HomeMy WebLinkAboutB2024-0040 Staff ReportClarington
Summary of Comments Submitted
222 King Street East, Bowmanville
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Committee of Adjustment
City Departments / External Agencies
Clarington Development Review Division
Comments as attached
Clarington Building Division
No concerns
Clarington Development Engineering Division
Comments as attached, see
attachment 1
Clarington Emergency & Fire Services Department
No concerns
Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development
Comments as attached, see
attachment 2
Region of Durham Works Department
Comments as attached, see
attachment 3
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 2
If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility
Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
Date of Meeting: January 23, 2025
File Numbers: B-2024-0040
Address: 240 King Street East, Bowmanville
Report Subject: B-2024-0040; Seeking consent to facilitate a Lot Line Adjustment on a
commercial lot.
1. That the Report for Consent file B-2024-0040 be received.
2. That all written comments and verbal submissions are considered in the deliberation
of this application.
3. That application B-2024-0040 for consent be approved subject to the conditions
4. That all interested parties listed in this report be forwarded a copy of the
Committee's decision.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 3
Hyangsook Chang & Keunkoo Lee
David Pearce c/o Hyangsook Chang & Keunkoo Lee
B-2024-0040; Seeking consent to facilitate a lot line
adjustment that would result in 260 square meters of lot
area being transferred from 240 King Street East to 222
King Street East.
Area of Existing Lot
1,115 square metres (0.111 ha)
Area of Severed:
260 square metres (0.026ha)
Area of Retained:
855 square metres (0.085 ha)
`General Commercial Exception (C1-30) Zone' within
Zoning By-law 84- 63.
1.8 Clarington Official Plan
Designation: Urban Centre
1.9 Secondary Plan: Bowmanville East Urben Centre Secondary Plan
1.10 Secondary Plan
Designation: Street- Related Commercial Area
1.11 Heritage Status: None
1.12 Water/Sanitary Supply: Regional Water and Sewer, Municipal Storm Sewer
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Land Division Application: B2024-0040
Nature of Application: Addition to a lot
Municipality: Clarington
Clarhigton Address: 222 King Street East
Page 4
Galbraith Courf
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Severed Parcel
- Retained Parcel
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Figure 1 — Lands subject to consent application
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment Page 5
2. Background
2.1 On September 18th, 2024, an application was received from IBW Surveyors, on
behalf of Jim Wallace for consent to register an easement agreement for Part 1
as shown below in the draft reference plan to include easement rights for access,
development and servicing across 240 and 246 King Street E, which was
approved by the Committee of Adjustment on October 24th, 2025.
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Figure 2 - Draft 40R reference plan showing proposed consent application lot fabric
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment Page 6
2.2 In December 2024, municipal staff were informed that the initial intention to
establish a registered easement had changed to the outright purchase of the land
parcel. Since the agreement for the easement had not yet been registered,
municipal staff recommended withdrawing the previously approved consent
application (B2024-0032) and submitting a new application to facilitate a lot line
2.3 With this consent application, the applicant is proposing to adjust the lot lines to
sell a 260-square-meter portion of land (maintaining the same area as previously
approved in B2024-0032) from 240 King Street East to 222 King Street East. The
effect of this application will be to sell the owners of 222 King Street the portion of
land so they can access additional parking behind 246 King Street.
2.4 The subject land is surrounded by the Bowmanville Professional Building parking
area on the west and a commercial building to the east.
3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses
3.1 The subject lands municipally known as 240 King Street East are comprised of
Part 1 and Part 2 on the draft reference plan. The subject property is located on
the north side of King Street East. The lands are legally described as Part lot 10
Concession 1, Part Block `3', Hanning's Plan, former town of Bowmanville. The
subject lands form a rectangular shaped lot with an area of 1,115 square metres,
depth of 91.48 metres and frontage along King Street East of 12.20 metres.
Surrounding land uses include:
South: Durham Regional Highway 2
North: Vacant parcel
East: Low -density commercial
West: Medium -density commercial
4. Public Notice and Submissions
4.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage
notifying of the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition, a public
notice was mailed to each landowner within 60 metres of the subject lands.
4.2 At the time of writing this report, Staff have received no inquiries or opposition
from members of the public for this proposed consent application.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment Page 7
5. Provincial Policy Planning Act
5.1 Section 53(12) of the Planning Act requires that the criteria set out under Section
51(24) shall be given regard for matters such as: health, safety, convenience,
accessibility for persons with disabilities and welfare of the present and future
inhabitants of the municipality when considering an application for Consent. For
the purposes of this review, it is the opinion of the Planning and Infrastructure
Services Department that the proposed application is consistent with the criteria
(a) — (m) of Section 51(24) under the act.
Provincial Planning Statement, 2024
5.2 Section 1.1.3: Within settlement areas, land use patterns shall be based on
densities and a mix of land uses which optimizes existing and planned
infrastructure and efficiently uses land and resources. It is the opinion of the
Planning and Infrastructure Services Department that the proposed application is
consistent with the criteria within the PPS.
