HomeMy WebLinkAboutB2024-0042 1712 Nash Road Staff ReportClarington
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Committee of Adjustment
Summary of Comments Submitted
B-2024-0042 (X-Ref: 1-132023-034, 1-132023-036, A2024-0003)
1712 Nash Road, Courtice, ON
City Departments / External Agencies
Clarington Development Review Division
Comments as attached
Clarington Building Division
Clarington Development Engineering Division
Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development
Region of Durham Works Department
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 2
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Date of Meeting: January 23, 2025
File Numbers: B-2024-0042 (X-Ref LD2023-034, LD2023-036, A2024-0003)
Address: 1712 Nash Road, Courtice
Report Subject: B-2024-0042; Seeking consent to facilitate the creation of a new
residential lot.
1. That the Report for Consent file B-2024-0042 be received.
2. That all written comments and verbal submissions are considered in the deliberation
of this application.
3. That application LD2023-036 (B-2024-0042) for consent be lifted from the table and
approved subject to the conditions herein.
4. That all interested parties listed in this report be forwarded a copy of the Committee's
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
1.1 Owner:
1.2 Applicant:
Page 3
Wayne Best
Robert Best
Proposal: B-2024-0042; Legacy consent application LD2023-0036 is
being lifted from the table in place of LD2023-0034 which
has been withdrawn by the applicants. LD2023-0034
received provisional consent on July 10th, 2023, and
subsequently all conditions have been fulfilled to the
satisfaction of the Region of Durham's Planning
Department (former approval authority) and the
Municipality. Technical errors in the original application
form prevented the applicant's final deed from being
stamped. The purpose of this application is to amend the
errors in the legal description noted on the original
application form. The effect of the application remains the
same; to sever a 704.6 square metre semi-detached
building lot and to retain a 704.6 square metre semi-
detached building lot from an existing 1,506.88 square
metre parcel of land.
Area of Existing Lot:
1.5 Area of Severed:
1.6 Area of Retained
1.7 Zoning:
1.8 Clarington Official Plan
1.9 Heritage Status
1,506.88 square metres (0.150 ha)
704.6 square metres (0.070 ha)
704.6 square metres (0.070 ha)
`Urban Residential Exception (R1-33) Zone' within Zoning
By-law 84-63.
Urban Residential Area
1.10 Water / Sanitary Supply: Regional Water and Sewer
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Land Division Application: B2024-0042
Nature of Application: Creation of a new lot
Municipality: Clarington
i�[[ woff. Address: 1712 Nash Road
Retained Parcel
- severed Parcel
Conveyed Parcel
Page 4
0 12.5 25 s0 75 100
Figure 1 — Lands subject to consent application.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment Page 5
2. Background
2.1 An application for consent was submitted through the Region of Durham's
Planning Department in 2023 comprising of 3 applications for the creation of 3
new lots. The proponent's intent of these applications was to take the existing lot
and sever to accommodate the construction of two sets of semi-detached
dwellings for a total of four dwelling units (four conveyable lots). The Municipal
file numbers were LD2023-034, LD2023-035 and LD2023-036 and the regional
file number was B-039/2023.
2.2 On July 10th, 2023, the applications were heard at the Region of Durham's land
division committee meeting resulting in the conditional approval of LD2023-034
which reflects the configuration of the subject application to create one new lot as
seen above in Figure 1. Applications LD2023-035 and LD2023-036 were tabled
as they were considered pre -mature.
2.3 Since provisional consent was granted for LD2023-034, the applicants have been
working with the Municipality and the Region to fulfill conditions stated in the
Regional Land Division Committee's Decision of Monday, July 10th, 2023. On
August 29th, 2024, the Municipality sent the Region a clearance letter stating that
the applicant has fulfilled Condition No. 3 as per the Region's Land Division
Committee decision.
