HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-053-12 Clarbgton REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 26 , 2012 Resolution #: - By-law #: Report #: PSD-053-12 File#: 18T-90022 (X-REF. : DEV 90-045) Subject: REVISED APPLICATION FOR A DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION — BONNYDON LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-053-12 be received; 2. THAT the application for a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-90022 submitted by Bonnydon Limited, continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-053-12 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by. - R avi . Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer CP/DJC/sn/df 20 November 2012 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Bonnydon Limited 1.2 Agent: GHD (formerly Sernas Associates Limited) 1.3 Proposal: To permit a total of 156 units consisting of 17 single detached dwellings, five blocks for 29 on-street townhouse units, ten blocks for 52 lane based on-street townhouse units and one block for 58 medium density units. 1.4 Area: 6.20 ha 1.5 Location: Part Lot 30, Concession 2, former Township of Darlington, and south of Durham Highway 2, and east of Trulls Road (see Attachment 1) 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In December 2011, G.M. Sernas & Associates Limited, on behalf of Bonnydon Limited submitted a revision to proposed draft plan of subdivision 18T-90022. The original application, submitted April 1990, proposed a total of 92 units consisting of 25 singles, 14 semi-detached/link lots (28 units), 3 blocks for 16 on-street townhouse units and a medium density condominium block for 23 units fronting on Trulls Road (0.589 ha). The application also contained part of a school block (0.132 ha) and part of a park block (0.509 ha). As surrounding lands to the south and east were developing in the early 90's, development of the park and school blocks as proposed within the limits of the draft plan of subdivision was negotiated to occur together with development of those adjacent lands. 2.2 The original proposed plan of subdivision application was accompanied by an application for amendment to the Courtice South Neighbourhood Plan. The Courtice Neighbourhood Plan was similar to a secondary plan, although not approved under the Planning Act, for an area of Courtice roughly bounded by Highway 2 to the north, Townline Road to the west and the urban boundary to the south and east. The purpose of this application was to delete the "Minor Open Space" designation on the lands in order to allow the proposed development. In the Courtice South Neighbourhood Plan, the lands were designated "Minor Open Space" and "Residential". The Minor Open Space designation was "intended to preserve, wherever possible, unique or important elements of the natural environment having local significance, and may include woodlots, hazard lands and minor watercourses associated with stormwater management". 2.3 The third application submitted by the applicant was a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the lands from "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ((H)R1)" to appropriate zones to permit the proposed 1992 development. The applicant has not filed a revised (1992) application. REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 3 2.4 An Environmental Evaluation prepared by Bird and Hale (1992) was submitted in support of the applications and proposal on adjacent lands (18T-88060), as was a Base Flow Impact Assessment report (1993) by Golder and Associates. The Bird and Hale report identified a wetland feature within the southern portion of the study area. It noted a hydrologically linked wetland to the west was removed in favour of residential development and wetland areas adjacent to the study area were approved for development. The report stated that should the feature be retained, the limits of the wetland could be determined at the discretion of the Municipality. From a stormwater perspective, the report stated that consideration should be given to ensure that existing quantitative hydrological conditions are maintained or enhanced. From a wildlife movement perspective, the report concluded that the design of open space corridors should be sensitive to the impact on wildlife travel patterns and associated human- wildlife conflicts. The Golder report concluded that the site does not provide a major contribution to base flow in the Robinson Creek during periods of low groundwater levels, but a portion of the site is likely a groundwater discharge area during times of high ground water levels. The report considered the reduction of infiltration of base flow as a result of development to be negligible. However, recommendations were provided to minimize the reduction of infiltration to base flows. 2.5 The applications had not been approved by 1996 when the Clarington Official Plan (COP) was approved. The COP designated the Bonnydon lands north of Sandringham Drive and west of Rick Gay Avenue as Main Central Area (MCA) subject to Special Study Area 1. The policies of the special study area require the preparation of a secondary plan with detailed land uses prior to any development within the MCA. The lands south of Sandringham Drive and east of Rick Gay Avenue are designated Urban Residential. 