HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-35-86V TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # 1% i Res. # / ° X05 By -Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: APRIL 15, 1986. REPORT #: WD -35 -86 FILE #: ___ SUBJECT TRAFFIC CTROL ATHKIRBYE INTERSECTION ROAD 0 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: I. That this report be received for information; and, 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their consideration in addressing the concerns of roadside parking and speeding on Regional Road 9. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -35 -86 REPORT: At Council on February 10, 1986, a resolution was passed directing staff to request the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to review: i) the timing and operation of the traffic signals at Highway 35/115 in Kirby toward giving some consideration to the heavy weekend traffic volumes generated by the Kirby Ski Club; and, ii) the signing on both Highway 35/115 and Kirby Road toward making recommendations which would reduce speeding and provide added safety. The resolution also requested staff to review the speeding and roadside parking beyond the limits of Highway 35/115, Kirby Road Intersection, more particularly described as between the Oshawa Ski Club on Durham Road 9 extending along the 7th Concession Road, Clarke to Leskard Road. Attached is correspondence received from the M.T.C. in response to our requests of February 3, 1986. It is pointed out that M.T.C. have made certain adjustments to their signals at the intersection to facilitate as best they can, the periodic requirement for more east west green time. M.T.C. has also advised that the signing in the vicinity of the intersection complies with M.T.C.'s current policies and are, therefore, not intending to change the existing signing. M.T.C. also suggests that the Town of Newcastle enlist the support of the Durham Regional Police to encourage motorists to obey the speed limits on Regional Road 9. GJO:jco April 15, 1986. Attachments Al Ministry of Transportation and Communications Mr. R.G. Dupuis, Director of Public Corporation of the Hampton, Ontario LOB 1J0 Dear Mr. Dupuis: (416) 224 -7435 Central Region, Traffic Section, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6E9 February 19, 1986 Works, Town of Newcastle, This is in reply to your letter of February 3, 1986 to R.A. Shannon, requesting the Ministry to review the signal timing and signing at the intersection of Highway 35/115 and Durham Road 9 in Kirby. Mr. Shannon is no longer with this office. Mr. Ed , has instructed the Traffic igate and office, reply to Ofce, your request. You are correct in your description of how the signals operate. We have recalculated the timing and have determined that additional time can be allowed to the maximum green on Durham Road 9. This additional time will only come into effect should there be sufficient traffic passing over the detector to extend the g ent time to maximum. The present signing at this location conforms to our latest policies governing an in rsection motorists type. If you feel there is a problem speeding on Regional Road 9, you may wish to contact the Durham Regional Police Force, and ask them to increase surveillance at this location. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Yours truly, H. . Doyle, Area Traffic Analyst. i A Au�'� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR TEL. (416) 263 -2231 987.5039 February 3, 1986. Mr. R.A. Shannon, Traffic Section, Ministry of Transportation & Communications, (� 5000 Yonge Street, - Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9 Dear Sir: RE: Highway 35/115 - Kirby Road Intersection and Traffic Control Council has considered concerns expressed by area residents about what is perceived as traffic problems at the above location and directed that a report and recommendations be prepared by staff. A copy of my report is attached for your information. In order to deal with the matter, I would request that you forward this information to the appropriate Ministry staff for a review and response for Council's edification. I would be pleased to assist in any manner possible. Yours very truly, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco Attachment TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By -Law # NESTING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JANUARY 20, 1986 REPORT #: WD -16 -86 FILE #: SUB,ECT: .�_ TRAFFIC CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 35/115 & KIRBY ROAD RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, c/o Mr. R.A. Shannon, Traffic Section, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, M2N 6E9, be requested to review the timing and operation of the traffic signals at Highway 35/115 in Kirby towards giving some consideration to the heavy weekend traffic volumes generated by the Kirby Ski Club. The Ministry should also be requested to review signing on both Highway 35/115 and Kirby Road and make any recommendations which would reduce speeding and provide added safety. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -16 -86 REPORT: At Council on January 13, 1986, a resolution was passsed directing staff to report on the methods of dealing with traffic congestion and speeding resulting from heavy weekend traffic generated by the Kirby Ski Club ,'and on the feasibility of changing traffic signal timing to accommodate same. As a result, staff have contacted M.T.C. and Durham Region to firstly, ascertain under whose jurisdiction the traffic signals lie and, secondly, derive more information as to the operation of the signals. With respect to jurisdiction, the signals are owned, operated, and controlled by M.T.C. Thus, information relating to operation would also come from that agency. From the brief discussions which occurred with Ministry staff, it has been determined that due to the controlled access classification of Highway 35/115, and the extremely high traffic volumes it serves, priority is assigned to the highway traffic flow and therefore it enjoys the majority of the green light time. Also, when there is no evidence of traffic waiting on the intersection road, the green light returns to and remains with the Highway 35/115 direction of traffic. There are, however, sensing devices on the intersection road (Kirby Road) which triggers the control mechanism to provide green time to the intersecting traffic and stop the Highway 35/115 traffic. As long as traffic on Kirby Road continues to pass over and activate the sensor, green remains in its favour up to a certain maximum number of seconds. ....3 Page 3 Report No. WD -16 -86 Upon expiration of that time period or until such time as traffic on Highway 35/115 triggers a sensor several hundred yards down the highway, the green signal is returned to Highway 35/115 traffic. Although there may be a short period of time on specific days during holidays and weekends when traffic on Kirby Road may approach the volumes on Highway 35/115, such situations are unique. In fact, without a count during those times there is no evidence to suggest that the Kirby Road traffic volumes ever approach those on the highway. Without such evidence there is no justification to altering the signal timing. In view of this and the fact that solutions to perceived traffic problems are extremely complex, it is suggested that M.T.C. be requested to review the problem toward recommending changes to provide a solution. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis,. Eng.,* Director of Public Works. RGD:jco January 14, 1986.