HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-75-86V �11lIC, • I i.. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #a Res. # By -Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 6, 1986. REPORT #: WD -75 -86 FILE #: WELL WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS ON NASH ROAD AND ON HIGHWAY # 2 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: W P_ j6- -0 That thisAreport be received for information. REPORT: At the General Purpose & Administration Committee Meeting of September 15, 1986, Resolution # GPA- 847 -86 was passed directing that the Director of Public Works contact M.T.C. regarding the well situation on Highway # 2 and discuss with the Region the servicing on Nash Road. Highway # 2: As part of their regular procedure, M.T.C. carried out water quality testing in advance of the construction. The testing is carried out as a safe guard against claims of water quality deterioration due to 'the construction activities. The tests which were carried out in May and June discovered some water supplies with evidence of fecal bacteria, some with surface bacteria and several with high sodium levels. ....2 V11 () Page 2 Report No. WD-75-86 It is noted that some of the problem areas were identified at the time of testing as having their wells too close to the septic tank. The Ministry of the Environment has been testing water in -the area recently at the request of M.T.C. This too is common procedure when problems are found in M.T.C.'s initial testing. The services of M.O.E. provide more sophisticated testing technique from which to suggest whether the high sodium levels could have been caused by road salt. Test results and analysis are expected to available in 6 to 8 weeks. Boulevard sodding is well in its way and the asphalt paving operation is scheduled to commence in the last week of September and the paving is expected to be completed by the end of October. Nash Road: On Wednesday, September 10, 1986, a public meeting was held at Courtice High School to discuss the procedure for making arrangements to install sanitary and water services on Nash Road from Townline Road to Varcoe Road and the costs that would be associated with servicing. The meeting was intended to be an information meeting so that the residents would understand what would have 'to be done in order to allow the sanitary and water servicing to proceed. Forms were distributed and the residents were ask to fill out the forms and send them in to the Region indicating whether or not they were in favour of having sanitary and water installed at this time. Region officials indicated that there was an underlying perception that the residents did not consider the problems currently being experienced with polluted wells to be a serious one, in fact, many felt that the problems would go away. ...3 Page 3 Report No. WD -75 -86 It is not expected that a majority of the home owners will request that services be installed. The responsibility is that of the private home owner to correct the water problem. The Region has offered a solution but if the majority of the homeowners wish not to participate, the Region's hands are tied. Attached is an information report to the September 30, 1986 Works Committee Meeting. The Treasurer has been exploring the possibility of the Town of Newcastle assisting some of the residents on Nash Road that would like to have the services installed but are unable to afford them. The Treasurer has indicated that it may be possible, with Council's direction, to lend the residents in question, estimated to be 6 or 7, funds from the OHAP Reserve Fund in exchange for placing a lien on the properties in favour of the Town. Respectfully submitted, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., (r Director of Public Works. GJ O : j co September 26, 1986. Regional-Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner's Report to Works Committee Report 179 -86 Date September 30, 1986 Subject CONSTRUCTION OF WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER ON NASH ROAD FROM TOWNLINE ROAD TO DARLINGTON BLVD. /VARCOE'S ROAD AND WATERMAIN ON VARCOE'S ROAD FROM HIGHWAY NO. 2 TO NASH ROAD. Recommendation THAT this report be received for information. Report During the week of September 1, 1986, Regional staff became aware that the residents of Nash Road between Townline Road and Varcoe's Road and Varcoe's Road between Highway No. 2 and Nash Road were experiencing problems with polluted wells. The pollution problems being encountered were verified as high Coliform and Fecal Coliform counts through tests of water samples. As a result of discussions with Councillor A. Cowman and Mrs. K. Kingsley, one of the residents, staff of the Health Services and Works Departments met with a group of the affected owners on Wednesday, September 10, 1986. At this meeting the probable causes of the pollution were discussed along with the precautions to be taken by the homeowner. Once again, the owners were advised of the costs that would be applicable if the Region was to construct a watermain and sanitary sewer on Nash Road and Varcoe's� Road. The present cause of the polluted wells in this area is believed to be a high water table resulting from the rainfall which has occurred. Whether this condition will resolve itself is not known. The owners were advised to boil their water and to continue testing the water from their wells. Presently, neither water or sanitary sewer service is provided on either of the subject streets. The estimated costs of these services is shown below. It should be noted that a sanitary sewer will be constructed on Varcoe's Road between Highway No. 2 and Nash Road in conjunction with subdivision development which will be proceeding north of Nash Road. This construction which will also include watermain construction north of Nash Road on Varcoe's Road is expected to commence this fall. The scheme for providing a sanitary sewer on Nash Road is dependent upon the construction of a sewage pumping station in the vicinity of Nash Road at Townline Road and a forcemain running southerly on the Townline Road to Highway 2 where the sewage will enter the gravity sewer system. A4 69 Page Report N 179 -86 Date September 30, 1986 Report (continued) ESTIMATED COST atermaii n — Mh toad - Townline Road to Varcoe's Road $162,000 Connections Varcoe's Road - Highway No. 2 to Nash Road 87,000 43,000 Connections $326,000 Sanitary Sewer —Nas Road - Townline Road to Varcoe's Road $154,000 55,000 Connections $209,000 Pumping Station /Forcemain $148,000 umping tation 30,000 Land Purchase 48,000 Forcemai n --- $226,000 As indicated, at our meeting with the residents on September 10, 1986, the policies concerning frontage and connection charges were explained. Typical costs for a 100 foot lot were provided to the owners. A supply of forms was left with those in attendance upon which the owners could signify their interest in: a) no action being taken, b) the construction of a watermain, and c) the construction of a sanitary sewer. To date, a total of eight forms have been returned. The results indicate that: 4 owners are in favour of no action being taken. 3 owners are in favour of both a watermain and a sanitary sewer being constructed. 1 owner is in favour of a watermain being constructed. All of the responding owners live on Nash Road where there are a total of 34 property owners involved. On Varcoe's Road, a total of 19 owners.would be affected by the construction of a watermain. No response has been submitted by any of the owners on Varcoe's Road. As indicated in prior reports, the Town of Newcastle is intending to improve Nash Road in 1986. They are presently awaiting the commencement of the subdivider's contract (developer at northeast corner of Nash Road and Varcoe's Road) under which a storm sewer will be constructed on Nash Road. Following completion of the storm sewer installation, it is intended that the road will be regraded and receive additional granular material and an asphalt surface. 70 i n m z Z O O 2 Lm m = m� fri 48� REG. 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