HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-20-83 4 !, CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 7 , 1983. REPORT NO: WD-20-83 r SUBJECT: PROPOSED HANDICAPPED PARKING PROGRAM. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended : 1 . That this report be received; and , 2. That the Regional Municipality of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle endorses the resolution of Regional Council and wishes to participate in the handicapped parking program; and , 3. That the Town of Newcastle is in favour of the request that Metropolitan Toronto enter into a reciprocal agreement for handicapped parking; and , 4. That the Town of Newcastle recommends that the Regional Municipality of Durham establish a Committee to co- ordinate the interests of local Municipalities and organizations concerned with the provision of handi- capped parking facilities , and that the service be brought into effect by the Fall of 1983; and , 5. That the Director of Public Works assign appropriate Staff to represent the Town of Newcastle and liaise with local organizations interested in the proposal . ,� WD-20-83 - 2 BACKGROUND AND REPORT: On July 19 , 1982, Council , by Resolution No. C-610-82 directed Staff to review the matter of handicapped parking facilities and , Report WD-68-82 outlined the procedures to be followed and the organizations which may wish to be involved in the provision of this service in the Town of Newcastle. By letters dated October 6 , 1982, various area organizations were contacted and requested to indicate their interest in the proposal , and it was suggested that a meeting be convened to co-ordinate all aspects of providing this service. Unfortunately there was little or no response from the agencies and the matter was held in abeyance. On January 5 , 1983, the Public Works Department again wrote to local organizations (including Newcastle Social Planning Council , Bowmanville Business Centre , Newcastle Village Business Improvement Area and Orono Downtown Business Association) and , to date, has had a verbal response from only the Bowmanville Business Centre indicating interest in the proposal . Over the past year, the Public Works Department has assembled a con- siderable amount of data on the subject of the provision of special parking facilities for the handicapped , and has learned from other Municipalities , of some of the problems to be expected in inaugurating such a project. It is felt that the Town of Newcastle should make every effort to facilitate the proposal , and it would be Staff's recommendation that the Public Works Department continue the efforts to involve the local agencies , and gain their input , and convey the local requirements and input to the Regional level so that all information can be co-ordinated. The provision of parking spaces for the handicapped is not merely a question of passing a by-law and signing designated areas for the purpose. The physical aspects of such a proposal require that the designated spaces be in a safe , yet central , area , where sidewalk ramps can be constructed to accommodate wheelchairs , provision of appropriate signing and , ultimately , supervision and policing of the ongoing use of the parking spaces to ensure that the service is not abused. WD-20-83 _ 3 The Public Works Department is very interested in the proposal put forward by the Region of Durham, and feel the Town has much to gain by actively participating in the attempts to co-ordinate efforts in installing special parking facilities for the handicapped of the area. It is felt that , by close liaison with all other municipalities and agencies having interest, and pooling of resources and information , the service can be effected in the most efficient manner and at the earliest possible time. The active interest and participation of service organizations and agencies which are involved in the provision of special requirements to the disabled , is vital to the success of the proposal and , towards this end , it is the intention of the Public Works Department to invite representatives of the agencies previously contacted to meet and discuss the project , with a view to formalizing the requirements of the handicapped in this Municipality. In the meantime , Staff would welcome any advice or assistance the Region of Durham is able to provide. Respectfully submitted , I R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. March 1 , 1983 . vh c r EB 18 1983 DURHAM TOWN OF MfWCASTLE CLERK DEPARTMENT The Regional February 17, 1983 Municipality of Durham Clerks Department 605 Rossland Road East Mr. D.W. Oakes P O Box 623, Whitby,Ontario Clerk , Town of Newcastle Canada3 (416)668-7711 8-7711 40 Temperance Street p BOWMANVILLE, Ontario C W LUNDY,A.M.CT, Regional Clerk Proposed Regional Handicapped Parking Program Mr. Oakes, the Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held on February 16, 1983 Council adopted the following amended recommendations of the Committee: 1'a) THAT the Area Municipalities be requested 'to advise the Region on or before March 16, 1983 if they would participate in a Regional handicapped parking program b) THAT Metropolitan Toronto be requested to advise the Region if they would enter into a reciprocal agreement for handicapped parking." I would appreciate if you would place this matter before your Council and further to advise me of their decision on or before the above date. Enclosed for your information is a copy of Report #30-83 of W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works. [C D DISTRIBUTION 1 p_�., ••♦ e D......... . C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. ACK. lY: ....... . Regional Clerk Cau.ti,dl IV ORIGINAL TO: CWL:jml