HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-10-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1J0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-10-83 SUBJECT: TREES AT KIRBY SCHOOLHOUSE (CLARKE MUSEUM) j RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Board of Clarke Museum and Archives in response to their enquiry on the matter of tree trimming and removal at the Kirby School . REPORT: Correspondence was recently received from the Board of Clarke Museum and Archives expressing concern over the condition of trees at the Kirby Schoolhouse and questioning two areas, namely: i 1. Clarification with respect to the responsibility for tree maintenance at the Kirby School ; 2. Advice with respect to what work needs to be done. � ' ' 2 _ On the matter of jurisdiction; if one refers to the attached plan it is evident that the trees near the west boundary of the property are the property of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and will probably be removed by that agency as part of the Highway 35/115 reconstruction. From a review of the plan attached and stakes in the field, the trees on both the north and south sides of the school are clearly the responsibility of the Museum Baord and their maintenance should be budgeted by that group. There could be some doubt as to who has responsibility for the trees on the boundary with Kirby School Road, however, the Works Department would probably be responsible for their maintenance. With respect to the matter of what needs to be done, and ultimately how to get it done; the Works Department would be pleased to oversee and make the necessary arrangements, provided that the costs can be recovered from the Museum Board. The work would be included in the Town's spring tree-trimming contract with costs attributable to the Kirby School being less than $500.00. Upon advice from the Board, the necessary work will be arranged. Respectfully submitted, X'0�4 s R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. January 20, 1983 D.jco �N 1 V, � I o 00 1 % to et. I t;� Imo-CV ly£ t�iL 1 f2 I d I I I1 I W I I N i 111 1 I << I . 1 i I � I �I i _j I N I `L'' o h oot+ z I ' -r I �^�Nulilr�ari3ui�uu��u ,\. 1 p V 0 I � l lei Y jo I I� � � � rr�uu�r�rrrrirrrnnrn > W o w u - I [L I LJ z s 001)r£z I I� N NOTE--DINIE SIC I METRES AND/OF 00 I l MILLIMETRES UN I N OTHERWISE SHO cc I " - w I Y W J I CUIIIIIIUn Q t 1 uns Direction D - 2 A THE TC- �/f� Ck f�ET//C/A STEE III �� ►}�h l lc MUSEUM BOARD U ~ Mgt u� t l t a� DEC 1 ^� 1.992 l 1)e r• , 1"3 lclf� " . i�A I iAI.I'd l pie Vounri_l , Oown cif t owe f,1e $ Rowm nville , Unt . ;�ttn . 1 r . b vic`i e r• hr. 0 ke: . Pne Ho rd Of U1 rke. KuKeum nd ",.rnn ives is concerned over two m 3ters nd would line inform-tine to help in pl nnin� the bud , t for 1983. Cne rpi of concern is the safety of the puhl_ic on the property known s Kirby ochool- h"use in ret� rd to the Possibility of brincheB filling from the numerous trees, Phe maple trey_•. on the houndiri-es of the property are in various SC ves of 4rowth •end decry, Some need to be c•ut, down and renliced nd oLher trees need pruning to wemove d, nwpoua branches . Phe bound ri-e_. of the ac inAhruse property have been .j ch-nred duri n4 Lie p st ye .r. We 1•i nd tie south boundgry iq now n row of trees but we do not know win owns tie cdj.rcent property , whether the Awn of kewcDsale or Reid ' s Store . P e wqs•t-_boundrrry neparitin they property of the Ministry of r'rpnapdA •and the school grounds ol:so contains trees . Ohe trees • to the north rare now Al on 5chonl property . ('pie row of m-plas .1Qng KIP eint bordern the road illow .nce end would be the hh ared reaponsibi_lity of tie road department nd bKe Museum 13oqr- d . t -ti An you can Lee , tie board is not sure of its responsibility reCirdin� the trees . We w, uld qpI recinst;e the dvine of L,,e worku dennAment of b"e Town "f Newc�stle in deciding whit work needs to be done . We hooe to st you lc n resolve thin m ,tier and submit it in W 1981 bud,-;uL Yo th 1 t tqe work c n proceed before the kuseum openih 'in 'the, spr_i-n4 . c, Yours truly , r --- - ... Derek 13 !rnett , ' Chnirmn"n , Cl_ rke I u,.eum rc: Ives . X