HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-23-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #77� . 117 Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING (ATE: APRIL 5, 1988 REPORT #: WD-23-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF STEPHENSON ROAD BETWEEN CONCESSION ROAD 1 AND KING'S HIGHWAY 401 AS AN "IMPROVED ROAD" RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and 2) By-Law 86-112 be amended to designate Stephenson Road from Concession Road 1 to King's Highway 401, as an "improved" road. 3) A copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. Bob Stephenson, R.R. #3, Newcastle, Ontario, LOA 1HO. REPORT: 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On Tuesday, March 16, 1988, a meeting was held with Mr. Bob Stephenson to discuss the status of Stephenson Road from Concession Road I to King's Highway 401. (Attachment 1) 1.2 At the present time, this road is not shown as an "opened road" on the Town of Newcastle road map. This map was adopted by By-law 86-112. . . .2 w PAGE 2 REPORT NO. WD-20-88 2.0 THE PROBLEM 2.1 Mr. Stephenson owns land adjacent to this road and he has plans to build a house on the property. 2.2 Since the Town's Road Map, adopted by By-law 86-112, does not show the road as an opened road, Mr. Stephenson would be required, by Town policy (Attachment 2) , to upgrade the road to the Town's standards, at his expense, before he would be able to obtain a building permit. 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 Prior to 1959, Stephenson Road between Concession Road 1 and King's Highway 2, was a travelled road maintained the year round. 3.2 When Highway 401 was constructed, Stephenson Road was "dead ended" on the south and north sides of Highway 401. 3.3 Since 1959, the former Township of Clarke and since 1974, the Town of Newcastle provided little or no maintenance on the road because of the virtual lack of traffic on the road. 4.0 CONDITION OF THE ROAD 4.1 An inspection was carried out on the road on Tuesday, March 15, 1988. Although the snow has not been plowed during the winter, the road was quite passable from Concession Road I to its northern limit on the south side of Highway 401. . . .3 PAGE 3 REPORT NO. WD-20-88 4.2 If the road is to become a travelled road again, some brushing will be required, the ditches will have to be cleaned out, the road would require grading and some gravel should be added to the existing service. 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 The status of this road is similar to that of Providence Road (which was dealt with by Council on Monday, March 14, 1988) ) and of Allin Road, which was dealt with by Council on January 13, 1986. A copy of report WD-18-88 dealing with Providence Road (Attachment 3) and a copy of Report WD-1-86 dealing with Allin Road (Attachment 4) are attached to this report. 5.2 It is,therefore, my conclusion that the Town is obligated to designate this road as an "improved road" thereby re-establishing Mr. Stephenson's right to an entrance permit, if he so desires. It is, therefore, recommended that By-law 86-112 be amended to designate Stephenson Road from Concession Road 1 to Highway 401 as an improved road. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrence . Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Admi strative Officer. :llv March 16, 1988 U/ 0 109c COWA VILLE RD. LL O 1S 11 25 24 23 22 21 17 16 CON C. R . 3 w a 0 z U Q CON RD. Z BROWNSVILL Ld Q SECTION OF ROAD Z TL O TO BED DESIGNATED ROAD, IMPROVED" m w %0 a J C ON C. RD. ZZ Q o I o a 0 I ND U. al w " III Ake � S April. -5, 1988 RE RD. L ES oRE ATTACHMENT I TO REPORT WD-23-88, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ' .gY-Lam..-�-•- being a by-law to establish a policy'for astle. unimproved roads in the.Town of Newc ncil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems WHEREAS the Cou policy with respect to unimproved roads within it expedient to enact a p the Town of Newcastle; AND WHREAS such policy includes a quality standard for maintenance of unimproved roads; NOW THEREFORE BE 1T ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: " 1. The policy of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for unimproved.roads shall be as set out in Schedule "A", attached hereto. 