2.4 To obtain the final stamped deed, the applicant is to submit a deed package and
certificates which reflect the application form and r-plan that was submitted with
the consent applications. As the R-plan and application stated the creation of 3
new lots and was not revised, the deeds could not be stamped.
2.5 This technical error resulted in the applicant having to withdraw LD2023-034 and
2.6 The subject application is fully supported by both the Region of Durham and the
Municipality of Clarington as clearance has been provided by both agencies. The
purpose of this application is strictly to revise a technical error on the application
form in order to satisfy the parties involved in completing the consent process. Tc
avoid the applicant having to submit a new application and fee, they requested to
lift the previously tabled application (LD2023-036) and revised the application
form and r-plan (see Figure 2). Due to the approval authority changes coming
into effect on January 1st, 2024, the Municipality created a new file number to
process the lifted application (B-2024-0042).
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Of 44DGE
1.2 S
Page 6
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PrN 26700-0002
Figure 2 — Plan 40R 32655 Registered June 25t", 2024
3. Public Notice and Submissions
3.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage
notifying of the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, a public
notice was mailed to each landowner within 60 metres of the subject lands.
3.2 At the time of writing this report, Staff have received no inquiries or opposition
from members of the public for this proposed consent application.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
4. Departmental Comments
Page 7
4.1 External agency and internal department circulation for commenting was not
required as no changes or revisions were made to the configuration of the
severed and retained lots.
5. Policy
5.1 A policy analysis has previously been completed as outlined in the Region's Staff
report as well as the Municipality of Clarington comment letter pertaining to the
application heard on July 10t", 2023.
6. Recommendation
6.1 Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve the application, staff would
request that the approval be conditional upon the owner, applicant or agent
fulfilling the following Municipal conditions:
Section 1: General
The owner, applicant or agent must submit a draft Reference Plan which will
be reviewed by the Planning and Infrastructure Department to ensure
compliance with all applicable zoning provisions and to be approved by the
Municipal Staff prior to registration. Registration of the draft Reference Plan
shall be completed by the owner, applicant, or agent's surveyor at the
expense of the owner/applicant or agent and shall be completed prior to the
registration of the consent agreement.
2. The applicant is required to provide the Municipality of Clarington with a
clearance letter issued by the Region of Durham stating that all Regional
conditions (Planning and Works) have been satisfied/fulfilled.
3. The owner, applicant or agent must enter into a consent agreement with the
Municipality of Clarington.
4. All taxes shall be paid in full to the Municipality of Clarington prior to the
issuance of a clearance letter.
5. Once all other conditions have been satisfied, the applicant shall engage
their solicitor to provide the Municipality with:
a. The original executed transfer/deed a duplicate original and one (1)
b. One copy of the registered reference plan;
c. An accompanying letter with a request that the severing transfer/deed be
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Section 2: Planning Requirements
Page 8
6. The applicant shall pay the Municipality an amount in lieu of conveying land
for park or other public recreational purposes under Section 53 (12.1) and
(13) of the Planning Act, R.S.O,c.P.13. This payment is equivalent to 5% of
the value of the severed parcel. To determine the value of the land, the
applicant shall retain a certified Land Appraiser to prepare a land appraisal.
Advisory Notes
It is the owner, applicant/and or agent's responsibility to fulfill the conditions
of consent approval within two (2) years from the date of the notice of
decision pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act. We will issue no further
notice or warning of the expiration of the two-year period.
2. If the conditions to consent approval are not fulfilled within two (2) years from
the date of the notice of decision and the applicant is still interested in
pursuing the proposal, a new consent application will be required.
Prepared by:
Tyler Robichaud
Acting Secretary -Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Municipality of Clarington
This report has been reviewed by Sarah Parish, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner, who
concurs with the recommendations.
Staff Contact: Tyler Robichaud, Planner, (905) 623-3379 x2420 or
Interested Parties:
The following interested parties will be notified of Committee's decision:
Agent: Robert Best
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Appendix 4.
