HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-57-83 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-57-83 SUBJECT: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE "SUNRISE SALE", JULY 23, 1983. RECOMMENDATION: i It is respectfully recommended: 1. That conditional upon the Bowmanville Business Centre acquiring the necessary Road Occupancy Permits, in compliance with Town Policy and By-law 83-32, approval be given to the proposal to hold a "Sunrise Sale" on Saturday, July 23, 1983 from 6:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 2. That King Street from the west side of Division Street to the east side of Scugog Street, and Temperance Street from just south of the Post Office to just north of St. John' s Anglican Church, be closed for the duration of the sale; 3. That westbound Highway # 2 traffic be detoured via Division, Church and Scugog Streets, and eastbound Highway # 2 traffic be detoured via Scugog, Queen and Division Streets; 4. That advertisements advising of the road closures and detours be placed in the local newspapers; ? 2 - i 5. That the Works Department provide assistance in the form of barriers, signs and a supervisor for erection of same; 6. That the Bowmanville Business Centre be advised that erection and removal of the signs and barriers will be their responsibility and they be requested to contact the Works Department to co-ordinate the necessary arrangements; 7. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Bowmanville Business Centre. Report The Bowmanville Business Centre proposes to hold a "Sidewalk Sale" on Saturday, July 23, 1983 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and have portions of King Street and Temperance Street closed to accommodate same. This request has been considered and it is acceptable to the Works Department. Furthermore, the closure of the King Street Connecting Link (Hwy.#2) has been reviewed with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and their attached correspondence indicates concurrence. In the past, events such as the Santa Clause Parade, Sidewalk Sales, etc. , have been set up such that the Public Works Department has taken full responsibility for signs, barricades, re-routing traffic, etc. The result was high non-recoverable costs to the Works Department. . . .3 I I i - 3 - More recently, in conjuration with the 125th Anniversary Parade, alternate arrangements were explored. The Works Department provided the necessary materials and one person to co-ordinate the arrangements and the parade organizers performed the placement of the barricades, etc. A very satisfactory, and much less costly arrangement resulted. It is hoped that similar arrangements can be made for the "Sunrise Sale" through issuance of a Road Occupancy Permit and appropriate arrangements with the Works Department. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , I/ Director of Public Works. #GD:jco June 13, 1983. Attachment i RECEIVED JUN - 9 01 � u Ontario Ministry of ,i Transportation and District #6, Communications 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9 Telepho e: 224-7459 83 0607 f Mr. R. upuis, P. Eng. , s Directo of Public Works, Town of'!Newcastle, Hampton; Ontario. LOB 1JOI Dear Sir: Re: Proposed Temporary Road Closing and Associated Detours Town of Newcastle Your request of 83 03 23, has been reveiwed by this office and our Regional Traffic Section. ` The closure of King Street (Highway 2) between Scugog Street and Division Street does have an adequate detour in either Church Street to the North or Queen Street to the south. The Ministry feels either detour �ould suffice with a minimum disruption to through traffic on Highway 2. Therefo e, the Ministry has no objections to your proposal. Yours truly, CRA/tm C.R. Arbuckle, Assistant to: W.W. Osborn, District Municipal Engineer. cc: Mr. J.A. McKillop i i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS,P.ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(418)283.2231 LOB IJ0 '', 987.5039 Mr. Wall ter Peck , District Engineer, District No. 7. , _Ministry of Transportation & Communications , 138 Hope Street North , P.O. Box 150, PORT HOPE. Ontario. L1A 3W3. March 23, 1983. Dear Sir: The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department has received a request from the Bowmanville Business Centre for approval of the closure of King Street, Bowmanville , between Division & Scugog> Street, from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. , on Saturday, July 23, 1983. As the section of King Street in question forms part of the Highway 2 Connecting Link through the Town of Bowmanville , we would be very grateful for your input and advice on this item. The attached copy letter gives full details of the proposal . Your early response would be of considerable assistance, and we thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, i R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng. , r Director of Public Works. :vh � _ - i DECEIVED MAR 17 1(84) BO'. MANYILL9 ,ASS CENTRF.J HUWMANVILLE P.O. Box 305 BUSINESS CENTRE ( , sOWMANVILLE, ONT. WC 30 4 f '1983 03, 3 ' i, `1 MAR 4 1 i Mr.7 Dave W. Oakes { , ! Town C1jrk 1 1 Town of ewcastle j i' TOWN OF NiVICASTU 40 Temperance Street CLERK DEPARTMENT $pwManvi l,e , Ontario ,Dear r;.� Oakes .' The Boa'rq of Management, at the mee ing he14 on Marco. 2 i 19831, had decided to hold a Qne-day s unrise $aleljon Saturday July 23 , 1983 : r It was a reed that on this oFcasion' that, King Street from 1 the west side of Division Sheet tot a east side of Scugog I1� Road ; an Temperance Street from just south Hof the' Peat 1 Office t just north of ,the ,St John ' Anglican Church, ro- perty , bq closed from 6 la . m,. unt ' � I gyp . m. 1(a hours �P During this time , it is planed tta't park bsnches and 'potted trees will be placed in the .�nclosed rea Ilq the middle of F King Street . A 17 foot ;wide, route wi I be ��eft�, unobstructed for use �y emergency vehicles ,! on the north ;aide of �ing i Street b 'tween Division ,'Stre d 1 �V,! an i Sc F �ad.. + �i►.r�Pt�3Srj ..�r an4ements of 'a one-way !n�tpre wi�'I ,be made from ' ' Division Street along King Street ;to prock ' Sery ce Centre 1 •; ft•o- ecco4�1;.Pe, the speci4l. nature of this, business , Parks ng " ! swill be v la le in the new' o f-st a ar in lots and on° r� A � � pt p k g , the side streets . East ': and 'west bopnd traffic on King ' Street .' scan (blelA�iited around the downtown vl a' Division-Church-Scugog sir,eet�sor via Division-Queen-Scugpgjstreets , ' Y recogr�i�ion, of the additional timelrequired to' obtain , noV y local•,' -but also Provincial pormi sign (because King S �reet is also a Provincial highway ,, we would urge yot} to "�°-- •p rsue -t is matter at the earliest opsib�e date t -------a .­addition , we would be pleased if, ypu wou�d , keep us in form r .-- .e .-of- thy developments as this pro oa ro reasea . J; i ,.,..:..'.. ,.• aid Garth Gi pin i � � �1 Bus neai anager1 1