HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-032-05 Cl~mglOn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, March 7, 2005 Report #: Rc ~~. d: {' yJil- i (1)- {)5 By-law #:dCD5- D3t c2dJS-n3'7 ORONO COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROVAL PSD-032-05 File #: PLN 37.1 Subject: RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1, THAT Report PSD-032-05 be received; 2. THAT the Orono Community Improvement Plan Document, dated February 2005 (distributed under separate cover) be approved; and 3. THAT the attached By-law to amend By-law 2003-124 be approved; and 4. THAT Ihe necessary By-law contained in attachment 2 to adopt Section 5 and Figure 1 of the Orono Community Improvement Plan document as the Community Improvement Plan pursuant to subsection 28(4) of the Planning Act be approved; and 5, THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be forwarded a copy of this Report and Council's decision; and, 6. THAT all interested parties listed for Ihis report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision, Reviewed ba ~--5"~ me" "" R.P.P. Franklin Wu lanning S rvices Chief Administrative Officer FL/DC/lb February 25, 2005 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 616 , REPORT NO.: PSD-032-05 PAGE 2 1.0 APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Municipality of Clarington 1,2 Purpose: To adopl the Orono Community Improvement Plan to allow for incentives and municipal works that will improve the viability of the Orono commercial area and help maintain the strong and high quality community life that residents enjoy. 2.0 LOCATION 2.1 The subject lands are the urban area of Orono and the surrounding lands as set out in Figure 1 of the attached By-law, 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 On September 15th, 2003 Council approved the preparation of a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) for Orono and a study area (By-law 2003-124h Attachment 1 is an amending By-law to correct a technical defect in By-law 2003- 124. The terms of reference for the study called for a community focus group, which was formed in October of 2003 and has guided the study since that time, 3,2 Prior to initiating the formal CIP study, a public meeting was held in Orono on June 18th, 2003 to determine whether the residents and community were receptive to having such a study prepared. The result was very positive. The community has been kept informed of the study progress through a newsletter that was sent to everyone in the Orono Postal Code (LOB 1 MO), reports in the media, and a public meeting held on October 6th, 2004. Comments received during the progress of the CIP support the recommendations and are included in the appendices of the report. 3.3 This Community Improvement Plan will allow the Municipality 10 provide incentives 10 business owners and property owners along the Main Street. It also includes recommendations for works by the Municipality, 3.4 The Economic Development Manager of the Clarington Board of Trade has been intimately involved in the preparation of this Community Improvement Plan and will continue to be involved in the implementation. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 4,1 The Orono Community Improvement Plan consists of grant programs for signage and fac;:ade improvement, property acquisition for municipal parking, capital funding for improvements located on municipal lands (such as streetscape works), and ongoing liaison with the Orono BIA, Orono Crown Lands Trust, Orono Town Hall Board and others, 617 . REPORT NO.: PSD-032-05 6.0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6.4 6.5 PAGE 3 4.2 Part of the implementation of the Community Improvement Plan is the ongoing co-ordination among the various community organizations, the Municipality of Clarington, and the Clarington Board of Trade and Tourism, The working relationship that has developed among these groups with regard to cross- marketing and other initiatives is vital to the ongoing success of the CIP, 5.0 PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSION 5.1 At the statutory public meeting held on February 7th, 2005, there were no submissions from the public, The Orono CIP has the endorsement of the community focus group and 3 members of this group were in attendance at the meeting in the audience. 