HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-36-83 V CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1J0 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 5 , 1983. REPORT NO: WD-36-83. SUBJECT: BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A POLICY IN RESPECT OF DRIVEWAY ENTRANCES UPON HIGHWAYS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended : 1 . That Report WD-36-83 be received; and , 2. That a by-law be passed establishing Town Policy in respect of the regulation of entrancways onto roads under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; and , 3. That the costs associated with the installation of Entranceways , as detailed in Schedule 'A' of the Policy, be put into effect upon the passing of the by-law, and reviewed on an annual basis by the Director of Public Works. BACKGROUND AND REPORT: On March 23, 1981 , Council passed By-Law 81-37 to regulate the construction of driveway entranceways upon highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle and , in the same year, adopted a Policy for Entrance detailing conditions and procedures. rr t ( WD-36-83 - 2 In working with By-Law 81-37, Staff have found there are several anomalies and inconsistencies in the terms and conditions , leading to confusion and difficulty in interpreting and enforcing the by- law on behalf of the Municipality. It was felt that both the by-law and the Policy for Entranceways should be reviewed and revised and clarified where necessary. Attached is the revised Policy which , basically, is the same as that in force at the Region of Durham, with appropriate clauses added to reflect the rural nature of the Town of Newcastle. The Schedule of Costs attached to the Policy has been revised to reflect the increases in material , labour and equipment charges since 1981 . The revisions mean an increase in the cost for a basic , regular , access from $460. 00 to $530. 00 , or 7.61%. Consideration has been given to the fact that the equipment rental rates are based on M.T.C. regulations , and the Ministry issues quarterly revisions of costs for application by the Town. The one major revision to the 1981 Policy is the inclusion of more specific conditions relative to installations undertaken 'by contractors approved by the Town' . Hitherto it has been difficult , if not impossible , to determine who is an "approved contractor" and , due to the wording of the 1981 Policy, it was not possible to impose any meaningful responsibility on anyone calling himself a contractor and insisting on doing an entrance installation , whether on his own , or others' , behalf. It is felt important to protect the Town from future maintenance problems , such as those which have arisen in the past , and thus any access installation not undertaken by the Town , must now be in accord- ance with a formal development agreement (with appropriate monetary guarantees). Technical standards , dimensions and requirements have been the subject of review, and several errors and omissions have been rectified. WD-36-83 - 3 The proposed Policy, attached , will give the Town improved control over entranceway installation , and provide clearer working guidelines for both Staff and applicants wishing to obtain access onto a Municipal highway. Respectfully submitted , zx/4 R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng . , Director of Public Works. March 28, 1983. Vor :vh THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE POLICY FOR ENTRANCEWAYS 1. GENERAL: The Municipal Road System provides a vital network of urban and rural roads which have been successfully upgraded and maintained to accommodate increasing traffic volumes, at higher levels of service, throughout the area. Access control is of principal importance in ensuring that these roads will continue to operate safely and efficiently and have a high traffic movement capability in future years. Where there are two possible means of access to one individual property, the Municipality will reserve the right to designate and approve the most advantageous access, in keeping with Town of Newcastle requirements. The right of an abutting property owner to have access to his land and the need to provide relative safety and freedom of movement on the adjacent highway frequently creates situations in which the right of the owner and the needs of the general public are seen to be incompatible. In these cases, safety, and the efficient use of the highway should be the governing criteria in resolving any differences. The primary purpose of this policy is to establish the guidelines to be used in granting access, and the design criteria to be applied to entranceways providing access to a Municipal Road. 2. DEFINITIONS: 2.1 CORPORATION - shall mean the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. 2.2 DIRECTOR - shall mean the Director of Public Works or his designated representative. 