maximum permitted floor area from 90 m2 to 136 m2
• increasing the maximum permitted building height from 4.5 m to 5.5 m
Development Engineering has reviewed the above -noted application and have no
objections to the proposal.
Building Permit Requirements
The applicant/owner must apply for a Building Permit with the Municipality which
includes all requirements of the Planning and Infrastructure Services Department
regarding the engineering and construction of all internal and external works and
services related to this proposal. These requirements include the following:
Grading and Drainage
The applicant/owner must provide this department with a detailed Lot Grading that
conforms to the Municipality of Clarington Design Guidelines and is satisfactory to
the Deputy CAO of Planning and Infrastructure Services.
The Grading Plan must confirm that there are no adverse effects to any
neighbouring properties and all runoff is contained within the site.
All existing drainage patterns shall remain un-altered by the proposed accessory
The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6
1-800-563-1195 1 Local:905-623-3379 1 info@clarington.net I www.clarington.net
Page 11
` .101 Holm
If you have any questions regarding the above -noted comments, please contact
Julia Antonova, Planning and Infrastructure Services Department.
Kel c'k��
Karen Richardson, P.Eng.
Manager of Development Engineering,
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Page 12
The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6
1-800-563-1195 1 Local:905-623-3379 1 info@clarington.net I www.clarington.net