HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-54-83 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1J0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-54-83 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT ON THE PARKING SURVEY FOR THE FORMER POLICE VILLAGE OF ORONO RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That the Town arrange for the provision of lines to delineate parking spaces as outlined in the Orono Traffic Study, and that funds for same be drawn from the street sign account, number 7211-X-00422, for Orono; and, 2. That a copy of this report be sent to the Orono Downtown Business Improvement Area (D.B.I .A. ). BACKGROUND On April 18, 1983, the attached report on parking in Orono was presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee, at which time it was decided that prior to any Council action, a meeting should be held with the Orono D.B.I .A. to discuss the results and recommendations. On May �b) 10, 1983, the Director of Public Works met with the D.B.I .A. for this purpose. `. . . .2 - 2 - REPORT A presentation of the relevant information was made to the D.B.I.A., and questions were answered. After considerable discussion the following was established: 1. The D.B.I .A. expressed definite opposition to parking meters on the basis that they would discourage their patrons from shopping in Orono; 2. The D.B.I .A. supported painting of lines to delineate parking spaces and provide for more efficient usage of the space available; 3. The D.B.I .A. requested that consideration be given to establishing off-street parking lots to supplement spaces which exist on-street; 4. It was suggested that the D.B.I .A. employ a local person on a part-time basis to enforce parking; 5. It was suggested that the Town investigate a one-way street system in order to provide additional on-street parking on Park, Church and Centre Streets. 'The one-way system would be east on Park Street, north on Church Street, and west on Centre Street. With respect to the above five areas of concern or interest, the following is provided: . . .3 3 - I I 1 . Opposition to Meters i The Town need not proceed with installation of parking meters. 2. Desire for Delineation of Parking Spaces The Town can accommodate this request and since a more efficient usage of parking spaces will result, it is recommended that this request be complied with. Delineation of parking spaces is not a subsidizable activity, therefore, the $1,000.00 that would be involved in Orono should be charged to a related account, namely; street signs, account number 7211-X-00422. 3. Off-Street Parking Lots The Works Department investigated the feasibility of providing off-street parking. Two problems exist: firstly, costs to develop off-street parking lots are extremely high; and secondly, the locations available for off-street parking are somewhat removed from the core area. There are three components with respect to costs; land costs, construction costs, and costs for metering. Sites at the library and at a location on Main Street where one of the banks proposes to demolish a building, were suggested. The value of the land is unknown, however, it is expected that land at either site would cost between $50,000.00 and $100,000.00. I . . .4 I - 4 - Costs of developing (construction) the parking lot, based upon costs presently being paid for similar lots in Bowmanville, would be in the order of $700.00 per space, while costs for metering would be about $400.00 per space. From the above it is evident that development of a parking lot is an extremely costly venture. Recovery of the initial capital outlay would require high usage and meter revenue, and in Orono it is unlikely that this would occur. With respect to usage and distance from the core area; both locations are somewhat removed from the main business area and would not likely be used a great deal . At the D.B.I .A. meeting it was felt that the parking lots could be used by tenants renting apartments from the Main Street businesses; however, their distance from Main Street would serve as a deterent for good usage. 