2.3 ENTRANCEWAY - means any private road, laneway, driveway, entranceway, gate or other structure or facility constructed as a means of access to a Municipal Road. Page2. . . . . Page 2 Policy Entranceways I I 2. DEFINITIONS CONT'D. 2.4 HIGH VOLUME ENTRANCEWAY - means an entranceway providing access to, and/or egress from: a) an office, retail or institutional building, b) an apartment building containing more than five (5) dwelling units, c) an employee or other parking lot, d) an industrial facility, warehouse or trucking terminal , e) a community or regional shopping centre, f) a recreational complex or other public facility. 2.5 LOW VOLUME ENTRANCEWAY - means an entranceway providing access to, and/or egress from: a) a single family residence, b) an apartment building containing not more than five (5) dwelling units, c) a farm or a field forming part of a farm and used exclusively for the passage of animals and crops. 2.6 NON-CATEGORIZED ENTRANCEWAYS - shall mean any access which does not conform to any specific category, requirements and conditions, approval or denial of access shall be determined, or at the discretion of, the Director. 2.7 ROAD OCCUPANCY PERMIT - shall mean a Permit issued by the Director in conjunction with an Application for Property Access in cases where there may be disturbance to, or disruption of, the normal use of the road or right-of-way from which access is requested. It shall be determined by, and at the discretion of, the Director whether there is need for a Road Occupancy Permit. Conditions of Road Occupancy are specified under a separate Policy, and must be met prior to final approval of the Application for Property Access. Page3. . . . . i Page 3 Policy Entranceways 3. STANDARDS: 3.1 Low volume entranceways shall be limited to -the following number per property: a) up to the first 18m of frontage: one two-way, b) from 18m to 30m of frontage: one two-way or two one-way. 3.2 High volume entranceways shall generally be limited to the following number for each property: a) up to the first 300m of frontage: not more than two, b) for each additional 150m of frontage: not more than one. 3.3 Approval for additional entranceways will be considered by the Director only when sufficient evidence of necessity is provided by the applicant. 3.4 A street intersection-type entranceway may be required for a high volume entranceway at the discretion of the Director. In such instance the required intersection will be constructed in accordance with the prevailing design criteria and standards of the Corporation. 3.5 a) Al entranceways shall be constructed by the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department or it's contractor, unless otherwise authorized by the Director, b) Entranceways shall be located so as not to interfere with any municipal or utility services, such as utility poles, catch basins, valves, Hydrants, etc. 3.6 Subject to 3.5 a) above, in cases where there exists a formal development agreement with the Town of Newcastle in respect of which there is a performance guarantee or bond, and appropriate liability insurances in effect for the duration of the construction up to approval or acceptance of the development by the Corporation, entranceways may be constructed by a competent professional contractor approved by the Town. 3.7 If 3.6 is applicable, the Director shall specify the terms and conditions of entranceway construction, material requirements, etc. , in accordance with acceptable standards and criteria, and all installations under these conditons shall be subject to final inspection and approval upon completion. In the event that the construction does not meet the requirements or standards of the Corporation, the Director shall notify the developer of any deficiencies and the works shall be corrected or modified at the expense of the developer within a specified period of time, to be established by the Director. Failure on the part of the developer to comply with the requirements shall give the Corporation the authority to rectify the situation and apply all costs incurred against the sureties held. Page4. . . . . Page 4 Policy Entranceways 3. STANDARDS CONT'D. : 3.8 Where a high volume entranceway will enter onto a municipal road, the Director may require, as a condition of access, the construction of a median barrier to block left-turn access to, or egress from, the subject property. 3.9 Where, in the Director' s opinion, such a median may cause undue hardship, the construction of a median area of sufficient width and length to accommodate a recessed left-turn bay or such other facilities deemed necessary, may be considered as a condition of access. 3.10 All entrances, installations and works on the municipal right-of-way shall, upon completion and/or approval , become and remain the property of the Corporation. 3.11 Notwithstanding the fact that an entranceway has been installed in accordance with this policy, the Corporation may subsequently, at its discretion, alter such entranceway -to accommodate Municipal roadworks, maintenance or improvements. The only obligation to the Corporation in such instances will be to restore the affected entranceway(s) to a condition consistent with Town Standards. 3.11 Drive-over curbs providing access to property shall be considered entranceways and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. 