The Regional Municipality of Durham
Land Division Committee Meeting
Minutes and Decisions
Page 14 of 60
As per: The Planning Act,
and in accordance with the Provincial Rules of Procedure
Consent Application heard on: Monday, July 10, 2023
File: LD 034/2023
Submission: B 039/2023
Owner: Wayne Best and Lynne Best
Agent: Ryan Best
Location: 1712 NASH RD, Clarington, ON
Municipality: Municipality of Clarington
Consent to sever a 352.32 M2 residential parcel of land, retaining a 1056.96 M2
residential parcel of land. Existing dwelling to be demolished.
The Committee member visited the site on click or tap to enter a date. and confirmed
the property was properly posted.
Applications LD 034/2023, LD 035/2023 and LD 036/2023 were heard in
Present was:
Agent: Ryan Best
Ryan Best explained the nature of the application and advised the Committee the
three applications will ultimately facilitate a reconfiguration of the existing lot into
four lots. He further clarified that the existing lot will see the construction of two
sets of semi-detached dwellings for a total of four dwelling units.
Committee Member B. Whittle asked the agent if he was aware of the
requirement for a minor variance application and if he understood the
implications of the request from the Municipality of Clarington to revise one of the
applications and to table two of the applications.
R. Best confirmed he was in receipt of the Municipality's comments but did not
understand the request given he had planned to first sever all the lots and then
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Page 15 of 60
proceed with construction of foundations for the proposed dwellings. He further
advised he would like to proceed as he had proposed.
Committee Member B. Whittle advised the agent that he was inclined to accept
the Municipality's recommendation.
Secretary Treasurer L. Trombino advised the Committee and the applicant that
the Committee had the ability to amend the application on the floor of the meeting
and that should the application be amended, related applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023 would have to be tabled and reconsidered by the Committee
once and this application was approved and finalized.
R. Best was agreeable to the above -mentioned process and requested the
Committee amend application LD 034/2023 and table applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023 as requested by Municipality of Clarington.
The Committee had for information reports received from the Regional
Municipality of Durham Planning and Economic Development, Health and Works
Departments, Municipality of Clarington.
Agency comments were provided to Ryan Best.
Decision of the Committee
Applicants/owners are responsible for fulfilling all conditions.
Moved by: B. Whittle
Seconded by: K. Bavington
Having reviewed and considered all the agency comments, and heard the oral
submission, I hereby move that application LD 034/2023, be approved, as amended, as
it generally complies with all applicable plans and policies, subject to:
That the applicant satisfy the requirement of the Regional Works Department's
letter dated Wednesday, June 28, 2023, financial and otherwise.
2. That the applicant satisfy the requirement of the Regional Planning and
Economic Development Department's letter dated Friday, July 07, 2023.
3. That the applicant satisfy the requirement of the Municipality of Clarington's letter
dated Thursday, July 06, 2023, financial and otherwise.
4. That the applicant submit two copies of a registered plan on the subject parcel.
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023 Page 16 of 60
5. That the consent be subject to the following periods:
Last date for fulfilling Conditions is Friday, July 18, 2025.
Expiry Date of Application LD 034/2023 is Monday, August 18, 2025.
Clearing Agencies
6. That prior to the signing of the certificate by the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer
that the consent has been given, the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer is to be
advised in writing by the Regional Works Department that condition #1 has been
carried out to its satisfaction.
7. That prior to the signing of the certificate by the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer
that the consent has been given, the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer is to be
advised in writing by the Regional Planning and Economic Development
Department that condition #2 has been carried out to its satisfaction.
8. That prior to the signing of the certificate by the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer
that the consent has been given, the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer is to be
advised in writing by the Municipality of Clarington that condition #3 has been
carried out to its satisfaction.
9. That prior to the signing of the certificate by the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer
that the consent has been given, the Assistant Secretary -Treasurer is to be
satisfied that the time periods outlined in condition #5 have been adhered to.