5.2 A number of phone calls have been received from members of the public prior to and since the public meeting. Most of the calls have been of a general information nature. When specifics of the recommendations were discussed, the callers acknowledged support of the recommended grant programs, access signage improvements, and improvements to turning movements at Taunton and Main Street. AGENCY COMMENTS Letters were sent to the applicable commenting agencies on January 24, 2005 asking for comments within a 3 week timeframe. No objections to the Orono Community Improvement Plan have been received. The Clarington Engineering Services Department, Durham Region Works and Durham Regional Police are in agreement with the recommendations regarding road improvements at the Taunton and Main Street intersection and would like to co-ordinate on this initiative. The improvement of access signage is seen as a benefit by all. GRCA, MNR and the Orono Crown Lands Trust have no objections to the Orono CIP, Minor wording changes to clarify where each agency is involved in the management and maintenance of the Orono Crown Lands has been reviewed and agreed upon, GRCA advises that consultation with them prior 10 purchase of lands for municipal parking is encouraged to avoid natural heritage or hazard lands. The Durham Region Planning Department has no objections to the CIP. They have indicated that it is in conformity with the Regional Official Plan and Community Strategic Plan. Presentations were made to appropriate advisory committees of Council, being LACAC and the Accessibility Committee. Both committees are in agreement with the general intent of the plan and have offered their expertise in relation to the 618 . . REPORT NO.: PSD-032-05 PAGE 4 specific works that relate to their areas of interest (eg. fa9ade improvements to heritage buildings and streetscape works). 7.0 COMMENTS 7.1 Based on the support expressed by both the public and agencies, it is respectfully recommended that the proposed Orono Community Improvement Plan (February 2005) be APPROVED, Attachments: Attachment 1 - Amending By-law Attachment 2 - By-law to Adopt Orono Community Improvement Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision Members of the Orono Community Focus Group Orono BIA Orono Crown Lands Trust Linda Gasser Valerie Cranmer & Associates Olivia Susai, Planning Co-ordinator, ORC Trudy Couvier 619 ATTACHMEINT 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2005- being a By-law to amend By-law No, 2003-124 respecting the Orono community improvement project area WHEREAS it is expedient to clarify the intent of By-law No, 2003-124, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1, That section 1 of By-law No, 2003-124 is repealed and replaced with a new section 1 as follows: "THAT the Orono Urban Area as designated in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and the additional area adjacent to it as shown on the map contained in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this By- law are hereby designated as a community improvement project area pursuant to subsection 28(2) of the Planning Act, R.S,O, 1 990, c,P,13, as amended, " 2, THAT section 2 of By-law No, 2003-124 is repealed and section 3 of the aforesaid B'{-Iaw is renumbered section 2, 3, THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof, BY-LAW read a first time this 21" day of March 2005, BY-LAW read a sElcond time this 21" day of March 2005, BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 21" day of March 2005, John Mutton, Mayor Patti L, Barrie, Municipal Clerk 620 I I 'I C NC8$,SSION IS1 RQAD 7 L , II UflI fit L ~ :r- r- ,\ ~ i I I II I LJ M UJ : \~ I II . F I :J /:: ; -4 g ~ !i < Ji. [ !! I n i U ~ II ~ I :: :::=; ~ II I I\';V 1 ~ {, ::/ Ie ~IJ I,~ TAUNtON ~J I L ~ ~i A' ~ " - ( II ur '4 ~ L / II I AE \4 ~:: \ I 17 Il~: - r== II >- 7 II ( / - ~/ I II ( ----- ~ :i1 I,; 0: 0: / II 4 - II~ ==- .j~ lu:: ~ ~ ( ~..