3.12 Drive-over curbs providing access to property shall be considered entranceways and shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Policy. 3.13 Where culvert lengths are excessive, i .e. greater than twelve (12) metres, the applicant may be required to have a manhole installed as a requirement for approval of the entranceway. Page5. . . . . i Page 5 Policy Entranceway I 4. PROCEDURE: 4.1 An Application for Property Access, available from the Public Works Department, Municipal Office, Hampton, must be completed, and a non-refundable Inspection Fee paid for each individual entranceway, at time of filing. 4.2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department will inspect the site of the proposed entranceway(s), specify the material requirements necessary to provide access in accordance with prevailing standards and criteria and provide an estimate of cost for installation of the entranceway. 4.3 a) The Corporation shall advise the applicant of the requirements established in part 4.2 and the applicant shall , prior to issuance of the approved Application for Property Access or commencement of work, pay all costs associated with the entranceway(s) . b) Should an applicant require only confirmation that access would be approved, and/or available, at some future date, the Inspection fee shall be paid, but the Application for Property Access shall be stamped accordingly, and such location approval shall be valid for six (6) months only from the date of site inspection. If the applicant does not complete the procedure for the installation of access within that period, then the first application shall become invalid and a new application must be made as if there had been no former reference to the site in question. 4.4 Applications for "High Volume" entranceways or those to be undertaken by a contractor other than the Town of Newcastle must be accompanied by a Site Plan approved, or for approval , by the Town of Newcastle. 4.5 Application must be made for alterations or changes to entranceways prior to an entranceway being changed or altered from it's original state or use. Approval of the application must be acquired and the installation or alternation must comply with the specifications and conditions set out in this Policy, and all associated costs for inspection and works must be paid. 4.6 The applicant is responsible for staking the location of the requested entranceway. Final location is subject to inspection approval and conformity to Town Policy. Page6. . . . . i i Page 6 Policy Entranceways 4. PROCEDURES CONY D. 4.7 A property owner, developer or agent must obtain an approved Application for Property Access or Road Occupancy Permit before altering, occupying or undertaking works of any nature within the limits of a Municipal right-of-way, and it shall be at the discretion of the Director of Public Works as to whether approval is granted, under the terms and conditions of this, and any other applicable, Town Policy and/or By-Law. 4.8 Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, an approved Application for Property Access must be obtained. 4.9 An entranceway constructed or altered in any way, without approval or contrary to the conditions under which it was approved, will be removed by the Corporation and the cost of removal will be assessed against the property owner. 4.10 Where an entranceway has been constructed or altered in any way without adherence to this policy, the Corporation shall reserve the right to halt all work on the property, including construction of a building with approved building permit, until an approved Application for Property Access has been issued. 4.11 Where an application has been approved for a temporary entranceway, or for the use of the right-of-way of a Municipal Road as a temporary entranceway, a Road Occupancy Permit must be acquired. The cost of installing and removing the temporary entranceway and/or restoring the right-of-way to its original condition will be assessed in advance against the person to whom approval was given. 4.12 The extent of permit approval for a temporary entranceway shall not exceed a period of six (6) months from original date of approval . 4.13 Seasonal use shall mean summer use only. Summer maintenance of the Town shall not necessarily be more than two treatments (grading, dragging, or similar maintenance to minimal standard) . Applications for Property Access issued under conditions for summer use only must be accompanied by an approved Road Occupancy Permit. I Page 7 Policy , Entranceways 4. PROCEDURES CONT'D. 4.14 No access or entranceway will be permitted: a) Onto an unmaintained or unopened road allowance any right-of-way with a width of less than 20.12m (66ft.) contrary to zoning by-law, b) Onto a road allowance which receives summer maintenance only, unless the access is to a building or proposed dwelling which is specifically for seasonal (summer) use, c) Unless, the Corporation is indemnified of any damages caused, or resulting from, the access by way of the unmaintained right-of-way, d) Unless, the Applicant agrees, in writing, that the granting of any approval for access to agricultural lands, as defined herein, does not, in any way, constitute acceptance by the Corporation of any responsibility for the maintenance of the right-of-way, nor shall there be any obligation on the Corporation to alter, upgrade or otherwise maintain such a road allowance. e) Unless, the Applicant agrees that the Corporation shall not be held responsible for any misuse of the road allowance which is being used to gain access to agricultural lands, as defined herein. 