HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-97-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # -,q. 169' Res. # By -Law # MEETING: THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: DECEMBER 1, 1986. REPORT #:WD -97 -86 FILE #: SUB.ECT LAKESHORE ROAD, BONDHEAD - EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: GJ 1) That this reportnbe received for information. :_001• On the weekend of November 15, 1986, a large earth slide occurred exposing several hundred feet of Lakeshore Road along the shore of Lake Ontario in Bondhead. Public Works staff immediately installed barricades to warn the travelling public of the danger. Subsequently, the site was viewed by Ministry of Transportation & Communications staff and soils consultants to determine if the slide would encroach further into the roadway and to determine if the road could continue to be used. Page 3 Report No. WD-97-86 A specific account has been established to monitor all costs associated with the extraordinary maintenance project. The Treasury Department has been requested to explore the possibility of special funding for this repair. Respectfully submitted, —6� Z Gordon J. Ough, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. DTG:jco November 26, 1986. Recommended for consideration of the Committee, Lawrence/E.�Kotseff, Chief Admin strative Officer. Page 2 Report No. WD -97 -86 Two major factors contributed to the slide; firstly, high lake levels and continued erosion of the toe of the bank caused by wave action, and, secondly, a high ground water level and saturated ground conditions building up extreme water pressures on the bank. By breaking away, the pressure on the bank was relieved and the concensus of opinion is that no additional slide is likely to occur in the immediate future. Town staff will, however, continue to patrol the area regularly. The following plan has been implemented in order to make the necessary temporary repairs: - Road Closed to Through Traffic and Detour signs installed at Lakeshore Road and Riley Road, Mill Street and Metcalf; - Single lane Traffic warning signs at the location of the slide; - Single lane traffic delineation using 45 gal. drums and snow fence have been placed on the pavement shifting the travelled portion of the road to the north and away from the slide. - Installation of 4 inch plastic drainage tile on the north side of the road along ditch line to intercept ground water and relieve ground water pressure and buildup; - Widen road surface to the north, approximately 5 feet, to relocate driving surface away from slide; - Backfill embankment with suitable rubble and earth material from the Mill Street construction project. ...3