2. The quality standard for maintenance e ntenance in in roads shall be a Schedule "8", attached hereto. 3y-law read a first and second time this'13 day of February 1984. , By-law read a third time and finally passed °this 13 day of February, 1984. CERTIFIED UNDER THE NANO of TIM..-..--ra.-�-"""' Mayor CLERK AND THE SEAL Of THE CORPORA,�ON OF. ,At 1,wx of KwWT X7 of THE CORPORATION Of THE TOYIN OF XVWCASTLE WILD TIE K (. 1988 - 1Ht 1 Y W MtNGt�LL Clerk April 5, ATTACHMENT 2 To Report WD-23-f SCHEDULE POLICY FOR UNIMPROVED ROADS v 1.0 GENERAL em of the Corporation of the Town improved Public shall 1.1 The road syst be divided into red Roadseg and eUnopened Roads. Streets, �lnimpro 1.2 IMPROVED PUBLIC STREETS are streets rio oads under the jurisdiction of the Province of of the Town of Municipality c Durham, Newcastle which are maintained so s allow seasons •of th vehicular access to adjacent properties throughout year, Maintenance of such roads• w re in accordance with accepted standards for year round roads. Roads where there is evidence that Public- funds have at some time 1.3 said roads will be designated as been expended to create, of cuts and "UNIMPROVED ROADS". Evidence shall include grading of gravel fills, grading of ditches, culverts, bridges, placement gth of the road and extended.period of over a substantial len time, ,4 UNIMPROVED ROADS are located on municipally owned road,allowances 1 passable sand or where there exists during the summer season, the Town gravel roadways that are not fully maintained by rbvided ut the entire year. The standard of mainte throughonance p shall be consistent with the 1 needs e er llyber asf normally specified in expected to use them and shall g Attachment # 2. all owned road allowances, laid out as 1.5 UNOPENED ROADS are muniCip y where there is no evidence part of the original municipal fundsv to open same, although a of the expenditure of public exist. No maintenance will be provided � passable earth trail may by the Town on such roads. privately owned • 1.6 PRIVATE ROADS are travelled roads located vate roads have received property. In cases where certain private July 1, 1985, any some form-Of maintenance by the Town, al and and all such maintenance shall c nabe and roduced whereins the Council binding documentary evidence ca of the Town of Newcastle or wn i h ofNe castle has legally r agreed to municipalities within the To perform such maintenance. 2.0 UNIMPROVED ROADS - GENERAL 2.1 The Town will take steps to have all unimproved roads within the Corporation recognized as "Summer Maintenance Only" roads in the Road Needs Study to ensure that appropriate subsidies are realized from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 2.2 As part of the process in Section 2.1, the Town will. identi,fy a category of "Unimproved Roads to be Closed" and inventory the components of same, such roads not being integral to the Town's existing or anticipated road system. 2.3 The Town shall , by by-law, close when considered.in the interest of the Municipality as many as possible of the roads identified in Section 2.2. The Municipally-owned lands so created will be disposed of to adjacent land owners at fair market value plus costs, unless they are considered necessary to the Town. I, 2.4 Where requested by owners of land abutting an unimproved road, the Town may, at. the expense of said owners, close by by-law, fence, .or fence with a gate, and grant road occupancy rights to said land owners. 3.0 MAINTENANCE OF UNIMPROVED ROADS 3.1 Unimproved roads which have been recently maintained by the Town will continue to be so maintained in accordance with the standards specified in Attachment # 2. 3.2 Unimproved roads, which have not recently been maintained by the Town, shall not have maintenance performed unless such maintenance is requested by abutting property owners, Maintenance on.,such roads will be on a demand basis only. 3.3. Maintenance of unimproved roads forming the boundary. between the Town and an adjacent Municipality will be provided only if agreed to by that abutting Municipality. 