HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-33-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT METING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MARCH 3, 1986• {tT #: WD -33 -86 SUB,ECT GARBAGE NOAND COLLECTION SERVICES ORO VILLAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: File #� Res. # By -Law # It is respectfully recommended: I. That this report be received; and, General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend tabled by 2. That the G 8 atta ched, Council that Recommendation 3 in Report WD-7 the and approved; Council Resolution 0671 -85, be lifted from osal service in the Orono 3, That Town staff commence collection area the week of March 31, and Newcastle Village Garbage Collection 1986; and, Browning Ferris Industries Ltd., 210 Baseline ,vRo eduast , arch 31, q, That erforming the se Bowmanville, Ontario, presently p 1986, on an extension to their contract, be so advised. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -33 -86 REPORT: Council Resolutions C- 668 -85 to C- 674 -85, as recorded in the minutes attached, were resolved as a result of Public Works Report WD- 77 -85. In view of the present staffing situation within Public resolutWorks ions by March 31, Administration, the information requested in these 1986, will be provided at a later date. However, due to the unusual circumstances surrounding Tender T85 -20, this report will deal with the tabled motion for Recommendation 3 of Report WD- 77 -85. To further support the above recommendation, the advantages of Town staff providing the collection service are outlined. The estimate to provide garbage collection services in Orono and Newcastle Village rate Town iforces is approximately $30,000 less than the tendered, two year, provide staff with the opportunity to gain the necessary experience. Public Works would be better utilizing its present garbage packer fleet therefore increasing the efficiency of the overall collection service and subsequently, assist in stabilizing costs in the Bowmanville collection area. Utilization of the present fleet in Bowmanville is two garbagpa packers for four days and one packer for one day with a total of nine packer used out of the fifteen available. Our proposed utilization with Orono and Newcastle Village on stream would be two packers for used outs and one possible packer for three days, a total of eleven packer day fifteen and allowing ample time for minor repairs and routine servicing. ...2 Page 2 Report No. WD -33 -86 Presently, five staff members are designated for garbage collection services in Bowmanville. If this recommendation is approved, one of these employees would be utilized in the two day collection service to Orono and Newcastle. These changes, although not addressed in Report WD- 77 -85, do not affect the estimated cost of providing the service but will indeed increase the efficiency of the overall collection service. Staff are prepared to monitor the process with follow -up reports and recommendations along with the reports requested by resolution. It is, therefore, recommended that Public Works staff commence garbage collection services in Orono and Newcastle Village the week of March 31, 1986. DTG:jco February 26, 1986. Attachments 7 E `; 1 I 0 1i .,•l.1 • ,04 Ii TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By -Law # THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DECEMBER 9, 1985' WD -77 -85 FILE #: GARBAGE COLLECTION AND IANDSCOURTICE, TENDERET85 -20. AL IN NEWCASTLE VILLAGE, OR ONO RECOMMENDATIONS: is resp ectfully recommended: It 1, That this report be received; and, 2, That the public Works Department continue to collect and Garbage of garbage with Town staff and equipment in the Bowmanvil e g approved routing Collection Area in accordance with the recently PP structure; and, responsibility of That the Public Works Department assume the in the Orono an( 3. disposal of garbage providing for the collection and disp . Newcastle Village Garbage Collection Area with Town staff and equipment; and, Industries Ltd. (BFI), 210 Baseline Road, 4, That Browning-Ferris month, being the lowest Bowmanville, with a bid of $6,523.30 per conditions and specifications responsible bidder meeting all terms, provide Town of Newcastle Tender T85 -20, be awarded the contract to garbage collection disposal services in the Courtice Garbage Collection Area* and, ....2 vl � ilk Page 2 r Report No. WD -71 -85 l 5. That the Town of Newcastle Garbage Collection By-law revised to incorporate the Courtice Garbage Collection Area; and, 6. That Committee and Council consider the implementation of one uniform garbage collection area rate. