HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-033-12 Cladiwn REPORT MUNICIPAL CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: November 26, 2012 Resolution#: -577-I By-law#: N/A Report#: CLD-033-12 File#: Subject: APPOINTMENT TO CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE AND GANARASKA FOREST RECREATIONAL USER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-033-12 be received; 2. THAT the resignation of Karina Isert be received, with regret, and that she be thanked for her contribution to the Clarington Heritage Committee; 3. THAT be appointed to the Clarington Heritage Committee for a term concurrent with the term of Council; 4. THAT Leo Pinto be appointed to the Ganaraska Forest Recreation User Committee for a term ending December 31, 2013; and 5. THAT all interested parties listed in Report CLD-033-12 be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed by: f Platti a 'e, CMO Franklin Wu, nicipstT Clerk Chief Administrative Officer PLB/jeg CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: CLD-033-12 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Clarington Heritage Committee: The Clarington Heritage Committee (CHC) [formerly known as the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC)] is a volunteer advisory committee established by the Municipality of Clarington Council in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act. The goal of the CHC is to assist the Municipality of Clarington in its efforts to identify, review, discuss and make recommendations to Council on properties and issues of cultural heritage value or interest. Committee members are ultimately responsible to the Municipality of Clarington Council and are bound by By-law 2006-079, appointing the CHC, and the Terms of Reference. The terms of reference states that the composition shall be comprised of a minimum of five members and a maximum of 12 members, including: • Council representative; • Newcastle Village and District Historical Society representative; • Museum representative; • Architectural historian; • Building/design specialist; and • Up to a maximum of 7 area residents from each ward. 1.2 Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee (GFRUC): The GFRUC is a volunteer advisory committee to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA). The purpose of the GFRUC is to carry out work and provide advice to the GRCA on: • development of standards and guidelines for each recreation use occurring in the Ganaraska Forest, • monitoring and assessing the impacts of users of the Forest on the resource function of the Forest, subject to the availability of funds, • user conflicts within the Forest, • user conflicts with landowners of property abutting the forest, and • approval of groups' use of the Forest in an effort to reduce conflicts, ensuring safe use and reducing liability. The GFRUC will also assist with: • the identification of property boundaries, • informing users of their responsibilities and the regulations regarding their use, • promotion of co-operation among the various users of the forest, and REPORT NO.: CLD-033-12 PAGE 3 • the development of recreation programs and/or events in the forest subject to approval of the Conservation Authority. One representative is appointed annually by each of the following: o Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters o Ontario Trail Riders' Association (equestrian) o Federation of Ontario Naturalists o Federation of Ontario Hiking Trail Associations o Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs o Canadian Motorcycle Association o Canadian Cross Country Ski Association (or alternate) o Orienteering Ontario o Township of Hope o Township of Manvers o Township of Cavan o Municipality of Clarington 2. CURRENT SITUATION 2.1 Clarington Heritage Committee: Karina Isert was appointed to the CHC in January, 2011. The Municipal Clerk's Department received her resignation on November 1, 2012. Following Council's appointments in 2011, all unsuccessful candidates were advised that their applications would remain on file for consideration should a vacancy occur on the CHC. Accordingly, the Municipal Clerk's Department contacted previous applicants (and any additional applications received since the appointments were made) to the CHC to determine whether they wish to put forward their name for consideration. At the time of writing of this report, the following have confirmed with the Municipal Clerk's Department that they wish to be considered for appointment to the CHC: • Steve Conway, Ward 1 • Joseph Earle, Ward 1 • Victor Suppan, Ward 1 • Matthew Howlett, Ward 2 • Noel Hutchinson, Ward 2 • Todd Taylor, Ward 2 • Kim Vaneyk, Ward 3 NOTE: Noel Hutchinson has indicated that he is unavailable for the month of February, when Heritage Week events take place. REPORT NO.: CLD-033-12 PAGE 4 Todd Taylor is currently a member of the Committee of Adjustment. Applications for the above-named applicants have been circulated under separate cover (Attachment 1) as they contain personal information about these applicants. The following is a breakdown of the current members of the CHC with respect to the categories required under the Terms of Reference: Name Ward Position Councillor Hooper Council representative Allan Kirby Ward 4 Newcastle Village and District Historical Society representative Bonnie Seto Ward 3 Museum representative Tenzin G altson Ward 3 Building/Design Specialist David Reesor Ward 3 Chair Tracey Ali Ward 3 Andrew Kozak Ward 2 Karin Murphy Ward 4 Angela Tibbles Ward 3 2.2 Ganaraska Forest Recreational User Committee: Bill Stapleton was most recently appointed to the GFRUC, as the Municipality of Clarington's representative, in December, 2011 for a term ending December 31, 2012. The Municipal Clerk's Department received correspondence from the GRCA, on November 13, 2012, advising that Mr. Stapleton had passed away. Following Council's appointments in 2011, all unsuccessful candidates were advised that their applications would remain on file for consideration should a vacancy occur on the GFRUC. Accordingly, the Municipal Clerk's Department contacted previous applicants (and any additional applications received since the appointments were made) to the GFRUC to determine whether they wish to put their name forward for consideration. At the time of writing of this report, Leo Pinto is the only candidate who has confirmed with the Municipal Clerk's Department that he wishes to be considered for appointment to the GFRUC. Leo Pinto's application has been circulated under separate cover (Attachment 2) as it contains personal information. 3. CONCURRENCE: Not Applicable REPORT NO.: CLD-033-12 PAGE 5 4. CONCLUSION It is respectfully recommended that Karina Isert be thanked for her contribution to the CHC. In order to fulfill the requirements of the Terms of Reference, it is recommended that one of the following be appointed to the CHC: • Steve Conway, Ward 1 • Joseph Earle, Ward 1 • Victor Suppan, Ward 1 • Matthew Howlett, Ward 2 • Noel Hutchinson, Ward 2 • Todd Taylor, Ward 2 • Kim Vaneyk, Ward 3 for a term concurrent with the term of Council. In order to fulfill the requirements of the Terms of Reference, it is recommended that Leo Pinto be appointed to the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee for a term ending December 31, 2013. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Confidential Attachments (Distributed Separately): Attachment 1: Clarington Heritage Committee Applications of those to be considered Attachment 2: Leo Pinto's Application to the Ganaraska Forest Recreational Users Committee List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Applicants Karina Isert Faye Langmaid, on behalf of the Clarington Heritage Committee Steve McMullen, Forest Recreation Technician, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, on behalf of the GFRUC CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ✓ GPA REPORT NO. CLD-033-12 Attachment Resolution#: By-law#: DATE OF REPORT: November 26, 2012 Applications