HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-055-1211 � ii 1:14 uei a i PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ............. Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: December 10, 2012 Resolution #: 113y -law #: Report #: PSD- 055 -12 File #: S -C- 2004 -004 and ZBA 2012 -0017 Subject: AN APPLICATION TO AMEND DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT TO PERMIT 163 RESIDENTIAL UNITS APPLICANT: WEST DIAMOND PROPERTIES INC. AND PLAYERS BUSINESS PARK LTD. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: THAT Report PSD- 055 -12 be received; 2. THAT the application for an amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (S -C- 2004 -004) and Rezoning (ZBA 2012 -0017) submitted by West Diamond Properties Inc and Players Business Park Ltd. to reduce the number of residential units in Phase 2 from 190 units to 163 units continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent recommendation report; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD- 055 -12 and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: David J.Vrome, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning Services CS *CP *av *df 4 December 2012 Reviewed by:± Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623 -3379 F (905)623 -0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Robert Cutler, Bousfield Inc. 1.2 Owner: West Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park Ltd. (Metrus Properties Limited) 1.3 Proposal: Amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision: To change the lot sizes in Phase 2 of a Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision resulting in an overall reduction of residential units from 190 units to 163. Zoning By-law Amendment: • To increase the lot coverage from 50% for the dwelling and 55% for all buildings and structures to a maximum of 55% for all buildings and structures including the dwelling; • To change the total number of units in specified blocks; • To remove the Holding Symbol to permit development of Phase 2. 1.4 Site Area: 20.0 hectares (49.4 acres). 1.5 Location: The lands subject to these applications are located on the west side of Green Road approximately 700 metres north of Durham Hwy. 2, being Part Lot 17, Concession 2 in the former Township of Darlington (see Attachment 1). 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In November 2009, Council recommended to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), approval of Plan of Subdivision S-C 2004-004, and corresponding rezoning. On December 9, 2009 the OMB approved the subdivision and rezoning for 423 residential units. 2.2 The draft approved plan is proceeding in two phases. Phase 1, consisting of 137 units was registered in December 2011 as 40M-2459. Phase 2 is approved for 190 units. The applicant is requesting a change in some of the lot sizes in Phase 2, reducing the number of units to 163 as illustrated in the following table. REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 3 Unit Type Draft Amendment to Phase 2 Proposed New Total for Approval Draft`Approval as Approved changes to Entire Draft 2009 for 2010 for Phases in 2009 Phase 2 Plan Phase 1 &2 1 &2 6.1 m Lane 40 59 17 0 42 Townhouse 7.6m On-Street 0 48 35 21 34 Townhouse 7.5m Single 27 0 0 0 0 6.6m Cap End 54 0 0 0 0 Townhouse 9.8 Semi/Link 62 62 22 40 80 11.6m Single 94 94 47 65 112 12.8m Single 60 60 27 37 70 6.7m Lane Semi 86 96 42 0 54 TOTAL 423 419 190 163 392 2.3 Jeffery Homes and Brookfield Homes are the two builders in Phase 1. The builders have agreed to continue their building program in Phase 2, however due to the popularity of the single and linked dwelling units, the builders are requesting that some of the lots sizes be adjusted, primarily by removing the townhouse units on the rear lane surrounding the park and replacing them with 19.6 metre semi-link units and by increasing the number of single detached dwelling lots. The proposed changes are shown in Attachment 2. In addition, the builders are requesting an increase in lot coverage, to accommodate an enclosed breezeway connection between the garage and home on the lane-based homes. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING LAND USES 3.1 The majority of the subject lands have been prepared for development of Phase 2. The park is near completion. The site is relatively flat, gently sloping to the south. A hardwood forest is located to the west and north limits of the draft plan. A portion of the Maple Grove Provincially Significant Wetland abuts the north limit of the lands subject to this application. 3.2 Surrounding Uses North - Forested area and the Maple Grove Provincially Significant Wetland; South - Urban residential (Phase1 —40M 2459) East - Agricultural fields, Brookhill Tributary, one rural residential dwelling, sales office for Brookfield Homes and Jeffery Homes and Clarington Central Secondary School West - Lands associated with Rekker's Garden Centre, and the rear and side yards of rural residential properties REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 4 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement. 