4.0 RECONSTRUCTION OF UNIMPROVED ROADS 4.1 The Town shall not perform construction on .private or unopened roads. 4.2 The Town shall not reconstruct an unimproved road unless it is proven that said road is necessary as an integral transportation link in the Town's improved road system and is recognized by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as being eligible for reconstruction subsidy. 4.3 Where it is proven that the construction of an unopened or unimproved road is necessary, such construction will be performed only 'at the expense of others either under a Subdivision Agreement, the Local Improvement Act or through private. enterprise, provided that the road .so constructed has said construction approved by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, meets the Design Criteria and Standards' of the Town and is in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Zoning By-law and Official Plan. 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS ON UNIMPROVED ROADS 5.1 Building permits for buildings to be used on'a year round basis shall be issued in accordance with the Zoning By-laws of the Town of Newcastle. 5.2 Where an applicant wishes to construct a building to be used on a year round basis on an unimproved road, the applicant must _Y arrange for construction of said road in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.3 of this policy such that it can be redesignated as an improved public street.. .r : : •• Cdr. .(� SCHEDULE "B" QUALITY STANDARD FOR MAINTENANCE OF UNIMPROVED ROADS The major objectives are: - To prevent the spread of noxious weeds to adjacent properties; - To provide an adequate road driving surface for farm equipment, The level of service shall not exceed the following: 1. Noxious weeds shall be sprayed if necessary; - •• 2. Roadside grass shall be cut one swath wide, once per year. 3. Roadside debris and litter 'pickup shall be carried out once per year immediately prior to mowing; 4. Road surfaces shall be graded twice per year, generally once in the spring and once in the fall; 5. Ditching improvements and gravel spot resurfacing shall be carried out only if absolutely required as directed by ,the Director of Public Works; 6. Emergency operations such as removal of fallen trees, replacement of culverts or washout repairs shall be performed.when practically possible after the occurrence. 7. Winter control operations shall not be carried out on unimproved roads. TOWN OF' NEWCASTLE . , . ., J. - -� REPORT File # Res. # 1, By-Law # , rIN(i: COUNCIL DATE: MARCH 14, 1988 REPORT #: wD-18-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: REQUEST BY GORDON BARRIE TO CHAFE THE DESIGNATION OF A PORTION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD FROM "UNIMPROVED" TO IMPROVED" RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: A. That By-law 86412, being a by-law to establish a street name map and a street name inventory for roads in the Town of Newcastle be amended to change the designation of Providence Road in Concession II, former Township of Darlington from "summer road" to "improved road" from the north limit of the C.P.R. right-of-way to the south i limit of the existing improved road. B• AND THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. Gordon Barrie. . . .2 April 5 , 1988 ATTACHMENT 3 TO Report WD-23- PAGE 2 REPORT N0. WD--18-88 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In late 1987, Mr. Keith Barrie applied for a permit to construct a single family dwelling on a parcel of land located in Lot 4, Concession II, former Township of Darlington. (See Attachment 2) . 1.2 The building permit application was denied because the property in question fronts onto that section of Providence Road which is designated on the Town of Newcastle "Street Name" map as a "summer road" . 1.3 Section 3.7 of the Town of Newcastle Zoning By-Law prohibits ( the issuance of a building permit unless the lot upon which the building is to be erected fronts on an improved public street maintained year round. 1.4 On February 12, 1988 a meeting was held in Mayor Winters office with Gordon and Keith Barrie to discuss the matter. Attached is a copy of a letter, dated February 16, 1988, from Mr. David Sims to Mr. Keith Barrrie confirming the conversation which took place at the meeting.