4.15 Notwithstanding the foregoing, all construction or alteration of entranceways, structures, private roads or other facilities as a means of access to Municipal Roads shall comply with By-Law No. and with any zoning or other requirements prevailing or applicable at the time of application. Page 8. . . . i i Page B Policy Entranceways I 5. SPECIFICATIONS: 5.1 Basic Entranceway Dimensions: Basic widths, curb spacing, radii and angles of entranceways for various land uses in urban and rural areas are given in Table 1. Method of measurement are footnoted below the Table and are illustrated in Figure 1. (See Apendix W ) . For the purpose of Table 1, "Urban" refers to a curbed cross section and "Rural " refers to open ditch construction. The design values may be adjusted by the Director of Public Works, as required, to handle expected traffic conditions. TABLE 1 BASIC ENTRANCEWAY DIMENSIONS DIMENSION URBAN RURAL REFERENCE (See Fig.l) Res. Com. Ind. Res. Com. Ind. i Widthl (m) W minimum 3.5 4.5 6.0 4.9 5.5 6.0 maximum 7.5 9.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 Right Turn Radius2 (m) R minimum 1.5 3.0 4.5 3.0 4.5 7.5 maximum 4.5 16.0 16.0 7.5 24.0 24.0 Maximum Spacing3 (m) from property line P R R R R R R from point of tangency C 1.5 3.0 3.0 12.0 17.0 17.0 between driveways S 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 Angle4 A 70 70 70 70 70 70 Notes: The minimum width of commercial and industrial driveways is intended to apply to one-way operation. In high pedestrian activity areas, such as in a central business district or in the same block with an auditorium, school or library, the maximum basic width should be nine (9) metres. The width is intended to be measured perpendicular to the centreline of the driveway, in most instances , at the inner limit of the curbed radius or between the line of the radius and the near edge of a curbed island at least 4.6m2 in area. On the side of a driveway exposed to entry or exit by right turning vehicles, in high pedestrian activity areas, the radii should be half the values shown. Measured along the curb or edge of pavement from the roadway end of the ultimate or future curb radius, in high pedestrian activity areas, the minimum spacing between driveways should be 7.5 metres. See Table 2 for high volume entranceway requirements. Minimum acute angle measured from the centreline of roadway and generally based on one-way operation. Page 9 Policy Entranceways 5.2 High Volume Entranceways: Notwithstanding the basic requirements identified in the foregoing, the impact of traffic using a high volume entranceway must be minimized by ensuring that it is located sufficiently far from the nearest intersection or adjacent entranceway. In the case of - a) A shopping centre, public parking lot or a parking lot provided for the use of customers of a retail or wholesale business, public garage (excluding automobile service stations) or personal service or eating establishments with parking area that can accommodate the number of parking spaces set out in Column 1 of Table 2; b) A hotel , office buliding, apartment dwelling, property used for public purposes or industrial development with a parking area which can accommodate the number of parking spaces set out in Column 2 of Table 2; c) No entranceway should be located within an intersection or in such a manner that the distance between the nearest limit of an entranceway and the nearest intersecting streetline or it's extension is less than the distance set out in Column 3 of Table 2, and that distance between the nearest limit of an entranceway intended for two-way vehicular traffic and any other entranceway serving the same property is less than the distance set out in Column 4 of Table 2. All distances referred to are measured at the streetline. TABLE 2 HIGH VOLUME ENTRANCEWAY DISTANCES COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 No. of Parking No. of Parking Distance Between Distance Spaces Spaces Entranceway and Between Shopping Centre, Hotel , etc. , nearest two-way etc.