HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-11-83 4 � I CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1J0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-11-83 SUBJECT: ENTRANCE PERMIT NO. 944 Mr. & Mrs. Pollet, Lot 6, RP M745 i RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: That this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND REPORT: In August, 1982, Mr. Peter Pollet applied for property access to Lot 6, Registered Plan M-745, fronting the Seventh i Concession Road just east of Tyrone. The application was received, costed and approved August 28, 1982 enabling Mr. & Mrs. Pollet to proceed with obtaining a building permit. The entranceway was installed on or about October 1 , 1982, using a 15"dia.x 24 ft. culvert and related granular materials. As the remainder of the lots in the subdivision developed, the Works Department received several complaints regarding roadside drainage abutting this development. The complaints involved surface water ponding in the ditch, contaminating wells and seeping into basements. ? p - 2 - In early December Works Staff responded to these complaints by regrading the ditch and boulevard abutting the westerly portion of the subdivision. The regrading involved relocation of the drainage high point from the east side of Lot 6 to the west side of Lot 6, and resetting driveway culverts. Under the new drainage pattern, the culvert initially installed for access to the Pollet property was no longer required, and consequently the culvert was removed and replaced with granular material . Mr. Pollet attended the Public Works Office requesting a refund for the removed culvert. The refund was denied as outlined in the attached letter. The Public Works Department is responsible to maintain all culverts and accesses, except for the driving surface, in accordance with the Entrance Policy By-law 81-37, Section 2(o) . In general , accesses without culverts are preferred since minimum ditch slopes can be provided making the property aesthetically more pleasing and easier to maintain with mowers. Problems associated with blocked or heaved culverts are also eliminated. The Pollets contend that since they were initially required to pay for an entrance culvert which has since been removed, they should receive a refund of a portion of the initial cost of the access. It is the position of the Works Department that later improvements made by the Town to the drainage of the entire area made the culvert redundant and it was therefore removed. Such works are performed in other areas with no refunds to the original culvert purchasers. The Town is therefore being consistent in its approach to such matters. - 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Pollet were charged $460.00, in accordance with Schedule "A" (1), By-law 81-37. The inventory cost of a 15" dia. x 24 ft. is $5.35 per ft. x 24 ft. = $128.40. All costs associated with the roadside ditch work were charged against the developers contribution for upgrading the road. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. RGD:jco February 1 , 1983. N.+�,.�1 ':1��, ; COR.PORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTff PUP!"^WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS,P.ENQ, DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL.(418)283 2231 9875039 s Mr. Peer Pollen, 110-666 Terrace Drive, OSHAWA. Ontario. L1G 2Z2. December 13, 1982. I Dear Sir: Re: Application for Property Access No. 944. Lot 6, Registered Plan M-745 (TYRONE` . Further to your recent enquiry, this is to confirm that the Public Works Department is unable to refund the cost of the culvert installation, as performed under the subject permit. ! The Town installed the entrance, as required, and as you are aware later performed roadside ditching to improve the drain- age of properties in the area. As a result of these works, the Town was able to remove the driveway culvert and provide You with a no-culvert entrance. i ` If in the future it is found that a culvert is required, the i Town will' install same, at no cost to the property owner. Trusting this work has caused as little Possible. inconvenience as f' E� Yours truly, l D.T. Gray, .E.T. , f Deputy Director of Public Works. r cc: R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng. , Director. G. Smith , Foreman, Division 1 . F. Brown, Superintendent. i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY ACCESS 1 944 ,�; PIEASE PRINT: OWNER'S NyJ�gE&ADDRESS POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR ACCESS FROM TOWN ROAD �i'/jG//.