4. Local Enforcement It has been determined from the Clerk's Office that an employee of the Town, hired for that purpose, is the only one who can enforce the parking limit restrictions. The local D.B.I .A. could, however, hire a person to place friendly reminders on the windshields of persons considered to be abusing the parking privilege. i I I i i I �I 5 - 5. One-Way Streets The operational characteristics of one-way street systems are such that, if applied in Orono, they would create confusion and hardship for drivers, especially in the area suggested. The post office, library and church are focal points which must have ready access from all directions, and a one-way system would detract from this. Additionally, out of the way travel and inconvenience would be created for residents farther to the east on Park and Centre Streets. Accordingly, a one-way system is not advised. In light of the above and the discussions with the Orono III D.B.I.A., it is recommended that as a first step towards improved parking in Orono, zone lines be painted to properly delineate parking spaces. Consideration of other possibilities such as metering or provision of off-street parking lots is not considered prudent at this time. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. k6D:jco May 31, 1983. Attachment ,°► k) .b•u,v,g, � 1 r C PORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS,P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1,10 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1983. REPORT NO. :, WD-39-83. SUBJECT: PARKING SURVEY - ORONO RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That Council consider creating a defined metered parking scheme in Orono; and, 3. That if Council elects to provide metered parking in Orono, rates of twenty-five cents (25¢) per hour be established; and, 4. That if Council elects to provide metered parking in Orono, funds for the initial capital outlay be taken from the Town's Parking Reserve or other designated sources; and, 5. That a copy of Council 's decision and this report be forwarded to the Orono D.B.I .A. Ril _ 2 _ BACKGROUND: At the request of the Orono D.B.I .A. , a parking survey and a works cost estimate for the installation of parking meters in the downtown area of Orono was undertaken. A review of the on-street parking in the downtown area commenced with a site investigation on Tuesday, March 15th. It was noted that existing parking patterns reflect an inefficient usage of the available parking area. Parking spaces are neither delineated nor metered, which induces random parking. This in turn affects the traffic flow on Main Street (Regional Road 17), and the ingress to and egress from local entranceways. REPORT: The attached plan illustrates a parking layout that provides for fifty-eight (58) potential parking spaces, and complies with parking policy, entranceway policy, and guidelines set out by the Region of Durham' s Traffic Department. The total cost estimate for the layout and zone painting of the parking spaces and the installation of Duncan parking meters would be $25,000.00 (an average of $431.00 per space). AML 3 _ An itemized cost breakdown is as follows: 26 Twin Meters @ $750.00 $19,500.00 6 Single Meters @ $405.00 $ 2,430.00 32 Installations @ $55.00 (Incl. Labour & Materials) $ 1,760.00 Zone Painting & Restoration $ 1,000.00 Total Cost $24,690.00 The information derived from the parking survey in Orono, as requested by the D.R.I .A. may be summarized as follows: 1. Number of parking spaces created. . . . . . . . . . .58 2. Capital cost to create the parking spaces including meters and zone painting $25,000.00 3. a)Annual Revenue at 10¢ per'hour $ 9,000.00 b)Annual Revenue at 25f per hour $22,500.00 Note: The annual revenue calculation is based on a fifty (50) hour week and an assumed sixty percent (60%) occupancy rate. 4. Annual surveillance cost for both Orono and Newcastle Village $15,000.00 In conclusion, metered parking at 10f per hour would not be profitable; however, a rate of 25� per hour would generate an annual revenue sufficient to pay for surveillance in both Orono and Newcastle Village with a surplus of $8,000.00 per year to pay back the initial capital outlay. - 4 - It is, therefore, recommended that Council consider adopting the recommendation to provide a metered parking scheme in Orono at the rate of 25¢ per hour and that funds for the initial capital outlay be taken from the Town's parking reserve or other designated sources. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , • Director of Public Works. PSCjco March 29, 1983. IV- I Dry �� .01 010 CENTRE STREET APT c DECKERS FLOWER S SHOP APT on t�. j' ~ S I• C.1. r foul I S 0 ►KkAMACYC VARIETY STORE AP AK Iu VILL G( xmf FASH04S uomic AOL juOmINION IOA fR,,ROEN C NhA F T URN STORE uAE k":I PT Jt WALLACE Apr SUPPLY Cc, X o REO 8 WHY, HONG ;'; FOOD STORE k(I ft 1,%T(1, AINAfS AVTY ORONO w ICKLY FARK STREET L APT k --e-b�s n BANK COmm(FK( a m 21/2 STY 1AAj(Ty tk FA I.al"Y Orono Parkins urvev OR PvkkV Alva cA I., Twin Meter L(v Single titter x 2112 STY STY FR I I/21S T 7 F :—:,m Scale, 11960 c. Mar.22,1983 2sty OR -.4 4 L(