4.1.1 The applications were reviewed in the context of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement. New development shall occur adjacent to built up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated and a three year supply of zoned and serviced lands within draft approved and registered plans. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. A full range of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. Healthy active communities should be promoted by planning public streets and spaces that are safe and facilitate pedestrian and non-motorized movement. A full range of publicly accessible built and natural setting for recreation including facilities, parks, open space and trails should also be considered. Infrastructure and public service facilities shall be provided in a coordinated efficient and cost effective manner. Planning for these shall be integrated with planning for growth so that they are available to meet current and projected needs. The use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized where feasible before considering developing new infrastructure and public service facilities. The proposed revision to the Draft Approved Plan and proposed Zoning By-law Amendment conform. 4.2. The Provincial Growth Plan 4.2.1 The Growth Plan provides a framework for accommodating growth in existing built up areas, through intensification and redevelopment, and within greenfield areas. The subject Draft Plan of Subdivision is within a greenfield area. New development in greenfield areas are to be complete communities with access to a mix of jobs, services, housing, school recreation and open space that is easily accessed through various modes of transportation. The greenfield area of each upper-tier municipality will be planned to achieve a minimum density target that is not less than 50 residents and jobs combined per hectare. Major growth is to be directed to areas serviced by existing or planned municipal infrastructure, such as water and sewer services. Natural heritage features that complement, link or enhance natural systems shall be identified and protected. The subject applications are consistent with the principles of the Growth Plan. REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 5 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan 5.1.1 In consideration of development applications in designated Living Areas, regard shall be had for the intent of this plan to achieve the following: • A compact urban form; • The use of good urban design principles; • A mix of appropriate uses; • Linkages for pedestrians and cyclists which link communities internally and externally and to public transit; • A grid pattern of arterial and collector roads where necessary to support transit supportive road pattern; • A Greenland system that complements and enhances the Urban System; and • The balance between energy efficiency and cost. The application conforms to Durham Regional Official Plan policies. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan 5.2.1 In the Clarington Official Plan, the lands are designated "Urban Residential" within the Brookhill Neighbourhood. A Secondary Plan was prepared for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. The draft Plan of Subdivision is consistent with the Principles and Community Structure contained in the Secondary Plan. The neighbourhood is edged by primary road network being Brookhill Boulevard and Green Road and housing is focused around the parkette with access by rear lanes. Low Density Residential housing shall be in the form of single and semi-detached units. Coach houses are permitted in restricted areas. Low density development shall be developed on the basis of 30 units per net hectare, consistent with the Official Plan policies. The revised application conforms to the Official Plan policies. 6. ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the lands are zoned "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R1-79)", "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R3-37)", "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R3-38)", "Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H) R3-39)". A Zoning By-law Amendment will be required in order to implement the amendment to draft plan approval. REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 6 7. PUBLIC NOTICE MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 The Public Notice was given by mail to landowners within 120 metres of the subject site and a Public Notice sign was placed on Green Road in accordance with the Planning Act. 7.2 As of writing this report, Staff has not received any inquiries. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The applications for rezoning and amendment to Draft Plan Approval are relatively minor. The circulation to outside agencies was limited to the Region of Durham only. 8.2 The Region of Durham Planning Department has indicated that the site is within the Brookhill Secondary Plan which is a designated Greenfield area. Area municipalities shall endeavour to develop its Greenfield areas in keeping with the Region's greenfields density target of 50 residents and jobs per hectare as measured over the entire Region. Phase 2 of this development is adjacent to Green Road and is also in proximity to Highway 2. Both roads are designated as Type "B" Arterials Roads within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Highway 2 is also a "Transit Spine". It is the Regional policy that higher density developments are located along arterial roads to help support transit services. The revised draft plan proposes an overall decrease of 27 dwelling units. The Region does not object to the revised draft plan, however the Municipality should ensure the loss of units is compensated elsewhere in the Secondary Plan area. The Region is requesting that the Environmental Noise Report of February 2010, be updated to reflect the change in unit counts for Phase 2 development. With respect to servicing the Region advises that the applicants will be required to enter into a regional subdivision agreement for Phase 2. 9. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 9.1 The Clarington Emergency & Fire Services offers no objection provided that the rear laneways comply with all previous indicated concerns i.e.: width, parking, snow storage turning radius, hydrant locations. 9.2 The Clarington Engineering Services Department had requested additional information from the applicant's engineer which has not been received. The consultant has confirmed that the impervious areas will not be increased as a result of the proposed changes. REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 7 However, the on-site parking may be insufficient. This is a concern particularly for units around the park which have no on-street parking. Further discussion with the applicant will be required. 10. DISCUSSION 10.1 The amendment to the Draft Approved Plan changes some of the lots throughout the second phase of this development. The net result is a reduction of 27 residential units. The majority of the changes take place around the park. Three (3) townhouse blocks, one block containing five (5) units and the other two (2) containing six (6) units are removed, as well as the common wall semi-detached units in favour of 19.6 metre linked dwellings. In addition, the applicant, on behalf of the builders is requesting a change to the lot coverage requirements from 50% for the dwelling and 55% for all building and structures, to 55% for all buildings/structures. This would permit a two car garage in the rear lane which would be attached to the dwelling by an enclosed breezeway. 10.2 Engineering Services has identified some concerns with on-site parking for the units around the park. Further discussions are taking place to address the on-street parking issued identified in Section 9.2. It should be noted that the park is not programmed with sports fields. 10.3 With the adjustments to the lotting pattern, the draft plan still provides for a mix of lot sizes to permit various housing forms. Single detached, linked dwelling units, common wall semi-detached units and townhouses are inter-dispersed throughout the draft plan, as required in the Secondary Plan, 11. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable 12. CONCLUSION 12.1 The purpose of this report is to satisfy the Public Meeting requirements under the Planning Act and taking into consideration the outstanding comments. Staff respectfully request that this report be received and for staff to continue processing the application including the preparation of a subsequent report. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike Attachments Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Proposed Changes to Draft Plan REPORT NO.: PSD-055-12 PAGE 8 Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: West Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park Ltd. R. Cutler, Bousfields Inc. Attachment 1 To Report PSD-055-12 z > J C g o E E Q- c c`c 3 ti Q- o m a. ® r c Q '� Q. v a E �' 'a CL L a. c C M Q J< r 3 _ N c Om U) N C14 "' O om am E- 0 � L o N E ns = ' a_ d ma d t N E a ?� 0`dOb N33219 6 ZZ6 V6 68 08 Z gg Z8 6L 6Z6 £ OZ6 96 rn rn rn 0 E8 9L L6 LL b8 ti 666 89 69 w 98 LL 5 866 96 U- L9 09 � 98 .9L L66 66 t- 99 69 Un) 9L 966 006 w 99 Z9 CO b� 566 606 U) E9 z 146 Z% E5 U ELL E06 Z9 6� Z66 b06 69 co ^ ZL 666 506 05 co oN Q m } ° 0 0 0 0 6b v 69 CO M 8b 9 8g D 4/O U w d 1332i1S � � v O cn 1 w Z 44j w Q H L m J w z z � g w CO O o b 3Nyl ,>� m M S08 CO 0 133UiS MURRAY TABB O r- N 00 W N N N Attachment 2 To Report PSD-055-12 GVOb N33219 ?� LL. 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