Advisory Comments
Once all of the conditions contained in the Committee's Decision are fully
satisfied by the applicant, the applicant's solicitor must prepare and forward the
legal document(s) with the applicable stamping fee to the Region of Durham
Land Division Committee office, to the attention of the Assistant Secretary -
Treasurer for review and approval with stamping. The document(s) will be
returned to the solicitor for registration purposes. Failing receipt by the Assistant -
Secretary Treasurer of the Deed Package by the requisite date, the application
shall be deemed expired and shall lapse.
Carried unanimously
Signed by all members present and concurring that this is the Committee Decision of
LD 034/2023 on Monday, July 10, 2023.
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Alex Georgieff — Town of Whitby
Kitty Bavington — Township of Brock
Lori Roberts — Town of Ajax
Eric Hudson — City of Pickering
Gerri Lynn O'Connor — Township of Uxbridge
Bradley Whittle — Municipality of Clarington
L. Trombino, Secretary -Treasurer
Page 17 of 60
Last Date of Appeal of this Decision or any of the conditions therein is Tuesday, August
08, 2023.
Please Note: Section 53(19) of the Planning Act has been amended and now indicates
that only the applicant, the Minister, a specified person or any public body may appeal
this Decision.
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Appendix 5.
The Regional Municipality of Durham
Land Division Committee Meeting
Page 18 of 60
As per: The Planning Act,
and in accordance with the Provincial Rules of Procedure
Consent Application heard on: Monday, July 10, 2023
File: LD 035/2023
Owner: Wayne Best and Lynne Best
Agent: Ryan Best
Location: 1712 NASH RD, Clarington, ON
Municipality: Municipality of Clarington
Consent to sever a 352.32 M2 residential parcel of land, retaining a 704.64 M2
residential parcel of land. Existing dwelling to be demolished.
The Committee member visited the site on click or tap to enter a date. And confirmed
the property was properly posted.
Applications LD 034/2023, LD 035/2023 and LD 036/2023 were heard in
Present was:
Agent: Ryan Best
Ryan Best explained the nature of the application and advised the Committee the
three applications will ultimately facilitate a reconfiguration of the existing lot into
four lots. He further clarified that the existing lot will see the construction of two
sets of semi-detached dwellings for a total of four dwelling units.
Committee Member B. Whittle asked the agent if he was aware of the
requirement for a minor variance application and if he understood the
implications of the request from the Municipality of Clarington to revise one of the
applications and to table two of the applications.
R. Best confirmed he was in receipt of the Municipality's comments but did not
understand the request given he had planned to first sever all the lots and then
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Page 19 of 60
proceed with construction of foundations for the proposed dwellings. He further
advised he would like to proceed as he had proposed.
Committee Member B. Whittle advised the agent that he was inclined to accept
the Municipality's recommendation.
Secretary Treasurer L. Trombino advised the Committee and the applicant that
the Committee had the ability to amend the application on the floor of the meeting
and that should the application be amended, related applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023 would have to be tabled and reconsidered by the Committee
once and this application was approved and finalized.
R. Best was agreeable to the above -mentioned process and requested the
Committee amend application LD 034/2023 and table applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023as requested by Municipality of Clarington.
The Committee had for information reports received from the Regional
Municipality of Durham Planning and Economic Development, Health and Works
Departments, Municipality of Clarington.
Agency comments were provided to Ryan Best.
Motion of the Committee
Applicants/owners are responsible for fulfilling all conditions.
Moved by: B. Whittle
Seconded by: K. Bavington
Having reviewed and considered all of the agency comments and heard the oral
submission, I hereby move that application LD 035/2023 be tabled, at the expense of the
applicant for up to two (2) years and no later than July 2025. A tabling fee of $300.00 is
payable by certified funds within thirty (30) days of today's meeting. Failure to pay the
required fee may result in denial of the application. The site must be reposted 14 days
prior to the new hearing date
Carried unanimously
Signed by all members present and concurring that this is the Committee Motion of
LD 035/2023 on Monday, July 10, 2023.