2.6 From about the time the COP was adopted in 1996, until the submission of the revised proposal that is the subject of this report, no activity or correspondence was received with respect to the applications. 2.7 The Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek Watershed Management Plan (RTWMP) was initiated by the Municipality of Clarington in 2009 (Staff Report PSD-030-09). Council, by resolution, directed staff to use the Watershed Management Plan in the preparation of the Courtice Main Street (CMS) Secondary Plan. The RTWMP identified the existence of a "High Volume Groundwater Recharge Area" (HVRA), in various locations throughout the CMS area, including parts of the Town Centre and the Bonnydon lands. The Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek Watershed Management Plan recommended that development in the vicinity of the Bonnydon lands maintain pre-development groundwater infiltration rates, post-development. These findings triggered the preparation of a Natural Heritage Evaluation for the lands within the Courtice Town Centre area, to provide the information on the terrestrial characteristics of the lands affected by high volume groundwater recharge. REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 4 2.8 The Municipality retained SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd. to prepare a Natural Heritage Evaluation generally for the lands located in the southeast quadrant of Durham Highway 2 and Trulls Road. This Evaluation further identified the implications of both the Robinson and Tooley Creeks Watershed Plan and the Black/Harmony/Farewell Watershed Plans on the CMS Secondary Plan. The Natural Heritage Evaluation identified natural heritage features at the southeast quadrant of Durham Highway 2 and Trulls Road, including the Bonnydon parcel. Generally the study recommends that in order to maintain the natural heritage features and functions on the subject lands the following guiding principles should be followed: • Regardless of multiple landowners, the natural features on the property should be studied and managed as a functional unit. • An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) should be completed prior to a proposed change in land use to demonstrate that the key natural heritage features and functions of the area are maintained or enhanced as a whole functioning unit. • High functioning areas should be identified and designed for protection. • Engineering and hydrogeological studies should be undertaken to demonstrate the maintenance of water infiltration and that post development flows are maintained to pre-development levels. 2.9 In August of this year Bonnydon filed appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board of the proposed draft plan of subdivision and Zoning By-law amendment applications. A prehearing conference has been scheduled for Monday January 14, 2013. 2.10 On November 26, 2012 a public meeting for the Courtice Main Street Secondary Plan which the subject lands are predominantly located within is scheduled. 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject lands front on the south side of Durham Highway No. 2. and also have frontage on the north side of Sandringham Drive, as well as the west side of Rick Gay Avenue. The lands are predominantly wooded. r _ .,•, - DURHAM HIGHWAY? �1U. DxICHWAY a � nt '�`1 c s 1— ,� Y t`■fit G� ♦- .Q ___ CBLECWE AVEN �., t " •154NORINGN- H... '' SUBJECT AA1Oq SANDRINGHAM DRIVE SAND.INGRAM OR SANDRINGHAM DR - ",. •f•' .; HI,C-.. T 1. ♦•. �_.� V'J`'�y f L4. gT'_..ENU5r CAE O� HFSCr�rf Fq Tan CRES ENT OY tHCI E. REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 5 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Durham Highway 2 and beyond, a place of worship and a two residential properties South - residential development and Lydia Trull Public School East - residential development West - residential development, vacant lands and a fire hall 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 The subject application pre-dates the current Provincial Policy Statement and the Provincial Growth Plan. However, the policies of both these documents will be reviewed in more detail relative to the revised application. The policies, although not determinative, will be informative in the preparation of a recommendation report on the Municipality's position at the O.M.B. 5. OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan In 1990 the Durham Regional Official Plan designated the subject lands "Residential". A Main Central Area symbol was also designated in the vicinity of the parcel. The residential policies allow for development of housing and encourage a variety of housing types and style. The Durham Regional Official Plan currently designates the subject lands as "Living Area". A Regional Centre symbol is also designated in the vicinity of the parcel and Durham Highway 2 is designated as a Regional Corridor, while Trulls Road is designated a Type "B" arterial. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan At the time the applications were originally submitted the lands were designated "Residential" within the Courtice Major Urban Area of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. The application had a net density of 27.4 units per ha. where the policies allowed low density to a maximum of 15 units per net ha. and medium density to a maximum of 40 units per net ha. The current proposal for 156 units has a density of 29.16 units per ha. In addition, the Town of Newcastle Official Plan allowed for the refinements to land use through the Neighbourhood Plan process which resulted in designation of lands in the Neighbourhood Plan and Zoning By-law as Environmental Protection. In January 1996, the Clarington Official Plan was adopted by Council and subsequently approved by the Region in October 1996. The Clarington Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Urban Residential" and "Town Centre" subject to the policies of "Special Study Area 1". Map "B" - Transportation, identifies Durham Hwy 2 as a Type B arterial and a Transit Corridor. Sandringham Drive and Rick Gay Avenue are both identified as collector roads. Map "C" - Natural Heritage System, identifies some of the property as having significant woodlands. The features identified on Map "C" trigger an REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 6 Environmental Impact Study to ensure there are no adverse impacts on the natural features should development proceed and what should be done to mitigate negative impacts if development is supported. 6. ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the subject lands are zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Holding - Urban Residential Type One (R1)". The proposal does not conform to the current zone provisions, hence the rezoning application. 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 7.1 Staff have received a few enquiries on the proposed application. Although some enquiries requested clarification of the application, some enquiries expressed concern that the development would have a negative impact on the environmental features identified. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 At this time comments remain outstanding from the circulated agencies. 9. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 9.1 Comments are outstanding from all circulated departments at this time. 10. DISCUSSION 10.1 The subject lands were partly designated "Residential" and partly "Office Commercial" in the "Community Central Area" in the Official Plan in effect when the applications were originally submitted. In the Clarington Official Plan, adopted in 1996, the majority of the lands are within the designated Courtice Town Centre. The Secondary Plan, required by Special Study Area 1 policies of the Clarington Official Plan, has not been completed at this time. As part of the Official Plan Review, work has been undertaken on the Courtice Main Street Secondary Plan which includes the Courtice Town Centre. A public open house for the Courtice Corridor Main Street Secondary Plan was held in June, the statutory public meeting is being held, November 26. 10.2 The application proposes single detached dwellings, on-street townhouse dwellings as well as ten blocks, 52 townhouse units, to be developed based on a rear lane that would be part of the municipal road system. Council agreed to consider rear lanes as a pilot project in the Brookhill Neighbourhood. Phase I of the Brookhill development is currently being constructed, with rear lanes, but is far from complete. There has not been sufficient time to fully review how the rear lane pilot project is functioning. REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 7 10.3 No new or updated supporting documentation has been submitted with the revised application to address whether the lands currently zoned Environmental Protection (EP) should be rezoned to allow residential development. The applicant's studies are dated and do not address the revised proposal currently under consideration. As a minimum an updated report will need to be submitted to address deletion of the "Environmental Protection (EP)" zone. 11. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable 12. CONCLUSION 12.1 The application should be referred back to staff for further consideration including comments from all the circulated agencies and departments, as well as discussion with the applicant on supporting documentation and conformity with the policies of the Clarington Official Plan. 12.2 The Municipal Solicitor and the Director of Planning will seek direction on the upcoming pre-hearing in January at a subsequent meeting. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington X Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Carlo Pellarin Attachments: Attachment 1 - Property Location Map Attachment 2 - Original Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 1990 Attachment 3 - Revised Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision REPORT NO.: PSD-053-12 PAGE 8 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Michael Freedman, Bonnydon Limited Bryce Jordan, GHD David I meson Nancy Marsh Doug Dickerson, Deputy Mayor, City of Pickering Jay Davidson Olaf Rudolph Melissa Behr Bruce O'Leary and Gillian McCullough Meaghan Boisvert Attachment 1 To Report PSD-053-12 CO _� woa aauanw woaaouanm O cn N V �aa swaeonv $ - ,' J CL �'bo ��r N 'Q y�� } 8ryON�P b ® = V CI CO 3 7d C �r o M c c 3nasnv ivanoi �ya4 L O 0 3M3AVAVOOa6N 4h'" r0 0� i 4° 0. 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