(Attachment 1) 2.0 DELEGATION By MR. BARRIE 2.1 Mr. Barrie, represented by Mr. Grant, appeared as a delegation at the meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, March 7, 1988. 2.2 Mr. Grant gave verbal testimony that for many years Providence Road in Concession II was maintained all year. His submission was basically that because of this, the designation of the road should be changed to "improved" status thereby removing the status of Providence Road as an impediment to obtaining a building permit. . . .3 PAGE 3 REPORT NO. WD-18-88 2.3 Mr. Glenn Smith, Foreman at the Hampton Depot has confirmed that prior to about three years ago, Providence Road in Concession II was maintained all year. Apparently, about three years ago the C.P.R. placed an 8 tonne load limit on the bridge over the C.P.R. tracks. For this reason, the Public Works Department discontinued snow plowing of the southerly two thirds of Providence Road in Concession II. 2.4 At about the same time as the above events occurred, the Town was in the process of completing the preparation of a street name and inventory map. It is probable that it was at this time that the designation of Providence Road was changed from "improved status" to "summer road" status. 3.0 CONDITION OF THE ROAD 3.1 The section of Providence Road from Concession Street which is now designated as "summer road" is a relatively narrow gravel road with poor drainage and without ditches. 3.2 An inspection of this section of road was made on Monday, March 7, 1988. Although the "summer road" section has not been plowed this winter, the road was passable. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 The evidence given by Mr. Grant and the fact that Providence Road was maintained year round until about three years ago is not disputed. Therefore, it is my conclusion that the Town has an obligation to continue to maintain the road year round. . . .4 PAGE 4 REPORT NO. WD-18-88 4.2 Since there is an 8 tonne load limit on the bridge over the C.P.R. , it is not prudent to re-designate all of Providence Road in Concession II as an improved road. This matter will be investigated further with the goal of taking the necessay steps to restore all of Providence road to its previous status of "improved road". 5.0 RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Based on the above, it is recommended that By-law 86-112 be ammended such that Providence Road from the north limit of the C.P.R. right-of-way to Concession Road 3 is classed as an "improved" road. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrence E '.\`Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Admi trative Officer. :llv March 9, 1988 qP qP s 1 9 23 SIMS BRADY & MCMACKIN ,briA OF NEWCASTLE BARRISTERS SOLICITORS } WORKS DEPT. February 16, 1988 Mr. Ke Barrie, R. R . 4 , Bo ville, Ontario . Ll�KS Dear Mr. Berry: RE: Town of Newcastle application for building permit, Part Lot 4 , Conc . 2 , former Township of Darlington The purpose of this letter is to confirm the conversation which took place at the meeting in the Mayor' s office on February 12th, 1988 , at which time you, your father, the Mayor, Mr. Evans , Mr . Edwards and I were in attendance to discuss the above noted matter . Your lot fronts on Providence Road in the former Township of Darlington which has been designated as an unimproved road for summer maintenance only. Under the provisions of the Town of Newcastle By-law 84-27 being a by-law to establish a policy for unimproved roads in the Town of Newcastle, it is provided that where the construction of an unimproved road is necessary it shall be done at the expense of the person wishing the upgrading of the road. In this regard, Mr. Evans advised you that the preliminary estimate of the cost of the upgrading of that portion of Providence Road to obtain access to your property would cost approximately $66, 000 . 