(see test) (see text) Steetline Entranceways Up to 49 20 to 99 18 metres 15 metres 50 to 99 100 to 199 30 metres 30 metres 100 to 199 200 to 299 45 metres 45 metres 200 to 299 300 or more 60 metres 60 metres 300 or more 75 metres 75 metres Where it is impossible to comply with these requirements on any frontage, entranceways should be permitted only on the road carrying the lesser volume of vehicular traffic and the entranceway should be located as far removed from the nearest intersection as possible. In cases where vehicular traffic volumes on the abutting roads are essentially equal , entranceways should be constructed on -the road which allows the entranceways to be located as far removed from the nearest intersection. Page 10. . . i i Page 10 Pol i cy Entranceways i 5.3 Sight Distance: Adequate sight distance must be provided for both movements out of an entranceway and into an entranceway with a minimum of hazard and disruption to traffic. The following sight distance requirements for passenger cars are based on a 1.0 metre height of eye and a 1.4 metre height of object . The distances for semi -trailers are based on a 1.8 metre height of eye and a 1.4 metre height of object. The operating speed on each approach is assumed to be, in order of desirability: a) the 85th percentile speed; b) the speed limit if based on an engineering study; C) in the case of a new facility, 80 percent of the design speed. The sight distances shown in Tables 3 to 6 are designed to enable exiting vehicles : a) upon turning left or right, to accelerate to the operating speed of the street without causing approaching vehicles to reduce speed by more than 15 km/hr; and, b) upon turning left, to clear the near half of the street without conflicting with vehicles approaching from the left. The values shown in the following Tables are for urban conditions. On rural highways , distances should be increased by ten percent to allow for slower driver reaction. The sight distance criteria shown in Tables 3 to 6 should be considered in the context of the conditions of any given location. Factors such as road grade, the potential for accepting a greater reduction in speed by the traffic on the street than is the derivation of the Tables, the proximity of traffic signals and other traffic control features which will affect vehicle flow, may serve to temper the spatial requirements contained in the Tables. On the other hand, some grade conditions alone may require the application of more stringent requirements. Vehicles slowing down and turning left to enter a two-way entranceway will have adequate sight distance ahead of them if the distance shown in Tables 3 to 6 have been provided to allow safe exit from the entranceway itself. The sight distances shown in Tables 7 and 8 are needed by vehicles turning left and entering a one-way entranceway to allow them to clear oncoming through vehicles safely. When the criteria for sight distances cannot be met, it may be possible to apply less stringent requirements by prohibiting left turns by exiting vehicles. Page 11 Policy Entranceways Restriction of turning movements to right turns in and out of an entranceway, together with provision of a right-turn acceleration lane designed in accordance with current standards, permits a reduction in the sight distances shown in Tables 3 through 8. Direct access from a property to a Municipal Road will be denied when the sight distances shown cannot be attained and when restrictions on turning movements to and from a proposed development would not be practical . TABLE 3 Safe sight distance for passenger cars exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads: SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT OPERATING DISTANCE - DISTANCE - SPEED LE� RIGHTa 40m 30 km/h 105m 80m 50 km/h 135m 60 km/h 160m 215m 80 km/h 225m 320m 100 km/h 290m * a - measured from a vehicle 3m back of the pavement edge. TABLE 4 Safe sight distances for passenger cars exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads: SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT OPERATING DISTANCE - DISTANCE - SPEE_D _ LEFTa RIGHTc 40m 30 km/h 40m 80m 50 km/h 115m 135m 60 km/h 190m 215m 80 km/h 290m 320m 100 km/h * b - measured from a vehicle 3m back of pavement edge to a vehicle in the outside lane. c - measured from a vehicle 3m back of pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. Page 12. . . . Page 12 Pol i cy Entranceways TABLE 5 Safe sight distances for semi-trailer exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads: SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT OPERATING DISTANCE - DISTANCE - SPEED LEFTa RIGHTa 30 km/h 90 in 60 in 50 km/h 150 in 120 in 60 kin/h 260 in 260 in 80 km/h 490 in 490 in 100 km/h 760 in 760 in * a - measured from a vehicle 3 in back of the pavement edge. i TABLE 6 Safe sight distance for semi-trailers exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads: SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT OPERATING DISTANCE - DISTANCE - SPEED LEFTb RIGHTc 30 km/h 60 in 60 in 50 km/h 120 in 120 in 60 km/h 260 in 260 in 80 km/h 490 in 490 in 100 km/h 760 in 760 in * b - measured from a vehicle 3 in back of the pavement edge to a vehicle in the outside lane. * c - measured from a vehicle 3 in back of the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. Page 13. . . . Page 13 Policy Entranceways TABLE 7 Safe sight distances for passenger cars entering driveways by left turns: OPERATING SAFE SIGHT DISTANCE IN METRES - d SPEED 2 Lane 4 Lane 6 Lane 30 km/h 45 m 50 m 50 m 50 km/h 70 m 75 m 80 m 