HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-83-86"qtr' - -111C4 -, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1986. REPORT #:WD -83 -86 FILE #: SUB.ECT: NASH ROAD - SPEED LIMIT STOP SIGNS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That Report WD -83 -86 be received; and, File # Res. P 1 {G Br-Law # 2. That a traffic count be carried out at the intersection of Nash Road and Varcoe Road (former Darlington Boulevard) during the spring of 1987 to determine whether any alteration to the stop signing is in order. ....2 Page 2 Report No. WD -83 -86 AT the G.P.A.C. Meeting of October 6, 1986, Resolution GPA- 909 -86 was passed requesting staff to review and report on the speed limit and stop sign situation on Nash Road at Varcoe Road (see attached). The current posted speed limit on Nash Road from Townline Road easterly to Courtice Road is 60 km /h. A request to review the Nash Road speed limit earlier this year resulted in the recommendation to lower the limit to 50 km /h and subsequently a by -law was passed to authorize same. Before the signs can be changed to reflect a 50 km /h speed zone, the by -law must be endorsed by the Region of Durham. At the time of writing this report the required documentation had not been received from the Region. It is expected any day and upon receiving the documentation from the Region, Public Works staff will change the signs. With respect to the concern of whether or not there should be different or additional stop sign controls at the intersection of Nash and Varcoe Road (former Darlington Blvd.), staff suggest that a traffic count is required to determine the traffic patterns at the intersection and subsequently to recommend the appropriate controls. With construction activities on Nash Road between Townline Road and Varcoe Road, as well as the construction activities on Highway # 2, it would not be possible to get a true indication of the traffic pattern at this time. ...3 Page 3 Report No. WD -83 -86 It is recommended that a traffic count be performed at the Nash Road /Varcoe Road intersection some time after the construction activity directly affecting this section of Nash Road is completed and the traffic pattern has had time to re- establish itself and that any changes to the traffic controls at the intersection that are indicated by the analysis of the traffic count be reported to the G.P.A.C. for its consideration. As part of the petition which generated Resolution GPA- 909 -86, the residents also referenced concern about the lack of school zone and playground signing. As reported in Report WD -55 -86 and confirmed in the field on October 9, 1986, the appropriate school zone signs are in fact in place. Some school zone signing changes will be affected soon in conjunction with the implementation of an adult school crossing on lash Road at Courtice West Public School as per Resolution GPA- 827 -86 of the G.P.A.C. Meeting of September 15, 1986. Warning signs for playground areas are to be used only where Parks and playground areas have frontage onto a travelled roadway. As there are no such facilities having frontage on Nash Road at this time, playground warning signing is not appropriate. Respectfully submitted, G Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. GJO: jco October 14, 1986. " %' G.P.A. Minutes - 16 - October 6, 1986 Resolution #GPA- 909 -86 Speed Limit - Nash Road Moved by Councillors Cowman, seconded by Councillor Wotten and Darlington Blvd. 77.37.2. THAT staff review and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the speed limit and stop sign situation on Nash Road at Darlington Blvd. IIrARRTPn11 I 7-:3 7-Z In We as concerned parents and residents of Nash Road and the surround- ing area, hereby take up this Petition to have: The Speed Limit Lowered on Nash Road To have 4 way Stops installed on the corners of Nash Road and Darlington Blvd. and Nash Road and--Centerfield Street There are also no signs warning the traffic of a school or playground. As it is right now, the speed limit is 60 km. With this speed Limit, about 65% of the cars travel. at speeds up to 80krq., which we feel is very dangerous in a residential area with a school right on the street. We have just witnessed an accident, in which a dog was }tilled on Nash Road® We as parents, take this as a warning that it could easily happen to a child, with little or no-chance of survival, being hit by a car travelling at a high speed. Children quite often get playing and don't think about cars, and run onto the road. As many times as you warn them, they still forget or get careless. We want something done about the speed limit, NOW. Lets not wait until a child does get hit, before we act on this. We ask that you do something about this matter immediately. Sincerely yours, Concerned Residents Iz /V � 6 -J41 oL � 7 73 -N, i� I ( It e�l 14 C/o r A--) 6H ct, - RC4 _;7 g- Z J, N,, Al- IVI 7 73 -N, i� I ( It e�l -4v al' I'd co A- Zeb (?F I V -� b YY C "la c 16 6, �r,)rA.0- Awl }- Yll r1a) 0 Z I- - ICA-u\ . 6ft C-fl 70 C4. 6 CIL m A 66,9 ml-h y re). -s;, C-1 R on� p IV or o "r 411 IYA 'o CA r) f) Y-7 141 laal, Ad- pjf\ 'ZO /Y 716 9) el latl-) 110-52 31- T .ti vu- c;l, 6/l/. 1� %rox-ell 5All-