5.3 The application is consistent with the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, and
Provincial Policy Statement (2024)
6. Official Plan
6.1 The subject property is designated Urban Centre within the Clarington Official
Plan. The "Urban Centre" designation is intended to function as the focal point of
communities. They shall provide an array of retail and personal service, office,
residential, cultural, community, recreational and institutional uses.
6.2 The subject site is within the Bowmanville East Urban Centre — East Business
District Secondary Plan and is designated Street -related Commercial area.
Street -related Commercial Area are intended to provide an array of retail,
service, office, residential, cultural, community, recreational and institutional
uses. The proposed severance conforms to the Secondary Plan policies.
6.3 The proposed consent application is subject to policies within Section 23.7 -
Severances of the Clarington Official Plan.
Official Plan Policy 23.7
a) Scattered residential development
Planning Staff is satisfied that this
throughout the Municipality shall be
application does not result in scattered
residential development.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 8
b) Ribbon development along arterial
Planning Staff is satisfied that this
roads shall be prohibited and direct
application for consent does not result in
access from arterial roads shall generally
ribbon development.
be restricted
c) Severances shall meet the
No objections from regional works
requirements of the Region of Durham
department with regard to access and
and applicable provincial agencies,
public servicing have been received.
regarding the provision of sewage
disposal and water services, and may
include entering into an agreement with
the Region of Durham
d) Severances shall only be given when
The retained lands have frontage along a
land fronts on an open and maintained
Municipally opened and maintained road.
public road. Notwithstanding, a
The severed parcel will be purchased
landlocked parcel related to a land
upon approved severance by 222 King
assembly for future development in
Street East.
conformity to this Plan may be created
e) The size of any parcel of land created
Application is consistent in keeping with
by severance should be appropriate for
the character of the surrounding
the use proposed in keeping with the
neighbourhood and conforms to the
character of the surrounding
development policies within the Official
neighbourhood and no parcel should be
created which does not conform to the
provisions of this Plan and the
implementing Zoning By-law
f) Severances shall not be granted for
Clarington's Development Engineering
land adjacent to a road from which
department is satisfied that this
access is to be obtained if a traffic hazard
development does not create a traffic
would be created because of limited sight
hazard (see Attachment 1).
lines on curves or grades
g) Severances to be granted shall be
This application to transfer the land parcel
conditional upon the applicant meeting all
is subject to the fulfillment of Municipal
requirements of the Municipality, financial
conditions — (See page 10 of this report)
and otherwise, and may include an
agreement being entered into with the
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Page 9
h) The Municipality is satisfied that a plan
This application will result in transfer of
of subdivision is not required. Generally,
severed portion to the adjacent property.
3 lots are considered the maximum
and Staff is satisfied that this consent
number of new lots that may be created
application would not require a plan of
by severances from a parcel of land
i) Where a property has more than one
Not applicable. The subject lands are not
land use designation, a land severance
under multiple land use designations.
along the boundary of two different
designations is permissible provided the
severance does not contravene any
applicable policies of this Plan
j) In the Agricultural and Rural
Not applicable. The subject lands are not
designations, any severance applications
Agricultural or Rural.
for agricultural, farm -related uses, and
farm -related industrial/commercial uses
shall only be permitted in accordance with
Sections 13.3.7, 13.3.8, 13.3.9, 13.3.11
and 13.3.12
k) The severance shall be in compliance
Not applicable.
with the provisions of any site plan,
subdivision or any other development
agreements registered against the title of
the subject lands
6.4 For the purposes of this review, it is the opinion of the Planning and Infrastructure
Services Department that the proposal conforms to the severance policies under
Section 23.7 a) — k).
6.5 It is staff's opinion that the consent application conforms to the Clarington Official
7. Zoning By -Law 84-63
7.1 The subject lands are zoned as `General Commercial Exception (C1-30)' within
Zoning By-law 84-63. Permitted uses in the (C1-30) zone include a range of
commercial uses as indicated in the parent (Cl) zone. The proposed severance
would result into a land locked parcel if approved and therefore the purchase of
the severed parcel by 222 King Street E will be conditioned with this application.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
8. Recommendation
Page 10
8.1 Should the Committee deem it appropriate to approve the application, staff would
request that the approval be conditional upon the owner, applicant or agent
fulfilling the following conditions:
Section 1: General
The owner, applicant or agent must provide a draft Reference Plan with the
application which will be reviewed by the Planning and Infrastructure
Department and approved by the Municipality prior to
registration. Registration of this Reference Plan is done by the owner,
applicant, or agent's surveyor at the expense of the owner/applicant or agent
and shall be completed prior to the registration of the consent agreement.
2. All taxes shall be paid in full to the Municipality of Clarington prior to the
issuance of a clearance letter.
