HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-71-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res- By-Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1986 REPORT #: WD -71 -86 FILE #: SUBJECT: PROVIDENCE -SHAW WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ANTI - LITTER AND ANTI - VANDALISM CAMPAIGN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information; and, 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Providence Shaw Women's Institute. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -71 -86 REPORT: At the regular meeting of Council held June 9, 1986, correspondence received from the Providence Shaw Women's Institute, under communications for direction, was referred to the Director of Public Works for review and report. The Public Works Department is extremely pleased to find that the Providence Shaw Women's Institute is involved in an Anti- Litter, Anti - Vandalism campaign and wish to congratulate them on their efforts and offer our encouragement and support in the worthwhile project. The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of roads and streets and is also concerned with the increased problems associated with garbage and litter deposited on Town -owned roads. Since 1980, additional funds have been provided in the Works Department Roadside Maintenance Budget for litter pickup and crews are dispatched when practical to affect cleanup programs. Garbage and litter, as well as providing an unacceptable health and visual appearance to roadside environment, causes damages to road maintenance equipment and often plugs drainage courses and culverts resulting in road and driveway washouts. The following comments are in respect to questions presented by the Women's Institute: The placement of garbage bins in central areas within the small hamlets is an alternative to be considered and forms part of a larger more comprehensive study on the total garbage collection and disposal concerns within the Town of Newcastle. ....3 Page 3 Report No. WD -71 -86 Unfortunately, to date, unsupervised garbage bins have not been an overwhelming success. The problems associated with garbage bins have certainly outweighed the advantages. The hours of operation at the landfill sites, a Regional jurisdiction, have been limited to comply with Ministry of Environment regulations and to reduce the operation costs of the landfill sites. It is the general feeling that restricted hours and increased disposal costs at the landfill sites do encourage rather than discourage other methods of disposal of refuse and garbage. Public property and rural roadsides are often the recipient of unwanted trash. The Public Works Department in conjunction with Durham Recycling is providing recycling depots for recyclable materials at strategic locations throughout the Town. As well, during Public Works Week, area students and the general public are encouraged to attend the Public Works Department to become better acquainted with all matters pertaining to Public Works. Many questions related to environmental studies are received from students. The Town, on several occasions, was unsuccessful in prosecuting based on "prima facie" evidence. Witnesses are now required, as noted in the attached memorandum from the Town's By -law Enforcement Officer. In view of often overwhelming odds, we thank the Women's Institute for their concerns and encourage their assistance in improving our environment. Respectfully submitted, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DTG: jco September 8, 1986. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ^� OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623 -3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET s BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 j u l�v 1 F15, ,,j � 196 °° June 12, 1986. T ok` 0EV C� ,# PUBLIC WORKS UE�i Mrs. Margaret M. Killeen, W.I. Resolutions Convener, Durham West District, R. R. #4, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3K5. Dear Mrs. Killeen: Re: Anti - Litter, Anti - Vandalism Campaign Our File: 68.21.99 At a regular meeting of Council held Monday, June 9, 1986, the following resolution was passed: "That the communication dated May 28th, 1986, from Mrs. Margaret M. Killeen, W.I. Resolutions Convener, Durham West District, R. R. #4, Bowmanville, L1C 3K5, requesting that Council address the problems related to littering and garbage in the community be received; And that the communication be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; And further that Mrs. Killeen be advised of Council's decision." Yours truly, 4�� Rosemary Rutledge, A.M.C.T., Deputy Clerk. RR /os. Copy to: Public Works.­— „ V_t 6 (b) ` 40i'��T��,J relay �8 198C . RECFR:`r__ I'lAY 2 J 1986 Dear rAayor i4inters and Councillors We, the members of the Providence - Shaw's Women's Institute are currently involved in an Anti - Litter and Anti - Vandalism campaign. The problems of garbage on our streets and roads and the ever - increasing incidence of vandalism have caused considerable dis- cussion in our group over the p ye s We are fed up and disgusted. During Uestions recent whereall-out feelcampaign mayebe have ablereceived help4usPinlourU tive q efforts. 1.Garbage bins should be placed in central areas of <cll small com- munities of our Region. ('Mould this encourage central pick up? ) 2. The "Open' hours at the dump sites should be increased to include Saturday afternooris.(when many citizens have the time to do their own garbage deliveries.) 3Does the payment of a certain rate per pounctl DiscouravP the use all fcr large of the dump, rather than rrcourae its Use?(espe(-.i -y i.e. 'fridges and stoves) items t4at, suddenly quit 4.Anti- Litter signs -ry shoulderected oof All is a rdminder that there is a f ine for tY'at fine. enforced? ) VJa ask your serious consideration of these su;gestions and we urge KEEP GNThRIO LisAUTIFUL. your support in our endeavours to Incidentall we,ar..e working; with the School 9oard to liave a more Environmental Abuse added to thorough study on the subject of Elementary and Secondary levels of education. both the P1-ease help us . Yours very truly,, /) (Mrs .) ivia ;aret M . H i lleen, ,N.I. Resolutions Convener, Durham 'hest District, H .R . #4 � B0ti'dw1,ANVIL1,c , ONT . L1C 3K5 it 1 PROVIDENCE - SHAW'S W.I. Tackles The "National Disgrace " - TITTER; 1. The Women's Institute was approached by the Ontario Horticulture Society (in 1984) for support in their long- standing efforts to stop the increasing problems of littering and vandalism to private property in Ontario. In their attempts, over the past thtrteen years, that Society has presented several resolutions to Queen's Park con- cerning the dire need for a directed fofilow -up to the Science curri- culum - a follow -up programme which will show immediate results in less littering and much more respect for the property of others. 