HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-41-83 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-41-83 SUBJECT: ACCESS TO SKINNER PROPERTY ON ELLIOTT STREET IN BURKETON RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That Mr. Skinner be advised that his application for property access will require installation of an entrance complete with a fifteen inch (15" ) diameter culvert at a cost to him of $460.00 less application fees of $55.00, already paid; and, 3. That Mr. Skinner be so advised by copy of this report. BACKGROUND: On March 7, 1983, Mr. Ward Skinner appeared as a delegation to the General Purpose and Administration Committee to oppose certain issues regarding the Town's requirements for an entrance to his property from Elliott Street in Burketon. Firstly; Mr. Skinner queried why an entrance, which he assumed cost $25.00 in 1980, would now cost $460.00. . . .2 _ 2 _ Secondly; Mr. Skinner felt that his original 1980 application should be honoured. Thirdly; Mr. Skinner questions the need for ditching and a culvert associated with an entrance to his property. Application for access to the Skinner property was made in 1980, to determine whether access could be secured. Mr. Skinner paid the $25.00 application fee at that time and received assurance that access was available. Although the application form did not specifically indicate same, the ( period of validity for the application was only six (6) months. More recently, in August, 1982, Mr. Skinner decided to build on his property and in securing a building permit was advised that he had to follow the entrance application procedure again. Inadvertently, on the strength of his original application, a building permit was issued without a valid entrance permit. Mr. Skinner was subsequently advised of the circumstances and requested to make the necessary arrangements for property access. 1 REPORT: As noted above, Mr. Skinner addressed committee with his concerns and as a result, the Director of Public Works was instructed to meet with Mr. Skinner and clarify any misconceptions. The following is a report of the meeting: With respect to the question of the former costs versus present costs: It was explained to Mr. Skinner that the $25.00 application fee paid in 1980 was just that, and that had he proceeded with the entrance at that time, he would have been assessed charges for construction of same. Mr. Skinner now understands the financial arrangements. . . .3 3 - The standard of entrance required was also discussed. It was explained to Mr. Skinner that, notwithstanding the existence or lack of roadside ditches in a particular area, very often, when entrances are being installed, the Town takes the opportunity to improve drainage in an area by constructing newpor deepening existing ditches. This is the case with Mr. Skinner' s access. Presently, there are no ditches on the north side of Elliott Street, but, it is the intention of the Works Department to construct ditches along the north side of Elliott Street to intercept water from the ( north which now flows across the street and onto properties to the south. Mr. Skinner was not satisfied with this as an explanation and is convinced that due to the soils conditions in Burketon (i .e. very sandy) , water seeps into the ground and does not require ditches. Furthermore, Mr. Skinner suggests that ditches be constructed in areas other than Elliott Street. As a result of the discussions with Mr. Skinner, the requirement for ditches along the north side of Elliott Street has been reassessed and it is the opinion of this department that a ditch would be beneficial to this area. The Works Department proposes to construct such ditches as part of the 1983 Ditching Program. This will necessitate installation of culverts where existing entrances exist as well as at Mr. Skinner's entrance. . . .4 i - 4 - Pursuit of this issue has created a time lapse, and Mr. Skinner's most recent application has expired. Because of the ongoing nature of the matter, if Council decides to support the staff recommendation, it is suggested that Mr. Skinner's application No. 945 be extended a further six (6) months and that he be credited any application fees he has already paid. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., ., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco April 11, 1983. i CORPORATION F THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1J0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1983. REPORT NO. : WD-40-83. SUBJECT: REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE REGION OF DURHAM WITH RESPECT TO STORM AND SANITARY SEWER CROSS-CONNECTIONS IN THE BEAU VALLEY ESTATES SUBDIVISION IN BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle is willing to pay its share of the cost of eliminating storm sewer house connections to the sanitary sewers in the Beau Valley Estates Subdivision in Bowmanville; and, 2. That the Region be further advised that the Town will only participate in costs at those houses where there is, in fact, a connecting of the storm to the sanitary sewer found, rather than on a blanket 50/50 basis; and, 3. That the Region be further advised that the Town will pay fifty percent (50%) of the investigative work leading to the program of eliminating the cross-connections; and, 4. That funds to cover the Town's share of the cost of