3. Once all other conditions have been satisfied, the applicant shall engage
their solicitor to provide the Municipality with:
a. The original executed transfer/deed a duplicate original and one (1)
b. One copy of the registered reference plan;
c. An accompanying letter with a request that the severing transfer/deed be
Section 2: Planning Requirements
4. Agent/Owner is required to submit a copy of the registered transfer deed.
5. To ensure that any new lot created through severance, whether retained or
severed comply with all applicable provisions of Zoning By-law 84-63. Staff
will review the registered reference plan once submitted to ensure
compliance with all applicable zoning provisions
6. The applicant shall pay the Municipality an amount in lieu of conveying land
for park or other public recreational purposes under Section 53 (12.1) and
(13) of the Planning Act, R.S.O,c.P.13. This payment is equivalent to 2% of
the value of the severed parcel. To determine the value of the land, the
applicant shall retain a certified Land Appraiser to prepare a land appraisal.
Municipality of Clarington
Committee of Adjustment
Advisory Notes
Page 11
It is the owner, applicant/and or agent's responsibility to fulfill the conditions
of consent approval within two (2) years from the date of the notice of
decision pursuant to Section 53 of the Planning Act. We will issue no further
notice or warning of the expiration of the two-year period.
2. If the conditions to consent approval are not fulfilled within two (2) years from
the date of the notice of decision and the applicant is still interested in
pursuing the proposal, a new consent application will be required.
Prepared by:
Shrija Vora
Planner II,
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Municipality of Clarington
This report has been reviewed by Sarah Parish, MCIP, RPP, Principal Planner
Development Review, who concurs with the recommendations.
Staff Contact: Shrija Vora, Planner, (905) 623-3379 x2436 or svora(o)_clarington.net.
Interested Parties:
The following interested parties will be notified of Committee's decision:
David Pearce
If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the
Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
To: Shrija Vora, Planner II
From: Karen Richardson, Manager of Development Engineering
Date: January 09, 2025
Subject: Land Division Application B-2024-0040
File: Applicant: David Pearce on behalf of Hyangsook Chang & Keunkoo
Address: 240 King Street East, Bowmanville
Part Lot 10 Concession 1 Township of Darlington
Consent to facilitate a lot line adjustment that would result in 260 square meters of
lot area being transferred from 240 King Street East to 222 King Street East.
Development Engineering has reviewed the above -noted application and has no
objections to the proposal.
If you have any questions regarding the above -noted comments, please contact
Aj/ay]Kumar Alagarsamy, Planning and Infrastructure Services Department,
Karen Richardson, P.Eng.
Manager of Development Engineering,
Planning and Infrastructure Services
The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6
1-800-563-1195 1 Local:905-623-3379 1 info@clarington.net I www.clarington.net
Page 11
The Regional
Municipality of
Community Growth
and Economic
605 Rossland Rd. E.
Level 4
PO Box 623
Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3
plan ning@durham.ca
Brian Bridgeman,
Commissioner of
Community Growth
and Economic
January 15, 2025
Shrija Vora, Planner 2
Planning and Infrastructure Services
Municipality of Clarington
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville ON L1 C 3A6
Re: Application for Consent B-2024-0040
Durham Ref.: LD 134/2024
Applicant: Hyangsook Chang and Keunkoo Lee
Location: 222 King Street East
Municipality: Municipality of Clarington (Bowmanville)
Hearing Date: January 23, 2025
That application B-2024-0040 be approved with no conditions.
The purpose of the consent is to facilitate a lot line adjustment that
would result in 260 m2 (Part 1) of lot area being transferred from
240 King Street East to 222 King Street East. The retained lands
would be 855 m2 (Part 2).
Please be advised effective January 1, 2025, the Region is an Upper -
tier municipality without planning responsibilities. As such, the
comments pertaining to conformity and consistency with the Region
of Durham Official Plan and provincial plans and policies and those
comments relating to the Region's delegated provincial plan review
responsibilities will fall under the purview of the area municipalities.
Regional Works Department
The Regional Works Department has no objection or conditions
to impose for this application.
If you require this information in an accessible format, please contact Planning Reception or call 1-800-
372-1102 extension 2548.
The proposed application would permit Part 1 lands, as shown on
the draft 40R-Plan to be merged with the neighbouring property
identified as 222 King Street East located to the west of the site. We
have no objection with the proposed application.
Yours truly,
Vannitha Chanthavong, MCIP, RPP
Attachment: 1. Regional Works comments January 7, 2025
cc: Grant Young, Regional Works Department
The Regional
of Durham
Works Department
605 Rossland Rd. E.
PO Box 623
Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3
Fax: 905-668-2051
January 7, 2025
Planning and Economic Development
Regional Municipality of Durham
605 Rossland Road East, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 623
Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3
Sent via Planit
Attention: Lino Trombino
Re: LD 134/2024 (B2024-0040)
Chang Hyangsook
Agent: David Pearce
240 King Street East
Municipality of Clarington
Please be advised that our department has no objection or conditions to
be imposed upon the consent to add a 260 square metre commercial
parcel of land (Part 1), in favour of the parcel to the west, retaining a 855
square metre commercial parcel of land (Part 2).
In the event you have any questions, please contact the
Yours truly,
Grant Young, C.E.T.
Development Approvals Technician
905 668 7711 extension 2479
If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact
1-800-372-1102 ext. 3753.