-1 ~:: F= C J(' II 1 ~ r ~ '-i~ f-- CONCE~SION R >II 5 ,,\ 0 ,; ( 1'- I n I t( L --1 '" I~ 9 I ~ u ~ L :: i\ f-4'(1 'f Ie ----c. r;:; I,( II J L. I 1\ II r !2ll r!' BLEWETT i) , =:-1 II ~ r:---- ROAD I .LJ II I - h II ~,' II ~ ~~ ~ ~: 1l:~ONC~ SION El~.,c4 rSJ/ ~ II Ilk ~~ II 1111. i \j ';rv~~ II I ~ "- II Yl ~ ~ II ) 0 ~ Pkl" / ~ " 1:i1 ::::J L l-- ) II ~I ~ ~ ---,j ~ ~ II I ~ ~ ~~t!j OJ ~ '1 g f :1_ I L~ CONC~SIClN ,i\ll,lA\J ,"::Jrn AIfi'rl '1 Ir r Q I U)~ ~ I u rfr,!::'lliillllllJD TlTTI L o , <( , 0: I I tJ=! I , ~ ) : ~ I :~ I, II ~ ~ l( )~ ~' '\ f--ill[V11 1- ~ II, \ 0: L.... ~ "- -.J I, II II II Ir--- ~ I II i 0: 'II111 Schedule "A" , u w. '--- ,:1 , I II II II II ~I II II n n .J b o ~ 0: CON ) : (~ r ...J UJ 15 .., s I f ; I ril I Orono Community Improvement Area · 621 ATTACHMENT 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2005- being a By-law to adopt Orono Community Improvement Plan WHEREAS by By-law No, 2003-124, as amended by By-law No, 2005-_ Council designated the Orono Urban area as described in the Municipality of Clarington's Official Plan and the surrounding physical context shown on the map contained in Schedule "A" of By-law No, 2003-124 as a community improvement project area pursuant to subsection 28(2) of the Planning Act, R.S,O, 1990, c,P,13, as amended: AND WHEREAS a community improvement plan has been prepared for the Orono community improvement project area pursuant to Council's direction: AND WHEREAS subsection 28(4) of the Planning Act authorizes Council to pass a by- law for the adoption of a Community Improvement Plan for a community improvement project area; AND WHEREAS Council deems it advisable to adopt section 5 and Figure 1 of the Orono Community Improvement Plan Document, February 2005 contained in Schedule "1" hereto as the Orono Community Plan for the Orono community improvement project area, NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1, THAT Section 5 and Figure 1 of the Orono Community Improvement Plan contained in Schedule "1" attached to and forming part of this By-law are hereby adopted as the Orono Community Improvement Plan for the Orono community improvement project area designated by By-law No, 2003-124, as amended by By-law No, 2005-_, 2, THAT the Clerk of the Municipal of Clarington is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of the aforementioned Orono Community Improvement Plan: and, 3, THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof, 622 BY-LAW read a first time this 21st BY-LAW read a second time this 21" day of dayof March 2005, March 2005, BY.LAW read a third time and finally passed this 21" day of March 2005, 623 John Mutton, Mayor Patti L, Barrie, Municipal Clerk f-hlJ C~NC SION If ~ I RQAD F I) ! I ~ IV 'II II I ~~ I I ! II o ,( - " ~ '1 '3 . II a: '\ ' f-J/1 ~ l, II 91 II : z ; !! < Is ~ \ II I: ~ i ii ~ II ! II f--- ~ 1[,' III I Ii II . !\u1 Iii! I II I h I -1Il II,j/L f- 1(, II I 4 r ~ I) '1 I ~I I ( '~ \4V( ii l) I 17Ji Ii WI f- C l\' II J---J In II - I ~ 'I II ,,---- II a: '( ~ I II II Ul J ~ ~ G v' ,~, ,., ... , ' 0 ,~( ,~i n. PL i ;;;, ) II LIP', ~ r-" 'Jil/:!~ U II II \ 'ilVJ'{ I? l II II ~ ) 1 ~ 1;( II II L, I I \ II II I 0 ,~ BLEWEtT I) ~ \11 I) II ROAD I a: I'll I ^~ ~ .. 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The signage program will have criteria to ensure that business signage reflects the historic character of Main Street. 5.1.2 FA<;ADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Municipality of Clarington may provide a grant for up to $5000 of the cost of fa~ade rehabilitation for the property owners along Main Street. 5.2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 5.2.1 PARKING The Municipality of Clarington will further amend the "Land Acquisition Strategy, 2000" to include lands in Orono for municipal parking. Subject to annual budget approval monies will be set aside in a reserve account to fund the purchase and development of a municipal parking area. 5.2.2 STREETSCAPE WORKS The Municipality of Clarington will set aside, subject to annual budget approval, monies to fund the redevelopment of the streetscape, specifically the creation of a civic gathering space along the Main Street and a more appropriate means of addressing the grade difference between the sidewalk and the street. 5,2.3 STATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION The Municipality of Clarington independent of the CIP, will reconstruct Station Street between Highway 35/115 and Main Street, in 2005. The reconstruction and resurfacing will conform with the community character and address pedestrian access issues. 