� _ TO THE PREMISES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS NAME OR NUMBER LOT OR HSE NO. CONCESSION 1 PLAN NUMBER / STREET TOWNSHIP, TOWN OR VILL E MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED ACCESS WIDTH EXISTING ACCESS WIDTH SIDE O ST. LOCATION MAR ED WITH DATE TO BE COMP ETED EXPIRY DATE IF TEMP. pPll V S � r � USE: TYPE: / RESIDENTIAL ff VIA MEANS OF: PERMANENT COMMERCIAL TEMPORARY El CULVERT LJ INDUSTRIAL ❑ CURB CUT ❑ ALTERATION TO EXISTING ❑ FARM BUILDINGS FARM LAND C7 SKETCH (NOT TO SCALE) Attach sketch if available. RD.NAME OR NO. I I NDICATE LOT OR HOUSE NO, NORTH RD,NAME OR NO. IL STREETLINE — — _ _ _ _ L — BOULEVARD j Road name o ber Remarks__ O . T _ AGREEMENT: In accordance with By-Law 81.37,Sehodulo'A',payment of$30 accompanies this Application. This Inspection Fee is non-refundable and,In the event of Installation,shall be applied towards the costs of the entrance. I HEREBY REQUEST THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TO MAKE THE ABOVE DRIVEWAY OPENING(S)AND AGREE TO PAY THE TOWN THE TOTAL COST THEREOF AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF WORKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH BY—LAW 81.37 AND TOWN POLICY GOVERNING DRIVEWAY OPENINGS.I FURTHER AGREE THAT THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ANY APPROACH RAMP ON TOWN PROPERTY. DATE OF APPLICATION: SIGNATURE OF OWNERIAGENT: THIS SECTION FOR OFNFICE USE ONLY Culvert diameter__���x length / - $ Length of Curb Cut Q j Length of Curb to be formed Q Other material(s) I @ i PAYMENT BY Sub-total:$ Chegtte ' Inspection Fee: 0 0 1 ` Cash TOTAL PAYABLE:$ �'/7 - '0 0 4w,) M.O.( ) APPROVAL 'T01VN OF NEt' ASTI,E �I DATE: APPROVED BY: OTE:TIIIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR SIX(6)MONTHS FROM DATE OF A PROS AL. o By-Law 81 - 37 SCHEDULE "A" td Driveway Entrance 'Type Payable to Town of Newcastle I 1. 400 mm 0 x 7 m. length $460. 00 (fepltcing 15" x 24' ) + $66/metre In excess of 7 m. 2. 450 mm 0 x 7 m. length $500. 00 (replacing 18" x 24' ) $72/metre in excess of 7 m. 3. 600 mm 0 x 7 m. length $560. 00 (replacing 24" x 24' ) + $80/metre in excess of 7 m. I 4. Entrance - no culvert. $100 minimum based on actual costs. 5. Entrance - extension. (a) 400 mm 0 $66/metre + $10. 00 (b) 450 mm 0 $72/metre + $10. 00 (c) 600 mm 0 $80/metre + $10. 00 (d) over 600 mm Actual Cost. 6. Entrance - relocation Actual Cost. 7. Entrance..-,.temporary Actual Cost. 8. Curb Cutting $23. 00/metre (minimum charge $38. 00) 9. Curb Replacement p Actual Cost. 10. Entrance - other $100 minimum based on actual costs. Notes; Al.l "Actual Cost" works will be estimated by the Director of Public Works or his (fes.lgnzaed representative. The estimated sum must be paid to the Town prior to the approval of the Application for Property Access and/or the commencement of works. INSPECTION FEE $30. 00 per Application i Each Application for Property Access must be accompanied by a payment of $30. 00 i 1. In the case of entrances installed by the Town, the $30. 00 will be treated as a deposit and deducted from the cost of entrance installation, the payment of which balance is due prior to the issuance of approval . 2• In the case of entrance(s) constructed by a contractor approved by the Director of Public Works, the $30. 00 Inspection Fee is non-refundable. and BY-LAW 81-37 FINALLY PASSED BY COUNCIL ON MARCII 23 1981 l, _ , VC 2. Compliance with the By-Law. . . (k) That the Town may give notice to the owner of any land requiring him to close up any private road, entrance, structure or facility, constructed or used as a means of access to a highway in contra= vention of this By-Law. (1) That every notice given under Section (k) shall be in writing and shall be served personally or by registered mail and, in the case of service by ' registered mail, the owner shall be deemed to have received the notice on the fifth day following the mailing thereof. � 1 (m) That, where the person to whom notice is given under Section (k) fails to comply with the notice within thirty (30) days after it's receipt, the Municipal Council may, by resolution, direct any officer, employee or agent of the Town to enter upon the land of such person and to do, or cause to be done, whatever may be necessary to close up the private road, entrance, structure or facility, as required by the notice. (n) That every person who fails to comply with a notice given under Section '(k) is guiltyof an offence and i upon summary conviction is liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10. 00) and not more than one hundred dollars ($100. 00) for a first offence, and to a fine, of not less than fifty dollars ($50. 00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500. 00) for a second or subsequent offence. (o) T-1 WK g � = -- . .e �51�'�•:�� t e.x, ariCe �y ti'V` s' . :.:...it { .� :> Cam'• /'-n s F ov le r r _ r� i pp i r , �•a r / _ i � v /F r- --- 71 U