HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-72-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1986. REPORT #: WD -72 -86 FILE #: SUB,JECT FLOODING AND DRAINAGE (HOLT ROAD) FORMERLY PRESTON ROAD LOTS 20/21, CONCESSION 2, DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the Public Works Department complete the upgrading and restoration of the roadside ditch and entranceways on Holt Road damaged as a result of the August 26, 1986 storm; and, 3. That all costs be assessed to the 1986 Public Works Road Maintenance Budget; and, 4. That the abutting property owners be so advised. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -72 -86 BACKGROUND & REPORT: On August 27, 1986, several complaints were received from residents of Holt Road, formerly Preston Road, in regard to driveway washouts and flooding. These entrances as well as others were temporarily repaired to provide property owners with access. Staff have been advised that during the most recent storm over three inches of rain fell within a seven hour period. With the already saturated ground conditions, intense runoff and flooding occured. The section of Holt Road where flooding occured was constructed in 1983 as the second phase of a three part project. The first phase, from Nash Road southerly, was constructed in 1981. The final and future phase is to be constructed in conjunction with the widening and reconstruction of Highway # 2. Drainage problems became evident shortly after completion of Phase 2. At this point, roadside drainage and runoff from private property adjacent to Phase I construction was directed through what was understood to be a natural drainage course crossing property owned by William Hasiuk. The property was sold and the new owners installed a culvert, constructed from barrels, to channelize the drainage and reclaim the low lands. It is staff's feeling that the new private culvert and low land reclamation increased the possibility for flooding to occur. The former owner also indicated that the drainage course was not natural but rather man -made to provide water to the farm and farm animals. This drainage course had been in existence for many years. ....3 Page 3 Report No. WD -72 -86 In a major storm, water backed up on the west side of the road and together with runoff from the west created additional flooding of the Johnston residence. In response to complaints and to provide relief from flooding, a driveway culvert was installed at the Johnston residence to allow the drainage to flow southerly along the roadside ditch. Later a similar overflow culvert was installed on the east side of the road to equalize the ditch flow on both sides of the road. These two driveway culverts were installed at a higher elevation than the private culvert in an attempt to force the water through the private culvert, the original direction of flow. However, with the magnitude of the recent storm, all water not accepted through the private drainage course was channelized southerly through the roadside ditch creating an abnormal flow. Culverts had not been sized to accomodate this additional runoff and were quickly washed out. It is recommended that the Public Works Department complete the following work to alleviate the flooding conditions on Holt Road, Concession 2: - Installation of flat bottom, oversized entrance culverts; - Reshaping and sodding of roadside ditch; - Paving gravel entranceways with asphalt erosion control spillways; - Replacement of damaged pavement and surface treatment of gravel shoulders; - Installation of oversized cross road culvert, south limit of Phase II construction. Respectfully submitted, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. GJO:jco September 9, 1986.