correcting the cross-connections (about $10,000) and for the investigative work (about $3,000) , for the eleven (11) connections involved, be derived from the ov;�d � � In$ Iovv Docorvo �rrnunt � i - 2 - BACKGROUND: As a result of sanitary sewerage being found at storm sewer outfalls from the Beau Valley Estates Subdivision in Bowmanville, the Region of Durham performed an investigation in the subject area. Approximately, two hundred and sixty-six (266) homes were dye tested in the area bounded by King Street East, Simpson Avenue, and Soper Creek and it was found that eleven (11) homes were discharging sanitary sewage to the storm sewers. It can only be assumed that this is by virtue of the fact that the house sanitary connections are connected to the storm sewers with the house storm connections having been made to the sanitary sewers. Both the Region and the Town are therefore implicated in correcting the situation. REPORT: It is totally unacceptable for raw sanitary sewerage to be discharged into Soper Creek; therefore, the cross-connections of sanitary house connections to the storm sewers must be eliminated. This is a Regional responsibility. Similarily, it is unreasonable to expect the Region to continue to accept storm water being discharged into its sanitary sewers and ultimately treat it at the plant. Thus, the Town must become involved in eliminating the storm connections to sanitary sewers. - 3 - As previously indicated, an extensive investigation of the area in question was performed and it was found that about eleven (11) homes were involved in the problem. Correction of the cross-connections, if outside of the house, will cost about $2,000.00 each. If the cross-connection is inside the home, the Region proposes that the owner be responsible for eliminating same. Assuming that all of the cross-connections are outside of the home and that both the storm and sanitary connections are involved, the total corrective project will cost about $20,000.00 for which the Town will be responsible for $10,000.00. If, however, it is found that only the sanitary connection is involved, which is not very likely, the Town should take the position that it is not financially involved. Further, since this matter is of mutual interest and benefit to the Region and Town, the costs of the investigative work leading to the findings, approximately $6,000.00, should be shared equally. The problems relate to development and therefore any costs incurred should be paid from the Lot Levy Reserve Account. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. D.jco March 29, 1983. i RECEIVED MAR 1 1 i DURHAM March 11, 1983 The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Box 623 HAMPTON, Ontario 105 Consumers Dr. SOB 1J0 Whitby, Ontario Canada.L1 N 6A3 (416)668-7721 Attention: R.G. Dupuis, P.Eng. Director of Public Works W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Dear Sir: Please quote our ref` RE: Cross Connections - Beau Valley Estates Subdivision SAN-N-1-1 Bowmanville As discussed at our meeting on March 8, 1983, of the 266 homes which were dye tested in the Beau Valley Estates Subdivision; i .e. the area bounded by King Street east, Simpson Avenue and Soper Creek , 11 homes were found to be discharging sanitary sewage to the storm sewer. The attached list summarizes the findings. Please note that the houses at 42 Hobbs Drive, 1 Wilde Court, and 14 Hailey Court, have plumbing facilities in one washroom connected to the storm drain inside the house. We suggest the Plumbing Inspector deal with these as soon as possible. Further investigation would have to be carried out on the remaining 8 houses to determine if the cross connection is inside the house or at the main sewers. The Region is prepared to carry out the work involved in correcting the cross connections at the main sewers. Because there is a strong possibility that the storm laterals are connected to the sanitary sewer where the sanitary laterals are connected to the storm sewer, we feel that the Region and the Town should each assume 50% of the cost of correcting the problem on the street. In addition, both municipalities should each assume 50% of the cost of the investigative work. We also propose that the home owner be responsible for the cost of eliminating an internal cross connection since, in all likelihood, he connected the plumbing for the washroom to the storm drain himself. . ..2 a -2- We would appreciate your comments at your earliest convenience. Further action will not be taken until we hear from you. Your uly, /ps G.B. Harness, P.Eng. Attach. Maintenance Engineer cc: K.M. Middleton, P.Eng. Wm. Andrews P. Kift SUMMARY OF SANITARY HOUSE CONNECTIONS CROSS CONNECTED TO STORM SEWER BEAU VALLEY SUBDIVISION - BOWMANVILLE ADDRESS NO. OF WASHROOMS COMMENTS 27 Hobbs Drive 1 Connected to storm sewer 42 Hobbs Drive 3 Basement washroom connected to storm sewer 48 Hobbs Drive 1 Connected to storm sewer 54 Hobbs Drive 2 Both washrooms connected to storm sewer 1 Wilde Court 2 Lower washroom connected to storm sewer 1 Hailey Court 1 Connected to storm sewer 13 Hailey Court 1 Connected to storm sewer 14 Hailey Court 2 Downstairs washroom connected to storm sewer 26 Deerpark Crescent 2 Both washrooms connected to storm sewer 34 Deerpark Crescent 2 Both washrooms connected to storm sewer 48 Deerpark Crescent 2 Both washrooms connected to storm sewer