00 . Ssection 3 .7 of the Town of Newcastle Zoning By-law prohibits the issuance of a building permit unless the lot upon which the building is to be erected fronts on an improved public street maintained year round . An exception is provided where a lot has been created prior to the date of the passage of the by-law (which we understand to be your case) , a building permit can be issued provided a private right-of-way registered on title provides legal ingress and egress to an improved public street. At this time your lot does not front on an improved public street nor does it have access by way of easement to such a street . Accordingly, the Town of Newcastle is not permitted to issue a building permit at this time . During the course of our meeting a number of alternative solutions were discussed, such as the granting 117 King Street,Box 358,Whitby,Ontario,UN 5S4 Telephone 668-7704 ATTACHMENT • Sims BizADY&MCMACKIN of an easement over abutting property owned by members of your family or, alternatively, merging the property with abutting properties and applying for a building permit as a second dwelling on a farm property . If the latter course of action is pursued an access permit may be required. In any event, these alternatives were left with you and the members of your family to discuss . Should you wish to pursue this matter further I suggest that you make your first contact Mr . Edwards and members of his staff in the Planning Department. You s ruly, I } SDa i J. Sims p .c . Mr. Gord Barrie Mayor Winters ( Mr. Walter Evans Mr . T. Edwards -� �ST Z cr uj r 0 Q �) SYDE GARY CT. I Q CT. Q O PAMEL AVI C Q o:: Q REBEL 10 it O CT. 12 1 9 8 6 5 d 3 2 1 NC. RD. 3 w SECTION OF ROAD z TO BE DESIGNATED 01 AS "IMPROVED" ROAD . ; o i o I 1 0 Z J Q o 11 m o f ° 32 ESSI N ST CON E S 34 33 V o o a m :1�"•: .. J,r• !- Q !— Cr ROWVIEW I D. G/ Z O x . f. W ol� Q w W KURV : m Y zYZ INN U �a� R ! W _ MARCH 14, 1988 D.L. ;• WILM ATTACHMENT 2 �yJ .. RREE TO REPORT WD- 18- 88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPOR T file a Res. H By-Law N CONFIDENTIAL METING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 6, 1986. RMCRT #: - -1-86 FILE #: C-26-8 SU3.ECT: REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE FROM SCOTT E GEMMILL, MR. WILLIAM ALLIN IN LOT 26, CONCESSION 8, SOLICITORS ON BEHALF OF OF T CLARKE REQUESTING THE TOWN TO UPGRADE HE FORMER TOWNSHIP Of TO A STANDARD WHICH WILL ALLOW YEAR ROUND ACCCESSETwEEN LOTS 26 & 27 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2• That the Works Department be directed. to allocate funds in the 1986 Budget to upgrade and maintain the road between Lots 26 & 27 in Concession 8, from Concession Road 8 approximately 1.2 km northerl with upgrading to be to a standard sufficient to provide year-round ' access. 3. That the law firm of Scott & Gemmill be advised of Council 's actions f in this matter. f April 5 , 1988 ATTACHMENT 4 To Report WD-23-8 Page 2 _ Report No. WO- 1-86 REPORT: On November 8, 1985, the attached letter was received from the law firm of Scott & Gemmill and was directed to the Works Department for a report on November 25, 1985. Files were reviewed and a legal opinion with respect to the Town 's obligations was secured. Notwithstanding what would seem to be the position the Town should take, it appears that the legal interpretation is more onerous. Staff' s assessment of the situation is as follows : The present owner, Mr William Allin, recently constructed a residence on lands formerly owned by his father. Many years ago, at a time when both winter and summer maintenance were virtually non-existent on roads where only one home existed, Mr. Allin's family did reside on the property. The house has since been destroyed and for. at least the last 25 to 30 years, only minimal summer maintenance has been provided. The standard of maintenance has been consistent with the needs for the use of the road, that being, access to agricultural lands. Furthermore, from discussions with the area foreman it has been determined that even at the best of times, snow ploughing operations could only be carried out on the southerly g g due to the rough topography of the land and the existence g quarter r of the road subject to heavy driftin a steep hill 9• The length of the road which would require upgrading and maintenance to satisfy Mr. Allin is in the order of 1.2 km or about 3/4 mile. Associated costs would be extremely