COPIES TO: Enc cc: W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works — w, o 7 2 3 Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner' s Report to Works Committee Report 30-83 Date February 8, 1983 Subject WC-63-82 DAVID J . BURKE, CONSULTANT, BARRIER-FREE DESIGN PROJECT, DATED OCTOBER 20, 1982 ADVISING THAT THEY ARE A FREE SERVICE SPONSORED BY THE ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES. THEY ARE ANXIOUS TO SEE A BY-LAW IN PLACE WHICH WOULD IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY AND MOBILITY FOR ALL DISABLED PERSONS IN THE REGION. (CC #701) i Recommendations A. THAT the Area Municipalities be requested to advise the Region if they would participate in a Regional handicapped parking program. B. THAT Metropolitan Toronto be requested to advise the Region if they would enter into a reciprocal agreement for handicapped parking. Report The attached letter from Mr. David J . Burke requests the Region of Durham to consider passing the necessary by-laws to provide for one parking permit which could be used by disabled people throughout Durham.—`9r. Burke outlines in his letter three additional areas of concern as: 1) The need for designated on-street drop-off zones located in the downtown sections of the various municipalities for disabled persons using a transportation system (Handi-Transit or Para Transit type vehicles) . 2) The allocation of designated parking spaces in transportation related parking facilities (bus and train terminals) . 3) Designated parking spaces in all . major public and private off-street parking lots . T1 A Page 2 Report 30-83 Date February 8, 1983 Report (continued) The above requests are related to an amendment made to Municipal Act in 1978 which enables municipalities to enact specific parking regulations for physically disabled persons . Since its enactment a number of Ontario municipalities, (including the Towns of Ajax and Pickering) have initiated permit parking programs for the handicapped. Each municipality, having passed such a by-law, issues its own unique style permit for identification. The rules applied to qualify for a permit, in many instances, also differ. Although well intended this has lead to confusion amongst the handicapped and enforcement personel . There is no reciprocity amongst the various municipal systems. A permit issued in one municipality is not recognized if displayed in another municipality and a disabled person cannot be sure of the treatment he will receive outside of his own area as benefits and priviledges differ. (eg. the handicapped driver accustomed to parking in a "no parking" zone in his own municipality may mistakenly park in a "no parking" zone in another municipality which does not allow this priviledge and consequently receive a ticket. ) In an attempt to overcome these problems and to promote inter-provincial reciprocity, the Province of Ontario will be introducing symbol licence plates on request to physically disabled drivers or to persons who regularly transport physically disabled passengers as part of the new plate-to-owner system. The province has urged all Ontario municipalities to adopt a program recognizing these plates as equivalent to the municipally issued parking permits. Unfortunately the approach taken by the Province is much too broad. There is no provision in the act for a penalty for abuse; the plate, once issued is permanent; it is displayed on the vehicle whether or not it is transporting a disabled person; the guidelines for qualification for the plates are too broad and handicapped female drivers have expressed a fear concerning public disclosure of their disability on the chance of being criminally assaulted if a permanently affixed identification, such as the provincial licence plate or an adhesive sticker is used. Regional staff met with Mr. Burke following receipt of his letter. The concerns expressed in his letter were discussed and arrangements made for him to meet with the Region' s Traffic Advisory Committee on January 13th to present his request and answer any' subsequent questions. Prior to this meeting Regional staff contacted Metropolitan Toronto who operate a permit system and suggested that we enter into.a reciprical arrangement with them regarding any handicapped parking system the Region might adopt. Metro' s staff concurred that this was a desireable arrangement. i � r � X25 Page 3 Report 30-83 Date February 8, 1983 Report (continued) The proposal was discussed at the Traffic Advisory Committee meeting with Mr. Burke and Mr. Manuel who operates the Handi-Transit system in Oshawa, as well as the Durham Regional Police and area municipality representatives. All present at the January 13th meeting endorsed this suggestion. Further discussions have taken place with staff at Metropolitan Toronto. Assuming the Region adopts a by-law similar to Metro's then a permit issued by Durham or Metro would be recognized in either municipality. Alternatively, Metro has agreed to issue the permits on behalf of Durham. In tfi s case only one permit need be carried by the applicant when travelling in Metropolitan Toronto or Durham. In our view this approach will go a long way towards eliminating some of the existing confusion. Under this proposal , a permit would be issued to any person who is permanently confined to a wheel chair or who is restricted to the permanent use of crutches or braces and who is permanently disabled in such a way that his or her mobility is seriously restricted. Application forms would be available in. Durham and could either be mailed directly to Metro Toronto by the applicant for processing or forwarded by Regional staff if requested. The permit (copy attached) would be issued by Metropolitan Toronto and entitles the recipient to park up to 24 hours in an area where parking is allowed for 3 hours, to park in a "no parking" zone or to park at a parking meter without payment. To be successful the system would require the Region of Durham and all area municipalities to pass similar by-laws. The other issues raised in Mr. Burkes letter (ie. designated drop-off zones located in downtown areas for handicapped transit vehicles and reserved off-street spaces for handicapped parking in public and private parking facilities) are being pursued. A meeting has been scheduled for March 8th to discuss these matters further. We will report to the Works Committee on the disposition of these issues following that meeting. r ATTACHMENT p LL- TO� < z [� N REPORT N®. 