2. The Women's Institute undertook a thorough study of the topic. The members spent many hours in discussion and research of the existing :.i approach to Science, as taught locally. Some of the results of the {t study are.contained In the accompanying material which was sent out early in 1986. Much discussion has followed on the incidence of van - dalism in our community and the general garbage situation. A reso- lution followed locally; then regionally and finally at the Area level. 3.Further to that resolution (sustained Nov. 5th in Toronto)1985, our members have continued in their efforts by contacting eighteen school boards, local and regional councils. the Regional police and most recently the members of Provincial Parliament. 4.On Monday May 5th 1986 the members of the Providence- Shaw's 'PJ.I. donned their coveralls and set out to actually comb their streets and ( roads for litter. In this project the members were ,joininr forces with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Ontario Vinistry of the .Environment. Surely this is adi1.iate evidence that a large segment of society is "Fed up" with the rational. Disgrace "of Littering and Vandalism. Cleanup campaign suggested Margaret Killeen Margaret Killeen submitted the following article hoping other Wl districts would become involved in this issue. She provides some good ideas on how to get involved, who to talk to and what can be done. Do you remember, we were urged to put our WI thoughts into action? We were told that resolutions are the voice of Women's Institute. We ,ere urged to let our voice be heard. So we made a resolution. Where did we start? Right on our own doorsteps. We attempted to do something about the nasty problems of littering and vandalism. Littering and vandalism — surely 5 not a very exciting place to start a resolution but how far- reaching our efforts have become! And how much good information we have gathered on just what the members of Wo- men's Institute could do in an all -out our resolutions come in: Assure your school friends that we (The Women's Institute) are trying to do something about the national disgrace of littering and vandalism. 3. Offer to assist just by being watch- ful and by urging teachers to use their great influence in starting a network of action against the problem. 4. Suggest they contact the local com- munity services section of the Police department. The officers are ready and willing to assist in the campaign against the criminal offences of littering and vandal- ism. It is up to us and all members Of society to stop being patient and do something to put teeth into our laws. Be ready to assist the police when they attempt to solve the problem. We must discard our "I don't want to get involved" at- titude. Enlist the action of the local horti- culture society members. They, like the police, already have pro- grams ready for schools and other groups who are concerned about conservation and environmental problems. Most societies have members ready to assist and dem- onstrate with workable solutions in individual communities. You see we all must develop an eye for loveliness and we must stopover- looking the mess on our streets and roads. Like Neigborhood Watch and Block Parents our Institute members can become a strong chain of alert, con- cerned women who are not afraid to report what they see in their own neighborhoods. We are not like the storekeepers and politicians who fear the reprisals of squealing against lit- terbugs and vandals. Let us become the LADIES WHO DARED TO GET INVOLVED. Note: Three resolutions developing this theme were sustained at the Central Area Convention early in November 1985. Margaret Killeen is the Durham West District Resolutions Convenor and was the co- founder and first president of Providence — Shaw's Women's Institute. campaign against littering and van- dalism. Here are a few of our suggestions: 1. Women's Institute members can New director j for ROS start the campaign by being very supportive of our school teachers The Rural Organizations and Ser- vices Branch welcomed Jack Hagarty member of the Agricultural Institute and principals. They are constant- ly urging tidiness and as its new director in February, re- of Canada and the Canadian Society of Rural Extension. respect for both private and public property placing Ken Knox who moved to the Farm Products Marketing Branch in He has a Master of Science in Agri - and they need a lot more assis- Toronto. culture and lives in Guelph with his tance in special programs which will emphasize these ever increasing Jack was executive director of the wife, Joan. Ty have four and four gr ndch ldren.. children community problems. WI mem- Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program before coming to the ROS bers must report acts of littering and vandalism. Branch. He has had lots of experience It's by actual re- porting that a definite awareness working for the Ministry of Agricul- will result in our communities. Just be alert and don't hesitate ture and Food. For two years he was manager of field services for the ROS to report what is happening. Your Branch and before that he was areax co- ordinator and farm management ta? very action in communication will demonstrate your concern. specialist for 10 years. Jack began his 2. Be prepared for the answer "There's career with the ministry as a soils and nothing we can do." Teachers and crop specialist. Jack has worked overseas, principals are just like W1 mem- bers ... they feel completely help- on a project with the University of Ghana for less in the war against public three years and on two short assignments in Malaysia and Nigeria. ' apathy regarding - roadside litter Jack is past president of the On- and vandalism. But this is where tario Institute of Agrologists and Jack Hagarty H & C April, May, June 1986 5 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dave Gray, Deputy Director of Public Works Brian P. Irwin, By -law Enforcement Officer May 29, 1986 Dumping of Garbage Our File: #10.13.5(c) TOWN OF NEWCAME PUP! WORKS DEPT Effective immediately, By -law Enforcement will no longer act on un- witnessed dumping cnmDlaints. Any evidence (names, addresses, etc.) obtained at the scene does not, as suggested in By -law #75 -46, constitute "prima facie" evidence. By invoicing, or otherwise ordering that anyone whose identity has been obtained in this manner pick up the garbage, we leave ourselves open to prosecution. We will nothesitate to prosecute anyone seen dumping, provided the witness agrees to I appear in court. cc: Glen Smith Elwood Hawes icer. ,i