high, upon Needs Study benchmark costs y 9 $204,000 based $50,000 - $100,000 based upon maintenance reconstruction. j = a ; Yv. Page 3 Report No. WD-1-86 In the attached letter from the Town's solicitor reference is made to a similar case which occurred about ten years ago and which has since served as precedent in similar situations. Basically, that case found that once a municipality had opened a road, regardless of any interim period where the standard of maintenance could be reduced, there was a continued obligation to maintain to a standard dictated by the needs of the traffic using it. In our case , there is evidence that that Town opened the road and did Provide some fonn of maintenance. This suggests an obligation to maintain and, owing to the fact that a building permit was issued under the old Clarke Zoning By-law, that obligation is even more pronounced. While it seems unreasonable to expect a municipality to provide a high standard of maintenance over a number of years where that standard ,was not required, the law as established through precedent , would seem to suggest otherwise. , The Town could contest this position through the courts:, however, that could result in considerable legal costs and ultimate?ly no change in the precedent. It is, therefore, recommended that the road be upgraded to a -standard sufficient to allow access year round. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis , ng., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco December-30, 1985. A.- 1' ej l)1 rr C l I Ori n t i If r� ( !1 f 1 !� lf,) l l ll ll( l I I Tunulhy il' Ir,hntlon• H n . t.l if .tr ,IV. Arw i'Lar IrtV An.r Jucrr K'rtt t1/1J .I. Onano AV\' c`) ntc, t t.JC )Ul I:l lnt , IV Sinl November 6th, 198; 4 i-1 _ 1.,7CJ,. t.ts � f 1 1 ' O LIC I. Sirs Re = Part Lot 26, concession 8 , property of t\'illiam Clarence Allin , road allowance between lot 26and lot 27 , Geograahic Township of Clarke; Town of Newcastle Please be advised that we are the solicitors f Clarence Allin who resides at the was or Killiam issued a bu-ildinc Property above for He J permit with respect to these premises in August e J'L 1984 . Mr, Allin gains over a deeded right-of-wa access to his property lots 26 and 27 . Y onto the road allowance between In the Past, this road allowance was maintained on Year round basis concession , consistent with the maintenance Of other ceased roads in the Township, until such time as there to be year round residents livin is roadnallowa�ce wllowance . At that time , the maintenance of th to summer maintenance onl current use Y. which was consistent with the reduced Of the :land abutti situation n,,has now 9 the road allowance. 1 Pursuant been altered to the extent that Mr. Allin, to his building permit issued completed construction of a single issued in August of 1984 , has Property known as g Y dwelling Of Clarke Part lot 26, concession °n his round •' ,Town of Newcastle, Accordingl 8 , Geographic Township t: access to his premises over the y' he requires year 26 and 27 , to of Clarke. concession between lots Durin allowance g the past number of received summer Years during which this road a state-of..some . maintenance only -it has fallen into suer disrepair, I am advised by grading has resulted in the concrete ' Allin .that the smashed. culverts pon ptheed out of position, culverts# thr being road allowance require c�edingly• three of the pair or replacement. • - fl - f tI or, , f 1," , ,• ( ! . nt ., t wh . �:il rIn• , t , . , . . .. :,t thy .:; 1 , f: r:,,u�;,' the r .Iri - . .. ,.,r,t Rr,•,c' , cautirny w ,shrng (JUL o' tll• ; c I1u ,,t,ce , t : th."t to fac ' � ac'dl .,:; , t1 Al l t 11.11 advises r 1 i fate .,dr•,; ;,, : road ,� low,-,flee , sUli;t ,f:t 1.