Alex Georgieff — Town of Whitby
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Kitty Bavington — Township of Brock
Lori Roberts — Town of Ajax
Eric Hudson — City of Pickering
Gerri Lynn O'Connor — Township of Uxbridge
Bradley Whittle — Municipality of Clarington
L. Trombino, Secretary -Treasurer
Page 20 of 60
Please Note: Section 53(19) of the Planning Act has been amended and now indicates
that only the applicant, the Minister, a specified person or any public body may appeal
this Decision.
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Appendix 6.
The Regional Municipality of Durham
Land Division Committee Meeting
Page 21 of 60
As per: The Planning Act,
and in accordance with the Provincial Rules of Procedure
Consent Application heard on: Monday, July 10, 2023
File: LD 036/2023
Owner: Wayne Best and Lynne Best
Agent: Ryan Best
Location: 1712 NASH RD, Clarington, ON
Municipality: Municipality of Clarington
Consent to sever a 352.32 M2 residential parcel of land, retaining a 352.32 M2
residential parcel of land. Existing dwelling to be demolished.
The Committee member visited the site on click or tap to enter a date. and confirmed
the property was properly posted.
Applications LD 034/2023, LD 035/2023 and LD 036/2023 were heard in
Present was:
Agent: Ryan Best
Ryan Best explained the nature of the application and advised the Committee the
three applications will ultimately facilitate a reconfiguration of the existing lot into
four lots. He further clarified that the existing lot will see the construction of two
sets of semi-detached dwellings for a total of four dwelling units.
Committee Member B. Whittle asked the agent if he was aware of the
requirement for a minor variance application and if he understood the
implications of the request from the Municipality of Clarington to revise one of the
applications and to table two of the applications.
R. Best confirmed he was in receipt of the Municipality's comments but did not
understand the request given he had planned to first sever all the lots and then
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Page 22 of 60
proceed with construction of foundations for the proposed dwellings. He further
advised he would like to proceed as he had proposed.
Committee Member B. Whittle advised the agent that he was inclined to accept
the Municipality's recommendation.
Secretary Treasurer L. Trombino advised the Committee and the applicant that
the Committee had the ability to amend the application on the floor of the meeting
and that should the application be amended, related applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023 would have to be tabled and reconsidered by the Committee
once and this application was approved and finalized.
R. Best was agreeable to the above -mentioned process and requested the
Committee amend application LD 034/2023 and table applications LD 035/2023
and LD 036/2023as requested by Municipality of Clarington.
The Committee had for information reports received from the Regional
Municipality of Durham Planning and Economic Development, Health and Works
Departments, Municipality of Clarington.
Agency comments were provided to Ryan Best.
Motion of the Committee
Applicants/owners are responsible for fulfilling all conditions.
Moved by: B. Whittle
Seconded by: K. Bavington
Having reviewed and considered all of the agency comments and heard the oral
submission, I hereby move that application LD 036/2023 be tabled, at the expense of the
applicant for up to two (2) years and no later than July 2025. A tabling fee of $300.00 is
payable by certified funds within thirty (30) days of today's meeting. Failure to pay the
required fee may result in denial of the application. The site must be reposted 14 days
prior to the new hearing date
Carried unanimously
Signed by all members present and concurring that this is the Committee Motion of
LD 036/2023 on Monday, July 10, 2023.
Alex Georgieff — Town of Whitby
Land Division Committee — Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2023
Kitty Bavington — Township of Brock
Lori Roberts — Town of Ajax
Eric Hudson — City of Pickering
Gerri Lynn O'Connor — Township of Uxbridge
Bradley Whittle — Municipality of Clarington
L. Trombino, Secretary -Treasurer
Page 23 of 60
Please Note: Section 53(19) of the Planning Act has been amended and now indicates
that only the applicant, the Minister, a specified person or any public body may appeal
this Decision.