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: In October, recommendations in Works Department Report WD -69 -85 were ed and subsequently major changes were made to streamline n the garbage approved Report WD -64 -85 recomm collection operation in Bowmanville. tenders be advertised for the collection and disposal of gaarbageeni�othe Orono and Newcastle Village areas and that consideration be e Collection area to include Courtice. extending the Town Garbag REPORT: ollection es, public Works staff are pleased with the modified garbagemiliarwith the Residents are now a as recommended in Report WD- 69 -85. problems have been revised routes and most of the initial start up p resolved. 4 -85 dealt with garbage collection in other urban areas presentl Report WO-6 collection services provided by an out contr ct same receiving garbage prepared using Bids were received and a Public Works assawardedwto Regional Reclaimers. A format as in 1984 when the contract w r., and Regional that time, the Public Works Estimate was $58,800/y rs' bid was $57 ,237.12/yr• The 1985/86 Public Works estimates are Reclaime which totalled is $126,301.12 for $61,460.40 and $64,840.72 respectfully, ris Industries bid, the lowest bid the two y ear term. The Browning Fer received for the two -year contract, is $157,764.96. � Chi Page 3 Report No. WD -77 -85 It is recognized that the Public Works Department's Se fima e has pm any up in variables and no data is available on exact estimate is based on the best Orono and Newcastle Village. However, available information and is in line with our Bowmanville expenditures which, presently, are below budget. It is felt that with three existing garbage packers and five designated garbage collection staff, the Town is prepared to assume the responsibility si bil ity the of performing- collection and disposal servtWeosdayt pickup,w staff additional Orono and Newcastle Village area. On the garbage collection public works employee would be required to pearbagegcollection vehicles will duties. It should also be noted behaddressedgin the 1986 proposed Capital need to be replaced. This will purchase of new Budget. Fleet Reserves are adequate to cover the capital p equipment required to continue in Bowmanville. General Disposal Services (GDS) is providing a private collection and disposal service to residents in the Courtice area. New h collection services expressed concern at the lack of Town osldisposalgboxes provided for in the area. Many are using the contractor. t0 provide e building recommended din wastes. It is felt that the Town has an obligation e service to this rapidly developing area and it is, therefor , that B.F.I. be awarded the Courtice Garbage Collection. area rates exist for the garbage collection areas and At present, varying ands. The associated problems will continue to increantractede garbage services should administration of both Town operated and co l�ly be charged to one set of accounts and subsequently costs i l be a ua streamline distributed among those who benefit from the service. garbage reporting and accounting procedures. ....4 Page 4 / Report No. WD -77 -85 V. It is, therefore, respectfully recommended that consideration be given to one uniform area rate for garbage collection services within the Town. RGD:jco December 4, 1985. Attachment Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. SCHEDULE "A" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ESTIMATE FOR MONIANDADISPOSAL SEROI�ESRINETHE GARBAGE COLLECTI URBAN AREA OF ORONO, ORONO ESTATES, AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE EQUIPMENT RENTALS 248,00 Yard garbage packer 16 hrs. x $15.50 = 248.00 20 cu. Y ba Total Equipment = LABOUR 193.28 16 hrs. x $12.08 180.00 Truck Driver 16 hrs. x $11.25 = 35% Payroll Burden L30.15 Total Labour 503.93 Total Labour & Equipment Cost /Week = 752.00 Total Labour & Equipment Cost /Year = 752.00 x 52 weeks = DISPOSAL COSTS 7,211.60 Jan. 1/86 -Apr. 1/86 (4 