� ; r: r r't,rt-,,: ! t !; t1:;p •ct, to th( Further, It is Cusul 11:1` LJfit >; ! t :. „!, „lc; i:• cluired . allowance 1 li�!'arcrnt that �•. ,: , r.l„ ar: t1 has been in � fis road to be placed on it , whicr;t tr, not ari,ount of gravel now greater given its re,4lui -ednuse 'onrl ;dc>nvY and which need is Mr . Allin , yea. round basis by These 011CCL-l1S of t•:ork s Depa r then ' i .,ced be fore t i:, t its• I the Director of Public R . Dupuis , ;� c• ,t 0.'l e . ^tr . DUpuis it l; nO lI1tL'il.. i.,rl r� ( L1:c, :i•. ,:'l,��;S e artfTll::it i wi , road allowance h hi_ s through . S ;:hcci t ,ut :... . -hc: r;,,, ;_ , : tl,- shOuld do so olicitor . _ reflect the attitude o: `1i'' t �'` ' Du,>u1S ' comments do not Town of Newcastle . `ll ' -� i for the Corporation for the As I am sure you arm ,w _re the Corporation in the Town Of Newcastle has a legal 01;1igation to keep every Highway within its jurisdiction in a state of repair , and in the case of default in so by any doing it is liable for all damages sustained person by reason of such default pursuant to section 284 Of the Municipal Act, R. S .O. 1980, C. 302 , as amended. Mr . Allin -is not an unreasonable man . He does not expect this road allowance to be put in perfect condition. However, it is quite apparent that it is in a simply requests that it be placed in atstatefof repairrsufficient to permit him adequate ingress and egress from his premises and thereafter to be maintained in such condition . It is Mr. Allin ' s desire that this matter be resolved without recourse to the Courts, but as I am sure you can appreciate this matter is of concerning access fundamental importance to Mr. Allin to his home and , accordingly, in the event that this matter is ignored we will have no hesitation in seeking redress in the appropriate judicial form. I trust that attention and you will give this matter your immediate we look forward to hearing from you , i s Yours very truly, SCOTT AND GEMMILL TWJtdb Ti-mob y W. Johnston ccc Mr. Allin i a M)I.I C) I (1:.1 C AV I I I G . Dupuis , P• Eny . Director of Public works, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, ' MunIc'i1)aI BuiIdIngs, i NamPt Of' , On .arto . i LCIp ljo I ' l Re W1 11 Ism Clarence Al l in F ar G t Lot 2 , � I Concession. 8, former Township of Clarke, Town of Newcastle Thank you for your letter of Dece,-,ber 18th , 1985 . In my opinion the municipality ' s dut an open road is established in the ycaoeropair and maintain and the Town of Kapuskasin Re Guillemette where the court stated as follows ,9 G R. ( 2 d) 735 @ 739 The obligation on the respondent is to maintain this public highway in a state reasonably sufficient for the requirements Of traffic over it, having regard to its means . It cannot relieve itself of this duty by electing not to do any work on it and accept the risk of an may arise by reason of its default•' It is not free to decide not to carry out its statutory duty and let this opened and travelled highway fall into a state of dis- repair and thereby interfere with the only access of the applicant to his property and to deprive him of the right to build a home on it. . . . It cannot deprive the applic- ant of his right to the permit which heseeks by deciding to ignore its obligation to keep the highway in repair. The question of whether a defendant municipality reasonably in all of the circumstances cinda negligence action invol a highway, With the Possible answer pair ! the facts of a given case it may be found not liable . . . because it has not ably in having failed to remove snow,, should not be confused with the issue snow' Should general stntuto duty o keep as to its y p roads under 117 ZCing Smcet,'$px 3'S8,Whttbp,`Oncul0.Y.IN 5S4 'T its Jurisd, ctlon rn rr•(,<� 7 : ,nc1 t�:, , able _ ,. The court now s . 284 ( 1 ) of The t h:. ,:, , ] r c,,t ,on of what is follows : Murrrcr (,,,, Act. ,r ,,t-ed at page 738 as This section imposes a duty on- the respondent to keep in repair this highway leading to the Property of the applicant . This obligation exists during the whole year. The standard of m<„ nt < n<,r,c been the courts to be a been determined by a high relative c>ne . Thu:;, a road accommodating must standard vthaneatruralcinfre infrequently maintained to a far higher q ntly travelled road. While I am completely sympathetic to man arguments which you have advanced, final analysis I believe that of the repair theyroadtallo�ancewoulmakeldt that here is a in the duty to le year round. You have I trust that this answers your inquiry .any further questions plea do q y ' Should Please in touch with me , not hesitate to get Y u truly, l Dave J. D. Sims DJDS :mrs I ' I