5,2.4 SIGNAGE AND ENTRANCES The Municipality of Clarington will work with the Region of Durham to address entrance and access issues to Main Street from Taunton Road. The Municipality will request that the Region provide landscape screening of the Regional Works Yard to enhance the entrance. The Municipality will work with the Region of Durham and Ministry of Transportation to improve the signage and entrances from Regional Roads to Orono and Highway 35/115. The Municipality of Clarington will work to improve the local road entrance signage including wayfare signage within the urban boundary of Orono, 625 Schedule 1 Orono Community Improvement Plan 5.2.5 COMMUNITY RESOURCES AND CO"ORDINATION The Municipality of Clarington will work with the Orono BIA and other organizations to improve the cross-marketing of events and attractions. An example of this co-ordination and co-operation is the linking of organizations with funding programs and/or agencies and providing letters of support. Another example is the communication of community events through the municipal page and municipal website. The Planning Services Department will continue to act in a co-ordinating role for the improvements as outlined in the CIP, 5.3 IMPLEMENTATION The Community Improvement Plan will be implemented through the provisions of Chapter 22 of the Clarington Official Plan and Section 28 of the Planning Act, 1990, R.S,O. The overall implementation of the grant programs shall be the responsibility of the Planning Services Department. All of the grant programs will be administered on a first come first served basis to the limit of available funding in accordance with the administrative rules governing this and other grant programs. The Community Focus Group that has provided direction to the Planning Services Department and Clarington Board of Trade for this study has been an integral part of the process, They have provided information, direction and communicated with their respective organizations and groups about the Community Improvement Plan and process, Having an implementation group similar to the focus group to ensure that the issues identified in the CIP are being pursued would be beneficial. A terms of reference should be created and organizations invited to form this liaison group. The community liaison groups mandate is intended to complement, not duplicate the work that the Orono BIA and other community organizations are already doing, 5.4 FUNDING SOURCES All of the grant programs described in Section 5.1 and further detailed in Appendix 4 are funded solely by the Municipality of Clarington. Should funding for Community Improvement Plans become available from other levels of government they will be applied where applicable and in keeping with the recommendations of this CIP. 5.5 GENERAL RULES The provision of grants as described in Sections 5.1 shall be administered on a first come first served basis to the limit of available funding. Specific details regarding the grants and administrative procedures are contained in Appendix 4 to the Plan. Terms and conditions of any grant program and administrative procedures detailed in Appendix 4 may be changed, altered, amended or modified by the Municipality of Clarington without the necessity of an amendment to this Community Improvement Plan, The addition of a grant program shall require an amendment to this CIP; however, the Municipality may discontinue any program without requiring an amendment to this Plan. 626 Schedule 1 Orono Community Improvement Plan 5.6 INTREPRETATION Section 5 of this document, along with Figure 1 (Map of CIP area) shall form the actual Community Improvement Plan for the Orono Community Improvement Plan area. Sections 1 through 4 and Figure 2 and Appendices 1 through 4 do not constitute part of the actual Community Improvement Plan. Changes to the Orono Community Improvement Area boundary or addition of a grant program shall require an amendment to this Plan. This Plan has been prepared in accordance with, and shall be deemed to conform to, the Clarington Official Plan. This Plan shall be referred to as the Orono Community Improvement Plan for Clarington. At such time as other Community Improvement Plans are prepared for this or other areas, this title may be modified for clarification purpose without requiring an amendment to this Plan. 627