HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-56-861., LS TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # By -Law # THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE JULY 7, 1986. •,r• e , = . FILE #: SUB,ECT DEVELOPMENT ARSWELLTANDTTHENCORPORATION OF THE RTOWN OF LIMITED NEW C CASTLE AND MARILYN C RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this reportAbe received; and, 2. That the revised works cost estimate in the amount of forty -five thousand dollars ($45,000.00)5 required for completion of the outstanding works as specified in the development agreement between Darlington Industrials Limited and Marilyn Carswell and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, be approved; and, 3. That upon the owners reinstatement of financial securities, satisfactory to the Town's Treasurer and the Director of Public Works, in the amount of the revised works cost estimate and the satisfactory resolution and payment of the outstanding account as a result of costs incurred by the Town to provide required routine and extraordinary road maintenance functions within the development, the development agreement be considered in good standing. ....2 `C rc� Page 2 Report No. WD -56 -86 In 1978, the Town entered into a development agreement with Darlington Industrials Ltd. and Marilyn Carswell for the development of an industrial subdivision in Lots 27 & 28, Broken Front Concession, former Darlington Township. The agreement provided that the developer would construct "the works" as outlined in Schedule 'G' of the agreement, to the satisfaction of the Director. Subsequently, a Certificate of Completion would be issued and the works placed on a two year maintenance period with the appropriate maintenance guarantee and, ultimately, accepted by the Town. As previously reported, a certificate of completion was issued in May, 1979, although all of the works had not been fully completed. It was understood that the final lift of asphalt, ditching, and boulevard landscaping would be completed during the two year maintenance period. However, due to a slow moving industrial real estate market and possible cash flow difficulties, the works were never completed and the developer's obligations with respect to maintenance were not fulfilled. In the meantime, occupants of the subdivision requested required road maintenance which Council endorsed, however, the outstanding accounts produced by extraordinary maintenance have not been satisfied. Recent activity in the industrial real estate market has generated applications from Darlington Industrials Ltd., to Land Division Committee to sever lands for industrial development on Courtice Court. Public Work's comments to the Land Division Committee on these applications were as follows: "The Industrial Subdivision in which the proposed Land Division Applications are located is subject to an outstanding subdivision agreement which has not been complied with. There are outstanding works to be completed, ....3 Page 3 Report No. WD -56 -86 outstanding accounts payable to the Town, and a need for letters of credit to cover these matters. Accordingly, until the letters of credit are reinstated and the terms of the subdivision are complied with, the Land Division should be denied ". In response to Works Department concerns and in an effort to reinstate the development agreement to good standing, the engineer for Darlington Industrials has submitted a works cost estimate for the outstanding works required in the amount of $44,600.00, rounded off $45,000.00. It is, therefore, recommended that the revised works cost estimate in the amount of forty -five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) be approved and that upon satisfactory reinstatement of letters of credit to guarantee completion of the works, the subdivision agreement between Darlington Industrials Ltd. and the Town of Newcastle be considered in good standing. Respectfully submitted, Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DTG:jco July 2, 1986. F7nO.G. Biddle& Associates Li consulting engineers I P), 96 KING ST E. OSHAWA, ONTARIO LIH 1136 PHONE (416) 576-8500 April 18, 1986 Town of Newcastle Works Department Hampton, Ontarin LOB M0 Attention: Air. Dave Gray Deputy Dire-001. Re: Courtice Industrial Subdivision - LD 26 & 27 Dear Sir: V/1 P/y V z z. J J r0WAr 8111 OF �86 woR 7"'C'4 Sri Dt' Further tooui,cr)ii\7ei,sat.ioji, dw 6­11) f­'Ii11)ilh­ l t1w (-")"I of the work to Complete the above subdivisi(i�. 1. I-L/J" ji1'-3 Asphalt SurlIwt, a �� 60. '%,00;1.01) 2. Granular A for Shoulders 200 T ga sq, 1,800.00 Topsoil & Sod Ditches '7'0W \d- it S2.00 0 0. 0 G' Total Estimated Construction Cost 541,300,00 Hngineerii),- f-4, 89,,, 3,300,00 Total 1-otter of Credit Requii,e(! 54 4. 6 W ';, U0 Carswell "oth') or Crl­ld't w) Ind N E, ' F 0 1. S'F A -XI) N (3 `T;'�' S C, 0 11; ;Id(hIi(:jI CC of 1.'t'iv�lw Ow ol-()v­ �;f 1( 11\ cii .Jfl IS prep;lrt.d to ()III of the 1)1'()( r cf 111E rlhov? lots the i oWn I'or ii f�lii vv'wh iiiidf,rkikon by the ',"own in November 198" to rectify the dMc(l!�i(­ ill lile clutf;dI Clitcl I. �.fmt.inlled ............... ,z. We request that on receipt of an addition Letter of Credit for $40,000.00 and an undertaking to pay the $6,000.00 the Town issue a clearance letter to the secretary of ].and Division committee for the above severance. please contact the writer if you have any question regarding the above. Yours truly. BIDI)I.I3 &ASSOCIATES Ll�ti'I T D p.(;. Biddle, :r,o. I., 7 - ?rs, L9. Carswell