HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-4-83 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1,10 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 3, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-4-83 SUBJECT: TOWN OF IROQUOIS FALLS MOTIONS PERTAINING TO THE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That the Town of Newcastle endorse the resolutions of the Town of Iroquois Falls (Resolution 82-382) pertaining to the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists; and, 2. That the Minister of the Attorney General , the Minister of Colleges and Universities, and the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists be so advised. REPORT: The Town of Iroquois Falls has passed two motions for which endorsement by the Councils of other municipalities is being sought. v � s � -2- Firstly, a motion requesting that the new Ontario Professional Engineers Act contain a clause which allows qualified technicians and technologists to assume responsibility for their work without direction by a professional engineer provided that the work conforms to procedures and criteria established by a professional engineer. At present, technicians and technologists must be supervised in their work by a professional engineer and ultimately have such work approved by the engineer. The requested change, although from the viewpoint of an engineer will tend to erode the status of a professional engineer, will allow municipalities and private firms to better capitalize on the abilities of technicians and technologists. Therefore, from Council 's point of view, it is worth supporting this motion. The second motion requests that the programs for the training of engineering technicians and technologists, provided by community colleges in Ontario, be allowed accreditation by the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists. At present, the Ministry of Colleges and Universities is attempting to eliminate outside-body accreditation and maintain internal quality control . This, however, is contrary to the present situation where municipalities and private firms are selecting technicians and technologists for jobs on the basis of both academic and work experience. O.A.C.E.T.T. has high standards of quality for accreditation and it is felt that the engineering works performed by technicians and technologists recognized by this organization is excellent. Accordingly, Council should also lend support to this motion. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. ,December 29, 1982 %' RGD:j co Communications Direction - - r� i r i F ONTARIO ASS0CIATI0N OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS 40 ORCHARD VIEW BLVD. I SUITE 253, TORONTO, ONTARIO ILI, N14R 2G 1 (416) 488-1175 November 22, 1982 I , C'.ERK DEPARTMENT Dear Head and Members of Council : The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) has been authorized by the Town of Iroquois Falls (copy attached) to circulate two motions passed by the Council (copy attached) for the purpose of requesting endorsement by your Council . The Background is as follows : I Professional Engineers Act The Province of Ontario proposes to revise the Professional Engineers Act, Representatives of the Attorney General , the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, and OACETT have all agreed in principle to changes in the old Act which will allow municipal governments and other employers of engineering technologists and technicians to make better economic use of their employees. It is proposed -- and so endorsed by Iroquois Falls -- that pro- perly qualified technicians and technologists take full and direct responsi- bility for their work provided such work is performed within procedures and criteria which have been specified and approved in advance by a professional engineer. II Accreditation for Community Colleges On June 10, 1982, The Council of Regents for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAATs) in Ontario instructed all community colleges in the Province to withdraw their programs for the training of engineering technicians and technologists from accreditation by OACETT. This move in no way reflected dissatisfaction with OACETT nor was it a criticism of its accreditation program, but was a decision based solely on an internal Ministry policy aimed at replacing outside-body accreditation with internal quality control . Unfortunately, however, this decision could have serious , long-term and damaging effect to the existing process of skills upgrading by those engineering tech- nicians and technologists graduating from Ontario community colleges. _ 2 The key problem is that upward career mobility increasingly requires certified technician or technologist status , Certification is to a national standard based on both academic and work experience. As a result of the work experience requirement, candidates for certification must necessarily have been away from school for some time. For students graduated from accredited programs there is no problem. Their academic qualifications are complete and accepted at face value. Those from non-accredited schools -- and this now includes all Ontario community colleges -- must sit extensive graduation-level exams to demonstrate their academic qualification. This could prove to be a serious barrier to the seeking of certified status and will thus significantly reduce the pool of qualified Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists to municipalities and other employers in the future, OACETT believes that endorsement of the Iroquois Falls motions by other Ontario municipalities will encourage the Government and the appropriate Ministers to take positive action that is in the long--term best interests of all Ontario municipalities. If Council deems it appropriate to endorse these motions, would it please forward its endorsement to the appropriate Ministers and to OACETT. The Minister reponsible for the proposed new Professional Engineers Act is the Attorney General and the Minister responsible for community colleges is the Minister of Colleges and Universities , Further information will be provided upon request. Sincerely P.W, Newman , ET PWN:jz Executive Director Attachs. 1 ACK. IdY: . . .. ........... ORIGINAL. TO: ......... . COPIES TO, d MW.... own ®f 3r®qu®1[p falls TELEPHONE (7051 232.8700 � `i bd ill lb de a ' I24 Lti f /i BOX 230, IROQUOIS FALLS, "A", ONTARIO PleWe refer to our i4yyit , .i POK t GO File No, G 7 5-82 October 28, 1982 Mr. Jon W. Kieran President Kieran and Murray Inc. 84 Pricefield Road Toronto, Ontario M4W IZ9 Dear Sir: i RE: ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AND TECHNOLOGISTS Your request to have the motions circulated to other Ontario Municipalities has been reviewed by Administration. Unfortunately, heavy work volumes make it impossible to free up any personnel at this time. We would, however, have no objections to your association circulating the motions and you can use this letter as your authority to do so. Yours very truly, i j Scott B. Mar 1ia1� Executive A sist/ant U' SBM:mof a.q �4 DATE - September 1;_' 1982 - i RESOLUTION I:O. 82- 36A Agcnda Item No. 8(g) MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: That Council supports the recommendation of the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists:- 1, That the proposed new Ontario Professional Engineers Act contain a clause which specifically and clearly allows qualified technicians and technologists to take responsibility for their work. This can be achieved for the full protection of the public by an exemption in the Act, whereby the work of qualified technicians and technologists does not require direct supervision by professional engineers provided that their work is performed within general procedures and criteria which have been approved by a professional engineer. 2. That the Government of Ontario and its Ministry of Colleges and Universities allow and encourage all CAAT programs _fur the training of engineering technicians and technologists to be accredited by OACETT providing the programs a the ional standards administered by OACETT. CARft ED DEFEAT TI ® U I flayor (Acting Chairman) OHN B CHAN C.G.A. TOWN OF IROQUOIS FALL RECORDED VOTE FOR AGAINST D_EC!4RATION CONFLICT OF INTFaFCT It IS ( (ilf:1R) INTEREST (S). VACA'I::D HIS (TU; IX) SEAT(S), Ff'0:1 DiSCUSS101 AND UID NOT VOlh: 0l; 'Fills ljlil :;?1tYI