mo.x 110 tonnes /mo.x 16.59 = � es /mo.x 17.21 June 1/85 -Dec. 31/85 (7 mo.x 110 tonn = 15,1_ 44 Total Estimated Landfill Disposal Fees TOTAL Increase for 1986 61,460.40 x 5.5% Two Year Estimate 39,104.00 22,356.40 61,460.40 64,840.72 $126,301.12 i i T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE NMRW Mr. D. Gray, Deputy Director of Public Works Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing & Supply Agent November 8, 1985 A PUBS l 'S Tender T85 -20 Collection of Household and Commercial Refuse With reference to the above mentioned tender, bids were received from the following: I. Browning Ferris Industries Ltd. Bowmanville, Ontario 2. Phil groenvelns Disposal Services Limited Bowmanville, Ontario I have attached a copy of each of these bids for your review. Please advise me of your recommendations as soon as possible. Thank you. Lou Ann Birkett Agent Purchasing & Supply 9 LB Attch. �p THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ` PURCHASING OFFICE TENDER FORM U I GCh Page 16 of 16 Tender No. T85 -20 Sealed Tenders for goods and/or services listed below, submitted on the forms and In the envelope provided, will be mcelved by the office of the Clerk. Cor• porat Ion of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvllle, Ontario, L1C 3A6, until the closing time and dale Indicated hereon. 12.00 noon (Local Time) T.85. -20. . CLOSING TIME AND DATE (Local Time )...Wedpe•Sday,..Navember..6 TENDER NO..... REFJPURCHASING AND SUPPLY AGENT.. Mrs:..LQu. Ann.. Bi .rk,ett ........... DATE ........ OCiaber..22,..1985.......... Phone (416) 623.3379 Tenders are Invited for the following goodsiservices and /or projects specified herein and associated documents, plans and specifications. Complete In full, all blanks where provided and return one copy andlor set In the envelope provided. Bid deposits and /or agreement to bond, If required, must accompany tender sub- mission under same cover and envelope. All tenders must comply In accordance with regulations, terms and conditions setforth In all tender documents. Successful tenders must accept r ms and a conditions of subsequent official purchase order Issued by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, unless otherwise stipulated. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. arms conditions and Instructions specified In Bylaw 182.96 of,the Corporation of the Town o(Newcastle. Tenders must comply and conform to all regulations, t The undersigned, tenderer agrees to supply and deliver all goods andlor services for price Is) tendered to a Corporatlo of the Town of Newcastle in actor• dance with all terns, specifications and conditions specified herein t:t 4 NAME: BROWNING— FERRIS • INDUSTRIES LTD , .... • AU IZ S NA ` 210 Baseline Road, Bowmanville ............. 1ADORESS :.................... ............................... PRINT NAME• . gntario ........... ............................... Wilf Goldlust.................... POSTAL CODE. , •L1C 1A4 .... , • , . , , • • , • • • , ... General Manager DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICES QUANTITY tendered shall be payable In Canadian Funds, F.O.B. destination, including Federal Sales Tax applicable, unless otherwise Indicated. Ontario "all Sales lax, If applicable, shall be Prices q /We a the Separate undersigned agree to perform the garbage c llection servic s in accordance with all terms, condition , and specifications herein for th prices tendere as follows: Area 1 Former Village of Orono 350. Household $ 5.88 /unit /mo. $ 2058.00 40 Commercial $12.50 /unit /mo. $ 500.00 .4 Street Receptacles $E •� /unit /mo. $ 50.00 rea 2 Orono Estates Subdivision C 83 Household $ • 88 /unit /mo. $ 488:.04 Area 3 Former Village of Newcastle 500 Household $ 5.88 /unit /mo. $_ 2940::00 35 Commercial $j 2.54 /unit /mO- $ 437.50 8 Street Receptacles $12.50 /unit /mo. $ 100.00 1 a 4 Courtice Urban Area Household $ S • q8 /unit /mo. $r�6085.80 1035 35 Commercial $,2 /unit /mo. $ d cL $13096.84 TOTAL NOTE: I'mo." means month GUARANTEED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION CASH DISCOUNT AND TERMS ... ............................... . DATE AFTER OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF ORDER .. ............................... GOODS TO BE SHIPPED FROM: ORIGIN OF GOODS OUNTRY' CITY & C.. .:l . • .. . . . ......... . CITY & COUNTRY .................... I.................... The undersigned, tenderer agrees to supply and deliver all goods andlor services for price Is) tendered to a Corporatlo of the Town of Newcastle in actor• dance with all terns, specifications and conditions specified herein t:t 4 NAME: BROWNING— FERRIS • INDUSTRIES LTD , .... • AU IZ S NA ` 210 Baseline Road, Bowmanville ............. 