60 km/h 115 m 120 m 130 m 80 km/h 160 m 170 m 180 m 100 km/h 215 m 225 m 240 m * d - measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops, to a vehicle in the outside lane. t TABLE 8 Safe sight distances for semi-trailers entering driveways by left turns: OPERATING SAFE SIGHT DISTANCES IN METRES - d SPEED 2 Lane 4 Lane 6 Lane 30 km/h 80 m 85 m 90 m 50 km/h 120 m 135 m 145 m 60 km/h 175 m 190 m 205 m 80 km/h 245 m 270 m 290 m 100 km/h 305 m 335 m 365 m * d - measured from the point where a left-turning vehicle stops, to a vehicle in the outside lane. 5.4 Grades; Fill and Cut Conditions: a) The desirable and suggested maximum grade changes for urban and rural driveways under this policy are illustrated in Figure 2 (See Appendix 'A' ) . b) Fill conditons are illustrated in Figure 3 of Appendix W . c) Rural cut conditions are illustrated in Figure 4 of Appendix Page 14. . . . i Page 14 Policy Entranceways 5.5 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment: I For the purpose of this policy, and where physical conditions allow, an application will not be approved: a) for a commercial or industrial entranceway in an area where the speed limit is 80 km/h or more; - on a curve of more than three degrees (30) - on a hill where the grade is more than four percent (4%) b) for a commercial or industrial entranceway in an area where the speed limit is less than 80 km/h; - on a curve of more than six degrees (6°) - on a hill where the grade is more than six percent (6%) Concrete curbing 100 mm to 150 mm above the ground must be used in the construction of any traffic islands and to physically control vehicle traffic from entering or leaving the applicant 's property at any other than approved entranceways. Where the highway has an open ditch line of sufficient depth to form a natural barrier, the desired control can be obtained by leaving this ditch line open, thus eliminating the need for curbing. 6. COSTS: 6.1 Costs payable to the Town of Newcastle in respect of entranceway installation, relocation or alteration , of any type, shall be inclusive of Inspection Fee, Labour, Equipment and Materials required. 6.2 At the time of application for property access the Applicant shall pay to the Town of Newcastle an Inspection Fee, which shall be non-refundable. 6.3 Unless otherwise specified by the Director of Public Works, all costs must be paid to the Town prior to: a) Approval of an Application for Property Access; b) Commencement of any work to be done. 6.4 When work is to be done on an 'Actual Cost' basis, this will be the cost of Inspection Fee, Labour, Equipment and Materials, to the total of which shall be added an Administration Fee of ten percent (10%). 6.5 The Schedule of Costs applicable to the inspection and installation of entranceways may be reviewed and amended from time to time by the Director of Public Works. Page 15. . . . . Page 15 Policy Entranceways 6. COSTS CONT'D. 6.6 All costs pertaining to the construction , alteration and/or removal of an entranceway, including the installation or extension of pipe, culvert or other materials or associated works within the Municipal right-of-way, save and except those incurred as detailed in 3.11, are to be borne by the applicant , and must be paid in advance of the commencement of work. 6.7 Costs associated with the installation of entranceways are attached to this Policy as Schedule 'A' , and may be subject to revision from time to time. BY—LAW N0: APPENDIX 'A' FIGURE 1 R— PROPERTY p ( 1 LINE t cc I I t 1 t_R EDGE OF CURB OR PAVEMENT I PROPERTY_ LINE I I R 1_ 1 1 1 NOTE* FOR AN ISLAND GREATER THAN 4.6 m= I W' IS MEASURED ALONG INNER RADIUS 1 I R_ W IT I 1 I 1 1 I i 1 1 t IR I I s I C FUTURE CORNER 1 RADIUS CENTRE LINE OF ENTRANCE A CENTRE LINE OF ROADWAY FIGURE 2 URBAN PAVEMENT BLVD. Gi 00.4 PROPERTY LINE SAG CREST G OL HIGH VOLUME ENTRANCEWAY =3% 15% LOW VOLUME ENTRANCEWAY 66% •10% NOTE= Gs MAX. APPLIES TO FIRST 6 m BACK OF PROPERTY LINE FIGURE 3 RURAL (FILL CONDITION) PAVEMENT SHLD. a RND 5.0 t5 1 L 1.15 �0°� M CULVERT EXIST. GRADE FIGURE 4 RURAL (CUT CONDITION) PAVEMENT SHLD. a RND 5.0 1.5 1.5 L 1.5 h.5 EXIST. GRADE Vo 0 6 /o --+ 0.50/0 —+.. CULVERT l0 00 "I dl U) .P W N -� m D D cn -+ m D m c n m m C) CL =3 n c Z n. n CT 0) C n a C � +- c+ to c-+ c- n — cn C �• c+ 5 c cu CT oj � w 0) c-+• a a < (D c (D n =3 cn n n C n n cc--h cn ( -h 0° n c+ 0) (D n O c+ O -5 c+ O n -5 cn o rn .� .� V)i V) .�r- o o V) 0i ;�v cn = c+ o Ui o o =3 (n =3 C) =3 c+ c+ O (D c-F D N C' C) o O + Z O o o D ;E U) F C � � (D (D O (D (D (D (D -n O O 00 m OL 5 D m c+ X =:I X a X = (D g pi Cr < 0) m D E3 x n =1 n B n cn (D O :3 c< w cn cn rn n m C Q LSZ LQ N ((D (0n LSZ (On %SZ (0n )SZ O (D D N c+ =3 ,o N cn N =3 -5 -s - -h � -° o- o 0 o h +, --,j �• O < Eg c (D � cn B E3 rn n n bg cn 0 n o o Cv =3 o X r+• .� < n (D O 0 --sz o N cn (n a 5 c-+• V o DO n D a � cn � Hy -I w n a n Cn �ss � � n cn D Cn D (n D Cn v 5 (D C -0 •-h =3- =3 C" = O =3 O (D 00 O (D 0-c-+• 0-c+ C].c+ N CU �• n o (D c+ Cu C ti (D N N (D Cn 00 N N (D n_W n-0) n.0i c-+• << (<D O �. 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