3 N O v G ® 0 < Cr) Z 1, o -o+ 01 d o a c ­4 f3 z w < > o N 14 v x O c Ld � 14 > N w Q o �4 w 0 C < �.1 - ,N TORO a � � W w OQ O 41 OXLU �-. �, x cr- o (n � U � O U) ,D) C'. U O C .� u o 1� 41 O' U O U N w a 11 •.-1 N •rd � iJ N 1J N ro C d b 04 a ro •4 C: O u N w v v 41 N U C C A ro ro C U ( ' ro DI as o ro v n. -4 v 41 ro 4 w C C r N 1 r } ....... I I 1 411.O TARlO MARCH OF DIMES 0111U111) Ilk- Pal on Qj OSHAWA CIVIC CENTRE hilt WONALL)MIX, 141 Thornton Road South, Oshawa, Ontario. LU 5Y1 PhEG: UDkN r 'AS AWAi A',Fl NEL Telephone: (416) iMxUWq: 57 ) -4t73 EALcurivEID,AECrOR AL31LITY FUND U October 20 1982 To OCT 10 M D. McMullen 0 r AcI ZOA Manager Traffic Operations Works Department Region of Durham 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario Dear Mr. McMullen., represent a consultant team called " Barrier -Free Design". We are a free service sponsored by the Ontario March of Dimes and funded by Canada Employment and Immigration Commission for the purpose of increasing accessibility for handicapped people throughout Durham Region. In the course of our work over the past eight months, we have recognized an ongoing problem for disabled people as being insufficient controlled, accessible parking. The local March of Dimes office is receiving an increasing number of inquiries on the status of disabled parking throughout the Region. The organization's community worker has found that many people are confused and frustrated about the issue, particularly because not all municipalities have a by-law and those that do are not recognized reciprocally. It is our suggestion that a by -law be developed that would allow one parking permit to be used throughout Durham Region. As you know, in the 1981 Oshawa and Whitby Mayors' Task Force Reports, the problem of accessible parking for the disabled was addressed. The major areas of concern were: 1. the need for on-street parking stalls located in downtown sections of the various municipalities, clearly identified for the exclusive use of the disabled public using a transportation system ( drop-off zones); 2. parking lots associated with transportation systems should have handicapped parking spots allotted and clearly rn I arked and located near the access routes of the facility; 3. all major private and public off-street parking lots contain strategically located stalls for the use of any vehicle, public or privately owned) associated with the transportation of the physically disabled' We can't help without your help . . . !o: :ne nCUrGe Td, RL,(P (j 151rholl No 4941.i-11-13 ' 11f, Mr. D. Mctviullen Octobcr 20, 1982 Page 2 „4, that any by-law adopted regarding parking for the disabled should have it's rules and penalties strictly enforced. When such a by -law is being; developed, we agree that these four major points should be incorporated. Through our own experience as disabled people and from feedback we have received through our project work, some additional points should be considered. There are many types of physical disabilities other than, being confined to a wheelchair. Temporary or seasonal disabilities should be considered. A temporary disability could be a person recovering from major surgery or someone with a broken leg. An example of a seasonal disability is a person who suffers from severe asiLhma. A long walk across the parking lot to the facility in the winter, could, due to the added exeriion to their system, bring on an attack which could incapacitate or cause injury to them. In both examples , a temporary permit could be issued for the length of time needed. Permits should be issued to both disabled drivers and disabled passengers. It would be the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that the parking privileges were not abused. "Enclosed are copies of existing parking by-laws, sample permits, and a sample by-law and permit information put out by the Ivlinistry of Transportation and Communications We are anxious to see a by-law in place which would improve accessibility and mobility for all disabled persons in our Region. If we can be of any help in supplying information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, r David J, Burke Consultant Barrier -Free Design Project 579 -4173 cct T. E. Stevens C. W. Lundy G. Herrema PLEASE NOTE *** Material is available in Works Department (C�> CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P.ENO., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 9675039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 1982. REPORT NO. WD-89-82. SUBJECT: PARKING FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS. RESOLUTION # C-981-82 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that this report be received for c' information. BACKGROUND: Report # WD-68-82 to the September 13, 1982, Meeting of Committee detailed the proposed steps to be taken in providing parking fac- ilities for the handicapped; it was reported that, in other area