1ADORESS :.................... ............................... PRINT NAME• . gntario ........... ............................... Wilf Goldlust.................... POSTAL CODE. , •L1C 1A4 .... , • , . , , • • , • • • , ... General Manager r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PURCHASING OFFICE rJ TENDER FORM Page 16 of 16 Tender No. T85 -20 Sealed Tenders for goods and/or services listed below, submitted on the forms and In the envelope provided, will be received by the office of the Clerk, Cor. poralion of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvllie, Ontario, LIC 3A6, until the closing time and dale indicated hereon. 12:00 noon (Local Time) CLOSING TIME AND DATE (Local Time) ... WedORWA_Y,• ,Noyeui.ber..6A9$.6TENDER NO ....... T85.:2R ....................... REF. /PURCHASING AND SUPPLY AGENT.. Mrs.... Lou. Aon.. 8 i.rke.tt ........... DATE ........ f)ctober.. 22,..1985......... . Phone (416) 623.3379 Tenders are invited for the following goodsiservices and /or projects specified herein and associated documents, plans and specifications. Complete In full, all blanks where provided and return one copy and/or set in the envelope provided. Bid deposits and /or agreement to bond, If required, must accompany tender sub mission under same cover and envelope. All tenders must comply In accordance with regulations, terms and conditions setforth In all tender documents. Successful tenders must accept terms and conditions of subsequent official purchase order issued by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, unless otherwise stipulated. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must comply and conform to all regulations, terms conditions and Instructions specified In By-Law 182.96 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES Prices tendered shall be payable In Canadian Funds, F.O.B. destination, including Federal Sales Tax applicable, unless otherwise Indicated. Ontario Retail Sales tax, If applicable, shall be quoted as a separate Item. I /We the undersi terms, condition ned agree to perform the garbage and specifications herein for c llection servic s in accordance with al th prices tendere as follows: Area 1 Former Village of Orono 350 40 Household $ 7.75 /unit /mo. $ 21712 .50 4 . Commercial a 1 $ /un i r . $— --31 II — -- Street Receptacles $—%'T5 /unit /Mo. $ ea 2 Orono Estates Subdivision 83 Household $ 7.75 /unit /mo. $ 643.25 Area 3 Former Village of Newcastle 500 35 Household $ 7.75 /unit /mo. $ 32875-00 8 Commercial $lj._7_0/unit /mo. $ — Street Receptacles $—�: %5 /unit /mo. $ rea 4 Courtice Urban Area 1035 35 Household $ 7.14/unit /mo. $ 7, 389.90 Commercial $77� /unit /mo. $ 385.00 - TOTAL $16,126.15 NOTE: "Mo." means month GUARANTEED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION CASH DISCOUNT DATE AFTER OFFICIAL RECEIPT OF ORDER ....... ............................AND TERMS.... ............................... ORIGIN OF GOODS: GOODS TO BE SHIPPED FROM: CITY & COUNTRY .......... ..........1.................... CITY & COUNTRY'...............1,/ �.:��: �!,1; ;I �.,: , ......... , The undersigned, tenderer agrees to supply and dell"( all goods and/or services for price (a) tendered to the \ � dance with all terms, s p� Corporat,ort blthe Town o+ Newcastle In �ccor• specifications and conditions specified herein. , Limited j NAME' Phil. Groeneveld & Sons Disposal ServicesAUTHORIZEO IGNA'tuIt: . r....9.,.. I�Q .7 4., . ir...�Z.•.. ;6 ..................... �. .1... . .... Boimanvi lie: Ont�.ri O. PRINT NAME: P ;,U1 4irXr'oeneveld POSTAL CODE..... ............... Iia1`i ........... rcr rn. c7/ ;wd��P min TION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CORPORA ENa DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO R. DUPUIS, - TEL. (416) 263.2231 967.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, REPORT NO.: WD -64 -85 SUBJECT: OF GARBAGE ORONO, ORONO ESTATES AND COURTICE. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: I. That this report be received; and, 2. That in accordance with By -law 82 -184, being a by -law to regulate the collection of garbage within the municipality, the Director of Public Works be authorized to arrange for tenders for the collection and disposal of garbage from areas outlined in the by -law as Orono, Schedule B 11 , and Newcastle Village, Schedule "C "; and, 3. That the garbage pick -up and disposal tender be awarded for a two year term; and, 4. That the garbage collection and dWnPtoalrticipate in include provision to allow the To P a ` recycling programs; and, ....2 G (F Page 2 REPORT NO. WO -64 -85 4. That Committee and Council consider the extension of the Town's garbage collection area to include the Courtice Urban Area for collection and disposal. REPORT: The present contract with Browning Ferris Industries Ltd. (BFI), for the collection and disposal of garbage in Orono and Newcastle Village expires December 29, 1985. The Public Works Department would like to proceed with the calling of tenders and extend the period to two years. The present tender is for a one year period, however, it is a general concensus of opinion that lower unit prices would be obtained over a two year contract as the contractor start up and equipment acquisition costs would be spead over a longer period. To accommodate our present agreement with Durham Recycling, the contract will contain provision to allow the Town to participate in the recycling program. At present, the urban area of Courtice is without municipal garbage collection. Disposal of garbage is presently the responsibility of the householder, however, the services of a private contractor are available. Committee may wish to give consideration to the extension of the Town's garbage collection areas to include the Courtice Urban Area. If Courtice is included, the Tender for garbage collection and disposal could be called so that the Town has the option to award a contract in whole or in part, allowing Committee an opportunity to determine unit costs for the extension'of service in the Courtice Area. Page 3 REPORT NO. WD -64 -85 The present Courtice Urban Area including the subdivisions under development agreement contains approximately 1200 residential and 30 commercial properties. It is, therefore, recommended that tenders be called for Town administered garbage collection services in Orono and Newcastle (Schedules B and "C"), and that consideration be given to including the Courtice urban areas as shown on Schedule Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DTG:jco September 27, 1985. Attachments C 2 v P / 27 " 26 -' m S w DAVIDS z S RE ^ w o z Y J O W TAMBLYN Ra�- 3 f Q 9�Vt N �0 BLVD. �d ANDREW ST. G ,, k Rc I 1 ° 1 z W MOT i ST. K I 'f EMIT ST. 20 1:1 '\ J Q m tow-419 T C w GRAHAM R (` CT. ( HIGHWAY N• 401 N � N r ( t N b� 'oa.;•�3a '3AY OOOA%NAI WY 3NVf o � 7 • W t � 'N Ovoa;, tiinWt • 4 OVOW ?�Alw" b 1M'' WO • Q171/ 'WO cm ON Oi7uW> _ s LL L H c CY" slinul a ME C W GWOV 71YANOISIW1 d C ,V 4 � 'OMI NOLONAM A ty M OVOW 3NIINIA01 Ul , - y - December 16, 1985 jI �,,c11 Minutes Resolution #�C- 667 -85 Item #13 ncillor Stapleton Cou Cash Activity Report Councillor Hamre, seconded by For October 1985 Moved by 3.57.9. THAT item #13 be approved. "CARRIED" Item #20 Resolution #C- 668 -85 Garbage Collection & Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by Councillor Hamre . Disposal in Bowage, le, THAT Item #20 of the General Purpose and Administration Newcastle Village, Committee Report, Garbage Collection & Disposal in Bowmanville, Orono and Courtice Newcastle Village, Orono and Courtice, be divided and that Tender T85 -20 the recommendations be dealt with individually. 10.2.8' "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Hamre Councillor Cowman Councillor Stapleton Councillor Hubbard Councillor McKnight Councillor Wotten Mayor Winters Resolution #C- 669-85 Councillor McKnight, seconded by Councillor Hubbard Moved by THAT the following recommendation be dealt with separately: "That one uniform garbage collection area rate be implemented." "CARRIED" Recorded Vote Yea Nay Councillor Cowman Councillor Hamre Councillor Stapleton Councillor Hubbard Councillor McKnight Councillor Wotten Mayor Winters