Municipalities wherein such provisions had been implemented, the local merchant organization had, in conjunction with the area Social Planning Council , been the prime instigator and administrator of the facilities. REPORT: On October 6, 1982, Staff wrote letters to the Newcastle Social Planning Council , Bowmanville Business Centre, Newcastle Village B. I .A. , and Orono Downtown Business Association, suggesting a Meeting be convened on October 19, 1982,. at which it was proposed that a plan be formulated for a co-ordinated effort in the Town reserving parking spaces for the handicapped in designated areas. WD-89-82 _ 2 _ By the morning of October 19, 1982, only one response had been received from the groups contacted, and the others were tele- phoned to ask if they were interested in the project, and if they intended to be present at the Meeting. In the absence of any positive reaction and response to the proposal , the Meeting was cancelled. It is felt that, without the co-operation of the local business groups and the Social Planning Council , who could provide valu- able input to the proposal for parking for the handicapped, the Town can do little to realise the project. From the previous liaison with other Municipalities who had, quite successfully, designated these parking areas, there are many factors to be considered, and a co-ordinated scheme involving all parties who may have interest in the project, is ,essential for it's ultimate success. It is suggested that a further attempt be made to. bring together all parties to formulate a plan for the parking facilities, after which time a report and recommendation would be presented to Committee for consideration and/or approval . Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works October 19, 1982. :vh tes a 4 September 13, 1982 Resolution NGPA-979-82 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Prout THAT the previous resolution be amended, and the donation go through the local .�ancer Society. "CARRIED" Parking for Handicapped Resolution OGPA-980-82 Persons (Resolution OC-610-82 Moved by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT Report WD-68-82, re Parking for Oandicapped Persons, be received for information. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-981°82 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Hamre THAT the previous resolution be amended, and the Director of Public Works liaise with the Social Planning Council and' the a. I.A. 's to establish appropriate handicapped parking. "CARRIED" . - �—.._ _.• • w.a'¢a-uwwi.: +.w-.. ssm...,u.-:,.,..cv-xt.ixvWfi'.dlSf 3Dl.telz2i4Ymaun:t3a18ssus'SLYwsf n ,.> M11 r � q i, I . ii c l / CORPORATION OF Rf TOWN OF NEWCASTU PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENO., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL,(416)263.2231 LOA 1JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL. PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1982, REPORT NO. WD-68-82. SUBJECT: PARKING� FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS (RESOLUTION # C-610-82) . RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND REPORT: Resolution # C-610-82 directed: That Staff review signing for handicapped parking and report to the General Purpose and Admin- istration Committee". The Municipal Act, Chapter 302, Section 210 (118) states that a Council may pass by-laws for exempting, pursuant to permits issued, the owners and drivers of vehicles operated by or carrying a physically handicapped person, from any provision of) a by-law passed for prohibiting or regulating the parking,' standing or stopping of motor vehicles on any highway. In researching the above, Staff learned that the Town of Lindsay, in October, 1981, enacted a by-law to regulate parking of vehicles for physically handicapped persons; such vehicles had to bear an identifying marker, or sticker, and the owner or operator had to hold a permit specifically issued for the purpose of parking exemptions. WD-68-S2 _ 2 It was also learned that the Town of Lindsay Chamber of Commerce was the producer and issuing agency of the identification and permits, and the total effort to provide parking for handicapped persons was co-ordinated by the Chamber and the local Social Planning Council . The Corporation of the Town of Lindsay was instrumental , ultimately, in enacting and administering the by-law, a copy of which is attached for information and reference. In view of the data gathered so far, which included on-site inspections of convenient and appropriate .parking for physically handicapped vehicles, the following has become evident: 1 . Designated, parking spaces should not be in close proximity to busy intersections. 2. Spaces provided should provide clear passage to sidewalks , with benefit of ramps for wheelchair access. 3. Where possible, owners of private parking facilities should be requested to designate space for parking for handicapped persons. It is respectfully suggested that the Social Planning Council of Newcastle and the Business Improvement Associations may wish to take an active part in ensuring the provision of adequate and suitable parking spaces for physically-handicapped people, poss- ibly in conjunction with Handi-Transit and other interested agencies in the area. Staff would be pleased to provide any practical assistance, on behalf of the Town, and word in co- ordination with all local B. I.A. groups in achieving the common goal , and thus request the authority to instigate thJs proposal . Upon the collation of a specific plan, it would be appropriate to submit a further report on the progress of the project. Respectfully subrRitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. August 31 , 1982. :vh